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2012, № 6 (142)

Kamaeva A.A., Tolmacheva A.A., Deryabin D.G. ALKYLRESORCINOLS INFLUENCE ON HOMOSERINE LACTONES PERCEPTION IN THE LUMINESCENCE INDUCTION TEST OF THE ESCHERICHIA COLI LUXR + LUXI_LUXCDABE On model of a reporter luminescent strain E. coli JLD271, pAL103; luxR+ luxI_luxCDABE (A. Lindsay, B. M. Ahmer, 2005) we investigated influence of dormant state inductors — alkylresorcinols (AR) on bacterial perception of cell-density mediators — homoserine lactones (HSL). Reaction of bacteria to HSL didn't change by joint addition of AR, while use of preliminary processing mode by AR reduced the following luminescent induction by HSL in a concentration-dependent manner. Dependence of bioluminescence repression from AR molecules alkyl radical's length and hydrophobicity, also as suppression of a cellular metabolism are shown.Key words: quorum sensing, homoserine lactones, alkylresorcinols, lux-genes, bioluminescence.


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About this article

Authors: Kamaeva A.A., Tolmacheva A.A., Deryabin D.G.

Year: 2012

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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