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№ 1 2011


Minyaeva N.M., Sokolova L.B. THE MODEL OF A STUDENT'S SELF-EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY RESOURCE ACTUALIZATION Structural-informative model of a student's self-educational activity resource actualization which revealed the strategy and tactics of the process, objective needs of a society at actualization of a student's self-educational activity resource is presented in this article. Methodological, essential and informative characteristics of worked out model conditioned on regularities of interaction of science and practice, theory and experience, social-economical situation are proved here. Typical sides, ties, stages, criterions and levels of the researched process are reproduced in this work.Key words: resource, self-educational activity, resource of self-educational activity, self-educational activity resource actualization, structural-informative model of a student's self-educational activity resource actualization.
Temkina V.L., Tuchkova E.Yu. CHOICE OF PROFESSIONAL-SIGNIFICANT TASKS ORIENTED ON FORMING OF LINGUISTIC-COMMUNICATIVE CULTURE OF STUDENTS-JOURNALISTSThe authors of this article reveals pedagogical and methodological bases, principals of selection of professional-oriented tasks complex for lessons of the foreign language which promote forming of linguistic-communicative culture of students in the sphere of journalism, also they present the results of research where pedagogical conditions of linguistic communicative culture forming of future journalists are determined and relation of the process of linguistic-communicative culture forming with professional activity of specialists in the sphere of mass media is observed.Key words: linguistic-communicative culture, language personality, professional skills of journalists, selection of education content, professional-oriented dialogue.

Historical sciences

Kazakova-Apkarimova E.Yu. A WOMAN AT SOCIAL LIFE OF URAL CITY AT THE SECOND HALF OF XIX — THE BEGINNING OF XX CENTURIES: CULTURAL-ENLIGHTENED ACTIVITYIn this article cultural-enlightened activity of women is analyzed on the example of Ural city of the second half of XIX — the beginning of XX centuries with aim to determine their role in social life and to show evolution of their social status. The author establishes of women's share in the structure of cultural-enlightened societies, reveals directions of their work. On the materials of Ural region there's made a conclusion of quick increase of the female self-organization level in the cities of Russian periphery on the example of women energization on cultural-enlightened field. The author stresses that women contributed at the development of city culture at the examined time.Key words: woman, social life, cultural-enlightened activity, social organizations, city, education, philanthropy.
Futoryanskiy L.I. OUR COMPATRIOT A.I. RIDIMTSEV AT BATTLES WITH FASCISMThe article is devoted to the heroic pages of the life of the famous Orenburg Alexander Ilyich Rodimtseva. Examines its activities in Spain and the Soviet Union since 1936. Illustrated by his military qualities and outstanding achievements in the fight against fascism. Key words: AI Rodimtsev Republican Spain, Orenburg, the struggle against fascism, the heroism, courage, internationalism, and the Cossacks.

Humanitarian sciences

Rudenskaya T.V. RUSSIAN SENILITY AS A SPIRITUAL PHENOMENON OF ORTHODOXYThis article is devoted to the theme of revival of the ancient Byzantine tradition — hesychasm or "clever doing" in Russia at XVIII century. From the beginning Russian senility entered into the new way of development different from Old Eastern and as a result a new type of senility originated. Senility is an institute of communication with world, with social character where it plays some social-cultural role. The essence of this role is that the elder becomes a spirit guide and an adviser of people lived in a peace.Key words: spiritual-moral culture, tradition of senility, social status of spiritual tutorship, hesychasm, mechanisms of doing contemplation, asceticism.
Kudashova Yu.V. REGION IN THE POLITICAL SPACE: DISPOSITIONAL MAPPING In this article the region is regarded as a subject in complicated interaction and variety of connections with purposeful groups. The region forms own regional space in logic of dispositional mapping with bigger political-spatial institutions. The author analyzes the conditions and factors of the region localization in political space. The concept "dispositional map" including totality of significant positions for the region positioning is used in this article. Key words: region, subject, purposeful groups, regional space, political space, dispositional mapping, positioning, publicity capital.

Philosophical sciences

Cherkoziyanova T.V. CHARACTERISTICS OF PERSONOLOGICAL UNDERSTANDING OF FATEIn this article the author shows that in the experience of phenomenological reduction the abstracting of existence is possible only in the context of personal visualization of subjective world by the subject. From the point of view of things world the existence abstraction acts as a mystifying sphere context or speculative visibility, but fate is concrete and real in the same degree in which world of phenomena is concrete. This principal becomes the base of a fate personification.Key words: fate, world of subjects, ideal, consciousness, reality, standard, meaning, personification.
Shmelev V.D. HONESTY — DISTINGUISHING FEATURE OF RELIGIOUS SEARCH OF L.N. TOLSTOY Philosophical-theological conception by L.N. Tolstoy is an instruction for typical human life complicated from truth statements of Christian teaching. This world view according to the ideas of the writer was given to people by High Father and was announced by errant preacher Jesus Christ from Nazareth.Key words: religious search, honesty, Orthodox religion, moral-theological ideas, non-resistance of evil with violence.
Demchenko L.M., Goncharov N.V. CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF PHENOMENOLOGICAL EPISTEMOLOGY IN PHILOSOPHY FORMATION OF M. MERLO-PONTIOF M. MERLO-PONTIThe article is devoted to M.Merlo-Ponti's critical philosophical judgement of the basic scientific installations of epistemological rationalism and empiricism. The paper deals rite the concepts and the main ideas developed by the French thinker based on the fundamental principles of geshtaltpsyhology and existentialism. Key words: a phenomenological reduction, a descriptive method, epistemology, intentionality, integrity of experience, personal experience, knowledge,, rationalism, consciousness, perception, phenomenology, existentialism, geshtaltpsyhology, a phenomenon, intersubjective, a body.
Nikishina M.A. SOCIAL AND CULTURAL BASES OF NATIONAL TRADITION IN PHILOSOPHYThe problem of interaction of philosophy and national tradition is relevant for social philosophy. Allocation of nations as subjects of cultural creation leads to the forming of social-psychological and personal bases for development of new philosophical culture.Key words: national tradition, interethnic cultural-legal community, national image of the world, national spirit, religious spirituality.
Pisarchik L.Yu. PROBLEM OF VALUES PERCEPTION AND CONCEPTION OF SCIENCE IN E. GUSSERL'S PHENOMENOLOGY Conception of E. Gusserl's science urged there to solve the problem of construction of universal knowledge system directed on the disclosing of existence meanings is regarded in this article. Gusserl performed as a philosopher ambitious to give criticism of anti-fundamentalistic point of view about science and at the same time developing non-classical treatment of classical ideal of scientific nature. In the Gusserl's phenomenology truth and value are organically combined in characteristic of knowledge which allows him overcoming extremes of anti-fundamentalism and classical fundamentalistic conception of the science. Key words: phenomenology, intentionality, phenomenological reduction, phenomenon, living world, eidetic sciences, factual sciences, truth, value.
Pisarchik T.P. A.A. GRIGORIEV ABOUT CHARACTER FEATURES OF RUSSIAN PEOPLEOpinion of the Russian thinker of the middle of XIX century Apolon Grogoriev about the process of the Russian people forming as a special nation is regarded in this article. The character of the Russian people according to the opinion of the thinker was formed during centuries-old history and got expression in the richest culture and art. Grigoriev marked following features of the Russian people character: easily appeased heart, absence of persistence at spite, constant readiness to reconciliation, faith into Trade and others.Key words: national character, national personality, nation, distinctive culture, soul of people, Orthodoxy, spiritual life.
Strizhova Yu.V. RELIGIOUS PERSONALITY AT THE PHILOSOPHICAL SYSTEM OF WILLIAM JAMESConception of religious personality of William James is regarded in this article. Relying on the materials of introspection — diaries, autobiographical notes of pious, religious mystics, ascetic and hermits James worked out the concept of the religious experience which covered all totality of religious feelings and emotional experiences, psychological condition of a pious on the whole.Key words: pragmatism, religion, faith, religious personality, religious experience, sanctity.

Economic sciences

Donetskova O.Yu. TENDENCIES OF CREDIT MARKET DEVELOPMENT IN ORENBURG REGIONCondition and tendencies of the credit market development in Orenburg region are analyzed in this article. The author determines factors contained credit products progression on the regional market. Peculiarities of functioning of regional nonbank institutions are established. The directions of the development of regional credit market are determined in this work.Key words: credit market, banks, para-bank, credit products.
Ismailova R.A., Galieva A.Kh. FORMING OF INTER-BRANCH INTEGRATION IN KAZAKHSTANThe question regarding forming and development of corporative structure and inter-branch integration in Kazakhstan are regarded in this article.Key words: inter-branch integration, corporations, integrated corporative structures, upright integrated structures.
Andreeva T.V., Ermakova Zh.A. CHAINS FORMING OF CREATION OF PRODUCT COST IN THE FOOD INDUSTRY The scheme of chains of cost forming in baking, confectionary and macaroni branches is formed in the frames of peculiarities research of added cost forming and distribution. In particular the authors determine the structure and position of different participants in the chain, reveal key management links in each of chains, establish general reserves of growth of added cost and food enterprises competitiveness and supplement the chains classification of cost formation.Key words: chain of the product cost formation, added cost, chains classification of cost formation, food industry.
Maslennikov D.Yu. DEVELOPMENT OF METALLURGICAL COMPLEX IN SVERDLOVSK REGION AT THE SOVIET PERIOD (1917-1990)The author of this article makes the analysis of metallurgical complex in Sverdlovsk region at the Soviet period, shows the increase of its role at the years of the Great Patriotic War and at the post-war period, and distinguishes three stages of development differing with products volume growth, production concentration, increase of assortment and introduction of scientific and technological progress achievements.Key words: metallurgical complex, ferrous metallurgy, non-ferrous metallurgy, inter-regional cooperation of enterprises, production concentration, stages of development.
Tarelkin A.A. DEVELOPMENT OF CORPORATIVE MANAGEMENT AS A FACTOR OF INCREASE OF ENTERPRISE INVESTMENT ATTRACTION IN CONDITIONS OF TRANSFER TO INNOVATION DEVELOPMENT In this article the author analyzes the influence of the system of corporative management on the enterprise investment attraction, proves the necessity of corporative management complex introduction for increase of enterprise investment attraction in conditions of transfer to innovation economy (criteria of appraisal of investments allocation expediency on the enterprise), regards the practice of use of different principals of corporative behavior at modern conditions.Key words: corporative behavior, complex of corporative management, innovation development, investment attraction, management on the enterprise investment attraction.
Shveikert M.I. APPRAISAL OF INDUSTRIAL CORPORATION READINESS TO THE INTRODUCTION INTO THE SYSTEM OF CONTROLLINGThe questions regarding the appraisal of corporation readiness to the introduction into the systems of controlling are regarded in this article. The author suggests appraisal methodics based on the calculation of complex index of the readiness level and considering four groups of factors: administrative, organizational, economical and technological. This methodics was tested on the example of OAO "MK ORMETO-YUYMZ" (Orsk)/Key words: controlling, industrial corporation, readiness to the introduction, expert method.
Shirnaeva S.Yu. SHORT-TERM FORECASTING OF FACTORS OF MACRO ECONOMICAL STABILIZATION OF RUSSIAN ECONOMYThe author of this article regards methodical approach to the construction of dot and interval forecasting of indexes of macro economical stabilization with help of the system of simultaneous equations.Key words: macro economical stabilization, discontinuous model, system of simultaneous equations, appraisal of indexes of reduced form, interval forecasting.
Yarullin R.R. FINANCIAL SUPPORT OF INNOVATION ACTIVITY IN AGRICULTUREThis article is devoted to the financial aspects of innovation activity in agriculture. The reasons binding innovation processes activation are ascertained in this article. Also the author regards elements of innovation financial mechanism guaranteeing the success of innovation activity: budget, tax and credit components.Key words: agriculture, innovations, innovation activity, innovation processes, agricultural products producer, resource-saving technologies, technics, state support, financial resources, tax stimulation, financing, credit resources.


Miroshnikov S.V., Lebedev S.V., Barabash, A.A., Timasheva A.B. NONSPECIFIC ADAPTATION REACTIONS INDICATORS FOR LABORATORY ANIMALS WITH DIFFERENT LEVELS OF THYROID FUNCTIONThe study of laboratory rats hemogram indicators when modeling experimental hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. In the peripheral blood of rats we found ealed changes characteristic of acute stress, more pronounced in rats with experimental hypothyroidism.Key words: experimental hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism pilot, hemogram, nonspecific reaction of adaptation, stress.
Kolesnik A.N., Mustafina D.R. QUANTITIES ASSESSMENT OF DEPENDENCE FROM ATMOSPHERIC POLLUTIONTo quantify the conditioning between the parameters of the study we build up the regression models, and based on them we determined the contributions of the argument parameters to these models. These argument parameters contributions are the estimate for the quantitative dependence of the parameter in the regression model. Parameters of the study were taken as argument parameters in the regression models. Regression models were built through Brandon method and method of least squares.Key words: regression model, quantitative conditionality, Brandon's method, the method of least squares.
Rusanov A.M., Savin E.Z., Nigmatyanova S.E., Nigmatyanov M.M., Grudinin D.A., Stepanova M.A. HEAVY METAL CONTENT OF APPLE FRUITS IN URBAN ENVIRONMENTSFruit trees are widely used in greening settlements. The increasing pollution of industrial emissions, traffic flow lead to environmental pollution and the accumulation of heavy metals in soil, leaves, wood and fruits. We found marked selectivity of certain forms of apple trees to heavy metals, a significant excess of the maximum permissible concentration.Key words: heavy metals, apple, ecology, lipids, sugars, selective accumulation.

Natural sciences

Ershov V.I., Chepasov V.I. HETEROGENEITY OF ISCHEMIC STROKE FROM POSITION OF MATHEMATICAL MODELINGBased on analysis of 650 cases of ischemic stroke according to TOAST criteria, it was showed that the atherothrombotic subtype of ischemic stroke is the most common situation (p<0,05). As a result of analysis of major clinical and paraclinical signs of ischemic stroke in the most acute period we developed two models of the possible fatality dependence on the severity of atherothrombotic and cardioembolic stroke subtypes, which improves the quality of the disease prediction. In patients with severe stroke, more favorable prognosis occurred in atherothrombotic pathogenic subtype, compared with cardioembolic stroke (p<0,05). Synergy features of the developed models were shown.Key words: Ischemic stroke, the pathogenetic subtypes, prediction.
Mikhailov A.N., Setko N.P. ASSESSMENT OF ELEMENTARY PORTRAIT IN CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS LIVING 7 KM OFF THE COPPER COMPANY The paper presents the estimate of chemical elements in hair of children and adolescents living at a distance of 7 km from the copper smelting plant.Key words: children and adolescents, copper-smelting plant.
Michaylovskiy A.M. DEPENDENCE OF THE PARAMETERS OF DEAD ORGANISMS WITH HIV AND TBThe article discusses the use of correlation analysis to determine the paired conditioning, the factor analysis to determine the parameters for the study group conditioning. The analysis of the pair, group and quantitative conditioning for the stage HIV parameter was done.

Physical-mathematical sciences

Manakov N.A., Tolstobrov Yu.V., Gerasimov F.A. INFLUENCE OF THICKNESS ON THE DOMAIN STRUCTURE OF THIN MAGNETIC FILMSWith the aid of numerical simulation of the magnetization distribution we obtained a rigorous theoretical basis for the influence of thickness and magnetic pre-history of the domain structure of films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy.Key words: thin magnetic films, numerical simulation, the domain structure of the film, magnetization, magnetic anisotropy.
Vlatskaya I.V. MODELING OF FUZZY CONTROLLER BEHAVIOR IN THE SYSTEM WITH KNOWN STRUCTUREThe article reviews the performance of Takagi-Sugeno and Mamdani fuzzy controllers for automatic management of objects with a known structure, computer modeling of their work, as well as comparison with the work, with clear controllersKey words: management, computer modeling, controller, fuzzy sets.
Kucherenko М.G., Chmereva T.M. , Kislov D.А. INCREASE OF RADIATIONLESS ELECTRONIC EXCITATION ENERGY TRANSFER RATE BETWEEN MOLECULES PLACED NEAR A SOLID FLATE SURFACEA radiationless electronic excitation energy transfer between molecules placed near a conductor flat surface is investigated. A mathematical model is proposed where the condensed phase boundary taken into account by introduce of an effective dipole-imagine and the medium dielectric permeability on the electronic transfer frequency in the donor molecule. A distance dependence and anisotropy characteristics of the energy transfer rate are determined in the donor-acceptor pare of adsorbates. In a purely quantum model based on the secondary quantization formalism it is showed that a mechanism of surface plasmons can be effective for the energy transfer in such systems. Comparative estimates of direct and plasmonic energy transfer channels efficiencies are made. The dominant contribution of the plasmonic mechanism to total energy transfer rate (over 1-2 power) is predicted by placed molecules near the metal surface and a weak plasmon decay. Key words: radiationless energy transfer, surface plasmon, dipole-dipole interaction, donor, acceptor.
Letuta S.N., Maryakhina V.S., Pashkevich S.N., Rakhmatullin R.R. KINETICS OF DELAYED LUMINESCENCE OF MOLECULAR PROBES IN CELLS OF BIOLOGICAL TISSUEThis report addresses the kinetics of delayed fluorescence of organic dye molecules in the cells of the breast of healthy female mice pertaining to BYRB line and individuals with spontaneous malignant tumors. It discusses the mechanisms of suppression of delayed luminescence of molecules in the cells of tissues. It was experimentally shown that exogenous fluorophores are more accessible to oxygen in cells isolated from normal tissues.Key words: laser diagnostics, molecular probes, a long luminescence.

Technical sciences

Bogodukhov S.I., Proskurin A.D., Severyukhina N.A. DESIGN OF EXPERT SYSTEM FOR PRODUCTS MADE OF POWDER LOW ALLOY STEELTo obtain the predictions based on analysis of data the complex decision support is used, including expert system shell and knowledge base, providing on-line decision-making on the basis of concentration of knowledge at the present time. Key words: powder metallurgy, expert system, knowledge base, mathematical statistics, regression, factor and cluster analysis.
Kosarev N.A., Bulatov V.N., Hudorozhkov O.V. SPECTRAL TIME METHOD OF DETERMINING THE DOPPLER FREQUENCY THROUGH TARGETED TIME CHANGE The paper presents a solution to improve the recognition resolution and measurement of the recorded Doppler signal on the basis of targeted spectral and temporal transformation of the noisy fluctuations of the Doppler swing. It provides the basic relationships for determining the sampling interval of the Doppler frequencies and recommendations on the iterations of the derivatives of Doppler frequencyKey words: spectrum, spectral method, the Doppler swing, resolution.
Muslimov D.A., Lelyukhin A.S. ON THE CONTROL OF OUTPUT PARAMETERS FOR X-RAY SOURCESIn this paper we consider a system of non-invasive monitoring of parameters for X-ray emitters. We propose using a discrete linear detector based on gallium arsenide as the transmitter. It is shown that by the nature of radiation attenuation in the detector substance it is possible finding the values of the effective energy of the beam, the boundary energy in the radiation spectrum, and restoring the spectral composition of radiation by the entrance of the detector.Key words: deceleration radiation, efficient energy absorption curve.
Rassokha V.I. IMPROVING THE PERFORMANCE OF CONTINUOUS CONTROL CONVERGENCE STEERING WHEEL SYSTEM FOR MOTOR VEHICLES IN MOTION. INCREASING THE SENSITIVITY OF MANAGEMENT SUBSYSTEMThe report provides reasonable criteria of fatigue resistance and sensitivity of the site placement of strain gage side reaction of the road as part of a system of continuous control of convergence of the steered wheels of the vehicle in motion; developed method for selecting the optimal design of sensor site, including the modeling and evaluation of the stress-strain state through the method of finite elements and the results of its application.Key words: vehicle; toe steering wheel, the system of regulation; sensor; stress-strain state.
Tugov V.V., Tarasov V.N., Fakhritdinov T.B. OPTIMAL MANAGEMENT OF PREPARATION OF OIL BLENDS BY ACOUSTIC EFFECTS The article describes the search for the optimal control impact on the oil mixture placed inside the separation unit for initial preparation with the aid of acoustic effects (ultrasonic field). The application of the maximum principle is considered, which allows determine the U controls on oil mixture, being the best in speed, and simultaneously providing the greatest stability.Key words: optimal control, maximum principle, the criterion for optimal control.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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