№ 1š2010
Philosophical sciences
Eguneva M.V. TOTALITARIAN THINKING: MENTALITY DECONSTRUCTIONTotalitarianism as a form of public thinking organization implies functioning of reality of special type. New intelligent-fatal existence constitutes new mentality destroying previous aims of consciousness at the same time. Possibility of totalitarianism to exist outside of objects and to model given type of thinking is the main theme of this article.Key words: mentality, public thinking, totalitarianism, social evil.
Zakharov D.V. ABOUT CORRELATION OF ACTIVE AND COMMUNICATIVE PARADIGM AT THE NATIVE PHILOSOPHY OF 60TH–80TH OF XXšCENTURY: SUBJECTIVE-OBJECTIVE METHODThe idea of unity of fundamental postulates of active and communicative programs (paradigms) at the native philosophy of 60th–80th of XXšcentury is proved in this article on the base of the method of subjective-objective paradigms of historical-philosophical process.Key words: native (Russian) philosophy of the Soviet period, problem of subject and object, subjective-objective paradigm of historical-philosophical process, paradigm (theory) of activity, communicative program.
Ivanov S.Yu. THE CATEGORY OF THE SPECIAL AS A DIALECTICAL LINK BETWEEN CATEGORIES OF THE GENERAL AND THE INDIVIDUALThe article examines an interrelationship and an inter-transition between categories of the general and the individual, the category of the special’s role and position in the given interrelationship and also the historic premises for establishing the category of the special particularly as a dialectical link between the general and the individual. The difference between a formally-logical and a dialectical approach to defining the special as a dialectical link and a dialectical mediation of the general and the individual is specially underlined.Key words: category, general, special, individual, dialectical relationship, a dialectical mediation.
Medova A.A. MODAL NATURE OF CONSCIOUSNESS: ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE CONCEPTION OF DZEN AND CHAN BUDDHISMThis article is devoted to the analysis of fundamental moments of the conception of consciousness represented in philosophy of Chinese and Japanese makhayana. The analysis is directed on the revealing of features of modal understanding of consciousness, and also on the search of common grounds of buddhistic version of consciousness with conceptions of modern European philosophy. Key words: philosophy of Buddhism, consciousness, modus, modality.
Naumova T.V. SOME THOUGHTS ABOUT THE PROBLEMS OF RESEARCHES AND HISTORY PERIODIZATION OF SOVIET PHILOSOPHYIn this article the author analyzes existed at the present time versions about the role, periodization and existence of Soviet philosophy. Emphasizing of problems connected with understanding and appraisal of Soviet philosophy is important for historical-philosophical perception from methodological point of view.Key words: history of native philosophy, Soviet philosophy, periodization of native philosophy, Marxism, Sovietology.
Shutemova E.A. THE ROLE OF ARTISTIC METHOD AT ART AND DESIGN The functioning of artistic method at art and design is regarded in this article. Studying of artistic method on interdisciplinary level allows revealing connection of design with art in methodological plan.Key words: art, design, artistic method.
Pisarchik L.Yu. CULTURAL PHILOSOPHY OF M. WEBERIn this article the author analyzes the cultural philosophy of Max Weber in its more essential aspects: the problem of modern understanding by Weber, general meanings of modern (historical, social and cultural), the role of religion and science in modern culture and perspectives of human culture. Those problems are important today, they are in the center of attention and history of philosophy, and sociology of culture. The opinions of M.šWeber, F.M.šDostoevsky and L.N.šTolstoy on the character of modern culture and the problem of life meaning, which is important for understanding of a creature of modern crises culture, are compared.Key words: modern, meaning of modern, modernization, system of values, rationalization, life meaning, cultural crises, "tragic liberalism".
Pisarchik T.P. CRITICISM OF EUROPEAN CULTURE IN WORK OF A.šGRIGORIEVIn this article the solution of the problems of two cultures interactionš— West-European and Russian by the famous is regarded by the famous thinker of the middle of XIXšcentury A.A.šGrigoriev. Reasoning from “organic” understanding of culture Grigoriev insists on opposition of European culture as Catholic and Russian culture as Orthodox, affirming at the same time the idea of Russian culture futurity as developing and regarding all wealth of Orthodoxy as true God perception. Key words: science of soil, organitism, culture, Slavdom, Europeism, Westernism, Slavophilism, national roots, Orthodoxy.
Khadzharov M.Kh., Lyashchenko M.N. NEWTON AND MECHANICAL PICTURE OF THE CLASSICAL SCIENCE WORLDPhysical and philosophical opinions of the English scientist I.šNewton and their influence on forming of mechanical picture of the classical science world are regarded in this article. Ideas of mechanical dynamics of Aristotle and Newton are compared. The authors of the article reveal the role and meaning of ideas and principals worked out by Newton at the determination of borders of mechanical experimentalism and introduction of mathematical knowledge into scientific perception and also contribution to working out of ideas about determinism.Key words: body, movement, power, acceleration, inertia, mechanics, picture of the world, homogeneous and isotropic space, absolute space and time, unity of nature, law of gravitation, determinism, mechanical experimentalism, rationalization.
Social sciences
Skobelina N.A. CONDITIONS OF DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL MOVEMENTS IN MODERN RUSSIAN SOCIETY Conditions of development of modern social movements are regarded in this article. The indexes influenced on participation in activity of new movements in Russia are revealed.Key words: social movement, conditions of development, participation, life dissatisfaction, protest.
Humanitarian sciences
Sokolov V.M. IMAGE OF RUSSIA IN BRITISH MASS MEDIA AT THE BEGINNING OF THE 1990TH (CULTUROLOGICAL ASPECT)This article is devoted to the question of studying of a state image and stereotypes of mutual perception of different countries on the material of mass media publications. Irrational component (stereotypes, political myths), which is necessary to analyze from culturological point of view, from the point of view of cultures dialogue, is presented in texts of mass media. The results of research of Russia’s image in British mass media at the beginning of the 1990th are presented in this article.Key words: culturology, mass media, stereotypes of mutual perception, irrational component, political myths, dialogue of cultures.
Economic sciences
Buresh O.V., Bekbergeneva D.E. REGIONAL PROPERTY AS AN OBJECT OF MANAGEMENT: ECONOMIC AND LEGAL ASPECTSThe necessity of state regulation of the process of property relations transformation is proved in this article. Positive changes in the sphere of standing and development of legal bases of privatization, development of private property and strengthening of state sector on the regional level are marked here. Also the authors of the article determines the problems, lacks, disputable questions demanded normative permit and regulation, and also suggest the ways of their solution. Key words: transformation, economy, region, property, privatization, state.
Chmyshenko E.V. STRATEGIC PLANNING AS A FACTOR OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENTIn this article the necessity and meaning of strategic planning for regional development are proved in this article. The Russian experience of regional strategic plans working out is generalized here.Key words: region, planning, strategic planning, strategic management.
Bulyarskaya S.A., Zimkina T.N. DEMANDS TO A HEAD OF AUTONOMOUS ORGANIZATIONSThe result of the budget reforms development will be the transfer of some state organizations into autonomous. At the same time the activity of a head of such organizations will be more difficult. The results of the organization work in new economic-legal status in many respects depend on characteristics, which a head has. In this connection the demands to characteristics of such head are regarded in this article. Key words: budget reform, characteristics of a head, autonomous organizations.
Kononova T.V. CONTINUITY OF LENT VALUE MOVEMENT AS A BASE OF OPTIMAL CREDIT BRIEFCASE FORMING The problems of the bank credit briefcase forming are researched in this article. The author of the article analyzes the factors influenced on borders of lent value movement. Also the author suggests the methodic of appraisal of continuity of lent value movement and gives recommendations of optimal credit briefcase forming.Key words: credit, credit briefcase, borders of bank crediting, credit recurrency.
Tuyakova Z.S., Satalkina E.V. CLASSIFICATION OF PROFESSIONAL OPINION AS A MODERN INSTRUMENT OF ACCOUNTINGIn this article the authors analyze the approaches to professional opinion on the base of systematization of the role and place of such category in modern accounting on the base of analysis of scientific works of modern Russian scientists and principals of its realization in IAS (International Accounting Standards). The authors prove their interpretation of such category as comparatively new instrument in the system of accounting, also they reveal common and more typical features of its presence, and general factors influenced on this opinion of a specialist in a sphere of accounting. Besides, the classification of professional opinion with distinguishing of different features of its grouping is suggested here.Key words: professional opinion, International Accounting Standards, qualitative characteristics of accounting information, accounting policies, financial accounting, accounting, tax accounting, accounting (financial) control.
Begutova S.V. USING OF METHODS OF INTELLECTUAL ANALYSIS OF DATA FOR APPRAISAL OF RISKS OF CUSTOMS PAYMENTS NON-PAYMENTIn this article the author regards the methods of appraisal of risks of customs payments non-payment, describes the construction of the model of risks appraisal on the base of using of intellectual analysis of data and method of classification. General indexes influenced on the appraisal of risks of customs payments non-payment are distinguished here.Key words: risk, methods of intellectual analysis of data, Data Mining.
Krasnoperova Yu.Yu., Simonova A.A. ASSOCIATIONS OF ANIMALCULARS B.šHOMINIS WITH MICRO-ORGANISMS AT DYSBIOSIS OF BOWELS Dependence of popularity and number of some representatives of microbe community of large intestine on virulence of animalculars Blastocystis hominis is studied in this article. The researches of virulence intensity degree of 175šhemolytic, 148šnonfermented and 134šstrains of Escherichia coli with normal fermentative activity were conducted.Key words: representatives of microbe community of large intestine, structure of microbiocenosis, pathobiocenosis.
Kuzhina G.Sh., Yanturin S.I. STUDY OF HEAVY METAL CONTAMINATION IN THE UPPER SECTIONS OF THE URAL RIVER Studies of heavy metal contamination in the upper sections of the Ural River and the reservoirs enabled to identify the river sections subject to the anthropogenic load, monitor óu, Zn, Fe contents in natural water over the summer and fall period of 2008. The results indicate the direction of hydro-chemical processes in the Ural reservoirs.Key words: copper, zinc, iron, reservoir, Ural River.
Larionov í.V., Larionov N.V. CHARACTERISTICS OF ACCUMULATION OF HEAVY METALS IN SOIL ECOSYSTEMS OF SARATOV VOLGA RIVER REGION The paper provides the results of research into accumulation patterns of anthropogenic heavy metals in the black soils and plants on urbanized areas of Saratov Region. The maximum concentration of heavy metals was found in the southern chernozems and in the above plant biomass within the Volga Uplands.Key words: heavy metals, soil environment, biogenic element migration, factor of biological uptake.
Litovchenko ï.G., Nifontova ï.L. SOME PARAMETERS OF THE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM IN NATIVES OF THE MIDDLE OB RIVER REGION WITH THEIR AGE OF 7–20It was shown that hemodynamic characteristics and parameters for the heart rhythm in residents of Surgut, who were born and reside in hypocomfortable climatic and geographic conditions of the Middle Ob River region, had regional characteristics changing in line with overall biological patterns i.e. increasing with the age of parasympathetic influences on the heart activity. Key words: cardiovascular system, natives to the Middle Ob River region.
Mikhailov á.N. MERCURY BIOACCUMULATION IN ORGANISMS OF BOYS AND GIRLS LIVING IN AN INDUSTRIAL CITYThe article evaluates mercury bioaccumulation in organisms of boys and girls of varied age who live at equal distance to the copper-smelting enterprise. Key words: mercury, hair, nails, copper-smelting enterprise.
Physical-mathematical sciences
Kucherenko í.G., Kislov D.á. KINETICS OF THE DIFFUSION CONTROLLED NONRADIATIVE TRANSFER OF ENERGY AMONG SMALL MOLECULAR IONS IN POLYELECTROLYTE SOLUTIONSThe paper focuses on the transfer of energy from small electron-excited ions to ions adsorbed on the surface of the charged macromolecular chain in the solution. Generalization of Smolukhovsky-Debai method was done for description of the kinetics of biomolecular reactions among sphere-like ions in solutions for the case of electrostatic field of linear poly ion. The analytical and numerical solutions of Smolukhovsky equation were obtained for the case of the balanced polyelectrolyte field. Key words: Key word: polyelectrolyte, DNA, molecule diffusion.
Technical sciences
Beridze S.P. FREE OSCILLATION OF THIN RECTANGULAR PLATES WITH THE LOOSE FRINGE The paper addresses the description of the model for oscillation of thin rectangular plates with the loose fringe. The technique of numerical calculation process is given.Key words: oscillation of thin rectangular plates.
Klevtsova N.á., Valiev R.Z., Klevtsov G.V., Semenova I.P., Fesenyuk í.V. FATIGUE BREAKDOWN OF TITANIUM AND TITANIUM ALLOY SAMPLES IN MICROCRYSTALLINE AND SUB MICROCRYSTALLINE STATESThe objective of this work is study of the grain size impact on fatigue breakdown of titanium (Ti Grandeš2, ë3) with a b-phase grain size of 240šmkm and 0.15šmkm (150 îÍ) and also titanium alloys (Ti-6Al-4VšEh) with a b-phase grain size of 15šmkm and 0.3šmkm (300šîÍ) samples. It was shown that macro- and microstructure of the all breakings except those of titanium samples with a b-phase grain size of 240šmkm was nearly the same. Key words: fatigue breakdown, breaking, fatigue zones, macro- and micro topography of breaking, nanostructuring, b-phase grain size.
Mullabaev á.á., Fot á.P., Romantsov V.N., Reshetov S.Yu., Seytpanov S.ô. SYNTHESIS OF FULL-STRENGTH WHEELWORKS WITH ONE CONNECTED GEARThe paper focuses on the issues of structural and cinematic synthesis of the singly connected gear box with consideration of the contact strength of the wheel teeth. The research object is the wheel and gear boxes of machine tools. Key words: mechanism, tooth gear, connected gear, full-strength gear box, synthesis.
Rassokha V.I. SITUATIONAL MANAGEMENT OF MOTOR TRANSPORT SYSTEMS. IDENTIFICATION OF URBAN PASSENGER TRANSPORT AND ROAD TRAFFIC SYSTEMSBased on identification of urban passenger transport and road traffic systems with the use of six criteria a conclusion was made that they could be assigned to semistructured objects to which the system of situational management is applied.Key words: situational management; identification; urban passenger transport; road traffic.
Chepasov V.I., Mullabaev á.á., Fot á.P. GENERATION OF INITIAL SET CALIBRATED DIMENSIONS The paper focuses on the technique of generation of initial body with calibrated dimensions for the output of the calibrated dimension body with optimum characteristics. For the parameters being arguments of the objective function basic parameters obtained through factor analysis were used.Key words: optimization, generation, regression.
Kolinichenko á.F. BUILDING COMPLEX AT THE CURRENT STATEMarket relations put the building complex at higher level. We observe new construction materials, technology and construction aids coming out. The project business has been subject to changes and also the quality of construction has been improved. However these innovations are not a part of domestic research developments, they were mainly borrowed from foreign practices. The reason for this is discredit of the engineer and scientist as well as resource vector of development.Key words: private property, money, new technology, materials, science, engineer.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |