№ 12 2008
Natural sciences
Drinev S.E., Kulagin А.А. ON THE STATE OF THE ENGLISH OAK (QUERCUS ROBUR L.) PLANTINGS IN THE CHUVASHI REPUBLICThe article provides details on the state of forest plantings with the English Oak in the Chuvashi Republic. The state of one of the most significant for ecology and plant industry forest-forming species was found to be critical. The measures for restoration of degraded oak forests in the Middle Volga Region are identified.
Lapaeva I.V., Salynikov А.L. THE CHARACTERISTICS OF ZONAL VEGETATION IN THE ALEKSEEVSKOE FIELD AREAIn the process of development and operation of new gas-condensate fields, conservation of natural plant cover is important both for landscape diversity conservation and forecasting the conditions of terrestrial ecosystems including assessment of the plant population viability. The study provides characteristics of the flora and vegetation conditions prior to development of the Alekseevskoe gas-condensate field through modeling cartograms based on geobotanical parameters and satellite data.
Poleva А.О., Shkundina F.B. PHYTOPLANKTON OF THE PAVLOVSKOE WATER RESERVOIR ON THE UFA RIVER The work provides results of the Pavlovskoe water reservoir phytoplankton study in 2001 and 2003. The research showed that species of plankton algae and cyano procaryotes form a diverse community in the reservoir. On separate sites of the reservoir Xanthophyta representatives reached their maximum numbers and high species diversity. The saprobity index indicates b-mesosaprobien zone.
Savin Е.Z., Mursalimova G.R., Degtyarev N.А. CLONAL APPLE AND PEAR STOCKS IN PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENTS OF THE ORENBURG REGIONThe article provides information about the growing of clonal apple and pear stocks in the production environments. On the basis of the best stocks 64-143, Ural-2, Ural-5 plantings are grown up to 80% in fruit-tree nurseries of Orenburg Oblast.
Sedelynikova L.L. ANATOMICAL ORGANIZATION OF THE LEAF EPIDERMIS IN THE SPECIES PERTAINING TO THE GENUS HOSTA TRATTFeatures of the leaf anatomical organization in six species of hosts introduced in the forest-and-steppe zone of western Siberia were studied. Morphological description for the epidermis of abaxial and adaxial leaf sides is provided. The hosts were found to be characterized by mesophytic features of the lamina structure. It was concluded that the transpiration capacity of the lower leaf epidermis was 3-8 times higher.
Tuhvatullina L.A. CENTRAL ASIATIC MOUNTAINOUS LEEKS (ANZURS) AS PERSPECTIVE SPECIES FOR CULTIVATION IN THE SOUTH URALSThe article summarizes the results of introduction tests for 5 endemic species of ephemeroid leeks from the Central Asia – A. aflatunense B. Fedtsch., A. altissimum Regel, A. stipitatum Regel, A. rosenbachianum Regel, A. suworowii Regel. All the species are perspective to cultivate in the South Urals as ornamental plants.
Hairullin R.М., Kutluberdina D.R. OCCURRENCE OF THE FUSARIUM FUNGI IN THE SPRING WHEAT GRAINS IN SOUTHERN FOREST-AND-STEPPE AREA OF THE REPUBLIC OF BASHKORTOSTAN The distribution analysis was carried out to study fusariose of the spring wheat grains produced in southern forest-and steppe area of the Republic of Bashkortostan in 2007. The species identified: Fusarium sporotrichioides, Fusarium poae, Fusarium oxysporum, Fusarium avenaceum, Fusarium graminearum, Fusarium сulmorum, Fusarium acuminatum, Fusarium tricinctum, Fusarium sambucinum, Fusarium subglutinans, Fusarium equiseti. The wheat infection rate averaged 12,7%. Species F. sporotrichioides and F. poae were dominated by the frequency of occurrence. The infection rate differed by the districts of the area. The highest rate was in seeds of the sorts Omskaya-35, Bashkirskaya-24 and Kazakhstanskaya-10. Compared with the last decade, there is a trend of increasing occurrence of the grain fusariose and shift in diversity of the fungi Fusarium species causing this infection.
Хисамов Р.Р. INACTIVATIONS OF ECOLOGICAL DEPRESSION IN PLANTSCertain grain crops are known to be very sensitive to herbicides. Specifically, this article focuses on measures to eliminate any negative herbicide impacts on the spring barley. Experiments have shown that addition of the compound Phytosporin-M and Humi-20 to the seed disinfectant Barrier-Color contributes to increasing the yield of the spring barley by 1,2 centner/ha, or by 7%.
Ilyukh M.P. OWLS IN URBANIZED LANDSCAPES OF CISCAUCASIA The article reviews occurrence characteristics of four owl species in the cities of Ciscaucasia. Distribution, abundance, breeding ecology, occurrence in winter, behavior, feeding and limiting factors are analyzed for the Long-eared Owl, Eurasian Scops-Owl, Tawny Owl and Barn Owl in atypical for owls urbanized landscapes of the region.
Lamekhov Yu.G. COMLETED CLUTCH SIZE IN COLONIAL BIRDS – THE BLACK-HEADED GULL (LARUS RIDIBUNDUS L., 1766) AND BLACK-NECKED GREBE (PODICEPS NIGRICOLLIS C.L. BREHM, 1831) AS CASE STUDIES The article provides data on the size of completed clutches in the Black-headed Gull and Black-necked Grebe. The numbers of eggs was determined with regard to the position of nests in the structure of a colonial settlement. The differences in the size of completed clutches taken from the nests of central sections and periphery sections of colonies were identified and also the type of variation for the feature studied was described in the birds breeding in different habitats.
Miroshnikov S.A., Kholodilina T.N., Nesterov D.V. THE USE OF ZINC IN VARIOUS FORMS AS A CATALYST FOR EXOGENOUS ENZYMESThe article examined the influence of zinc in various forms in combination with enzyme preparations Amilosubtilin GZx on the productivity of broiler chicken. The paper also presents the results of the two digestion trials and identifies biochemical parameters of blood in the experimental bird. A relationship between the digestion of nutrients and some biochemical parameters of blood was determined
Ivanov, Yu.B., Sipaylova O.Yu., Sukhanova O.N. EXAMINATION OF NEW PHARMACOLOGICAL COMPOSITION IMPACTS ON THE BLOOD CELLSStudies in vitro found no direct cytotoxic effects from the new pharmaceutical composition derived from human platelets, on the blood cells of mice
Naryzhneva E.V. AGE AND SEASONAL DYNAMICS OF THYROID HORMONES CONTENTS IN THE BOVINE BLOOD SERUMThe article shows the dynamics of the concentration of thyroid hormones in the cattle in different age periods in spring and autumn. We studied the dynamics of thyroid hormones concentrations in the cattle in Tashlinsky District, which is a relatively prosperous area of Orenburg Oblast in terms of endemic diseases, so these studies are interesting in comparison with other biogeochemical provinces. These indicators of the thyroid status can be considered when choosing the means and methods of diagnosis, correction of diets in the animals with regard to their needs for iodine. The work revealed the physiological mechanisms that caused changes in hormonal homeostasis. The studies show that seasonal and age-adaptive rearrangements are caused by the different mechanisms which should be taken into account in the assessment and correction of the hormonal status of the animals.
Ostapenko К.А. FEATURES OF THE SEA SHORE CICADAS POPULATION (HOMOPTERA, CICADINEA) (BY THE EXAMPLE OF KIEVKA BAY, SOUTHERN PRIMORYE)The paper presents data on intra-landscape habitat distribution of the cicadas species in the sea coast of the Russian Far East. It focuses on the rich species diversity, identity and spatial heterogeneity which have been formed in the conditions of these habitat groups of cicadas.
Barabash, A.A., Miroshnikova E.P., Grechushkin A.I., Sipaylova O.Yu. FEATURES OF INTER-ELEMENT INTERACTIONS IN ANIMAL ORGANISMS WITH VARIED NUTRIENT SUPPLIES The study that has been undertaken to assess the impact of enzymatic drugs on the exchange of chemical elements in the body of carps and egg-laying hens revealed significant changes in the concentrations of cobalt, nickel, lead, etc. in the body of these animals. The research found specific features of the inter-element interactions in the organism that were evident from declining in numbers of negative correlations between the masses of the elements by 3-4 times. The presence of exogenous enzymes in the carp diet results in elimination of the protein fluctuation impacts on the exchange of macroelements.
Snityko V.P. CHIROPTERA SPECIES (CHIROPTERA, VESPERTILLIONIDAE) OF SHULGAN-TASH RESERVEAs a result of the studies undertaken in 2002, 2003 and 2007 at the Shulgan-Tash State Reserve, the data and literature were gathered and reviewed on 12 bat species inhabiting this specially protected area. Seven species of the bats can be considered as year-round residents, five considered as migrants. The status and occurrence of the Lesser Noctule and Common Pipistrelle that were found here within the eastern boundaries of their distribution range need further clarification. The data on the findings, morphometric and weight parameters are provided and recommendations proposed on conservation.
Filippova A.V., Melyko A.A. SUCCESSIONS OF INVERTEBRATES IN THE AGRICULTURAL BIOCENOSIS USING THE WASTEWATER RESIDUEThe article provides data on the formation of the soil species community when using the wastewater residue in agricultural biocenosises. The results indicate the interdependence of succession changes in the soil invertebrates and wastewater residue doses when they used as organic fertilizers for the cultures with intensive fruiting.
Zaripova F.F., Bayramgulova G.R., Yumagulova G.R., Yanturin S.I. HELMINTHOFAUNA OF THE AMPHIBIAN SPECIES IN THE BASHKIR TRANS-URALSIt was found that 3 amphibian species (R. arvalis, R. temporaria, B. viridis) from Uchalinsky District, Bashkortostan, have 6 species of helminthes pertaining to the Class Cestoda – 1 species, Trematoda – 3 species, Nematoda – 2 species. The composition of helminthes directly depends on the host lifestyles: the semiaquatic groups have more diverse parasitofauna compared with the terrestrial groups.
Kosintsev P.A., Gasilina V.V. SECULAR DYNAMICS OF THE LARGE MAMMALS FAUNA IN THE SOUTH URALSThe article considers species composition and differentiation degrees in the large mammals fauna in the northern and southern districts and mountain foothill and mountain regions of the South Urals during the second half of the late Pleistocene and Holocene. The changes occurred synchronously and in unidirectional way throughout the South Urals and reflected changes to the landscapes.
Miroshnikov S.A., Burtseva T.I., Golubkina N.A., Notova S.V., Skalniy А.V., Burlutskaya О.I. HYGIENIC ASSESSMENT OF SELENIUM STATUS OF THE ORENBURG REGIONThe work provides an assessment of the selenium status of the Orenburg Region population. The mean selenium concentration in hairs of the Orenburg residents ranged 0.153 to 0.405 mg/kg. Monitoring of selenium concentrations in food products is therefore very important for characteristics of the selenium geographical distribution. The report provides data on selenium concentrations in curd and whole milk produced in 25 districts of Orenburg Oblast. The microelement concentrations in curd ranged 102 to 341 mkg/kg, whole milk – 23 to 48 mkg /l. The mean selenium concentration in dairy products was 140 mkg/kg (curd) and 30 mkg /l (whole milk) accordingly. Heterogeneous distribution of selenium in the Orenburg Oblast dairy products has been recorded with the maximum values for the Northwestern Part – 149 mkg/kg for curd and 29 mkg /l for milk.
Mikhaylov А.N., Setko N.P. DISBALANCE OF MICROELEMENTS IN CHILDREN AND TEENAGERS LIVING IN THE AREA OF A COPPER SMELTERYThe article undertakes an assessment of the microelement disbalance in children and teenagers living in the area of a copper smeltery. The object of research was hairs. Possible options of replacement of the one element by another have been shown.
Talypov Sh.M., Abdeev R.G. BEST WORK PRACTICE FOR CLEANING OIL PIPES OF TIGHTLY FIXED DEPOSITSThe article describes a technology for cleaning the internal surface of oil pipes. The technology ensures high cleaning performance through the use of the thermoabrasive machine which enables the optimum mixing and combustion of the fuel-air blend. This technology ensures re-using the used pipes with resolving the environmental issue in relation to the decontamination process implemented directly in the industry mortuaries.
Korchina T.Ya A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE MACRO- AND MICROELEMENTS COMPOSITION OF HAIRS IN INDIGENOUS AND NON-INDIGENOUS PEOPLES OF THE TYUMEN NORTHThe chemical composition of children hairs in the indigenous and newly arrived people of Khanty-Munsiysk Autonomic Okrug (KMAO) was studied through the method АES – ISP v CBM (Moscow). The children of the non-indigenous people from KMAO were characterized by the increased Si and Mn concentrations in hairs and also by the marked deficiency of Se, whereas Khanty children were characterized by significant surplus of Fe, Mn, Hg in hairs and relative deficiency of Ca and I.
Nifontova O.L. INDICATORS FOR CENTRAL AND PERIPHERAL HEMODYNAMICS IN SCHOOL CHILDREN FROM THE MIDLE OB RIVER REGION The combined survey of 322 school children in the age group 7 to 17 years, born in the Middle Ob River Region, was carried out. It was found that for both sex groups the significant systolic and diastolic pressure increment occurred in 11-14 years, and additionally for the girls in 15-17 years. The significant difference by the sex was found for the diastolic pressure indicators only in senior school age children. The indicators of the functional change index were fit in with the parameters of the satisfactory cardio-vascular system adaptation with the exception of the school girls in the age group 15 to 17 years, for whom this indicator suggested tough adaptation mechanisms. The optimum eukinetic blood circulation type was appropriate to 35% of school children, and this type occurred by 2% more frequently in the boys than in the girls. The bulk of the children surveyed had the hyperkinetic blood circulation type in which the highly active sympathoadrenal system was characteristic.
Popova R.F., Tynkov А.А., Rogacheva М.N. QUANTITATIVE INDICATORS FOR DORSAL ROOTS OF THE INFERIOR CERVICAL, THORACIC AND LUMBAR SPINAL NERVESThe aim of the work is to obtain morphometric characteristics of dorsal roots of the inferior cervical, thoracic and lumbar spinal nerves. The segmental change to various parameters of dorsal roots of spinal nerves was described. The data obtained might be used in applied medicine.
Sosnina Е.V., Safronova А.I. THE ROLE OF CEREBRUM FUNCTIONAL SKEWNESS IN THE EDUCATION OF SCHOOL CHILDRENThe article presents results of a study of the cerebrum functional skewness types in students between the ages of 10 and 15 years. It was found that 50.4% of the students had the left-hemispheric type of the cerebrum functioning, whereas the percentage of the right-hemispheric type was only 29.0%; in the remaining 42.9% children with equal-hemispheric type were recorded. With the age, there was a trend of increasing the numbers of children with the left-hemispheric skewness type.
Cheremushnikova I.I., Notova S.V. DIAGNOSTICS OF DEVIATION BEHAVIOR WITH PREDOMINANCE OF AGGRESSION IN THE STUDENT ENVIRONMENTThe article provides a model developed to decrease student aggressiveness and software program to assess deviation conditions. The role of the Laboratory of Psychoprophylaxis, Psychocorrection and Psychodiagnostics at the Preventive Medicine Chair, OSU was shown in providing the theoretical and methodological framework for ensuring healthy life style.
Sokotun S.A., Podkovkin V.G. THE CHANGES IN PHISIOLOGICAL, PHYSIOLOGICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL PARAMETERS IN SCHOOL CHILDREN WITH DIFFERENT HEART ADAPTATION TO THE PHYSICAL ACTIVITY DURING THEIR WORK AT THE COMPUTERThe study focuses on the relationship between school children physiological and biochemical parameters and heart adaptation to the physical activity in working at the computer. It was found that the changes to the parameters studied depended on the schoolchildren heart adaptation to physical activity.
Bayramgulova G.R., Yunusbaev U.B., Rafikova N.R. THE SOIL AS A SUBSTRATUM FOR DEVELOPMENT OF ASCARIS LUMBRICOIDES L., 1758In the Bashkir Trans-Urals, the ascarid eggs development on the surface in the steppe zone during spring and summer period is more 15-25 days; during autumn and winter period more 90-110; in the forest-and-steppe zone is more 20-40 and 110-130; in the mountain-and-forest zone is more 25-50 and 125-150; at the depth of 20 cm is more 25-40 and 100-120; 30-50 and 130-140; 35-60 and 140-170 days accordingly. The conditions for the ascarid eggs development on the surface in the steppe zone are formed since the 2-nd decade of April until the 1-nd decade of October; in the forest-and-steppe zone – since the 3-d decade of April until the 3-d decade of September; in the mountain-and-forest zone – since 1-nd decade of May until the 2-nd decade of September.
Kuryakova Т.А., Teterin А.P., Kaykova Т.V. SPECTRAL CONDITIONALITY OF SOIL PARAMETERSThe article provides an analysis of the spectral and quantitative causation of the humus for the two time reckonings. The analysis result are given for the normalized research matrixes and for the ranked normalized research matrixes.
Salnikova N.A., Salnikov A.L., Tyugay Z., Polyanskaya L.M., Egorov М.А. THE ESTIMATION OF CARBON RESERVES IN THE HYDROMORFIC SOILS OF THE VOLGA RIVER DELTA The study on the assessment of the carbon content in the hydromorphic soils of the River Volga delta have revealed percentage of the organic carbon up to 96% and up to 8% of the non-organic carbon. The role of microorganisms in the biosphere functions of soils. The percentage of the microbial biomass carbon in the carbon reserves out of the total soil organics ranged from 10.1 to 31.2%.
Deryabin D.G., Mikhaylenko N.A., Kobzeva Т.G. THE VARIANCE ANALYSIS OF THE ALKYL PHENYL ALCOHOL EFFECTS IN THE SYSTEMS "FERMENT-SUSTRATUM"AND "ANTIGEN- ANTIBODY"The significance of the alkyl phenyl alcohol (APA) impact on the reaction components "Ferment-Substratum" and "Antigen-Antibody" was quantitatively assessed through the variance analysis method. It was found that in these two-component systems the C1-APA acted both through modification of functional activities of the protein molecules and alterations of the substratum characteristics and, in particular, antigens. On the other hand, most significant action mechanism of the C6-APA was found to be its direct modifying impact on the ferment activity and antigen-binding capabilities of the antibodies.
Brudastov Yu.А., Zhurlov О.S., Kolinichenko Е.V., Grudinin D.А. ACTIVE OXYGEN METABOLITES IN THE PHAGOCYTOSISThe work provides up-to-date data on the role of active oxygen metabolites in the phagocytosis. Special authors' attention is given to the sequence of the activation of the oxygen-dependent mechanisms in the phagocytes and comparative effectiveness of the bactericidal action implemented by most significant oxygen radicals.
Zhurlov О.S., Kolinichenko Е.V., Grudinin D.А., Brudastov Yu. A. RESISTANCE OF MICROORGANISMS TO SUPEROXIDANION, NITROGEN OXIDE AND PEROXINITRITE AS A FACTOR OF THEIR SURVIVAL IN THE PHAGOCYTOSIS Through using 23 cultures of the Escherichia coli and 23 cultures of Staphylococcus aureus, with different levels of resistance to the active forms of oxygen gas (AFO; superoxidanion, nitrogen oxide and peroxinitrite), the study determined parameters for variability of the bactericidal action implemented by the human blood neutrophils under standard phagocytosis conditions in vitro. On this basis a comparative study was undertaken to assess the contribution from the bacteria ferments-antioxidants and their resistance to AFO in the process of survival under phagocytosis.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |