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№ 2 2008

Humanitarian sciences

Yurtaev S.V. FORMATION OF TEXT CONNECTEDNESS IN WRITTEN SPEECH OF STUDENTS One side of speech activity is described in this article. Particularly, the process of formation of relations between sentences is discovered here. Primary the author proves theoretically means of such relations guarantee. He gives examples of their using by students, shows dynamics, and distinguishes predominant features. Thereby he enriches scientific knowledge about speech development of pedagogical process subject, which can be set in motion at working out of its applied aims and tasks.
Makhrova M.V., Khuzina A.Kh. TO THE QUESTION ABOUT DETERMINATION OF LEGAL CAPACITY CRITERIAThe criteria of legal competence are analyzed in this article. Correlation of the concepts "capacity" and "competence" is regarded here. Comparison of two educational paradigms is given. One of them is oriented on knowledge, another is concerned of personality. Factors influenced on the level of legal competence are revealed in this work.
Vasilenko I.A. ROLE OF ADVERTISEMENT IN FORMING AND TRANSLATION OF FAMILY VALUES IN MODERN SOCIETY This article is devoted to the analysis of the problem of advertisement participation in the process of forming of family values translation. Short results of researches of commercial and social TV advertisement on the subject of translations’ rate of family values by means of advertisement are given in this work.
Zemtsova T.N. PROBLEM OF INFORMATION AREA FORMATION OF SMALL TOWNS IN RUSSIA (ON THE EXAMPLE OF ORENBURG)This article is devoted to the problems of informational area formation of small Russian towns, as towns, having huge industrial and scientific potential, act as centers of informational-technological relations. Competitiveness of national economy depends to a large extent on effective using of industrial-informational potential of small towns and determination of strategy and trends of their development.
Novik O.S. TO THE PROBLEM OF PERSONALITY OF A DIRECTOR AT FOREIGN PSYCHOLOGY The author regards classical approaches to the problem of personality of a director at foreign literature: features’ theory, behavioral approach, situational theories, their peculiarities and limits; and also modern theories of leadership.
Pisarchik L.Yu. PHILOSOPHY OF CULTURE AND METHODOLOGY OF HISTORICAL COGNITION OF FRIEBURG (BADEN) SCHOOL OF NEOKANTIANISMThis article is devoted to ideas of two great representatives of Baden school of Neokantianism - V. Vindelband and G. Rikkert, who realized great turn in European philosophy at the end of XIX century and beginning of XX century. Their works played a great role in development of such philosophical science as cultural philosophy and axiology. Besides this they contributed in working out of humanitarian cognition methodology. General ideas of Vindelband and Rikkert in the spheres of named branches of philosophical knowledge are regarded in this article.

Economic sciences

Chaikovsky D.G. INTERREGIONAL TRADE AS A FACTOR OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE REGION General preconditions of interregional cooperation forming in form of interregional trade and its influence on social-economic position of the region are regarded in this article, and also possible structure of interregional trade market is given and its peculiarities are revealed. The analysis of modern condition of interregional trade of Orenburg region is given in this work.
Smagin S.V. EFFECTIVE FORMS OF BANKRUPT ENTERPRISES REORGANIZATION ON THE EXAMPLE OF OAO "URALSKAYA STAL" (NOVOTROITSK, ORENBURG REGION)Enterprises’ reorganization in different forms is suggested in this article as a mechanism of their paying capacity reconstruction. Reformation as an effective method of reorganization was fulfilled in OAO "Uralskaya stal" with aim to attract borrowed current assets for realization of technical re-equipment program. Finally it leaded to financial improvement of this enterprise.
Kokarev D.V. ENVIRONMENT AND COMPETITIVENESS OF THE ENTERPRISE Questions of environment influence on competitiveness of the enterprise in modern conditions are regarded in this article. Author’s grouping of environment factors is given here. Peculiarities of "close" and "distant surrounding" on enterprise are revealed in this work.
Akhtarieva L.G. MODERN TASKS OF ECONOMIC REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENTThis article is devoted to problem of practical realization of strategy of regional development, which demands determination of its realization mechanisms: normative-legal, financial-economic, organizational, social-political, and also modern instruments of analysis and influence, by means of strategical planning, target program, indicated plans and others. Recommendations of first-priority practical organizational-economic tasks of management in RB are given in this work.
Bulyarskaya S.A., Bulyarsky S.V. AUTONOMOUS ORGANIZATIONS AS OBJECTS AND SUBJECTS OF ECONOMIC ACTIVITY OF REGIONAL INNOVATION SYSTEMS Characteristics of autonomous organizations - new economic-legal form organizations, which was entered with Federal Law RF N 174 "About autonomous organizations", adopted in November 03, 2006 are researched in this article. Characteristics of autonomous organizations are compared with characteristics of autonomous non-commercial organizations. It is shown that as an object of management autonomous organizations are characterized with high controllability, simple system of control, rational independence at decisions solution. At the same time autonomous organization is under hard control of founder and limited in property disposal, which are on its balance. In legislation plan it is non-commercial organization, but in fact it has characteristics of state organization.
Akhtariev R.R. SOME PECULIARITIES OF DAIRY PRODUCTS MARKET REGULATION IN REPUBLIC OF BASHKORTOSTAN Peculiarities of dairy products market in Russia and Republic of Bashkortostan are regarded in this article, and also recommendations of state regulation of dairy products market in Republic of Bashkortostan are worked out.
Buresh O.V., Gerbeeva L.Yu. DEVELOPMENT OF LAND MANAGEMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF TRANSFORMATIONS MANAGEMENT OF LAND OWNERSHIP RELATIONS Preconditions of land management development are grounded in this article, also its individuality which is part of existence of management system of land ownership relations transformation is shown here. Priority value of land management which consists in its strategical development - guarantee of stable development of land market is revealed in this work.
Pikulev E.I. ABOUT INTRODUCTION OF SYSTEMS OF QUALITY MANAGEMENT IN COMMERCIAL BANKSThe reasons of introduction of quality management systems in Russian banks are researched in this article, also general principals of standard ISO 9001 using in bank sphere are analyzed, and appraisal of advantages of SMK projects introduction is given here. The attempt of analysis of existing situation of SMK introduction in Russian commercial banks is made and examples of introduction are given in this work.

Natural sciences

Kutlunina N.A., Belyaev A.Yu. GENOTYPICAL VARIETY AND CLONAL STRUCTURE IN POPULATIONS OF TWO CLOSELY RELATED DIVISIONS OF TULIPS IN SOUTHERN URAL Genotypical variety in three populations of abortive triploid - streamside tulips (Tulipa riparia) and two populations of diploid division - tulip of Bibershtein (T. biebersteiniana) is researched with method of isoenzyme analysis. Reasons of high genotypical changes of T. riparia and possible mechanisms of clonal structure forming are discussed in this article.
Gavashely G.Sh., Shkhagapsoev S.Kh., Tkhazaplizheva L.Kh. TO THE FLORA ANALYSIS OF HIGHER-BALKAR ARID KETTLEInformation about taxonomic and bioecological structure of xerophilous floristic complex of Higher-Balkar arid kettle in Kabardino-Balkaria Republic is given in this article. Analysis of species placement at altitudinal belts is given here and also phytosozological analysis is given. A number of rare and subject to protection species are revealed and preserve formation on the territory of their placement is suggested in this work.
Mullagulov R.Yu., Redkina N.N., Yanbaev Yu.A. ALLOZIME VARIABILITY OF PETIOLATE OAK QUERCUS ROBUR L. (FAGACEAE) IN ISOLATED POPULATIONS ON THE EAST BORDER OF AREA Genetic structure of two isolated populations of petiolate oak, located on the last East border of area in extreme ecological conditions for division is researched with using of isoenzyme markers of 17 locuses on the territory of Bashkiria trans-Ural. Uniqueness of their genofond and relative weak intersample subdivision are revealed in this article.
Burakova A.V. PECULIARITIES OF CONTAMINATION OF BACKGROUND AND URBANIZED TERRITORIES WITH HELMINTHES OF MOOR FROGS Information about contamination with helminthes of moor frog Rana arvalis on background and urbanized territories of South of Tyumen region is given in this article. Differences consist in variation of specific structure of trematodes, decrease of occurrence and helminthes abundance on the city territory, changes of parasites dominance structure.
Safonova V.Yu. SANITARY AND BIOLOGICAL APPRAISAL OF FRESH BEEF, GOT FROM RADIATION-EXPOSED ANIMALS The results of research of beef quality got from animals subjected to external influence of ionizing radiation are given in this article. At the same time it is established that at organoleptic, physical-chemical and microscopical indexes fresh beef got from once radiation-exposed animals at latent period with acute radiation sickness do not differ from meat of intact animals and correspond to demands of fixed State Standards. At the same time general microbial seedness of beef muscular layers has some tendency to increase. Relational biological value of tested beef studied on the culture of "tetrachimen periphormis" infusorian and growing infant rats does not differ from control analogs. Fulfilled work has practical meaning for receipt of animal products at emergency situations connected with increase of radiative background.
Rostovstev V.L. PHYSIOLOGICAL INDEXES CHANGES OF ORGANISM OF ELITE SPORTSWOMEN UNDER INFLUENCE OF LONG-TERM SPECIFIC METABOLISM OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES Information about different adaptative changes of indexes of gas exchange, CHSS and peripheral blood of elite sportswomen in three types of sport: wrestling, synchronized swimming and cross-country skiing is given in this article. It is shown that difference in structure and composite structure of these indexes is harmonized with character of long-term professional physical activity.
Baranovskaya I.B., Onishchuk S.A. HEMOGLOBIN OF RETICULOCYTES IN DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSTICS OF ANEMIA Meaning of reticulocytes hemoglobin content in differential diagnostics of asiderotic anemia, anemia of chronic diseases and their combinations is regarded in this article. Mathematical model giving pictorial presentation of relation of serum iron and latent connecting peculiarity of blood serum with reticulocytes hemoglobin content is constructed in this work.
Lysakov V.S. STUDYING AND ANALYSIS OF "V"-TYPES DEFECTS IN QUARTZDefects of V2, V and V1-types in low-temperature α-quartz with spectroscopic methods are researched in this article. Their structural-geometric models were suggested here. Mechanisms of studying of analyzed SiO2 are suggested with help of methods of thermic luminescence, optical absorption, photo- and roentgenoluminescence and data of spectral analysis.

Technical sciences

Rassokha V.I., Bondarenko E.V., Isaichev V.T. WORKING OUT OF SYSTEM FOR CONTINUOUS REGULATION OF TOE-IN OF VEHICLE AT MOVEMENT Regulation process of toe-in of vehicle is regarded as an object of management. New methods and constructive solutions of system for realization of such regulation at the process of movement are described in this article.
Sultanov N.Z., Parshin I.N. REVIEW OF PERSPECTIVE METHODS OF QUALITY INCREASE OF TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESS OF AERIAL-CHEMICAL WORKS The aim of this work is review of satellite navigation systems GPS and ГЛОНАСС, and also methods of air-boats position determination, which can be used for technological process automation of aerial-chemical works conducting. At the same time it is necessary to determine optimal method which will work with local coordinate system, not touching geographical coordinates and standard systems of aircrafts.
Medvedev V.M., Mishchenko V.I., Gizatullin I.M. COST MODELING OF PRODUCTS OPERATIONThis article is devoted to working out of model of cost forming of products operation as a function of more essential operating factors, and also influence of modern methods of repair on cost parameters.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

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