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April 2020, № 2 (225), pages 83-88

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-225-83

Fomina M.V., Mikhailova E.A., Zherebyateva O.O., Kirgizova S.B., Lyashenko I.E., Sokolova O.Ya. VALUABLE ORIENTATIONS OF FOREIGN STUDENTS UNDER SOCIAL INTERACTION UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENTRussian universities are actively positioning themselves on the international export market of educational services, and therefore educational migration has become the realities of our day. Significant is the formation of the value orientations of foreign students in the aspect of social interaction in the educational environment of the university.
We conducted a study on the diagnosis of value orientations of foreign students of a medical university according to the method of S. Schwartz. The statistics of answers showed that the most significant for students in this period of life are the achievements associated with educational success (80.8 % of respondents). According to the data obtained, being in a foreign country, foreign respondents in 82.2 % of cases put priority on the well-being of people close to them. In turn, 78.1 % of foreign respondents noted for them the importance of independence and freedom that they received when they came to study in Russia. As the study showed, power and tradition are not a priority for entering the educational environment of the university for respondents (among 80.8 %). At the same time, 76.7 % of Indian students do not prioritize manifestations of social power, such as controlling other people and managing their actions. With regard to material security, 60.9 % of respondents prefer to think more about the soul than about the material, which may be explained by differences in incomes of families of students. Response statistics showed that 72.0 % of young people rate safety as not very important, which indicates a comfortable stay in Russia.
Thus, the educational environment in the context of the higher education system is decisive in the formation of personal values and the disclosure of the internal potential of foreign students, thereby significantly determining the image, prestige and relevance of the university.
Key words: words foreign students, value orientations, internationalization of education.


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About this article

Authors: Fomina M.V., Mihaylova E.A., Zherebyatyeva O.O., Kirgizova S.B., Lyashenko I.E., Sokolova O.Ya.

Year: 2020

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-225-83

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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