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Kolobova L.V., Ksenofontova A.N.1, Moroz V.V.
The introduction of digital educational environment is caused by global changes that the education sector is currently experiencing. One of the strong and constant arguments in favor of the integration of digital technologies in education is their contribution to improving the teaching and learning situation. From this point of view, the government develops and implements digital integration policies, educational entities develop “technopedagogical” practices, and scientists study the consequences in order to identify their effectiveness for teaching and learning. Thus, educational, political and scientific issues related to digital technologies in education have united around the issue of the impact of digital technologies on the educational process. For decades, the perception of digital technologies in education has been dominated by the paradigm that digital technologies carry educational potentials that can change the situation. And, in this case, the task of educational entities, politics and science is how to actualize these potentials so that they have a concrete and noticeable impact. Digital technologies, in terms of their impact on improving the teaching and learning situation, are essentially the driving force of progress and effectiveness of education. By overestimating the role of digital technologies, we neglect the role of educational subjects. Reduced to the role of performers, their main task will be to not hinder the influence of digital technologies, providing them with optimal conditions for realizing their potential. In addition, such a paradigm is an oversimplification of the pedagogical situation, according to which digital technologies are perceived as a determining factor in teaching and learning in a cause-and-effect relationship. The use of multimedia opens the way for students to more independent study of the subject. Properly organized and supported multimedia work with students allows the teacher to activate the processes of knowledge acquisition. In turn, this implies, on the part of both the teacher and the student, mastery of technological culture.

Zair-Bek E.S., Ksenofontova V.V.
The development priorities of the Russian society are focused on increasing the level of human capital of the country, the main resource of which is gifted children. The prospect of building a system of support for gifted children is based on school education, which is subject to requirements to ensure quality work with talented young people. School as a social institution in the conditions of continuous socio-political and economic transformations implements pedagogical support of self-actualisation of gifted children in accordance with the needs of society in a graduate who has stable developed abilities, orientation to self-development, self-identification in a certain field of knowledge. State policy in the area of the development and support of gifted children is in constant development. Thus, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 17.11.2015 No. 1239 ‘On Approval of the Rules for Identifying Children Who Have Demonstrated Outstanding Abilities and Supporting Their Further Development” (as amended on 27.05.2020) regulates the algorithm for supporting gifted and talented children, the mechanism for identifying their abilities and measures for successful self-realisation in the future of professional activity. The national system of support for gifted children is implemented in a variety of projects: the educational foundation ‘Talent and Success” identifies and supports the further development of gifted children; the project for the creation of regional centres ‘Mini-Sirius” for the dissemination of best practices of methods of work with gifted children ‘Sirius”; a new model of supplementary education for children within the framework of the initiative of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives provides the work of technoparks, creating an infrastructural environment for the accelerated development of children. At the same time, the results of the VTsIOM survey (2019) show that gifted children in modern Russia eventually become ordinary adults and do not realise their abilities (52%). The development of gifted children”s abilities stops when the involvement of parents and teachers in purposeful support of the uniqueness of the child”s talent stops (38%). The study also indicates that pedagogical support for gifted children should be based on the child”s self-realisation, strengthening his/her abilities for further independent work in the chosen direction. However, the systems of work with gifted children available in modern schools do not fully meet the requirements of society and the state.

Ksenofontova A.N., Ledeneva A.V.
Digitalization of education is viewed as an inevitable process of transformation of the content, methods and organizational forms of educational work, unfolding in a rapidly developing digital educational environment and aimed at achieving the goals of the country’s socio-economic development in the context of the fourth industrial revolution and the emergence of the digital economy. The relevance of studying the development of the digitalization trend in education is determined by the special role of education in the life of modern society, which is guided by the principles and values of the post-industrial era. The quality of human potential, the readiness of people to withstand natural and social challenges largely depends on the efficiency of the education system. In the process of improving national education, modern technologies are acquiring an increasing role every year, the introduction of which contributes to the modernization and development of education, as well as improving the quality of training of future specialists and bringing education and science closer together. At the same time, such technologies require a revision of existing approaches to educational activities, as well as an analysis of their impact on society and individual social groups. In this regard, the study of issues of digitalization of education and its social consequences seems to be a very relevant area of scientific research. The purpose of this article was to identify the main problems and determine the prospects for the formation of digitalization in the field of education. The opportunities and threats of digitalization of the educational environment integrate the problems of socialization, the transfer of implicit knowledge. The main idea for the development of modern education is: “The education system is the field where we still have chances. Moreover, we are talking about not very large-scale investments. The main thing is new ideas”. Prospects for digitalization of education are aimed at solving practical issues related to the implementation of the state policy of digitalization of various spheres of public relations. They can contribute to the coordination of efforts of scientists, politicians, civil society institutions for the socio-economic and cultural development of our society. The results obtained allow a more objective and meaningful approach to the fundamental problems of managing the cultural policy of modern society. They are designed to stimulate the creation of new forms of culture on the basis of the priorities of harmonizing national cultural characteristics and the specifics of world techno-scientific processes.

Ksenofontova A.N., Ledeneva A.V.
The actualization of the methodological aspect of the content and organization of modern education is disclosed in this article when resolving the contradiction between the requirements of the state and society for the development of a competent person at each level of education and the lack of sound scientific and methodological tools in the practice of education. The generalization of methodological foundations allows you to competently and clearly design the educational process, focused on a specific result. The process of personality development in the prism of methodological foundations is associated with the improvement of certain qualities regulated by educational standards. For the successful implementation of this process, the authors substantiated the competency-based approach as the leading one in the methodological foundations of modern education.
The theory of education involves the choice of support (foundation) of the activities of the teacher and student. To date, the methodology of personality development in education sets the competency-based approach. The article defines the competencies that characterize the personality of a graduate who is ready for effective life in society or at work. The productivity of the competency-based approach from the perspective of methodological foundations is described by the authors through task methods that provide a link between theory and practice, knowledge and ability to act.
The first result of the authors’ study is directed to the system of preschool education, in which problem-solving teaching methods are applied. For the kindergarten, the priority goal is the harmonious development of the child and his preparation for school. The problematization of the educational process is designed to ensure high-quality continuity of the educational programs of preschool and elementary education, to form the necessary competencies of the child and ensure his social adaptation.
The second result in the article is presented by the characteristic of the methodological support of school education based on educational and cognitive tasks. The period of study at school is associated with the formation of a person who is ready to independently carry out cognitive activities. The authors present three types of educational and cognitive tasks that solve the problem of the formation of the subjective position of the student.
The third result of the study in the article contains the methodological foundations of professional and higher education, which are based on case study technology. The use of cases in colleges, technical schools and universities makes it possible to integrate the learning process with future professional activities, to form not only universal or general cultural competencies, but also to develop the value world of a future specialist in a certain professional field.

Ksenofontova A.N., Eremina A.P.
The current stage of development of a network society determines the updating of the goals, objectives and content of professional training of undergraduates. A graduate in demand with the skills and competencies of the 21st century, ready for a successful life and work in conditions of complexity and uncertainty, capable of acting actively in the era of digital transformation is in demand. Substantive changes in the curriculum are gaining importance by enriching its content with a “digital component”. This determines the need to study the theoretical foundations of network educational interaction in the preparation of undergraduates in pedagogical areas.
As a result of theoretical research, we found that the analyzed theory is formed at the junction of two areas in pedagogy: connectivism and social constructivism. Connectivism, like learning in the digital age, characterizes the use of distance interaction technologies, the spread of mass online courses and the construction of educational interaction in network communities. Social constructivism determines the features of interaction with information and the construction of knowledge that occurs in network activities. Scientific and educational networks are becoming a source of new knowledge and experience in joint activities. It is determined that in a global network, changes in personality occur. The phenomenon of “network personality” appears, which develops in both real and virtual space. There is a need to design the analytical environment as a new educational space, as well as to prepare the teacher for network educational interaction. An important means of professional training for undergraduates is the online educational program.
Our review of leading ideas allowed us to establish the formation of the theory of network educational interaction. Her study will expand the understanding of undergraduates about the content and directions of this type of interaction, ways of organizing with network partners, allow them to participate in the innovative development of educational organizations, and will also serve as the basis for finding ways to effectively interact with a “network personality”.

Ksenofontova A.N., Ledeneva A.V.
The problem of the development of a professional career refers to different areas of human activity, including pedagogical. A modern teacher needs to meet not only the requirements of society, but also the professional standard, as well as the qualification framework determined by the educational organization. In this connection, the article is devoted to an actual topic that reveals the problematic field of development of the professional career of the teacher, its characteristics, features and content. The article confirms the timeliness and severity of the study of the career growth of the teacher, provides normative and analytical data indicating the need to develop the professional career of the teacher in accordance with the stages and types of the phenomenon being studied. On the basis of interdisciplinary analysis, the definition of the professional career of a teacher is defined, based on the category of “relationship” to the profession and pedagogical activity in general. The stages of the career, the basic human needs, the classification of the main types, types and models of the career, the content of which was included in the substantiation of the essence of the professional career of the teacher, are shown. The main content of the article is based on the characteristic of technological support for the development of the professional career of the teacher. Disclosing the ways of career growth, it is justified that the most successful among them is the method of “managerial duels” and methods based on the use of software and software applications. The conclusion of the article is the construction of a perspective for the development of the professional career of a teacher in continuous education (courses of advanced training, training in magistracy, professional retraining, in-house training, self-education). Integration of the formal, informal and informational education of the teacher predetermines the success of the development of his professional career along with the professional competencies necessary for effective professional activity.

Ksenofontova A.N., Ledeneva A.V.
Significant changes in education related to the increasing technological opportunities offered by Open Educational Resources (OER) and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) let us develop new approaches to solve the problems connected with limited perception of new knowledge. This makes possible to make learning more efficient due to personalizing the education content which involves information about the participants of the educational process. A wide variety of approaches to defining personal educational environment requires specifying the conceptual framework of this phenomenon. As a result of the study we have described special characteristics of personal educational environment as well as individual and private environment. We have discovered that personal educational environment is based on the process of self-education (autodidacticism) organized by means of information and communication technologies. Personalized education refers to education in which the pace of learning and teaching approaches are adjusted to a particular learner's needs. Methodological approaches, goals of education as well as its contents — all can vary depending on learners' needs. Besides, educational activities in this context act as a sense-making element of the personal educational environment as they aim at increasing the learner's enthusiasm and interest. The main conclusion of the study is substantiating the Personological and Activity approaches for the purposes of designing personal educational environment based on the principles of innovative pedagogics. We have also described the specific principles of creating personal educational environment. The process of its creation includes seven sequential steps carried out in certain structural and pedagogical conditions, such as maintaining learners' motivation to learn; enriching the contents of education with innovative ways of learning contributing to learners' developing into active and creative doers; getting the participants of the educational process involved in autodidacticism based on information and communication technologies.

Ksenofontova M.V.
This article is devoted to the problem of normative regulation of modern international economic relations. One of specific peculiarities of modern international economic relations is their “regulative component”, which includes as international-legal norms as increase value of illegal norms. Community of regulation subject allows joining such different norms in international economic normative system.

Ksenofontova A.N., Tabakova E.P.
The authors apply to the problem of personality self-determination at competitive activity. Conditions (pedagogical support, creation of success situation, senior pupils involving into competitive activity), promoted senior pupils’ self-determination at innovation educational sphere are regarded in this article.

[№ 12 (app.1) ' 2005]

[№ 12 (app.1) ' 2005]

Ksenofontova M.V.
The problem of international and economic cooperation through modern international relations is regarded in this article. The questions of terminology, essence, nature, subject and norm structure of international and economic cooperation are searched here and multilevel system of international and economic cooperation is offered.

Ksenofontova M.V.
The given article is devoted to the problem of a legal status of the contracts concluded by subjects of Russian Federation with foreign partners. The questions are examined legal nature, specificities, contents, about the conclusion of agreements of subjects of the Russian Federation, their place in system of the right, and as sources of their right regulation.

Ksenofontova A.N.
This article reveals the experience of specialists in the sphere of pedagogic formation. The author analyses organizational conditions of pedagogic formation. The author analyses organizational conditions of pedagogic formation, states criteria, discusses the methods of pedagogic formation.

A.N. Ksenofontova
The article reflects the experience of the specialistsT activity in the sphere of expertise analysis. Expertise organization conditions, the criteria and the methods are explained and analyzed.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
Зарегистрировано в Федеральной службе по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций
Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ: Эл № ФС77-37678 от 29 сентября 2009 г.
Учредитель: Оренбургский государственный университет (ОГУ)
Главный редактор: С.А. Мирошников
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