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October 2015, № 10 (185)

Kalmykova O.G., Mjachina K.V., Velmovskyi P.V. ON VEGETATION COVER IN THE ZONE OF INFLUENCE OF POINT OBJECTS OF OIL AND GAS (FOR EXAMPLE, ORENBURG REGION)This article provides information about the composition and structure of vegetation from operating, liquidated and explored oil and gas production facilities, located in various parts of the Orenburg region. Total surveyed 19 point objects of oil and gas located in Orenburg, Perevolotskyi, Novosergievskyi, Akbulakskyi,Grachevskyidistricts of Orenburg region. It was noted the general character of vegetation, its structure, extent and causes of violations. Particular attention was paid to the protected species of the Red Book of Russia and the Orenburg region. It is found that the projected wells, and other oil and gas production facilities at the surveyed area often located on an already damaged before (as in the oil and gas production, and as a result of agricultural use) sites. Related to this is a small number of rare plant species found in the surrounding areas. It is shown that vegetation cover of the objects of study is represented by fields of crops with weedy plants, deposits in the initial stages and pastures with a strong degree of pastoral digression, sometimes damaged by the impact of the pyrogenic factor. It is noted that the composition of the vegetation at the sites of oil and gas is largely dependent on the zonal and subzonal provisions of the study area, as well as its environment (especially edaphic) features, but the general character of vegetation and forms of influence on it have similarities in all the studied areas.Key words: oilandgas, vegetationcover, groups of plants, plantcommunities.


1. Cherepanov S.K. Vascular plants of Russia and adjacent states (the former USSR). − St. Petersburg, 1995. − 990 p.

2. Resolution of the Government of Orenburg region from 26.01.2012 №67-p "On the Red Book of the Orenburg region"

3. The Order of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources "25" October 2005 №289 "On approval of lists of flora listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation and excluded from the Red Book of the Russian Federation".

About this article

Authors: Myachina K.V., Velmovskiy P.V., Kalmykova O.G.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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