Zubova L.V., Malakhova E.S. CHILD-PARENT RELATIONS IN THE ASPECT OF SEPARATION AND FAITH [№ 4 ' 2024] The year 2024 has been declared the Year of the family by decree of the President of the Russian Federation. The problem of «Fathers and children» is becoming particularly relevant, namely, the peculiarities of the relationship between parents and children, which had not previously been considered in the context of the relationship between separation and faith in modern psychological literature. Operationalizing the concept of «separation» and analyzing the psychological features of the separation of children from the parent family, it can be concluded that this is a natural process of growing up, one of the main tasks of child development and an integral part of the mechanism of personality socialization. Actualizing the problem of studying the phenomenon of trust and differentiating the definition of the concepts of «faith» and «trust», one can notice the influence of various aspects of the separation process on the personality of children and parents. A special role is assigned to the maternal figure in the process of upbringing, since it affects the further development and formation of the child’s personality. Various difficulties faced by teenagers affect their mental state, as well as interpersonal interaction with parents, peers, and relatives. Faith covers various aspects of family relationships: in terms of helping to overcome difficulties during the separation process that arise in communication between parents, a child and adults close to him. There are various recommendations for building child-parent relationships, ranging from infancy to college age. The phenomenon of separation and faith have not been considered together before.
Zubova L.V. PSYCHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF THE FEAR OF DEATH PERCEPTION IN MEN AND WOMEN OF I MATURITY [№ 4 ' 2023] The psychological and pedagogical perception of fear in men and women of first maturity was studied. This problem is widely discussed in the scientific community in connection with social needs and challenges occurring recently. In connection with the coronavirus pandemic and foreign policy tensions, this problem has caused great resonance in the scientific community, reflected in various scientific sources analyzing the problem of fear of death. Whether it is the basic basis of personality or a permanent crisis, tension and anxiety — all this is undoubtedly one of the most powerful experiences of a person for the rest of his life. A theoretical study was conducted of approaches to the perception of the fear of death and its experience at various stages of a person’s life, taking into account the individual psychological characteristics of the individual: mental pathology, depression, low need for achievement, reflexivity, sensitivity, locus control, religiosity and others. It is necessary to help a person overcome the fear of death, to reorient him towards important vital needs. Empirical material shows anxiety about the fear of death in middle-aged people. Gender and correlation analysis of the study reflects the whole range of facets of its attitude to this problem. The perception of death has a great impact on a person and his interpersonal relationships, as well as the perception of the picture of the world as a whole. This is especially important during the period of first maturity in men and women, which determines the sample for empirical research.
Zubova L.V., Aptikieva L.R. PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL RESEARCH OF PERSONALITY PROFESSIONAL DESTRUCTIONS IN LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS [№ 3 ' 2022] The need to develop effective measures of psychoprophylaxis of professional destructions among law enforcement officers by employees of the psychological service, whose ranks are annually replenished by graduates of OSU in the specialty “psychology of official activity”, determines the relevance of psychological and pedagogical research of the phenomenon of professional destruction of personality, factors of its formation. The purpose of the psychological and pedagogical research is to develop recommendations of a preventive nature in relation to professional destructions of personality in law enforcement officers. The priority tasks of the research are to generalize the theoretical and practical experience of research thematically related to ours; to study the phenomenon of professional destruction among employees empirically. The object of the study was law enforcement officers; the subject of the study is the professional destruction of the personality of employees. The result of the conducted psychological and pedagogical research is 1) formulation and clarification of the term of professional destruction of personality as a result of deformation of professional and personal qualities of a law enforcement officer under the influence of negative factors of the external environment of official activity (contact interaction with criminals; solving problems related to the choice of preventive measures and prevention of offenses, etc.); factors of intra-system service interaction (the order-executive nature of the relationship with the authorities, the team performance of official tasks, etc.); 2) identification by empirical means of professional destructions of personality among law enforcement officers (formal attitude to the performance of official tasks; transfer of official actions, stereotypes and attitudes to the off-duty space; negative changes in personal characteristics); 3) identification of psychoprophylactic conditions that inhibit the formation of professional destructions of the employee’s personality (development of professionally significant personal qualities; mastery of professional “psychotechnics”; work with the orientation of the personality and the strength of personal structures). The goal has been achieved: recommendations of a preventive nature have been developed in relation to professional destructions of the personality of law enforcement officers. The research objectives have been solved: the theoretical and practical experience of research thematically related to ours has been generalized; the phenomenon of professional destruction among employees has been empirically investigated.
Zubova L.V., Tron O.S., Shcheglova I.G. THE RELATIONSHIP OF PSYCHOLOGICAL SEPARATION AND ADAPTATION, ASOCIAL MANIFESTATIONS OF THE STUDENT’S PERSONALITY [№ 1 ' 2022] The subject of the study is the relationship of psychological separation on the adaptation of students who influence the prosocial orientation of the personality, and includes (assertiveness, adaptation, selfregulation). The object of the study is the psychology of the personality of a 3rd year student. The purpose of the study: to identify the relationship between psychological separation and adaptation of the student, determining the orientation of the student’s personality. The author reveals the content of the terms “psychological separation” and “social adaptation”. The theoretical substantiation of the relevance of the problem of psychological separation of students, which is considered by many authors in childparent relations as a phenomenon of “psychological separation”, is presented. The study of the process of psychological separation is of great importance for psychology as a science. It can be said that separation is one of the first processes that contributes to the formation of personality, and further determines the antisocial and prosocial orientation of the student’s personality. The main conclusion of the study is the results of statistical processing to identify the relationship between the indicators of the studied features. The problem of psychological separation is important for the student age, and an adequate resolution of this problem can affect the rest of his life. Criteria: students who do not live with their parents and have antisocial manifestations (disciplinary violations, the presence of codependency, complex mechanisms of relationships in the group). The scientific novelty consists in putting forward a provision on the possibility of minimizing the occurrence of antisocial manifestations of personality, and our study also indicates that the psychological separation of students needs to be accompanied to minimize undesirable behavioral manifestations, since antisocial manifestations of personality increases with the relocation of children to another city and separation from parents. Conclusions. The goal has been achieved: experimental and practical work has been carried out to measure the level of psychological separation and its components and social adaptation of 3rd year students, the relationship between the phenomenon of “psychological separation” and “social adaptation” has been empirically investigated.
Zubova L.V., Bendas T.V., Scherbinina O.A. ROLE OF AGGRESSION IN THE ADAPTABILITY OF SERVICEMEN OF THE FIRST YEAR OF CONSCRIPTION [№ 4 ' 2021] In the public consciousness, personal aggressiveness and various forms of its manifestation have a negative connotation due to their socially dangerous consequences. Nevertheless, in the professional activities of military personnel, some manifestations of aggressive behavior are considered as socially approved and provide them with an effective solution to their combat tasks. In this regard, the problem of studying the influence of the level and different forms of aggressiveness of a person not only on the solution of her professional tasks, but also on the process of entering the profession by a person, including the boundaries and possibilities of her adaptation and adaptability, as a result of the process under consideration, becomes particularly relevant. The practical significance of the study is determined by the frustrating nature of the conscription situation and living conditions for conscripts, which entails an increase in their interpersonal and intrapersonal conflict, accompanied by an increase in their level of aggressiveness, which can both facilitate and aggravate the adaptation process. The results of an empirical study of military personnel of the first year of conscription are presented, indicating the presence of inverse correlations of the character and levels of aggression in them (as states, as character traits, as temperament, autoaggression and heteroaggression) with the levels of their socio-psychological and emotional-activity adaptivity; as well as direct correlations of socio-psychological and emotional-activity adaptivity of the respondents. The data obtained allow us to consider the nature and level of aggression in conscripts as a prognostic marker of the success of the process of their adaptation to the conditions of service and its result in the form of socio-psychological and emotional-activity adaptability.
Zubova L.V., Tron O.S. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE LEGAL CONSCIOUSNESS DEFORMATION AMONG INTERNAL AFFAIRS BODIES EMPLOYEES AND MEDICAL WORKERS [№ 5 ' 2020] Professional legal awareness of law enforcement officers and its formation is not limited to obtaining a special education. It continues in the process of professional activity. It is at this stage that its deformation is possible. Of interest is the presence of the relationship between legal awareness and its deformation, depending on the specifics of professional activity. Namienno empirical study of the relationship between legal consciousness and the specifics of professional activity. Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs took part in the survey. Most of the respondents, regardless of their profession, have average indicators. This reflects their susceptibility to changing their attitude towards norms and rules, depending on the situation. We have identified the necessary ideal features of professional consciousness among law enforcement officers. They consisted in a positive attitude towards the law. A correlation was obtained for the dependence of the factor assessing the concept of “law” on the professional activity of the respondent and the authorities. The trend was revealed in relation to the assessment factor and profession. The deformation of legal consciousness reduces the productivity of official activity and carries negative social consequences and demoralization of the individual. That is why the importance of psychological support for professional activities is beyond doubt.
Zubova L.V., Gamova N.A., Girina A.N. FORMATION OF MOTIVATION OF PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY OF STUDENTS OF ECONOMIC DIRECTIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY [№ 4 ' 2020] The emergence of new production technologies put forward new requirements for a university graduate. In training, the formation of motivation for the professional activity of student training is actualized. The relevance of the phenomenon under consideration is due to the fact that motivation, acting as a conscious motivation, is a necessary factor in the volitional behavior of an individual, the basis for the professional development of an individual. To solve this problem, the authors studied the materials of theoretical and experimental research, reflected in the psychological and pedagogical literature on this topic. The content, forms and methods of motivation formation of professional activity of students of economic directions of the university have been developed. The analysis of curricula of special, economic, humanitarian and social disciplines at the university is carried out. An experimental check of the successful formation of motivation for the professional activity of students of economic directions of the university is carried out. As a result of the research, the value orientations and personal characteristics of students of economic directions, influencing the nature of motivation for professional activity, have been identified and characterized. The students’ emotional-cognitive attitude to the profession has increased, the motivation associated with further professional activity has increased. The motivation for achieving success from the work performed has increased; the attractiveness of the future profession has increased. The practical significance of the study is that the results obtained will allow teachers to take into account the nature of the motives of students of economic directions to professional activity when organizing the educational process.
Zubova L.V., Girina A.N. SPECIALIST PSYCHOLOGICAL READINESS FORMATION FOR PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY [№ 4 ' 2019] Transformations in all spheres of life and activity of the modern world do not stand still. There is a constant transformation and improvement of educational programs, new socio-economic conditions. Professional activity is significantly complicated, updating the internal, psychological resources of the individual. Stability, stability and quality of professional activity is determined by the characteristics of the psychological readiness of a specialist. The insufficiency of the methodology for the formation of a specialist’s psychological readiness for work is one of the problems facing the university today. The study of the state of the process of formation of specialist readiness for professional activity was carried out as a result of consideration of the curriculum of special, humanitarian and social disciplines at the university. Theoretical and experimental studies, reflected in the psychological and pedagogical literature in order to describe and justify the phenomenon of the specialist’s psychological readiness for professional activity, showed that the formation of psychological readiness for professional activity occurs when working in teams, when working on a project, with the participation of students in the formulation and the implementation of the problems associated with the future profession. The pedagogical interaction, based on co-creation, made it possible to prepare students for various professional duties in the educational process. The implementation of innovative technologies in the modern educational space has allowed the student to become a subject of educational activities and get the opportunity to fully realize their capabilities.
Zubova L.V., Kirienko A.A. TO THE QUESTION OF INTERRELATION OF MEANINGFUL ORIENTATIONS AND AGGRESSION OF TEENAGERS [№ 2 ' 2018] The main contents of article are devoted to studying of interrelation the of orientations and aggression of teenagers. The assumption that the specifics of manifestations of aggression are connected with contents of orientations of the personality has acted as a hypothesis. In the course of the empirical research the general selection of teenagers was divided into three subgroups according to the level of expressiveness of aggression (high, low, normal) and, using techniques of “SZhO” (D.A. Leontyev), Bass-Darki’s questionnaire and the techniques “Hand-test” (Z. Piotrovski and E. Wagner) were defined psychological portraits of groups of teenagers, the characteristic and the contents of orientations of teenagers, specifics of aggressive behavior of the personality were described, correlation communications between orientations and aggression were analyzed. It is established that the constructibility in communication with others, goodwill, avoiding of collisions and conflict situations is peculiar to teenagers with the low and normal level of expressiveness of aggression. Manifestation of aggression is possible only in especially significant situations, in other cases the verbal form of aggression is used. At the same time, they show great interest to events the lives, have specific goals and intentions, are convinced of the ability to influence the course of vital events. But there is a doubt in a possibility of their full implementation. It is revealed that teenagers with the high level of aggression are characterized by directivity, the aspiration to control others and to give them tough instructions. It is peculiar to doubt ability to realize the purposes, they less other groups are satisfied with life owing to its low emotional saturation. Manifestation of aggression is not only an admissible, but also desirable form of behavior which main characteristics are physical aggression, indirect and verbal, suspicion and irritability. Allows to claim the data received in a research that decrease in intelligence and emotional saturation of life can provoke the personality to application of aggressive forms of behavior by her.
Zubova L.V., Aptikieva L.R. ON THE ISSUE OF GENDER DIFFERENCES IN THE MANIFESTATION OF JUVENILE DELINQUENCY (ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE ORENBURG REGION) [№ 1 ' 2018] The urgency of the work is determined by the fact that the current state of juvenile delinquency in Russia can be assessed as ambiguous, since, on the one hand, official statistics show a fairly stable trend of recession and relative stability in the manifestation of criminal activity among minors in recent years and a decrease in their number in the colonies. On the other hand, this decline is largely due to demographic trends and a reduction in the size of this age group as a whole. The dominant factors of juvenile delinquency still retain their significance (violations of the process of socialization, adaptation due to the dysfunctionality of educational and family institutions, low effectiveness of preventive work at the family level, deterioration of the social and economic situation) and are potential risk factors for the dynamics of juvenile delinquency . Juvenile offenders (from 14 to 17 years of age) form an independent category with a special legal status and specific social and psychological traits. At the present time, the problems connected with the high level of latency of juvenile delinquency, which requires caution in official statistics, adolescents’ offenses against them, the increase in the proportion of juvenile female offenders, and the growing number of group crimes within groups different degrees of organization. The above facts require strengthening work on the development of institutes for the prevention of juvenile delinquency at the level of the family, school, local communities, creating channels of social mobility for adolescents who are outside the institution of the family or in any difficult life situation. In our study, using monographic and analytical methods of research, we examined gender differences in the manifestation of antisocial orientation in minors in the example of the Orenburg region. In pursuing this goal, we studied the differences between boys and girls in committing crimes; analyzed the statistical data of juvenile delinquency in Russia as a whole, and, in the Orenburg region, in particular; revealed gender differences in the manifestation of an aggressive orientation (selection: 160 people of the advanced teenage age, 14–17 years, pupils of general educational schools No. 64, No. 30 of Orenburg). In boys, aggression manifests itself more openly, rigidly, roughly, is less operated and controllable; the prevailing types: physical aggression (dominates at 80 %); irritation and negativism (dominates at 65 % and 55 % — respectively). In girls, verbal aggression predominates (it is significantly expressed at 80 %), indirect (75 %), suspiciousness (65 %) prevails.
Zubova L. V., Kirienko A.A., Nazarenko E. V. RESEARCH OF INFLUENCE OF AGGRESSION OF TEENAGERS ON THEIR SITUATION IN GROUP OF PEERS [№ 10 ' 2017] The research is directed to studying of interrelation of aggression of the teenager and the sociometric status in group. An empirical part of a research included two stages: the flight research and the main research directed to determination of level of aggression of teenagers, determination of their sociometric status and identification of interrelation between the level of aggression and the sociometric status of teenagers. The research has confirmed the assumption that the level of aggression is connected with the place taken by the child in group. The highest level of aggression is observed at the teenagers having the sociometric status referred to category “rejected”. The hypothesis that leaders have the high level of aggression hasn’t found confirmation.
Antsiferova L.M., Zubova I.K., Ostraya O.V. ABOUT THE COURSE OF THE HISTORY OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS FOR STUDENTS IN THE MASTER'S DEGREE PROGRAMME IN FIELD OF EDUCATION “APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND INFORMATICS” [№ 7 ' 2017] The basic principle of the so-called historical-genetic method of teaching mathematics is that the formation of mathematical knowledge the individual must in some sense repeat the historical path of formation of knowledge of all men in mathematics. In a relatively short period of training the student may not thoroughly understand all the details of the history of formation of mathematics as a scientific discipline. However, the basic reference points of its development should be known and should help in mastering the basics of this science. Historical-genetic method in teaching mathematical disciplines usually oppose logical method that does not involve a waste-to-side from a logically rigorous construction of the theory. Limiting this method in the educational process, teachers are often faced not only with the loss of student interest in the subject, but with the lack of understanding of the purpose of his study. Given this, we believe that in teaching mathematics it is reasonable to combine these two methods. Developed the course “History and methodology of applied mathematics” for students of specialty “mathematics” is treated as part of the introduction to the profession for students at the master's degree. It attempts to familiarize the reader with the basics of some aspects of mechanics and at the same time the history of the formation of the relevant scientific theories. The course is structured really helps students in learning new knowledge in new elds.
Zubowa L.V., Scherbinina O.A. THEORETICAL PREREQUISITES OF RESEARCH OF THE SUICIDE AS FORMS OF PERSONALITY ASOCIAL BEHAVIOUR [№ 9 ' 2014] The review of historically developed traditions of consideration of a suicide for the purpose of search of the theoretical bases for its studying as forms asocial (deviant, deviating) behavior of the personality is carried out; and also the analysis of the modern concepts confirming this idea
Gerasimenko S.A., Gamova N.A., Zubova I.K., Ostraya O.V. ON THE DIRECTIONS OF EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY IN HIGH SCHOOL (ON AN EXAMPLE OF THE ORENBURG STATE UNIVERSITY) [№ 2 ' 2014] The article reflects the experience of teachers in the Faculty of Mathematics and organizing educational activities, presents the structure, functions, principles and the role of educational activity in the formation of socially mature personality.
Zubova L.V., Kirienko A.A. TO THE PROBLEM OF AGGRESSIVE MANIFESTATIONS OF ADOLESCENTS WITH SOCIAL ORIENTATION OF THE PERSONALITY [№ 9 ' 2013] The article deals with the intrinsic characteristics and structure of adolescents with aggressive manifestations of social orientation of the person, considered meaningful directional characteristics of the individual, with correlation of aggressive interactions with the cognitive, emotional and evaluative, value-motivational and behavioral components of the orientation of the individual adolescent.
Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |