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June 2022, № 3 (235), pages 27-37

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-233-27

Zubova L.V., Aptikieva L.R. PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL RESEARCH OF PERSONALITY PROFESSIONAL DESTRUCTIONS IN LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERSThe need to develop effective measures of psychoprophylaxis of professional destructions among law enforcement officers by employees of the psychological service, whose ranks are annually replenished by graduates of OSU in the specialty “psychology of official activity”, determines the relevance of psychological and pedagogical research of the phenomenon of professional destruction of personality, factors of its formation. The purpose of the psychological and pedagogical research is to develop recommendations of a preventive nature in relation to professional destructions of personality in law enforcement officers. The priority tasks of the research are to generalize the theoretical and practical experience of research thematically related to ours; to study the phenomenon of professional destruction among employees empirically. The object of the study was law enforcement officers; the subject of the study is the professional destruction of the personality of employees.
The result of the conducted psychological and pedagogical research is 1) formulation and clarification of the term of professional destruction of personality as a result of deformation of professional and personal qualities of a law enforcement officer under the influence of negative factors of the external environment of official activity (contact interaction with criminals; solving problems related to the choice of preventive measures and prevention of offenses, etc.); factors of intra-system service interaction (the order-executive nature of the relationship with the authorities, the team performance of official tasks, etc.); 2) identification by empirical means of professional destructions of personality among law enforcement officers (formal attitude to the performance of official tasks; transfer of official actions, stereotypes and attitudes to the off-duty space; negative changes in personal characteristics); 3) identification of psychoprophylactic conditions that inhibit the formation of professional destructions of the employee’s personality (development of professionally significant personal qualities; mastery of professional “psychotechnics”; work with the orientation of the personality and the strength of personal structures).
The goal has been achieved: recommendations of a preventive nature have been developed in relation to professional destructions of the personality of law enforcement officers. The research objectives have been solved: the theoretical and practical experience of research thematically related to ours has been generalized; the phenomenon of professional destruction among employees has been empirically investigated.
Key words: destruction, professional destruction, personality, employees of internal affairs bodies, psychological and pedagogical prevention.


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About this article

Authors: Zubova L.V., Aptikieva L.R.

Year: 2022

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-233-27

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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