Panteleeva N.I., Fokin A.A., Roshchevskaya I.M. THE FUNCTION OF EXTERNAL BREATH OF RESIDENTS OF EUROPEAN NORTH UNDER ACUTE INFLUENCE OF HYPOXIC AND HYPEROXIC GAS MIXES [№ 9 ' 2016] The oxygen-transport function of respiratory and cardiovascular systems of a human being defines intensity of oxidation-reduction and thermoregulatory reactions of an organism, therefore the normal functioning of respiratory system is especially significant for residence in a cold climate. The geo-climatic peculiarity of Northern territories of Russia is characterized by sudden changes of air temperatures, high variability of meteofactors, and hypoxia. This complex of factors leads to a significant tension of respiratory system contributing to the development of pulmonary pathologies. Studying the external breath in residents of the North at provocation of contrast respiratory modes is an important problem of ecological physiology. The reaction of respiratory system to impact of hypoxia and hyperoxia in the young men living in the territory of the European North has been researched. Hypoxic influence was carried out at the 15-minute breathing of air with oxygen content of 11.0–12.3š%, hyperoxic influence was carried out at the 60-minute exposition by air with oxygen content of 75–85š%. Thus, the features of functioning of northerners' cardiorespiratory system formed by long-term adaptation to living in a cold climate were shown in different from normal parameters of flow velocity and volumetric flow rate characteristics of function of external breath, and they were reflected in insignificant reactivity of ventilation function during short-term influence of contrast oxygen modes. The compensatory reactions of external breath system during impact of the changed gas mixture occurred not at the expense of pulmonary amounts, but were directed to the change of bronchial resistance.
Balalin S.V., Fokin V.P. THE USE OF TRAVOPROST IN THE TREATMENT OF PRIMARY OPEN-ANGLE GLAUCOMA [№ 12 ' 2015] The results of the use of travoprost in the treatment of 186špatients with primary open-angle glaucoma (224šeyes). The selection of patients for medical treatment carried out on the basis of achieving the target intraocular pressure after instillation of 0.004š% solution of Travatan. 24šhours after instillation of the drug in patients performed repeated measurements of IOP investigated field of view, the ocular pulse is determined and the target tolerant intraocular pressure. Reducing elevated intraocular pressure to tolerance was assessed by improving hemodynamic parameters of the study eye ocular pulse: increasing the value of the elasticity index of intraocular vessels (IEIV) over 1.3šmm3/mmšHg and an index of the adequacy of blood supply to the eye, which should be less than 12šmmšHg/mm3. Intraocular pressure amid instillation Travatan decreased from (22,6š±š0,1)šmmšHg up to (14,5š±š0.1)šmmšHgš— 8.1šmmšHg (35.8š%) and it was 2.0šmmšHg below the average pressure tolerant (16,5šmmšHgš± 0.1šmmšHg). Tackling drug treatment using travatanovoy samples and identify tolerant IOP allowed to stabilize glaucomatous process against the background of medical treatment during the year in 96.8š% of cases (217šeyes). The results confirm the practical value travatanovoy sample and determine the clinical significance of a tolerant and target pressure in patients with primary open angle glaucoma. In order to achieve the stabilization of visual functions needed to fluctuations in intraocular pressure against the background of medical treatment did not exceed the tolerance pressure.
Kuznetsova O.S., Fokin V.P. THE ANALYSIS OF RESULTS OF EKSIMERLAZERNY SURGERY AFTER APPLICATION THE ORTOKERATOLOGICHESKIKH OF CONTACT LENSES [№ 12 ' 2015] Analysis of results of LASIK patients who applied to the operation orthokeratology lens. The results of LASIK in 50špatients (100šeyes). In the first group there were 20špatients (40šeyes) which are used to LASIK orthokeratology lenses (CPR). Experience carrying 6 months up to 1.5šyears. Patients using hard contact lenses reverse geometry "Emerald" company "Euclid Systems Corporation" (USA) of gas permeable material Opticon A with a range from –1.0 to –5,5šDptr refraction and indicators ophthalmometres from 41.0 to 45.5šdiopters. The second group consisted of 30špatients (60šeyes), which had LASIK surgery was used only spectacle correction (control group). The average thickness of the corneal flap was (118.2š±š4.3)šmm. After 1šweek after LASIK in the first group SE averaged (0.35š±š0.26)šdiopters, 1šmonthš— (0.4š±š0.18)šdiopters, 6šmonthsš— (0.4š±š0.12)šdiopters. After 1šweek of ELS in the second group SE was equal toš— (0.47š±š0.21)šdiopters, 1šmonthš— (0.41š±š0.13)šdiopters, 6šmonthsš— (0.35š±š0.12)šdiopters. BCVA at all follow-up of both study groups wasš1.0. Use of OKL in patients with myopic refraction does not adversely affect the course of LASIK surgery and has no effect on the results of excimer laser surgery.
Fokin V.P., Ezhova E.A., Balalin S.V. CONTACT CORRECTION OF AMETROPIA AFTER LASIK [№ 12 ' 2015] We observed 20 patients who had previously been held excimer laser vision correction. The median age wasš— 26.8š±š0.27šyears. Patients were divided into two groups of 10š(10šeyes). In groupš1 uncorrected visual acuity (UNCA) averaged 0.24š±š0.01, sphere-equivalent (SE) — 1.58š±š0.1šdiopters, best corrected visual acuity (BCVA)š— 0.98š±š0.01. In groupš2 UNCA averaged 0.23š±š0.01, SE — 1.63š±š0.1šdiopters, BCVAš— 0.99š±š0.01. Patients in one group were assigned to the soft contact lens (SCL) ("1-Day Acuvue TruEye") in daily wear. Patients in groupš2 were assigned orthokeratology contact lenses (OKL) ("Emerald"), used during sleep. Research UNCA, BCVA, SE, holding biomicroscopy was performed at 1, 3 and 6šmonths after the appointment of a contact lens (CL). Within 1 month of observation in the appointment of CL was obtained significant (pš<š0.05) increase and decrease UNCA, SE in groupš2. Significant differences in BCVA between the use of OKL and SCL has not been received (pš>š0.05), which indicates a positive effect on the equivalent of both options on the parameters KL BCVA. Using OKL, as well as SCL, allows to obtain high functional results of vision correction, and given a certain congruence of OKL and the profile of the cornea after LASIK, provides an additional opportunity to achieve a stable and comfortable vision for the patient.
Fokin V.P., Kuznetsova O.S. RESULTS OF APPLICATION OF OVAL RINGS AT OPERATIONS LAZIK [№ 12 ' 2015] Explore the possibilities and characteristics of the metal reusable vacuum ring with an oval hole for fixing when LASIK. The results of 426 LASIK with using metal reusable vacuum rings with an oval hole were analyzed. Excimer correction was performed by using excimer laser SCHWIND AMARIS (Germany). Metal reusable vacuum ring with an oval hole is well fixed on the eyes of patients with different diameter of the cornea. In 10š% of cases pointed cutting edge vascular network of the cornea, more pronounced in the upper part, especially in patients long-term use of contact lens. Metal reusable vacuum rings with an oval hole for fixing are easy-to-use and they allow to minimize trauma of marginal glomerulal vasculature, when horizontal corneal diameter ™ 10,5šmm. The nomogram to determine the amount of corneal flap legs optimal size. Recommended manufacture and use of the ring to "0" for the operations in the flat corneas to generate corneal grafts larger diameter.
Balalin S.V., Fokin V.P. OPTIC NERVE TOLERANCE AND INTOLERANCE IN NORMAL TENSION GLAUCOMA [№ 12 ' 2014] Definition of tolerant intraocular pressure and sensitivity index of the optic nerve to the intolerance of IOP with enhanced diagnostic capability of primary open-angle glaucoma. Normal pressure glaucoma should be considered as one of the clinical entities of primary open-angle glaucoma with a low level of tolerance of the optic nerve.
Kadatskaya N.V., Marukhnenko A.M., Fokin V.P. IMPLANTATION OF A THREE-PART IOL WITH SUTURE FIXATION IN THE CILIARY SULCUS [№ 12 ' 2014] IOL implantation with flexible optics and rigid haptics through phacoemulsification incision 2,75 mm with suture fixation of the support elements of the lens in the ciliary sulcus with the initial absence of capsular support allows you to achieve high clinical and functional outcomes, reduce the risk of complications during surgery and in the postoperative period, to optimize social rehabilitation of patients with severe initial state of the eye.
Fokin V.P., Makovkin E.M., Kuznetzova O.S. LONG-TERM RESULTS OF LASIK IN EYES WITH ULTRATHIN CORNEA [№ 12 ' 2014] There were analyzed results of myopic LASIK performed in 105 patients (210 eyes) with ultrathin cornea. Use of mechanical linear microkeratome "Moria" One-Use-Plus SBK provides a thin predictable corneal flap. Application of excimer laser Schwind Amaris allows achieving high visual functions and stable refraction in remote postsurgical period. Myopic LASIK is a safe, effective and highly-predictable surgery in patients with ultrathin cornea.
Balalin S.V., Fokin V.P. RISK FACTORS AND TOLERANT INTRAOCULAR PRESSURE IN PATIENTS WITH PRIMARY OPEN-ANGLE GLAUCOMA [№ 4 ' 2013] A study of target intraocular pressure was performed basing on values of tolerant pressure in 1310 patients (1638 eyes) with primary open-angle glaucoma. It was established that level of tolerant and target intraocular pressure tends to decrease with age increment, elongation of anterior-posterior eye globe dimension, aggravation of glaucoma stage. Increase of diastolic blood pressure in brachial artery is characterized by growth of tolerant and target values of intraocular pressure.
Fokin V.P., Gorbenko V.M. THE EXPERIENCE OF RADIO-WAVE GENERATOR SURGITRON APPLICATION IN SURGICAL TREATMENT OF STRABISMUS [№ 4 ' 2013] There were analyzed the results of 102 surgical procedures, performed in patients with strabismus. 70 surgeries were made with radio-wave generator Surgitron, while 32 were conventional knife surgeries. Application of radio-wave generator Surgitron in surgical treatment of strabismus is highly advisable in order to eliminate risk of hemorrhagic complications and to reduce duration of surgical operation.
Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |