Sikorskaya G.A., Tomina I.P. THE ATTITUDE OF A HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT TO COGNITIVE INDEPENDENCE AS A NECESSARY QUALITY OF PERSONALITY [№ 3 ' 2024] The strategic goal of the Russian state policy in the field of education is defined as improving the quality of education that meets the requirements of innovative economic development, modern needs of society and every citizen. In this regard, the main goal of individual human progress is the development of cognitive independence, which contributes to the disclosure of personal capabilities and abilities. The study, conducted using the methods of questionnaires and statistical analysis, identifies the main goals of educational activities from the point of view of high school students, including theoretical readiness for a future profession, the desire to be successful in life, interest in new knowledge, as well as interest in the very process of cognition. The reasons for choosing the priority of independent work opportunities are determined, such as the presence of a problem in which he is personally interested; choosing his own way to solve the task; obtaining his own result, significant for himself; having your own point of view. Thus, the main task of the development of cognitive independence, in the opinion of students, is the disclosure of their personal potential, the inhibiting factors in this case are, respectively, a large overload during the educational process, lack of opportunity for self-expression, lack of attention to individual work on the part of the teacher. Based on the analysis of the results of measuring the level of development of cognitive independence of high school students, motivation and readiness of high school students for independent activity, their assessment of the importance of independent work, as well as studying the attitude of high school students, teachers, parents to cognitive independence, the reasons for the development of cognitive independence as a necessary personality quality, now a high school student, later a university student, a professional in production, successful in human life.
Tomina E.F., Manohina S.Yu. CREATION OF MASSIVE OPEN ONLINE COURSES IN COMPLIANCE WITH DESIGN RULES AND COPYRIGHTS [№ 4 ' 2023] Open educational resources are used in higher education. The purpose of this article is to explore the design rules and regulatory frameworks for the development of massive open online courses through the use of digital tools in education. For the study, the stages of writing a massive open online course, developed by university teachers for students, taking into account the most optimal, comfortable design, are analyzed. For the implementation of educational activities, e-learning and distance learning technologies when implementing educational programs in the field of education using e-learning technologies and interactive participation through open access to the Internet, it is necessary to use legislative acts as a guide. A massive open online course is aimed at supporting the professional activities of a teacher, using methods and tools. The implementation of the course provides opportunities for active dialogue between student and teacher in a mixed format. The results of the study are intended for university teachers and organizations that provide advanced training for teaching staff in the field of implementing massive open online courses in universities.
Eremina N.V., Tomin V.V., Kanyukova J.V. ORGANIZATION IMPROVEMENT OF STUDENTS’ INDEPENDENT WORK IN CROSS-CULTURAL INTERACTION [№ 1 ' 2021] Currently, a very urgent problem in the university training system of students in foreign languages is the problem of designing educational and methodological complexes for classroom and extracurricular use. Analysis of this problem’s state in the context of social order allows us to note that the domestic market is insufficiently saturated with the required teaching aids. Existing textbooks differ, as a rule, either by a traditional formal approach or by a hypertrophied professional orientation and the absence of assignments aimed at independent extracurricular work. Educational and methodological complexes at the university level should be built based on communicative, sociocultural, and cognitive approaches. Raising the status of a foreign language in many countries’ education systems poses the task of creating new pedagogical, didactic, and methodological developments of conditions for improving the process of its learning. A characteristic feature of didactic aids is the versatility of their application. The structuredness of educational and methodological complexes in the form of multi-level blocks contributes to developing students of a scientific organization for the development of educational material, free orientation within the course, and the development of practical skills for performing control tasks. The main criteria for selecting material for students’ independent work are problematic, relevance, availability, adequacy, optimality of volume and complexity, the possibility of self-control and self-correction, and variability of tasks. Independent work in a foreign language in the context of cross-cultural interaction at non-linguistic faculties is an obligatory part of the educational process. The main goals are achieving an appropriate level of foreign language communicative competence and preparing graduates for an independent increase in foreign language proficiency. When planning and organizing students’ independent work in cross-cultural interaction, it is necessary to consider their readiness to perform this type of work: psychological, theoretical, practical.
Eremina N.V., Tomin V.V. THE EDUCATIONAL GAME AS A TECHNIQUE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF NON-LINGUISTIC STUDENTS FOREIGN-LANGUAGE SPEECH ACTIVITY [№ 2 ' 2020] Education faces the challenges of modern society, which is in high demand for effective tools for teaching foreign languages at a non-linguistic university. Today the main approach applied is a combination of traditional and intensive methods relying on a functional-communicative linguodidactic model. In the context of learning a foreign language, students not always have an opportunity for speech practice. The peculiarity of the discipline is that communication is the goal and means of learning. Thus, it is required to frame out the imaginary activities as an operational background of the communication (as means), and to show the necessity of speech acts, without which it is impossible to reach the goals of such activity. It is shown that the most productive way to arrange group communication in class is the educational plot-based role-playing game. Being a methodical technique belonging to the group of active methods of teaching practical knowledge and skills, yet, it is one of the forms of the speech situation organization, used for training purposes. However, the article describes an attempt to prove the advantages of a polylogical form of communication over the dialogic one. It was discovered that the number of game roles influenced the nature of the participants’ verbal interaction and the level of their overall involvement. Besides, regular role-playing in class allowed to raise the general learning level of most students gradually. The obtained results, conclusions, and recommendations allow more extensive use of role-playing for a foreign language learning and upbringing of students.
Sakharova N.S., Moroz V.V., Tomin V.V. METHODS OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS’ FOREIGN LANGUAGE COMPETENCE DEVELOPMENT [№ 3 ' 2019] In the era of globalization with the development of modern information tools, the communicative skills of students, the ability to clearly express their thoughts both in writing and verbally, gain priority. The development of the student’s value attitude to the process of learning a foreign language largely depends on the teacher’s ability to create an emotionally motivating atmosphere and on the choice of strategies, their successful value interaction with the student. During the pedagogical experiment, methodological support for the development of students’ foreign language competence was tested. Methodological support is represented by a set of organizational forms and methods, such as educational dialogue, educational text, intensification of foreign language material, projective assessment methods. The experiment involved more than two hundred students. We have found that during the educational dialogue at all stages of the development of foreign language competence, an axiologically significant professionally oriented environment is formed in the educational process. In this environment a valuable interaction occurs between students and the teacher, which contributes to the development of foreign language competence. Creative tasks activate students’ cognitive value-oriented activities, and the Internet and modern information and communication technologies significantly expand the foreign-language dialogue space. The effectiveness of the axiological environment was determined using comparative analysis in synchrony and diachrony. This study allowed distinguishing two stages of the educational process, built on the basis of value-semantic intensity, and focused on the development of foreign language competence. It was determined that the activation of the system-value communicative goal-setting mechanism is manifested in the development of student’s value orientations, motivation of professionally significant foreign-language activity. Axiologization of linguistic education and the use of creative value-oriented forms and teaching methods are pedagogical conditions for the development of students’ foreign language competence.
Sakharova N.S., Tomin V.V. CULTURAL AND EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT IN A POLY-ETHNIC CLASS: THE DEVELOPING POTENTIAL OF CROSS-CULTURAL INTERACTION [№ 10 ' 2017] Poly-ethnic groups of students are defined as “advanced groups”, because the participants of these groups demonstrate the most effective manifestation of tolerance, socio-cultural adaptation and social responsibility. The authors have studied the nature of cross-cultural interaction within these groups, which have a significant potential in terms of the development of tolerant consciousness. Observations of the activities of the poly-ethnic groups were conducted in the following age groups: (partly) senior pupils of general education schools, as well as bachelors and undergraduates of higher educational institutions of the Orenburg region. Presence of the allocated students’ qualities was measured by means of author’s techniques, among which the central place belongs to the method of identification. Correlation of types and levels of communication in various poly-ethnic groups, as well as types of value attitudes of participants in these groups, was revealed. The directions that activate the potential of cross-cultural interaction in such groups are described, the principles of creating a cultural and educational environment as the most important factor in shaping the personality traits of the student that determines its organic and complete self-realization in the multicultural space of the society are presented. In terms of the concept of cross-cultural interaction, the main value in the educational process is the student’s personality, as well as the personality of the teacher, and their common desire for comprehensive effective interaction. At the same time, every student, regardless of ethnic origin, language, political and speech differences, has the opportunity for their full personal and professional development. The developing potential of cross-cultural interaction in poly-national groups is determined by the flexibility of the pedagogical support system, the establishment of subject-subject relations among the participants of the interaction and is realized in the cultural and educational environment through the learning situations in the process of collective creative activity in the course of building knowledge about the multicultural world.
Semenova N.G., Tomina I.P. INTERMEDIATE PROJECTS METHOD IN CONDITIONS OF INTEGRATED ELECTRONIC EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES APLICATION [№ 10 ' 2017] One of the main tasks of vocational education informatization is to prepare a highly qualified, competitive specialist who is ready to carry out professional activities in the information society, including independently conducting research activities during projects execution that integrate the subject knowledge of several scientific fields. In this regard, the interdisciplinary projects method, relating to problematic tuition methods, acquires special significance in the technical university. Under the interdisciplinary projects method we mean such way of the training organization when in the process of educational (research) projects execution, students develop the skills to apply knowledge in solving educational (research) problems from other subject areas. In the context of vocational education informatization, the structure and content of the project method is changing, a new stage is “Software Implementation”, which activates the activities of both the teacher and the student. The teacher activity activization is related to the fact that he provides training to students not only in his subject area, but also in the use of electronic educational resources. The activation of students’ learning and cognitive activity is accompanied by the activity of recording their research results in an individual tasks block of an electronic portfolio or an electronic workbook, and also by developing a presentation on the research activities results. All this activates the student’s mnemonic activity, namely: the processes of understanding, memorizing, preserving and reproducing the studied material, which is fundamental for the implementation of projects that integrate the subject knowledge of several scientific fields. The use of electronic educational resources in the intersubject projects method is accompanied by the organization of a new information interaction of the educational purpose realized in the trinity: subject (teacher) — object (ESM) — subject (student). In the traditionally formed training system, the main participants in information interaction are only two: a teacher and a student. The result of organizing and conducting the learning process on the basis of the interdisciplinary projects method in the context of the integrated use of ESM is the twofold goal achievement: the professionally directed intersubject connections formation level increase and the increase the of ICT competence level.
Semenova N., Tomina I. THE INTEGRATED USE OF ELECTRONIC EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES IN THE PROCESS OF FORMATION OF PROFESSIONAL DIRECTED INTERDISCIPLINARY CONNECTIONS [№ 7 ' 2017] Mathematics in technical universities is the basis for the study of professional disciplines. often, however, have to face the fact that the students, having sufficient mathematical knowledge, can’t use them in solving professional problems. This is because the formation of the mathematical apparatus in the process of teaching mathematics students of technical profiles insufficiently professionally oriented. In this regard, of particular importance is the formation of interdisciplinary connections between the discipline of mathematics, and professional disciplines. Formation of professionally directed interdisciplinary connections in learning mathematics must be implemented with the help of new didactical means of education — electronic educational resources (EER), the structure and content of which are professionally oriented. Requirements for developing e-learning resources: the structure of the ESM structure didactic training cycle; computer visualization of educational material; compensation; professional orientation of content of e-learning resources, determine the structure and content of each section of electronic educational resources. The structure of e-learning resources developed by teachers that includes: setup-target; reference encyclopedias; e-notes; illustrations; explanatory; training; professional problems; test items; control. One of the successful ways of implementing the integrated use of ESM in the educational process is interdisciplinary project method, containing the following stages: organizational; research (educational); programmatic implementation of individual tasks; presentation of the results of the study. The result of the organization and conduct of the process of learning mathematics based on the proposed method of learning in the integrated use of the ESM is to achieve the twin goals: improving the level of formation of professionally oriented interdisciplinary connections; increase the level of ICT competence.
Gamova N.A., Kulish N.V., Tomina I.P. EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES INDEPENDENT WORK OF STUDENTS [№ 2 ' 2016] Organization of educational activity should be considered in the context of the success of the introduction of independent work of students in the innovative elements aimed at the formation of new connections and relationships of cognitive activity, which create space for their development. To form the experience of independent work of students, need orientation in the flow of information. This creates the following opportunities for developing training: increasing demand of students in the self; are prerequisites for the coordinated work of teachers and students; activates the intrinsic motivation of educational activity; assimilated the logic of the study (data management and analysis, allocation problems, hypotheses, hypothesis testing, formulation of conclusions). Independent work of students under the guidance of the teacher allows them to become the subjects of education. There is a development initiative and activity of students, there is understanding of the development of scientific knowledge. Developing the capability of independent work of students under the guidance of a teacher in the study of mathematical analysis is to gain experience of the students' independent work, competence, responsibility, readiness for professional growth and competitiveness in the labor market. In this respect, the growing importance of classroom organization and students' independent work in the learning process for the formation of skills of self-education that is the basis for postgraduate education and further training.
Gamova N.A., Kulish N.V., Tomina I.P. PERSONAL INDEPENDENT WORK OF STUDENTS IN MATHEMATICS [№ 1 ' 2016] Multi-level training of students, as well as the individual style of educational activity of each of them all at the same time does not allow to go to a particular level of competence (information, mathematical, foreign language, etc.). It requires a special organization of independent work, the development of its methodological support in a tiered system of higher education. Based on work practices, we believe that the individual independent work will be more effective if students will work in groups of 2-3 students, which allows the direct result of the process of knowledge sharing, creates favorable conditions for their active personal involvement in the educational process. Students thus serve as members of the mutual control and mutual motivation as a factor, creative, communicative, socio-cultural activities, providing a significant increase in the effectiveness of the cognitive activity of each participant. Independent work university students in teaching mathematics should be improved, using a personally and professionally — oriented approach, the score-rating system, modern information technology, etc., that will determine the student's individual route to self-employment, improve the quality of his mathematical education. The presented theoretical and practical recommendations to make the individual independent work available for analysis and projected in academic and extracurricular activities.
Tomin V.V., Eremina N.V. UNIVERSITY STUDENTS' SELF-DEVELOPMENT THROUGH THE ONLINE CROSS-CULTURAL INTERACTION IN THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE INFORMATION FIELD [№ 1 ' 2016] The article deals with the process of formation of a competitive specialist during training at a university, which requires the use of various types of activities that stimulate and stipulate students' self-oriented need for personal and professional growth. Cross-cultural interaction as a productive ground for self-development of students is regarded from the viewpoint of communicative approach and competency to be achieved while mastering a foreign language. Some problems of motivation for studying are also considered (lingua-phobia, unclear educational aims) and some ways to solve them are reviewed (points evaluation system, active methods and techniques). Online-based educational tools involving international participants are reckoned positive, efficient and highly productive measures and steps to boost the level of learners' motivation and their activity. The authors highlight valuable possibilities for cross-cultural interaction among students' bearing an important significance, namely digitally executed interpersonal contacts on dialogue basis among agents of education, organized through different online platforms known as "massive open online courses".
Sakharova N.S., Tomin V.V. UNIVERSITY STUDENTS POLYETHNIC COMPETENCE DEVELOPMENT DURING CROSS-CULTURAL INTERACTION [№ 2 ' 2015] The internal and external factors that can influence cross-cultural interaction, either providing or preventing its' realization, are analyzed in the article. One of such factors is, for example, personal characteristics of the interaction participants, among which a very special attention is paid to the national conscience and self-conscience. Ethnic self-conscience is a phenomenon that is constantly being in the state of transformations and changes, and that is formed under the impact of the acquiring knowledge and evaluation system, allowing a person to act as a full member of cross-cultural interaction. Using the axiological approach, authors note that ability and readiness of a person to enter the cross-cultural interaction has at least 3 stages: evaluative orientation, evaluative self-orientation and evaluative interaction as such. The article comprises different definitions of "polyethnic or cross-cultural competence" of university students. Being the condition of effective cross-cultural interaction, and at the same time, its' result, the polyethnic competence of students implies practical application and realization of knowledge ground, theoretical norms, rules and categories in cultural and social spheres in order to set a communicative channel and mutual understanding with the representatives of different ethnic groups and cultural communities. In order to define the mechanisms of cross-cultural competence development, there is its' component structure emphasized and described in the article, including cognitive, axiological and praxeological elements, though their boundaries are vague in reality and have rather idealized character. Authors arrive to the conclusion that students cross-cultural (polyethnic) competence is an intricate system anthropocentrically directed, which is characterized by total of axiological, cognitive and operational aspects, having the following dynamic properties: formation, functionality and development. Process of cross-cultural competence development comprises personal transformation by means of gradual reformation of cognitive and evaluative properties of an individual in the current real space and time dimension and is stipulated by changing succession of diverse phases, stages and levels.
Tomin V.V. ABOUT PROBLEMS OF ELECTRONIC TRANSLATION OF SCIENTIFIC & TECHNICAL TEXTS IN THE INFORMATIONAL FIELD OF CROSS-CULTURAL INTERACTION [№ 1 ' 2015] The article surveys present state of the theory & practice of electronic translation of scientific and technical literature, realized in cross-cultural interaction. Characteristic problems, appearing at all levels of proceedings with text, from the monogrammatical analysis to the synthesis of out coming word forms & translated text, are revealed. The results of analysis of typical lexical and grammatical mistakes are presented; the reasons of their occurrences in the out coming text are depicted.
Еremina N.V., Tomin V.V. ABOUT STYLISTIC FEATURES OF ENGLISH JOURNALISM IN THE FRAMEWORKS OF CROSSCULTURAL INTERACTION [№ 11 ' 2014] The article deals with some stylistic features of English journalism based on the authentic texts of The Times and its official translations. The comparative analysis is carried out; attention is paid to the difficulties of English newspaper heads translation according to the norms of Russian journalism style; to peculiarities of idioms translation; frequency of use of lexical units; to the problems connected to the difference in the frequency of their use; to the stylistic divergence of vocabulary and peculiarities of the translation of stylistically colored words.
Tomin V.V., Eremina N.V., Bogomolova A.U. LINGUISTIC FEATURES OF ELECTRONIC TRANSLATION OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL TEXTS [№ 11 ' 2013] The state of development of theory andpractice of electronic translation systems based on transfer correspondence is considered. Subject and dynamics components of machine translation model are analyzed. Characteristic problems, appearing while the electronic translation of scientific and technical texts at the process of designator identification and monogrammatical analysis, are revealed.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |