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Orenburg State University february 24, 2025   RU/EN
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2014, № 11 (172)

Еremina N.V., Tomin V.V. ABOUT STYLISTIC FEATURES OF ENGLISH JOURNALISM IN THE FRAMEWORKS OF CROSSCULTURAL INTERACTION The article deals with some stylistic features of English journalism based on the authentic texts of The Times and its official translations. The comparative analysis is carried out; attention is paid to the difficulties of English newspaper heads translation according to the norms of Russian journalism style; to peculiarities of idioms translation; frequency of use of lexical units; to the problems connected to the difference in the frequency of their use; to the stylistic divergence of vocabulary and peculiarities of the translation of stylistically colored words. Key words: journalism, newspaper style, stylistics, heads translation, crosscultural interaction, equivalency.


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6. Moiseeva, I.Yu. Derivational mechanisms of text producing process (on the example of the Internet primitive texts) / I.Yu. Moiseeva // Bulletin of Orenburg state university. — 2007. — №11. — P. 82–88.

7. Sakharova, N.S. Development of university students' academic mobility in the present space-time of higher education system / N.S. Sakharova, V/V/ Tomin // Vestnik of Orenburg state university. — 2013. — №2. — P. 221–225.

8. Tomin, V.V. Students' interaction on foreign language lessons of non-traditional forms, aimed to develop foreign language competence / V.V. Tomin, А.А. Rule // Philological sciences. Issues of theory and practice. — Tambov: "Gramota" publishing, 2014. — №4. — P. 3, P. 180–183.

9. Tomin, V.V. Dialogue interaction as a factor of master degree students self-education ability being formed / V.V. Tomin, N.V. Eremina // University complex as regional center of education, science & culture: issues of All-Russian scientific & methodics conference; Orenburg state university. — Orenburg: "University" Publishing, 2014. — P. 2772–2778.

10. Tomin, V.V. About lingustic features of electronic translation of scentific and technical texts / V.V. Tomin, N.V. Eremina, А.Y. Bogomolova // Vestnik of Orenburg state university. — 2013. — №11. — P. 199–205.

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About this article

Authors: Eremina N.V., Tomin V.V.

Year: 2014

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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