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April 2020, № 2 (225), pages 89-94

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-225-89

Chugunova S.V., Ovchinnikova L.P., Michelkevich V.N. A THEORETICAL MODEL OF THE SYSTEM DEVELOPING READINESS OF TRANSPORT UNIVERSITY STUDENTS FOR INNOVATIVE PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITYAbstract. The article summarizes the results of the research on building a theoretical model of the system developing readiness of transport university students for innovative professional activity. The suggested theoretical model consists of nine interrelated links, each with its own functional focus, its own local purpose, didactic significance, theoretical and practice value. The original link of the theoretical model is goal setting, which means developing readiness of transport university students for innovative professional activity. The second link reflects the structure and content of the concept of students’ readiness for innovative professional activity. The third link presents the information didactic basis of developing readiness of transport university students for innovative professional activity. The competence practice-oriented technology of developing readiness of transport university students for innovative professional activity is provided by link four. The elements of this technology include students’ activity to carry out practice-oriented term papers and degree qualification projects, their activities for the performance of work under industrial practice programs in enterprises as well as conducting practice-oriented research work. The criterium diagnostic apparatus is presented by link five comprising the following components: the criteria to evaluate students’ readiness for innovative professional activity, the test package for identifying the levels of students’ readiness for innovative professional activity, the methods of conducting summative and formative assessments for identifying the levels of students’ readiness for innovative professional activity. Link six is the control procedure; link seven shows the results of students’ readiness for innovative professional activity; link eight is self-correction, and the educational process correction is presented by link nine.
The practical significance of the suggested theoretical model can be formulated as follows: it is used as an algorithm in the consistent and continuous implementation of all the interrelated phases of the study allowing to identify the role of each structural link of the model and its influence on the outcome; moreover, it will promote an imaginative and holistic view of the process of developing students’ readiness for innovative professional activity as a holistic and purposeful system.
Key words: students, innovative professional activity, theoretical model, model link.


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About this article

Authors: Chugunova S.V., Ovchinnikova L.P., Mihelkevich V.N.

Year: 2020

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-225-89

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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