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February 2017, № 2 (202)

Udovichenko E.V., Gorban I.G., Zaikin M.V. THE SOCIAL IMPORTANCE OF PHYSICAL CULTURE OF STUDENTSOne of the main accents of normal and healthy activity of the person is driving. Driving in its various manifestations is the basis for any activity in which the person makes personal growth, self-actualizes and shown. The activity sociality in a wide comprehension of this thesis is that the person as a building block of society self-expresses and mediated only in activity which at various stages of socialization is characterized by interaction of the person with other subjects of society, starting with small groups (family), collectives (a class, team, work collective) and finishing society in general. Still some time ago it was considered that in the conditions of a reorganization of the social and economic mechanism of our country, emergence and development of labor market, transition to informational society the need for experts with a high level of intellectual creative activity, in deepening of integration of science, production and education began to be felt more. Modernization of system of vocational training of specialized shots assumed providing national economy with the experts capable to work in the conditions of informational community, ready to master and develop the latest technologists without prejudice to a surrounding medium and the person. However the analysis of experience of development of education of the majority of the countries developed industrially allowed to reveal a number of the most significant tendencies of development of professional education from the point of view of education of personal physical culture of the person and her inclusiveness in a social context of corporate behavior model on production, such as: tendencies the professiograficheskikh of researches of physical qualities of the expert, formation of culture of individual and group health, a sociocultural orientation of professional and applied physical culture, ecology of health of the expert and ekologo-valeological approaches to the organization of activity on production. Physical culture can be effectively used to improve mental and psycho-physiological qualities of students which are necessary in the formation of professional competences: stress resistance, psychological stability, personal and situational anxiety. Physical culture of future expert, and also the culture of his health integrating in themselves ecological, valeological unity, physical perfecting and ability to opposition to factors of production risks are the new formed pattern of justification of a significance of a social role of physical culture, perception by future professional of the image in production space and collective existence in the conditions of exercise of professional activity.Key words: social aspects of physical education, integration physical culture physical culture professional, corporate culture, production team, social opportunities of physical culture.


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About this article

Authors: Udovichenko E.V., Gorban I.G., Zaikin M.V.

Year: 2017

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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