Efremov I.V., Gorshenina E.L., Rakhimova N.N., Hismatullin Sh.Sh. MIGRATION OF MOBILE FORMS OF HEAVY METALS IN SOILS OF ORENBURG REGIONOf particular importance is the profile migration of pollutants, which is most intense flows in spring, autumn and summer with the loss of a large amount of rainfall, when there are intense downdrafts soil moisture. The migration of heavy metals limit their deposition processes on geochemical barriers. The study of the profile of migration and accumulation of heavy metals showed that the metals have varying behavior of soils, there is a change in the profile of their contents. The article deals with the dynamics of the distribution of mobile forms of heavy metals in different soils of the Orenburg region, the results of determination of pH in these soils. A method for evaluating the intensity of migration of heavy metals in the profile of chernozem and dark chestnut soils built using regression equations and values of α, which is a constant and depends on the type of soil and the chemical element. It was revealed that the profile of the southern black earth is an increase in the concentration of heavy metals such as lead, nickel, chromium, copper, cadmium, cobalt, zinc and manganese. For chernozem incompletely rubbly decrease the concentration profile of elements such as lead, nickel, copper and cobalt. Dark brown soil: is an increase in the concentration of lead in the soil profile and the reduction of zinc in the profile. For a typical black soil on the profile decreases the concentration of zinc. For ordinary chernozem a decrease in the concentration of manganese in the soil profile.Key words: heavy metals, soil, biogeocoenoses, regression equation migration capacity.
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2. Efremov I.V., Gorshenina E.L., Puyto L.V. Assessment of the dynamics of the concentration of heavy metals in the soil profile. All-Russian Scientific and Methodological Conference with international participation "The university complex as a regional center of education, science and culture." — Orenburg. state. Univ. — Orenburg: OSU, 2013. — 125– 128.
About this article
Authors: Rahimova N.N., Efremov I.V., Gorshenina E.L., Hismatullin Sh.Sh.
Year: 2015
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |