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October 2015, № 10 (185)

Voevodina T.S., Rusanov A.M., Vasilchenko V.A. EFFECT OF OIL ON THE CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF ORDINARY CHERNOZEM SOUTHERN URALSThe degradation of soils and landscapes is now a global phenomenon and is one of the main problems of ecology and soil science. Among the many factors of soil degradation is the contamination of its oil. The change of soil properties when oil pollution, as well as the processes of migration, accumulation and metabolism depend on the physico-chemical composition and amount of oil spilled, the soil-climatic and landscape conditions, soil type, availability of the different biochemical barriers, channels of migration and diffusion in the soil profile. At oil pollution is noticeable first of all change the chemical properties of the soil. The consequences of soil pollution by oil depends on the composition of hydrocarbons, its concentration and distribution in the soil profile, from the exposition period. A particularly negative impact on soil crude oil, which leads to changes in the chemical properties of soil and their strongest salinity. Oil contamination causes an abrupt increase in the content of organic carbon in soil from 3.5 to 9.8 % and contributes to the deterioration of the nitrogen regime of soils (the ratio of C:N ranges from 30 to 289) and the decrease in the content of mobile forms of phosphorus (average of 3.5 times). Soil pollution commodity oil (desalted and dehydrated) does not affect the acid-alkaline balance of the soil and crude oil causes an alkalinization of various degrees of soil solution that is depending on the oil concentration. Analysis of the aqueous extract of oil-polluted soils showed that when contaminated with crude oil dramatically increased the solids content, the nature of salinity is determined by the accumulation of sodium and chlorine ions, which is accompanied by a sharp decrease in the content of calcium ions in the soil solution.Key words: soil, oil pollution, crude and product oil, chemical properties of soils.


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About this article

Authors: Vasilchenko A.V., Voevodina T.S., Rusanov A.M.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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