№ 11 2006
Humanitarian sciences
Matyash S.A. ABOUT SCIENTIFIC HERITAGE OF M.L. GASPAROVBrief analytical review of general blocks of M.L. Gasparov’s scientific heritage is given in this article. His place in science history at the categories "finisher" and "discoverer" advanced by him is shown here and methodological principals of the scientist are given here. Also the role of these principals in philological science development at Orenburg University is marked in this work.
Borisova I.M. GRAPHIC ASPECT OF F.I. TYUTCHEV’S POETRY Some structural peculiarities and functions of italic which is graphic equivalent of text and "stairs" in F.I. Tyutchev’s poetry are regarded in this article. Graphics means of the poet are shown with intercommunication with other components of his poetic system. Statistics of Tyutchev’s graphics are compared with analogical data of other poets.
Kudryavtseva O.S. GRAPHIC UNITY OF METAGENRE (ON THE EXAMPLE OF 16TH TYPE RAGE OF "LITERARY NEWSPAPER")The problem of satirical metagenre on the example of "12 chairs Club" satire of "Literary newspaper" is raised in this article. General attention is given to graphic aspect which is one of the structural features of metagenre, also making-up of 16th type rage, using of emblems and caricatures, title-final complex are regarded in this work.
Fomina O.A. VERSIFICATION OF V.S. VYSOTSKY IN THE CONTEXT OF V.V. MAYAKOVSKY’S TRADITIONSComparison of verse of two poets on the level of graphics, metrics and strophics is given in this article. Typological aspect of analysis is combined with genetic: it is established that V.S. Vysotsky works out actively the bright verse methods of V.V. Mayakovsky.
Dymova I.A. TO THE PROBLEM OF GENRE DIFFERENTIATION OF NEKRASOV’S VERSIFICATION Catalectica of N.A. Nekrasov’s expressed in verse novels in the projection on common background of Russian versification of the XIX century middle poetry and versification of the poet is characterized in this article. Also the great attention is given to the functions of homogeneous endings.
Bralina G.M. ABOUT RUSSIAN INVECTIVES VERSE OF THE MIDDLE OF THE XIX CENTURYVerse form of lyrical genre of invective in aspects of metrics, strophics and catalectica is regarded on the materials of 1840-1860 years poets (N.A. Nekrasov, Ap.A. Grigoriev, E.P. Rostopchina, N.P. Ogarev and others).
Annenkova N.A. "THE MASQUERADE" AND "ARBENIN" OF M.YU. LERMONTOV. TO THE QUESTION OF FUNCTIONING OF SATIRE AND INVECTIVE IN A LARGE FORMThe article contains the comparison of two editions of "The Masquerade" in the aspect of functioning of satire and invective in them. The regularity of increase of satire and reduction of invectives is being set. The last fact is being interpreted from the point of view of conceptual content and genre’s life.
Rumyantseva V.N. THE CATEGORY OF SPACE IN POETIC FEUILLETONS OF THE MIDDLE OF 19TH CENTURYIn the article the types of spatial characteristics of poetic feuilletons of the middle of 19th century are defined on the material of works of N.A. Nekrassov, V.S. Kourochkin, D.D. Minaev; the connection between space and subject genre formation and other elements of its structure is detected.
Evseeva R.A. THREE-PART STRUCTURE OF LYRICAL POEMS: TO THE PROBLEM OF COMPOSITION ANALYSIS TECHNIQUEThe article gives a review of approaches to the study of lyrical poem composition; the fruitfulness of three-part segmentation of texts is being motivated; the technique of selection and analysis of each composition element is suggested.
Slon O.V. SKETCH GENRE IN THE ROLE LYRICS OF N.A.NEKRASSOV AND ITS COMPOSITION PECULIARITIESThe article puts a question of distinguishing of sketch genre among the role poems of N.A. Nekrassov. The features of this non-conventional genre are outlined. A special attention is paid to composition peculiarities of a sketch.
Matyash S.A. HYPHENATIONS (ENJAMBEMENTS) IN THE LYRICS OF A.S. POUSHKIN AND M.YU. LERMONTOVIn the article the results of statistic analysis of poetic hyphenations in Poushkin’s and Lermontov’s lyrics in frequency and structure aspects are stated. The material is being comprehended in synchronic and diachronic sections. The author shows that diachronic section detects differently directed evolution of "lyrical" hyphenations of the two poets and allows designation of the role of several factors in this evolution (including the role of dramatic poem).
Zhaplova T.M. THE PECULIARITIES OF BIOGRAPHIC TIME IN THE MANOR POETRY OF 19TH – BEGINNING OF 20TH CENTURIESThe article is devoted to the study of peculiarities of biographic time in the Russian manor poetry of 19th – beginning of 20th centuries. Realism, truth, absence of idealization in manor sketches, prevalence of critical or ironic pathos in the estimation of landowner and peasant life during pre-reform and reform years and during revolution changes are being considered as the most characteristic devices of creation of the "nobility nest" image.
Prigozhaya O.V. TOPOS OF A MANOR AS STRUCTURE FORMING FACTOR OF SPACE-TIME ORGANIZATION OF A.S.POUSHKIN’S CORRESPONDENCEThe object of research in this article is the topos of a manor (toposes of Trigorskoye, Malinniki) in A.S. Poushkin’s correspondence of 1824-1826, second half of 1820s, 1830s as a factor stipulating space-time organization of letters of the poet and his correspondents. The analysis results in definition of a manor’s topos content connected with two aspects of meanings – "cultural" and natural space, and its role in formation of integral text of Poushkin’s correspondence.
Romanova I.V. ABOUT CERTAIN PECULIARITIES OF POETIC SYNTAX OF I.BRODSKIYThe poetic syntax of Brodskiy is characterized by disharmony tendency. The bright means of expressing it are "enjambement" and syntactic curtailment. Brodskiy resorts to the use of "enjambement" twice as often compared to the average parameter for Russian and European poetry. With him the simplest form appears to be the rarest, the most complicated – the most wide-spread. "Enjambement" becomes not only a powerful means of poetic expression, but also begins to perform communicative function.
Makhrova M.V., Kuznetsov V.P. TAXES IN RUSSIAN PROVERBS AND SAYINGSApplying philological-historical approach to the interpretation of Russian proverbs and sayings, the article’s authors have made an attempt to trace the fragments of the domestic tax management build-up process originally embodied in folk sayings reflected in them. The statement of this subject is the continuation of research started by one of the authors in previous publications.
Krakovyak A.S. ARCHETYPES OF CONSCIOUSNESS AND LITERARY GENRE: SEARCHING FOR INVECTIVE GENRE SOURCES The article proposes a variant of solution of invective genre source problem on the Polish poetry material. Prayers and spells are being considered as invective sources. Influence of spell is being analyzed at two levels – text structure and consciousness archetypes.
Baisheva Z.V. LOGICAL ASPECT OF SPEECH FOR THE PROSECUTION (ON THE MATERIAL OF SPEECHES FOR THE PROSECUTION OF A.F.KONI)The article’s author has made an attempt to analyze A.F. Koni’s speeches in the court from the position of study of logical side of persuasion. The data on logical arguments use in the speeches of famous court orator for influencing speech construction contained in the article have an obvious scientific interest.
Beloussov K.I., Moiseeva I.Yu., Moskalchuk G.G. SELF-ORGANIZATION OF DERIVATIONAL STRUCTURES OF RUSSIAN TEXTThe article shows the necessity of model representation of derivational structures of Russian text by means of sentence parts traditionally accepted in syntactic descriptions. Formal-symbolic record of real following of sentences in various Russian texts and their composition permitted to detect nuclear and peripheral sentence structures participating in text formation. The questions of interaction of symmetric and asymmetric, discrete and continual macrostructure conditions in the text’s structure are being discussed.
Zelyanskaya N.L., Beloussov K.I. CULTUROGENITY AS A PRINCIPLE OF STRUCTURING OF SEMANTIC SPACE OF ARTISTIC TEXT The article is devoted to the study of mechanisms and factors of culture influence on semantic text space structuring. The problem is being studied by means of the concept of "text culturogenity" suggested by the authors. Sh. Bodlair’s poem "L’albatros" ("The Albatross") and it’s three Russian translations are taken as material for the study.
Mazaeva A.Yu. PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS OF IDEOGRAPHIC FIELD "VISUAL PERCEPTION OF REALITY" AS A SUBJECT OF VERBAL DESCRIPTIONA deep connection between language and life, history of society where this or that language unit was born, appears in phraseology. The present article raises the problem of visual perception of reality through a prism of phraseological units. The presented analysis of semantics and component composition of PU permits to detect national-cultural peculiarities of Russian language phraseological units.
Mironova S.V. FUNCTIONING OF ADJECTIVES IN THE STORIES OF V.M.SHOUKSHIN: STATISTIC ASPECTThe article describes statistic characteristics of adjective use in V.M.Shoukshin’s stories. Quantity analysis of adjectives’ functioning in extracts-fragments and extracts presenting entire stories of the author point to the low frequency of use of the above mentioned parts of speech in comparison with other word classes. This fact does not witness scarcity of the author’s prose language, but reflects his style close to colloquial.
Nikiforova S.A. COMPARISON OF NOMINAL BASES AS WORD-FORMATION BASE OF SLAVIC-RUSSIAN TEXT COMPOSITEThe article is devoted to analysis of semantic relations of nominal bases of composites in Old Russian language (on the material of gymnographic written language monuments of 9th-11th centuries); the author makes a hypothesis concerning genesis and reasons of activation of composites in Old Russian written language, taking into account isomorphism and syncretism of language units in the early historical period.
Moiseeva I.Yu. SYSTEM-FORMATION ACTIVITY OF SYNTACTIC MODELS IN THE PROCESS OF SUCCESSIVE EXPANSION OF TEXT SPACEThe article studies system-formation activity of syntactic models in the process of successive expansion of text space. The detected scripts of structure development and buildup permit to set the ratio of system and non-system factors affecting implementation of potential of derivational development of syntactic text space.
Streneva N.V. CERTAIN ASPECTS OF GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF STUDENT GRAFFITYThe present work is devoted to analysis of regularities of formation and functioning, as well as ways of graphic organization and representation of graffity (inscriptions on things and objects not destined for writing).
Florya A.V. EXPLANATORY DICTIONARY AS MEANS OF CONSCIOUSNESS MANIPULATIONThe basic subject of the article is violation of semantic correctness in word explanation in modern dictionaries. A separate subject of this work is tendentious selection of quotations and their discrepancy with formal interpretation of meaning. Word definition can be objective, but example to it can bear one-sided, ideologically significant additional meaning. The author separately considers certain individual ways of unfair use of quotations. The basic idea of the article is: when volume and illustrative destination of a quotation are exceeded, we deal with manipulation. When a dictionary’s author admits serious professional violations – this is also a sign of manipulation, not dilettantism.
Karelova O.V. TO THE QUESTION OF STUDY OF INDIVIDUAL STYLE OF R.LOWELLThe present article is devoted to the study of certain peculiarities of individual style of the famous American poet of 20th century Robert Lowell. Rhythmic-stylistic means are being considered as basic language means characteristic for Lowell’s creative work and determining his style. Special attention is paid to the consideration of free rhythms in R. Lowell’s poetry, where the basic language phenomena playing a significant role as rhythm-formation factors are hyphenations and repetitions.
Churanov A.E. TO THE PROBLEM OF ENGLISH INTERJECTIONS CLASSIFICATIONThe article suggests systemic classification of English interjections proceeding from their morphological structure and way of formation in the language. Interjection is being considered as a special auxiliary part of speech including 3 unit groups: a) units expressing feelings; b) units expressing will, including "sensual will" (a will accompanied by emotion); c) half-interjections – half-significant words.
Potanina A.V. RUSSIAN-GERMAN PARONYMS IN WORD-FORMATION AND CULTURAL-HISTORICAL ASPECTThe article considers Russian and German words similar in sounding and form but different in meaning. For designation of this group of lexemes the term "inter-language paronym" is used. On the material of closely sounding words ending with "-ism / -ist" and "-ismus / -ist" new word-formation tendencies are found, common for the two languages with different systems, and differences in language world pictures of Russian and German language are detected.
Vyatchina V.E. METAPHORICAL IMAGE IN PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS WITH "TIME" MEANINGIn the article the concept "time" having found its bright expression in phraseology is presented as a metaphor "time – movement" and is conventionally divided into fields. The analysis results in the conclusion that phraseological units with time meaning built up on a metaphor are characterized by a bright figurativeness, expressiveness, and contribute to the description of linguistic-timing world picture where a deep philosophical understanding of time finds its reflection.
Shustrova E.V. "WIND" CONCEPT IN AFRO-AMERICAN LITERARY HERITAGEThe article is devoted to consideration of the image of wind in Afro-American literary discourse of 18th-19th centuries form the positions of cognitive linguistics. Basic attention is paid to description and comparison of metaphoric models containing the source sphere "wind, storm" in the works of U.A.B. Dubois, P. Danbar, R. Right, R. Ellison. G. Baldwyn, M. Angelo, and other writers.
Ryumin R.V. A.H. PARTRIDGE AND SUB-STANDARD ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEXICOGRAPHYA. Partridge as a sociolinguist occupies a unique place in the modern English language lexicography, being (a) creator of original concept of English language lexical sub-standard as a complicated conglomerate of socially determined and stylistically marked lexical layers in national vocabulary, and (b) composer of fundamental and lexicographically ideally composed dictionaries of this sub-standard. Dictionary articles of A. Partridge include stylistic, sociolinguistic, etymological and linguistic-regional information.
Fedulenkova T.N. ISOMORPHISM AND ALLOMORPHISM OF ALLEGORIC PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS IN GERMAN LANGUAGES (ON THE MATERIAL OF ENGLISH, GERMAN AND SWEDISH LANGUAGES)The article is devoted to the structural-semantic analysis of correlative phraseological units in three German languages based on modeling technique, which shows that specificity of sign structure of allegoric phraseological unit (APU) is in its asymmetry, variety of situational senses within the frames of common abstract meaning, vertical isomorphism of phraseological unit itself and its internal form. The universal character of this phenomenon is supported by horizontal, or inter-language, isomorphism of correlative areas of phraseology. The allomorphism of correlated APU in the three German languages appears at the level of their genetic prototype.
Fomenko E.G. IDIOSTYLE JAMES JOYCE IN LINGUOTYPOLOGIC ASPECTThe article states the concept of linguistic typology of artistic text where writer’s idiostyle is the modeled subject. The linguotypologic mechanisms of James Joyce’s idiostyle are being revealed in five compounds of epiphanic model of artistic text (macrostructure, text-style concept, personalization, light-colour medium, topos of space simultaneity).
Komleva E.V. APPELLATIVITY AS A FUNCTIONAL-SEMANTIC CATEGORY (ON THE MATERIAL OF MODERN GERMAN LANGUAGE)The article is devoted to consideration of the question concerning definition of appellativity as a functional-semantic category uniting different variants of meaning of motivation to action oriented on specific addressee who is able to realize and adequately understand an intention addressed to him.
Antonova A.V. INTENTIONAL ANALYSIS OF TEXT TYPE OF PRE-ELECTION AGITATION SPEECH (ON THE MATERIAL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE)The article considers pragmatic peculiarities of English text type of pre-election agitation speech, describes its basic intentional characteristics, reveals the means of expression of basic components of speech intention at surface level, and analyzes manipulative potential of this kind of text types.
Popova A.V. CONCEPT OF BIOGRAPHIC GENRE IN CREATIVE WORK OF A. MORUAThe article presents biographic genre in A. Morua’s creative work as a genre oriented at scientific-artistic synthesis and formation of reader’s active life position. The article’s author shows how realization of human personality’s complexity and many-sided nature which took place in the beginning of 20th century has forced the interest in biographical genre and resulted in changes in the structure of literary portraits of A. Morua, in rejection of the term "portrait" itself.
Perfilyeva Z.E. IRRATIONAL ELEMENTS IN ESTHETICS OF G.E.LESSING. FEELING AND SENSATIONIn the article an attempt is made to reveal and consider irrational elements in esthetic and poetic system of G.E. Lessing, namely such concepts as "feeling, sensation". The article does not set a goal to achieve cardinal change in the image of G.E. Lessing, the task is only to cover this "another", the less studied side of the writer’s creative work.
Somova E.V. ARTISTIC-PHILOSOPHIC UNDERSTANDING OF TIME AND HISTORY IN A. BULVER-LITTON’S NOVEL "THE LAST DAYS OF POMPEII"The article is devoted to study of images of time and history in A. Bulver-Litton’s novel "The Last Days of Pompeii". The originality of artistic understanding of historic process in creative work of the English novelist permits to reveal one of the aspects of history concept in ethic-philosophic system of Victorian England of 19th century.
Tussina N.V. AUTOBIOGRAPHIC BASIS IN NON-DETECTIVE NOVELS OF AGATHA CHRISTIEThis article considers reasons which have induced world-famous queen of detective genre Agatha Christie to appear in an unusual role for her admirers – as the author of lyrical-psychological novels. According to the author, these impulsive causes had autobiographic character in many respects.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |