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Humanitarian sciences

Osiyanova O.M., Ivanov A.N. THE VIVID RHYTHM OF THE VIRTUAL IMAGE OF MAN. The given article makes an attempt to follow the evolution of philosophical - anthropological points of f view , taking as an example the process of creation the image of a man. Reflections on a human - being touch upon a wide range of problems. This spector turns out to be practically inexhaustible. The philosophical image of a man is polysemantic. The final result of the research is the creation of "image". It presupposes the model which defines a virtual transition. From one variant of "image" : from the formal logical "model" to the communicative one.
Zemtsova V.I. ON PRINCIPLES AND REGULARITIES OF STUDENTS ADAPTATION TO PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES. The article gives characteristics to the principles of development, study, integrity, mobility, accumulation, continuity of work, technological and alternative process, purposefulness of education on integrated solving of tasks of learning, bringing up and social maturity. These principles form the basis of students' adaptation to their future professional activity. At the same time a number of possible natural phenomena of professional adaptation processes are selected during learning at higher educational schools.
Polyakova A.A. EDUCATION AND CULTURE (VALUE ASPECT). Nowadays due to various reasons cultural problems become the main subject of thorough examination of humanities and social sciences. Culture itself as drawing into it form a human being as a personality. Culture also determines the way of activities of a person.
Smirnova N.V. EDUCATION FOR VITAL GENERATIONS. The article deals with the essence of system approach to educational proccess. The main elements' analysis of its structure is given regarding socio-cultural specification of information society. The author discloses social mechanism of how to make the contents of high education into the individual achievements as the interaction of students' studying of typical roles and sign-symbol systems, and individual sedimentation of typical experiment. The author concerns with the specification of the individual vital worlds forming in the fields of social forms and socio-cultural educational types which characterize European culture history. The author shows her own point of view of educational aims which correspond to a given social type.

Natural sciences

Kucherenko M.G., Chmereva T.M. DETERMINATION OF MAGNETIC MOMENTS OF A TOMS WITH REGARD TO SPIN-ORBITAL INTERACTION OF ELECTRONS The problem of determination of electronic magnetic moment of the atom is considered in this work. Total magnetic moment is represented as a parameter, characterizing the atomic system. The most wide-spread case of intermediate type of relationships between orbital and spin moments is analysed. Calculation of coefficients for linear combination of base stations with full moment isprovided. The perturbation theory for the spin-orbital interaction is used. The correction for atomic g - factor of sixth group of elements is determined. The most significant effect for atoms with the big serial number is observed. For the atom of fifth group -phosphorus Lande's factor is zero in excited station, but we determine non-vanishing gyromagnetic attitude with regard to spin-orbital interaction.
Morozov, G.A. Belaya NATURAL HIGHLY-PRODUCTIVE GRASS ECO-SYSTEMS, THEIR STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS. The peculiar kinds of the highly-growing and highly-productive herbage which can be found in north-eastern Asia are the main concern of the present article. The botanical phenomenon - the Far-eastern well-grown grass differs from the meadow vegetation and high-grass of the other geographical regions. A special stress is laid on its functional peculiarities. The typological classification of the Far-eastern grass was open to discussion during along period of time. The authors of this article single out the criteria for the phytocenoses to be considered and justified as a special type of vegetation.
Pankratiev P.V., Mikhailova U.V. PYRITES EDGE BASINS. The article is devoted to the problem of two type pyrites edge basin formation in subjection .ones in the South Urals and Tjan-Shan. It stated that the specific composition of pyrites layers reflect the techtomagmatic evolution.
Tsytsura A.A., Dvornikov G.P., Bondarenko E.V., Bystrykh V.V., Muzaleva O.V. VALUING OF AUTOMOBILE TRANSPORT INFLUENCE ON AIR QUALITY OF ORENBURG REGION. Since the early nineties new social economic conditions caused the delay of economic development. At the same time the rapid growth of automobile transport has led to the disproportion between the of automobile growth and the amount of road building.
N.F. Nikityuk PERFECTION OF IMMUNITY PROPHYLAXIS WITHIN SYSTEM OF EPIDEMIC CONTROL OVER INFECTIONS, CHECKED WITH THE HELP OF SPECIAL PREVENTIVE MEANS. This article sums up the results of m epidemic analysis of the diphtheric infection. It considers main factors which cause diphtheria epidemic in the region. The suggested pattern of the immunity prophylaxis control system has been successfully introduced in the region, having lowered the controlled infections rate down to the sporadic level. The analysis of the factors, lowering the effectiveness of the immunity prophylaxis, has helped to create in the South Ural area an original epidemic control system, including optimized structure and functions, aimed at controlled infections stabilization.

Technical sciences

Kalimullin R.F., Yakunin N.N. CALCULATIONAL EVALUATION OF CONDITIONS OF CRANKSHAFT MAIN BEARINGS LUBRICATION. The model of operation conditions of automobile engine sliding bearings was developed. Transient lubrication process is taken into consideration and parameter Pж is used for evaluation of the given process. The parameter Pж characterises the durability of the lubricant layer existence. The link of the given parameter with load and speed modes, as well as with a constructive and technological state kinematics pairs is considered.
Nikiyan N.G. MATHEMATICAL MODELS OF THREE-PHASE ASYNCHRONOUS MACHINE IN VIEW OF TECHNOLOGICAL AND MAINTENANCE DEVIATIONS. The existing determined mathematical model (MM) of the three-phase asynchronous machine (AM) is advanced with reference to low power AM by the registration of the third harmonic of a magnetic field in an air split, influence of technological and operation deviations on magnetic properties of cores, nonuniformity of an air split and asymmetry of a short-circuited rotor cage. On the basis of advanced determined MM probability MM is developed which can be directly used in designing and production of serial AM.
Abdrashitov R.T., Abramov K.N. EFFECTIVENESS INCREASE OF AUTOMATION SYSTEM IN TECHNOLOGICAL PRODUCTION FORMATION. The article considers the development trends of modern machine-building and periods of product life. There is the necessity of the computerized integration production formation, being the part of production in machine-building practice. On the basis of technological formation systems application analysis in conditions of the integration production the main direction of their effectiveness increase are distinguished. One of the most important ways is the usage of virtual enterprises realizing principle of automation "island". The measures were suggested for realization of given aims.
Kolokolov S.B. ON DETERMINING THE GROUND PRESSURE ON THE WALLS OF UNDERGROUND CONSTRUCTIONS Method of determimnq the ground pressure on the walls of underground constructions is considered in cases when the use of Coulomb theory gives unjustifiably overestimated figures. The dimensions of maximum strain area of the ground are taken into account. Examples of applying this method are cited.
Vasilyev A.P., Pavlov A.S. SHOCK PRESSURE INCREASE AT COMPRESSION ISOTHERMAL STEAM BUBBLE IN A VISCOUS LIQUID. The article deals with the dynamics of a compression bubble in a viscous isothermal liquid under the influence of superficial tension forces, as well as pressure, inertia and viscous friction. The settlement parities for shock increase of pressure in a liquid are received, from which follows, that at the initial moment of time at the front shock waves the pressure more than 3000 atm is reached. The equations of dynamics of a viscous liquid were integrated numerically by method Runge-Kutta. The comparison of calculation with the classical formula Raley for time compression of a spherical cavity in an ideal liquid is given.
Bulatov V.N. SPECTRUM-PULSED METHOD OF PHASE IN FLEXION DYNAMIC RANGE EXPANSION. This article concerns main position and results on shaping single-line dependencies between phase spectrum installed by areas of pulsed-modulated signals and form changes of these signals in the field of unambiguous determinations of these dependencies on the whole numeric axis. The results of the investigation can be applied in the field of the phase information system synthesis.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
Зарегистрировано в Федеральной службе по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций
Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ: Эл № ФС77-37678 от 29 сентября 2009 г.
Учредитель: Оренбургский государственный университет (ОГУ)
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