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№ 2 2000

Humanitarian sciences

A.V. Fiorya SPEAKING ON RUSSIAN NEOLOGY The article deals with the trichotomy "new/potential/occasional words". It also points out some specific types of lexical newformations in accordance with language system and individual creative work of the writer.
P.A. Gorokhov GOOD AND EVIL IN THE TRAGEDY "FAUST" BY I.V. GOETHE EXPERIENCE OF PHILOSOPHICAL ANALYSIS. The article is dedicated to the historical phylosophical analysis of the Good and Evil correlation in the great tragedy "Faust" by I.V. Goethe which has not been actually submitted as a subject of philosophical consideration lately. The author comes to the conclusion that Good and Evil for Goethe are the two sides of life regeneration. Life without conflict of opposites comes to its end. Evil itself is a stimulating factor for human development and makes it possible to realize self-conciousness and to remain a human being. The main ideas and conclusions of the article are taken by the author from his monography being prepared for printing.
L.V. Anpilogova ETHNOCULTURAL RELATIONS IN THE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM OF THE 21-AT CENTURYIn this article it is supposed that in the educational process, great attention should be paid to the ethnocultural relations. The ethnocultural relations are special links between people based on experience and traditions accumulated during ages. The author proposes to introduce "speech orthopaedy" into the course of students' teaching. "Speech orthopaedy" means the system of forming and developing relations on the basis of people's traditions, such as oral poetry, games, dances, clothes.
L.A. Marchenko OPTIMUM CONTROL ORGANIZATION OF CITY SOCIAL LIFE Social and economic reforms taking place in our society and aiming at the development of market economy have a great impact on social sphere. As a whole social situation and social politics ask for great demands in reforming. This paper deals with the problems of control organization of city social life.
V.V. Kuznetsov PEDAGOGICAL CULTURE AS A NOTIONAL PARAMETER OF A PERSON AND SPECIALIST OF PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION. The author emphasizes the topicality of the problem of pedagogical culture . The main notion of the article "pedagogical culture of professional education specialist" is paid much attention to. The integrated parameter of a personality of professional education specialist is believed to be a link between a person and his activities. The author comes to the conclusion that the innovative perspectives in professional education strongly urge the pedagogical culture of specialists.
L.R. Malysheva CULTURE DIALOGUE IN VALUE HUMANE UNIVERSITY EDUCATION The article deals with the problems of value humane education of university students. The main stress is put upon the notion of linguistic and pedagodical dialogue and its important role in the process of education.
Ye. V. Yakovlev SYNERGETIC APPROACH TO EDUCATION QUALITY CONTROL IN HIGH EDUCATIONAL ESTABLISHM ENT.This article sets forth the opportunities of applying the synergetic method of approach to the management of education quality of future specialists. Considering synergetics as "cognitive heuristics" we single out the peculiarities of the management of education as an open self-organizing system. It allowed us to formulate the system of principles of education management.
V.V. Machneva INTENSIFICATION OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES LEARNING AT THE UNIVERSITYLearning foreign languages in the course of studies is being of prime importance because of all the changes and reappraisal of values taking place in the society. Thus, the problem of the intensification of foreign languages learning is acute. The application of modern technologies and methods, the development of independent studies skills, cultural and language competence, creation of students' motivation and value of education are the necessary conditions of intensification of foreign languages learning.

Natural sciences

V.V. Lipilina SOME PROPERTIES OF ABLE-GONCHAROV'B TYPE MULTINOMINALS The problem of the article deals with the important section of the analytical function theory, namely with the interpolation problems. In this field one applies polynoms of Abel-Goncharov, i.e. the apparatus worked out by V.Z. Goncharov in the thirties. The main properties of multnominals were studied in the works of Pomje (1968), Buchgoez (1970), Shaff (1972). The author of the article considers the correctness of analogue properties of multinominals for a fixed arbitrary y, 0<Y
M.G. Kucherenko DYNAMICS OF MOLECULE NUMBER FLUCTUATION IN NANOCELLS AND REACTION KINETICS IN DISPERSION MEDIUMS This article analyzes fluctuation mediums and nanometer structures with characteristic scale of heterogeineity.The author suggests the model of particle number dynamics in microreactors based on the diffusive mechanism of nanocells population changes. As the examples authors considers oxygen photoreactions in open poros of aluminium oxide processes of intermolecular energy transfer in water solutions of surfactants and transport of ligands to the active centres of global albumens.
G.A. Belaya, V.L.Morzov GRASS ECOSYSTEMS HIGH-GROWING AND PLANTS "GIANTISM" High grasses of different continents and our country are considered. Amog them the most peculiar are high-grown and high-productive grasses widely distributed in the north-east Asia. High-grasses of different geographical areas are compared. High-growing phitozenoses'' factors are analyzed. Some structural and functional characteristics which are records for grass ecosystems of a temperate zone are given.
V.N. Kanyukov THE LATEST ACHIEVEMENTS IN EYE MICROSURGERY'S MOBILE STRUCTURES EQUIPMENT Technical and functional description of the original instruments and devices is given in this article. They provide ophalmological microoperations in autonomous conditions of eye's microsurgery mobile structures while rendering highly qualified and specialized assistance according to academician Fyodorov's methods. It is rendered to the socially remote patients in remote areas.

Economic sciences


Technical sciences

A.N. Polyakov USING OF PROBABILISTIC APPROACH TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE TEMPERATURE FIELD IN METALCUTTING MACHINE-TOOLS Utilizing the probabilistic approach in thermal modelling has been directed on achievement of adequacy the mathematical model to real processes in metal-cutting machine tools. All random perturbations on temperature process are divided in two independent groups. The first group of perturbation is connected with thermal loading, second group is stipulated by fluctuations of heat exchange. This division allowed to present building the probabilistic thermal model into two corresponding stage. This article represents the first stage. Here are described theoretical propositions for probabilistic thermal model by example spindle assembly on antifriction bearings. Three parameters of friction moment in bearing is chose as random magnitudes. Results of calculation experiments are demonstrated.
N.N. Yakunin, N.V. Ignatova PARAMETRICAL ESTIMATE OF SERVICE AND CAR REPAIRING CONDITIONS UNDER DEMANDS OF STATE STANSDARDS CERTIFICATION Market relation development and autoservice market makes its estimate necessary by means of quantitative characteristics. This work offers a parametrical estimate of service and car repairing of the State Standards Certification.
A.Yu. Vladova PIPELINE CORROSIVE CONDITIONS MODELING EFFICIENCY The calculation algorithm of efficiency is worked out. Temporary models of safely pipeline functioning, operation cost, gas deliveries and pipe run total functioning efficiency with or without regard to the surface corrosive conditions are made up.
N.I.Zhezhera, V.V. Kravchenko MATHEMATICAL DESCRIPTION OF STEAM ELECTRIC STATIONS AND BOILER ROOM UNITS REDUCING INSTALLATIONS AT SUBCRITICAL ATMOSPHERIC STEAM This article represents differential equation of atmospheric steam reducing installations of steam electric stations and boil room units where steam speeds through adjusting valves are subcritical. The reducing installations are considered as automation objects of numeral control systems synthesis. The differential equation transformation into operative and dimensionless form and its linearization are made. Using typical dynamic units of automatic control theory, the reducing installations structural scheme is done.
A.P. Vasilyev, T.V. Troshina ADIABATIC PROCESS ANALYSIS IN TWO-STAGE ONE-COMPONENT SYSTEM "STEAM-LIQUID" The article deals with adiabatic process analysis in two-stage one component system "steam-liquid". The results of numerical integration of the equation adiabatic line are resulted and the comparison / with results of graphic account with the help of the IS-diagramis is given. The conclusion about an acceptability of account with accuracy 5-8 % is made.
V.I. Turchaninov SMALL CAPACITY BRICK YARDS The article represents research results of Sakmarski and Timashevski brick clays deposits and depletion admixtures-Arhipovski deposit sands. Ceramic brick production was installed of the fixed raw material by semidry compressing method.
V.G. Korotkov, V.Y. Polischuk, D.A. Musiyenko HUMIDITY AND TWICE'SLOTTED SLOT HEIGHT INFLUENCE ON MIXED EXTRUSION PROCESS The equation of dependence and response surface equation are deduced as a result of analysis how the height of the twice-slotted slot can influence on process parameters: output, capacity, energy consume, degree of swelling, maximum permissible shearing strength with the opportunity to change the matrix slot height in certain humidities and worm feeder rotation angular speeds. Deduced response surfaces allow to determine fields in which mixed feed has the best control parameters. The results of the experiment can be used in extrusion to obtain qualitative mixed feed.
S.V. Antimonov, N.V. Zaitzeva SPEAKING ON THE DEFINITION OF CRUSHING MATERIAL MASS IN AIR-PRODUCTIONAL LAYER OF CRUSHING MACHINE It is suggested the approximate method of determination of grain and its crumbled products mass which makes the air-productional layer near the sieve of crushing machine which can be used for mathematical model identification of grain crushing process for mixed fodder.
E.S. Maneyeva, A.V .Kupriyanov, V.P. Popov, V.L. Kasperovich COMPLEX SOLUTION OF THE PROBLEMS IN HIGH QUALITY ETHYL SPIRIT PRODUCTION AND IN POSTSPIRIT WASTES UTILIZATION In this work the analysis of existing technologies in preparing the corn raw material for the spirit fermentation and the ways of utilizing post spirit wastes are given. The article deals with the original technology of reprocessing corns which allows to increase the ethyl spirit output and quality and with the way of obtaining the valuable fodder product on the basis of spirit production wastes as well.

Science events

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
Зарегистрировано в Федеральной службе по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций
Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ: Эл № ФС77-37678 от 29 сентября 2009 г.
Учредитель: Оренбургский государственный университет (ОГУ)
Главный редактор: С.А. Мирошников
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