№ 5 2003
Humanitarian sciences
Yarmashevich M.A. UNIVERBATION AS A VARIETY OF ABBREVIATION In this article a great attention is given to one type of contracted words formation - univerbation, which gets especially wide distribution. At our days about 50% of abbreviation formation goes according to this way, which is a result of effort keeping law or the least effort.
Alexandrov A.A. THE PROBLEM OF AN INDIVIDUAL IN PHILOSOPHY OF HEGEL The article is devoted to the anthropological themes of creative work of German philosopher Hegel. Methodological specificity of Hegel's individual philosophy, intercommunication of anthropology and ontology of German philosopher are analyzed here. The problems of individual essence and liberty, peculiarities of Hegel's understanding of the absolute are regarded in this article.
Baeva L.V. VALUE BASIS OF EXISTENCE The analyses of modern society testifies the increase role of subjective and value factors in society dynamics. Values are the sphere of subject's free choice of such social reality and its essence, which are corresponded to his inside demands. Values as search of essence and existence importance through individual feelings, are the sphere, where the action of all - adaptation, social and economical factors of vital activity repeatedly are increased. But at the same time value basis belongs not only to individual or society existence, but to existence itself.
Parusimova Ya.V. PHILOSOPHICAL ANALYSES OF CATEGORY "SUFFERING": GNOSEOLOGICAL ASPECT The problem of suffering research is regarded in this article. The particular its type - suffering, connected with world perception is considered here. It includes suffering from weakness and impossibility to cognize a world, and suffering from strength of knowledge. The conceptions "subject" and "object" of gnoseological suffering is examined in this article. Subject's openness is set by constant transcendention of its limits. The author pays attention not only to negative role of all suffering types, but to positive role too, including gnoseological suffering.
Butina S.L. FROM THE SECOND CIRCLE OF EXISTENCE (OR ABOUT THE MUSIC NATURE) Generalized view of the author on the problem of music nature is presented in this article. Classification of musical art, combining forms of reality and consciousness is given here. The essence of musical art is equal to the essence of existence. The music is regarded by the author of the article as the second circle of existence, demonstrating its mystery.
Naumov N.D. A HUMAN BEING IN PHILOSOPHIC-PEDAGOGICAL VIEW OF V.V. ZENKOVSKY This article is devoted to the philosophic-pedagogical aspects analysis of heritage of marked historian of philosophy and theologist, father V. Zenkovsky, who suggested practical solution of human being athropoditseya (the theory of human being existence justification) by realization of pedagogics, based on Christian values. The author made a conclusion that V.V. Zenkovsky indicated the problem of upbringing with theme of rescue.
Pyatkova N.L. SPATIAL MODEL IN CONTEXT OF MYTHOLOGICAL CONSCIOUSNESS This article is devoted to the actual problem of philosophy and myth connection. Spatial model in context of mythological consciousness is regarded in this article. The author made a conclusion, that the basic figure of mythic space for ancient man was a figure of "moving" from life to death.
Fadeicheva M.A. HOMO QUADRATUS IN ETHNOPOLITICAL MEASURING The article of M.A. Fadeicheva is devoted to actual problems of modern ethnopolitology. Traditional sociocentric approach to ethnos, which reviews ethnos as the whole, ethnos as commonality, and makes quantitative characteristic of ethnos and opposition "we - they" absolute, is critically analyzed in this article. Conformably to modern conditions it is necessary to complete this approach with anthropocentric researches, which set individual person - ethnic individual in the center of ethnopolitical researches. Typology of ethnic individuals is determined with historical typology of societies.
Lyaushin V.P. PARTICIPATION OF YOUNG PEOPLE FROM NORTHERN SIBERIA IN PREPARATION OF BATTLE RESERVES FOR FRONT DURING THE YEARS OF GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR (1941-1945) Reformation of defense-mass work is shown according to materials of National district of Northern Siberia in this article, also participation of youth organizations in preparation of battle reserves for front during years the years of Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). The author has shown cooperation komsomol organizations with OSOAVIACHIM, Russian association of Red Cross and voluntary sports associations, also the author has shown mobilization specificity of youth of aboriginal nationalities, participation of boys and girls in defense and military-sports associations. This article is intended for teachers of history of higher education, school teachers, students, also for those, who is interested in history of North.
Sergeev A.B. UNDERSTANDING PROBLEM OF INQUEST ESSENCE IN CRIMINAL PROCEDURE SCIENCE The successes of struggle with criminality, including in extraordinary situations, depends from great number of different factors. Among these factors there are such factors, which are connected with right questions solution of crimes reveal and investigation. For final goal achievement in this sphere the state orients the activity of special organization, whose tasks include events investigation, where criminal character can be content.
Stroikina Yu.V. PROPERTIES PECULIARITIES IN PROCESS OF PROFIT-MAKING ORGANIZATIONS CREATION The meaning of property isolation, as the most important stage of profit-making juridical person creation, is determined in this article. The place of property isolation in construction of named organization is regarded here. The process of isolation is studied directly in the article.
Pasechnaya L.A. CONDITION OF STUDYING INDIVIDUALIZATION PROCESS IN PRACTICE OF UNIVERSITY WORK The results of pedagogical research giving representation about an individualization of process of training at Orenburg State University are given in the article. Tendencies of development of ways of an individualization, ways of an individualization of the speech activity training, used by teachers of the faculty of foreign languages are shown.
Dolgopolova N.F. VALUABLE ORIENTATIONS - ARE THE BASIS OF FORMATION OF EFFECTIVE PUBLIC RELATIONS IN MANAGEMENT OF ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURES Public relations in the state and municipal management reflect new type of the relations, basing on the principles of democracy, freedom of a choice, general information and developing bases of market economy. Valuable orientations form needs, interests, relations, opinions and actions. Efficiency of public relations depends on a level of trust between the state, organizational structures and a society on the basis of studying the system of values and valuable orientations of cooperating subjects.
Economic sciences
Djagtereva T.D., Speshilova N.V. APLICATION OF MATHEMATICAL MODELLING IN THE ORGANIZATION OF EDUCATIONAL PROSESS The aspects of use of mathematical toolkit for educational models construction in a context of a problem of increase efficiency in experts preparation in high schools are examined in the article.
Velikaja E.G. RESEARCH OF INDUSTRIAL CORPORATIONS FUNCTIONING The approaches to research of industrial corporations functioning from positions of the system - logic approach are considered in the article. The dynamic model of an estimation of a corporation condition is offered. The toolkit of neutralization and decrease of influence of destabilizing factors of the environment, directed on maintenance of steady functioning and development of corporations in conditions of the dynamical environment is developed.
Jakovenko A.M. TO A SUBSTANTION OF THE METHOD OF STRUCTURING OF AN ECONOMIC SYSTEM AT AN ASTIMATION OF INNOVATIONAL POTENTIAL OF ENTERPRASES AND INDUSTRIAL COMPLEXES The substantiation of the method of structuring of social and economic system of an enterprise or an industrial complex in conditions of management by changes and development is carried out in the article.
Kolmakova I.D. THE FORMATION OF THE MECHANISM OF LABOUR MANAGEMENT IN REGION The given article is devoted to consideration of regional features of social - labour relations. These relations are considered by the author as a system, including several parts: bodies of legislative and executive authority in region, a regional labour market, a subsystem of social partnership. The creation of the effective system of labour management is, in author`s opinion the major task of strategic development of regions.
Goroshko G.V. FINANCE-CREDIT AND INTER-BUDGET RELATIONS IN MUNICIPAL SPHERE Stages of municipal finances reduction, forming of municipal budgets incomes and structure of expenses are regarded in this article. The analysis of Orenburg city budget is given here, where special attention is given to the analysis of incomes allotment on housing and communal services and branches of social sphere between different budget levels.
Natural sciences
Parshina I.N., Strjapkov A.V. THE SORBATION OF IONS OF METALS BY ORGANIC CATIONS FROM RAB-OF-BANK SOLUTIONS The principle opportunity of the sorbation clearing of ran-of-bank solutions of a deposit of copper-zinc ores from copper, zinc, iron, calcium and magnesium with the use of organic exchangers КU-2х8, Lewatite and КB-4 is shown. It is established, that the application of heavily acidic ionites (КU-2х8, Lewatite) allows to achieve a high degree of extraction of all metals without preliminary preparation of ran-of-bank waters.
Kazhanova T.V., Gataullin P.P., Almetkina L.A., Fedotov A.S. REACTION 3,4-DIFLAURINANILINE WITH CHLOROACETYLCHLORIDE The interaction of 3,4-diflaurinaniline with chloroacetylchloride proceeds with formation of products of the subsequent transformation of N-chloroacetyl-3,4-diflaurinaniline and results in N,N-diflaurinephenyl-diketopiperozine, amide of glycolic acids and to a simple ether of the last.
Kovalchuk M.V., Bagirova V.V., Veselov B.V. MAGNETIC FIELDS IN COMPLEX TREATMENT OF OSTEOARTHROSIS The efficiency of impulse magnetic field (IMF) in treatment of osteoarthrosis patients is estimated in the article. From 30 surveyed patients 15 received treatment IMF, 15 - variable magnetic field (VMF). Under the influence of therapy with inclusion IMF at patients positive clinical dynamics was marked, parameters of rheovasogram, сapillaroscopy , conjunctival vascular indexes were authentically improved. VFM renders less expressed effect on microcirculation and regional vascular resistance.
Il'ina S.S., Cherneev A.S., Efimova I.P., Umanskaya N.E., Zapara V.V. THE SENSE OF DIFFERENT METHODS OF ANALYSIS OF HEART RATE VARIABILITY IN CARDIOLOGY The analysis of heart rate variability is the most modern noninvasive appraisal method of dynamic condition of cardiovascular system and extra-cardinal regulation system of heart rate. The research of vegetative background of cardial pathology is important for every patient from the position of individual approach and it allows to "treat not illness, but patient", as the majority of drugs, using in cardiology, has direct or mediated activity. Indications for rhythmographical examination of patients with cardiovascular system illness are regarded in this article.
Bugaeva I.O., Bogomolova N.V., Brill G.E., Kolokolov G.R. FUNCTIONAL MORTHOLOGY OF LYMPH NODES AND THYMUS UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF LOW INTENSIVE LASER RADIATION The histostructure of thymus and lymph nodes in conditions of an irradiation of experimental animals by the IR laser was studied. It was established, that laser radiation renders stimulating influence on thymus and lymph nodes. In tymus on 3 and 15th day proliferative activity of cortical thymocytes amplified. The contents of low-varied cellular forms accrued in lymph nodes and marked plasmacytaral reaction was registered.
Egorov M.A. CATALYSIS ACTIVITY OF ANIMALS` BLOOD ERYTHROCYTES SUBJECTED TO ACTION OF PHYTOHORMONE OF EPIBRASSYNOLYD AND TOXICANTS IN EARLY POSTNATAL ONTOGENESIS The influence of phytohormone of epibrassynolyd on catalase of erythrocytes` activity of cool-blooded (fishes, frogs) and warm-blooded (white rats) animals at early stages of postnatal ontogenesis is investigated. The change of catalase of erythrocytes` activity at action of toxins of a different nature and normalizing effect of phytohormone on activity of catalase in conditions of chronic influence of toxicants on animals of different classes are revealed.
Mudarisov R.M., Jusupov R.S. THE INFLUENCE OF ERGOTROPIC OF ERACONDS ON MORPHOLOGICAL, BIOCHEMICAL PARAMETERS OF BLOOD AND LENGTH OF THE YOUNG ANIMALS OF SILVER-BLACK FOX`S HAIR?S BASIC TYPES In article the data on feeding the biologically active additive of eracond to young animals of the silver-black fox and its influence on morphological and biochemical parameters of blood are given. During researches positive influence on current erythropoiesis, increase of a level of the common fiber in whey of blood is established, that finally corrects the reactance of animals, and also significant changes in length of hair are established.
Sergeeva I.V. ECOLOGAL-FAUNAL ANALYSIS AND MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTIC OF TANIPODIN OF GENUS CLINOTANYPUS KIEFFER (DIPTERA, CHIRONOMIDAE, TANYPODINAE), LIVING IN TERRITORY OF RUSSIA From seven palearctic kinds of Tanypodinae subfamily (Diptera, Chironomidae) genus Clinotanypus Kieffer five kinds can be met in territory of Russia, from them four kinds are known for the Russian Far East. New specific areas are revealed. For the first time it is investigated male imago Clinotanypus decempunctatus Tokunaga, 1937. The comparative morphological analysis of imago is given and the attributive table is made.
Kadimaliev D.A., Revin V.V., Atykjan N.A. THE INFLUENCE OF POLYMERIC SUBSTRATA ON BIOSYNTHESIS OF ENZYMES OF LYNGOLITIC COMPLEX BY MUSHROOM P.TIGRINUS The influence of polymeric substrata on process of biosynthesis of enzymes of lyngolitic complex by mushroom P.tigrinus BKM F-3616D at deep cultivation is investigated. It is shown, that entering of celloginine on medium reduces the activity of enzymes of lyngolitic complex. Birch sawdust in concentration of 2 % raise Mn-peroxidatic and glucosooxidatic and in concentration of 5 % laccatic and peroxidatic activity.
Technical sciences
Grebenjuk V.F., Rudakov V.I. IONIC-PLASMA TECHNOLOGY OF DEFORMING TOOL HARDENING The purpose of the carried out work is the increase of operational properties of stamps and the compression moulds made from alloyed treated tool steels and intended for cold and liquid punching, moulding under pressure by a method of drawing on forming surfaces of the tool the ionic - plasma coverings of complex structure on the basis of nitrides and carbonitrides of refractory metals.
Jurshev V.I., Mihajlov V.N., Repjah B.S., Jurshev I.V. PYROLITIC CHROMIC COVERINGS AND IMPROVEMENT OF TECHNOLOGY OF SEDIMENTATION The given article contains the brief review on the methods of sedimentation of coverings and sedimentation from a steam phase with formation of a wearproof covering on details and cutting tool is examined. Structure, properties, equipment, and also a new way of sedimentation of a pyrolitic chromic covering are described here.
Karpov G.N. THE INDUSTRIAL PROCESSING IS NECESSARY FOR ROOFING WASTE PRODUCTS During the repair of explotable rolled roofs a plenty of waste products which, as a rule, are taken out on city dumps is formed. As a result of such burial places there is a pollution of the environment. How to avoid it and to save up roofing resources there will be a question in the given article.
Ivanova A.P., Mezhueva L.V. DEPENDENCE OF QUALITY OF FODDER MASS MIXING FROM CONSTRUCTIONAL PECULIARITIES OF VIBROMIXERS Heightened demands to the quality of mixable fodder, because of embedding of second helping, which are rich of vitamins and medicinal preparations in to fodder, testify that selection of constructional get-up is the most complicated question as a result it is suggested stopping choice on such equipment, which create complicated trajectory of product movement, promoting more qualitative mixing. One of directions of optimization process search is modeling of new vibrocontact surface.
Nikiforova T.A., Raguzina L.M., Vladimirov N.P. POSSIBLE WAYS OF RATIONAL USE OF MILLET FACTORY`S WASTE PRODUCTS For a scientific substantiation of rational use of waste products of millet factory the basic parameters of a chemical compound of millet flour were investigated. The carried out researches show the expediency of use of millet flour in microbiological, food and feed mill industry.
Science events
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |