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№ 6 2002

Humanitarian sciences

Matyash S.A. "THE PRISONER OF CHILLON" AND "THE TRIAL IN THE DUNGEON" BY ZHUKOVSKY V.A. (PECULIARITIES OF GENRE AND COMPOSITION)The article compares the poetics of two stories by Zhukovsky written in verse form. Thcy are compared in the aspects of genre and composition. The author defines more precisely the conception of the Works and shows ZhukovskyTs skill as an epic poet and the story genre evolution in his work.
Yevseyeva R.A. COMPOSITION OF LYRIC POEMS BY V.A. ZHUKOVSKY: PROBLEMS AND RESULTS OF STUDY.Composition of lyric poetry by V.A. Zhukovsky is analyzed in the paper for the first time. The study of the poetic of composition includes the singling out of three components (beginning, development, and ending) and differentiation in genres. The author examines songs, elegies, messages and epigrammes. Unity of formal and contental components is shown.
Morozova A.V. ON THE QUESTION OF POETIC MEANS LITERATURE PORTRAIT CREATION.The problem of the portrait in poetic and prosaic diction is studied in the following article. We treated some means of emphasizing the portrait details, such as rhyme, enjambments and special features or rhythmical shift (spondee and the pyrrhic).
Dementieva N.A. ON LERMONTOVTS INVERTIVE VERSE.The article deals with the analysis of poetic forms from eighteen poems, which the author believes refers belong to the invective genre. The verse of the genre is described from metries, strophies, catalectics, intonation, syntax points of view. It is researched for the first time.
Borisova I.M. THE GRAPHIC EQUIVALENT OF THE TEXT AND RHYME IN THE POETICLE WORKS BY NECKRASOV N.A.In the article the types of graphic equivalent of the text are examined: rhymical, schematic, solitary in comparison with other ways of rhyme. The role of equivalent in creation of artistic world of the work is shown.
Dymova I.A. PLOTS OF SHORT STORIES EXPRESSED IN VERSE BY N.A. NEKRASOV.28 short stories by N.A. Nekrasov have been analyzed in the paper; typology of the plots in the aspects of their themes and motifs has been created; the basic elements of the plot have been examined, their specific features in comparison with lyrics and epic have been revealed.
Prokofieva V.Y. LOCUS "RUSSIA" IN THE POETRY OF THE EMIGRANTS OF THE FIRST WAVE. (BASED ON G. IVANOVTS CREATIVE WORKS)The author touches upon the problem of lexico - semantic peculiarities of poetic metaphors referring to Russia in IvanovTs poetry of the period of emigration. The author considers various metaphorical patterns and their texual invariants of this important for Russian poetemigrant locus in the context of "The Silver Age" poetry.
Kudryavtseva O.S. SATIRICAL GENRES OF 16TS PAGE "LITERATURNAYA GAZETA": PROBLEM SETTING.Researches satire of 16Ts page " Literaturnaya gazeta" after 1967, 1977, 1987, 1997 yearTs (more than 200 numbers). Gets up problem of new satirical genres ("genre - word of new mintage"). Spots material and traces ways his research.
Benkovskaya T.Y. THE UNITY OF LITERATURE STUDYING AND METHODOLOGY AS THE SOURCE OF ENRICHMENT AND DEVELOPMENT OF TEACHING PRINCIPLES USED AT LITERATURE CLASSES AT SCHOOL. (HISTORICAL-BIBLIOGRAPHICAL ASPECT)The author considers and analyzes the ties of two sciences - Literature Studying and Methodology - during the last hundred years (1900-1990), and defines their importance for the development of teaching methods used at Literature classes at school.
Sadomskaya N.D. H.R HAGGARTS CREATIVITY IN A MIRROR OF DOMESTIC CRITICISM.In this article there is a review of reports and materials of the domestic critics, devoted to H. R.HaggardTs works (1856-1925). He is characterized as the representative of a new romanticism. The majority of his romances havenTt been studied before the present moment.
Н.М. Мышьякова ИНТЕРМЕДИАЛЬНОГО АНАЛИЗА (МУЗЫКАЛЬНОСТЬ ЛИРИКИ А.А. ФЕТА)В статье рассматривается поэтика Фета как пример интертекстуальности, в связи с чем и выбран интермедиальный подход к материалу. Интермедиальность анализа позволяет увидеть в лирике Фета музыкальность как метаморфологическую категорию, реализующуюся на всех уровнях художественной структуры.
Kozhevnikov M.V. NEW CLASS - NEW MORAL - NEW GENRE (RICHARD STEELETS ESSAYS AND FOUNDATION OF A GENRE SENTIMENTAL COMEDY)The article reveals with the role and the meaning of the SteeleTs theatrical essays in the English journals of the 18 th century and its importance for the development of a genre sentimental comedy.
Yegorova O.G. ABOUT THE MOTIVE-THEMATIC UNITY OF "THE DECAYING MASKS" BY F. SOLOGUBSome principles of creating the motive-thematic unity in "The Decaying Masks" by F. Sologub are being analysed in this article. The story-cycle under study is structured in the way to demonstrate the new basis of composing the big epic form in the beginning of the XXth century.
Popov A.N. MUSIC-ORATORIO LYRICS BY MERZLYAKOV A.F. AND VOSTOKOV A.H.: THEORETICAL INTERPRETATION AND POETIC EXPERIENCE.The article deals theoretical literary and poetic texts by Merzlyakov A.F. and Vostokov A.H. The author shows correlation of music-oratorio lyrics genres (in hymn, dithyramb, cantata, oratorio, chorus) conceptions with practical works of fiction at the beginning of the 19 th century. Such Approach revels the most significant structural content signs of genres.
Dolin Y.T. ARE THERE ANY VERBS IN FETTS POETRY? (ON THE QUESTION OF GRAMMATICAL FORM OF NOMINATIVE SENTENCES)The article considers the controversial question in syntax, which concerns dramatical form of nominative sentences. FetTs poem "Wisper, timid breathing-" is taken as an example. The author maintains non-traditional standpoint, according to which Russian nominative sentence is a peculiar structural variety of a two-member sentence with a zero form of a word-predicate.
Proshvirkina I.I. SUBJUNCTIVE MODALITY AS MEANS OF EXPRESSING APPRAISAL.The article considers language means of expressing an authorTs attitude toward the given information (means of appraisal). Special attention is paid to modality, particularly to subjunctive modality, which, in the authorTs opinion, is a means of expressing the attitude on a syntactical level. The article attempts to systematize the means of expressing of subjunctive modality in the Russian language.
Rusakova S.R. IS TEXT A LANGUGE UNIT?Text serves as a subject to: disciplines such as linguistics, poetics, rhetoric, semiotics and pragmatics, germenevtics. In M.M. BahtinTs opinion, text is "a primary thing of all the human-philological mentality". Text may be widely understood as "any Coherent symbol complex, in this care" art criticism (music criticism, teary and history of the fine arts) deals with texts (masterpieces) either. Besides, text may be a complete unit. Thus, a text is any symbol succession.
Gorovaya I.G. SEMANTIC PECULIARITIES, OF OCCASIONAL COMPLEX OBJECTIVES WITH THE MEANING OF COLOUR.The article is devoted to one of the important questions of neology, occasional words - to semantic aspect of occasional complex objectives with the meaning of colour, which function in modern prose and realize the occasional meanings in microand macrocontext.
Tarasova I.A. BEFORE EXPRESSEMA AND IDEOLOGEMA: ABOUT THE WAYS OF POETICAL LEXICOGRAPHY'S DEVELOPMENTThe article is devoted to the problem of authorTs lexicography. The objects of lexicography description are being considered through content-expression correlation in literary texts.
Grudeva Elena EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF THE RUSSIAN VERB VALENCYThe paper is devoted to the study of ellipsis in Russian and presents the discussion of the data obtained during the experiments aimed at the formation of utterances with the given verb by ordinary language speakers. The paper suggests to differentiate three mechanisms of not filling-in empty slots of the verb: 1)_ellipsis (contextual omission of elements of the utterance); 2)_reduction (language situation of the prohibition of syntactic expression of one of the (semantic) arguments); 3)_compensation (situation of the change of the actant slot with the circumstant, as a result of which full or partial neutralization of the utterance incompleteness takes place).
Slukhay T.A. ON THE BASIC OF TEACHING MODERN RUSSIAN IN A TEACHERS" TRAINING UNIVERSITY THE AUTHOR OF THE ARTICLE SUGGESTS SOME METHODICAL APPROACHES TO THE ANALYSIS OF A COMPOSITE SENTENCE.Some methodical approaches are suggested in the article for analysis of complex sentence which are got from Experience of practical studies in Modern Russian language at the Pedagogical University.
Churilina L.N. "CHARACTER SPEECH" AND "AUTHOR SPEECH": THE PROBLEM OF CORRELATION.The paper conceptualizes an anthropocentric approach to lexical analysis of text structure in works of art. The procedure in question starts from concepts of "subject text domain", "lexical text theme" and "individual character vocabulary". Interpretation of the "character" lexical theme deals with the two important issues of textual analysis in a work of art: reconstructing the virtual linguistic person pattern in a range of parameters (vocabulary, thesaurus, pragmaticon); developing analytical techniques for lexical structure in a multi-subject prosaic text. The paper describes analytical findings for the individual vocabulary of Petr Verkhovensky (in F.M. DostoevskyTs Demons) as a linguistic person.
Yarmashevich M.A. ABBREVIATIONAL SIGN.The wide spread of abbreviation and the use of reduced lexical units has become the general and common tendency for many national languages; the number of shortenings in the world rapidly grows and this makes difficult take into account all the newly appearing abbreviations. For the final definition of abbreviation it is obviously necessary to correlate its attributes and properties with the attributes and properties of language sign, word and word combination, i.e. with the whole complex of modern linguistics problems; that will allow us to find out, whether the abbreviation is a full word, participating in word-formation, or it simply represents a certain specific formation.
Kochetkova T.I. WORD-COMPOSING IN THE WORK OF ORENBURG POETS.The article deals with the actual problems of wordcomposing in modern Russian language. The author examines the formative peculiarities of different level linguistic units and transition nature units. The paper describes Specific using of compound words and appositive word-combinations.
Tsypin O.A. PROBLEMS OF ACTUAL SYNTAX IN THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE (TYPOLOGICAL THEORY OF PREDICATES EXPERIENCE).The change in the scientific and pedagogical thought in the middle of the XX century and in the beginning of the XXI century, reflected in the syntax theory of the Russian language, is depicted in the article.
Bogomolova A.Yu. FOREIGN KNOWLEDGE AS A BASE OF STUDENTS FOREIGN COGNITIVE POTENTIAL DEVELOPMENT.This paper deals with foreign knowledge as a base of students foreign cognitive potential development. Special attention gives to axiological component of cognitive potential thanks to academic process integration and intensification. Requirements to foreign text programme are determined. This paper defines language personality levels and its abilities to create speech acts.
Terekhova G.V. BILINGUISM - TO THE QUESTION OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES STUDY AS A SOURCE OF CROSSCULTURAL OMMUNICATION.The problem of bilingual personality training has been analysed in the article. It is considered to be the integral part of crosscultural communication. The foreign colleagues experience is shown in the article.
Gorelikova S.N. ПРИРОДА ТЕРМИНА И НЕКОТОРЫЕ ОСОБЕННОСТИ ТЕРМИНООБРАЗОВАНИЯ В АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕThe article deals with the nature of English terms, the terminology system and the peculiarities of the term formation in English. There are also touched upon some problems of teaching English terminology in Russian higher schools.
Merzlyakova L.V. LINGUISTIC ASPECT OF POLITICAL CORRECTNESS.The presented article is dedicated to the social and cultural parameters of communicative process that became especially topical at the tightest point of the struggle for equal opportunities of race and ethnic minorities at the end of the XX century. The PC (politcorrectness) in the language dictates its own semantic priorities mostly at the expense of the choice of a positive feature for naming subjects and phenomena.
Ovchinnikova T.Y. TEACHING STUDENTS OF UNIVERSITY IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONThe article gives characteristics of some problem aspects of teaching written speech under the circumstances of bicultural communication. Typical errors and their causes are analysed. The author considers the conversion of teachers to new technologies as the way of solving the problems of teaching students foreign language written communication.
Ovshieva N.L. ON STEREOTYPED SPEECH BEHAVIOUR.The concern of modern linguists with the issues of stereotyped speech behaviour can be observed in interpretation of the norms of communicative behaviour or models of conventional behaviour in the cultural context. This interest has been caused not only by the linguistsT intent to analyse the socially acceptable behaviour, but also to show how culture may be translated into the style of a speaker, into his or her ways of speaking, into aspects of behavioural competence such as politeness, deference or socially appropriate behaviour, i.e. stereotyped behaviour.
Solodilova I.A. VERBAL IMAGES AS MEANS OF ACTUALIZING CONCEALED MEANINGS IN DEPICTION OF MAIN CHARACTERS IN THE NOVELS "PUPIL TURLESTS CONFUSIONS" AND "MAN WITHOUT FEATURES" BY ROBERT MUZIL.The problem of concealed meanings and their linguistic representation in a fictional text is solved in the article on the material (basis) of the works by the XX century Austrian writer R. Muzil. The function of verbal images for actualizing concealed (not expressed directly in the text) meanings is observed. Tropes and linguistic means metaphorizing under the influence of the context are analyzed: "loneliness of the main hero in the surrounding world", theatrelike reality and the heroTs inner imparticipation in it", "spiritual anxiety, active creative component of the main heroTs personality being in constant development and perfection", in total realizing metasense or the idea of spiritual antagonism between the main hero and modern society.
Erofeeva N.E. PROBLEMS OF THE THEORY OF A GENRE OF A COMEDY IN THE FRENCH LITERATURE OF THE FIRST HALF XVIII OF CENTURY.In the article the plays C.-H. Voisenon, in which one have found reflectance the main problems of development of a genre of a comedy in the first half XVIII of century.
Ivanova S.V. APPROACHES TO LINGUACULTURAL VOCABULARY MAKE UP.The aim of the article to throw the light on the present approaches to Linguacultural Vocabulary Make - Up.
Sakharova N.S. FOREIGN LANGUAGE COMPETENCE DEVELOPMENT.The article deals with the development of foreign language competence of students from the point of view of value theory. Various Levels of competence are defined in interaction with the educational process.
Tyomkina V.L. STUDENTST DICTIONARY - THESAURUS IN FORMING COMMUNICATIVE CULTURE OF STUDENTS-LINGUISTS.Speech behaviour of personality depends on its Speech communicative skills regarded as such practical mastering linguistic means that gives an opportunity to construct a verbal utterance solving communicative task in the most effective way. In this connection the students' dictionary - thesaurus offered will promote the expansion of opportunities for realizing the linguistic behaviour, forming linguistic conscious of personality, the very development of it.
Osiyanova I.M. THE LINGUISTIC PERSONALITY OF THE XXI ST CENTURY: PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS.The article touches upon some problems and prospects of formation the linguistic personality of a new type in connection with the needs of cross-cultural communication under modern political, social and economic circumstances in Russia. As a strategic aim of the linguistic education of the XXI st century the author puts forward the new concept of the linguistic personality which is understood as a total combination of personality's abilities necessary for the cross-cultural communication.
Melekesov G.A. VALUE GROUNDS TO THE PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT OF A FUTURE TEACHER.The article represents all possible ways in realization of the axiological approach to the professional training of future teachers on the base of analyzing the results of philosophic, psychologic, social and pedagogical researches in the sphere of axiology and diagnostic material in the studentsT value orientation study.
Sharov V.I. PRESENTATION OF THE CRIME STRUCTURE IN THE MANNER OF SEMANTIC NETWORK.The model of crime which is built on the base of extended semantic networks variant is considered in the article. The new for criminalistics approach to presentation of the crime in the manner of collection of interconnected events is offered for this purpose. The technology of reveling for this purpose. The technology of revealing the events and the example of documents forgery presentation by semantic network is brought.

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Sergey Aleksandrovich

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