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№ 6 2003

Humanitarian sciences

I.A.Belyaev HUMAN INTEGRITY IN THEOCENTRIC MEASUREMENT The article is devoted to research of human integrity. The author considers the human being as a spiritual essence, being guided by the theocentric approach to perception of reality, basing on the anthropological contents of the christian doctrine. The representations of the author about animation of souls, spirituality and spiritualness, about Godman and mangod ways of self-determination of the human being are expounded in a context of theocentric world vision.
N.A. Volkova LIP SPIRANTS IN THE PAST AND THE PRESENT OF KURSK DIALECTS In the article a question on lip spirants in Kursk national dialects is viewed. The data are compared received by collectors of Kursk folklore in XIX century with dialect materials which are written down in different areas of Kursk area last years. The analysis of a dialect material shows, that lip spirants appeared to be the steadiest to influence of a literary language and have not lost the original realizations.
P.A. Goncharov PASS "BRIDGEWALL". MOCK MANNER AS A NEGATION FORM OF SOCIALREALISTIC CANON IN EARLY PROSE OF V. ASTAFIEV This article is devoted to unexplored early theme of mock manner as form of social realism canon negation in soviet literature. The problem is researched on the example of early prose of V. Astafiev, for these the author got rich literary material.
S.A. Salova ANACREONTIC POEM OF A.D. KANTEMIR "ABOUT MY SLEEPING MISTRESS" This article represents the first in history of native study of literature experience of monographic analysis of expressed in verse imitation of A.D. Kantemir to Anakreont. This pastiche is regarded as one of episodes in protracted polemics of syllabism representative with V.K. Trediakovsky, filled up tradition of love weeping. Polemical implication of anacreontic poem of Kantimir, which exceeds dispute of V.K. Trediakovsky and A.P. Sumarokov about using of mythological figurativeness, is discovered in the annotated work.
L.Yu. Pisarchik INTERCOMMUNICATION OF SCIENCE AND ART IN ANCIENT EGYPT Sociocultural and gnoseological bases of intercommunication of science and art are analyzed in the article according to the materials of ancient Egypt culture. Syncretic character of ancient Egyptian people thinking, absorbed mythological, religious, science (prescience) and artistic elements is shown here. The wide understanding by Egyptians of art as activity, including artistic beginning, science (prescience) and craft, that is activity, which is similar to ancient Egypt tekhne, is regarded in this article. It is established that conformably to culture of ancient Egypt we can say about limited unity of science (prescience) and art, what predetermines grandiose scale of buildings in architecture and sculpture, and also what causes to life quite unusual style in painting and relief - "artistic drawing".
V.N. Antoshkin SOCIAL - STATISTICAL FACTORS IN MANAGEMENT OF COMMUNICATIVE ACTIVITY The support on social - statistical factors allows to develop integral communicative technology of work with people. Moreover, homeostatic factors - are the real instrument of reorganization and innovations. The revealing of available socially - typological resources of collective gives the information of what is possible to expect to the manager from the command, what will be the character of course of processes of the communications in the organization, efficiency of the decision of business problems, deep motives of behavior and integrity of workers, functional compatibility, solidity and integrity of collective. The similar information is necessary in respect of clients, consumers, customers, partners to develop acceptable ways and methods of communicative interaction with them. The information on static aspects of subjects and objects of communicative activity makes a basis for forecasting dynamics of interaction (that is necessary to expect in the future). Only in such way it is possible to provide with image dialectic unity of stability and development of social structures.
I.S. Lomakina PROFESSIONAL VALUES OF SOCIAL FIELD OF ACTIVITY; ESSENCE AND FEATURES In the article the following aspects are examined: the professional values of social field of activity as cultural values; the relations making a core of cultural values. The values of relations having an output on a social field of activity, share on some groups, they are: value - reference, operatively - methodical, professional - psychological, professional - cognitive, reflective - estimated, professional - research. The article opens the essence of the culturelogical approach, orientation of students to professional values of a social field of activity as the future expert.
K.P. Burtny THE PROBLEM OF TERRORISM AT THE BEGINNING OF THE THIRD MILLENNIUM OF COMMON ERA OF HUMAN CIVILIZATION (TERRORISM: REALITY OF MODERN POSITION) This article is devoted to social-political analysis of terrorism, which is event, becoming more and more actual in modern international relations and which has become "visiting card" of our civilization of the third millennium beginning even long ago. Cradles, reasons and modern modifications of terrorism are regarded in this article.
Bishmanov B.M. ABOUT THE PROCESSUAL FIGURE OF AN EXPERT The legal regulation of the status of the expert is considered in the article. The object of research is the pricessual figure of the expert in criminal legal proceedings. The definition and the contents of terms "expert", "research" and " the conclusion of the expert " are submitted in the work. Besides the questions of participation of the expert in investigatory actions are covered and variants of the decision of actual problems in this area are offered.
Kunts E.V. THE HISTORICAL APPROACH TO A PROBLEM OF FEMALE CRIMINALITY The questions of criminality of women were actively discussed from the moment of occurrence of the criminology - 1885. The representatives of various historical epoch defined differently the criminality of women. But practically all researchers adhered to that the criminality among women is not an exclusion, it existence, its reasons, growth are explained, first of all, by a place of the woman in the system of public relations.
I.B. Goptareva THE PROBLEM OF CORRELATION OF FEDERALISM AND REGIONALIZATION IN RUSSIA The article is devoted to the problem of ratio of federalism as the state strategy of formation of new (democratic) political - legal space supposing unity of the multicompound state for the sake of preservation of cultural / territorial variety, and regionalization, meaning the process of regional structurization of space, and also more and more full inclusion of regions in economic, social and political life at a national level. In the article the problems of costs of processes of federalization and regionalization of today's Russia, the influence of various factors on effort of skewness of federalism, the infringement of relations) centres - regions are mentioned.
Ksenofontova M.V. THE LEGL STATUS OF SUBJECTS OF THE RUSSIN FEDERATION`S CONTRACTS WITH FOREIGN SUBJECTS The given article is devoted to the problem of a legal status of the contracts concluded by subjects of Russian Federation with foreign partners. The questions are examined legal nature, specificities, contents, about the conclusion of agreements of subjects of the Russian Federation, their place in system of the right, and as sources of their right regulation.
I.G.Shabaev ALGORITHMIZATION AND HEURISTICS IN HUMANISTICLY FOCUSED TRAINING. An attempt is undertaken in the article of reconstruction of problematical fields of interaction of algorithmic and heuristic approaches in humanisticly focused formation. The author of the article pays special attention to humanitarization of in logic of training process, to education of the reflexive person, formation of the general skill to reflexation. In the article the concept is proved based on necessity of training of pupils not only heurisms methods, but also reproductive, in particular to algorithmic ways of activity.
Bystrai E.B. THE INTERCULTURAL-PARTICIPATIVE APPROACH AS THEORETICAL-METHODOLOGICAL STRATEGY OF INTERCULTURAL- PEDAGOGICAL COMPETENCE FORMATIONS The reasons are examined in the article, determinating the necessity of search of new conceptual bases of vocational training of the future teachers, the strategic basis of formation of intercultural pedagogical competence of the future teachers is defined which is intercultural-participative approach. Within the framework of the article making the above named approach are considered, their characteristic features are accented.
O.L.Nazarova THEORETICAL BASES OF QUALITY MANAGEMENT OF EDUCATIONAL PROCESS IN COLLEGE The questions of quality management of educational process in professional - pedagogical college are considered in the article; contradictions are formulated and the characteristic of a category of quality as definition is given to the theory of quality management and a pedagogical problem; criteria of a management efficiency by quality of educational process in professional - pedagogical college are given and the basic positions of the concept of quality management are considered by us as set of direct (controlled) and connected to it processes.

Economic sciences

O.V.Buresh SOME PROBLEMS AND FEATURES OF THE ECONOMIC ANALYSIS AND FORECASTING OF REGIONAL TRANSPORT In the article the problems and the features of the analysis and forecasting of complicated economic system - a regional transport complex are considered in conditions of developing market economy, classification of methods of the economic analysis and forecasting is offered, their modern direction of development is shown.
E.G.Velikaya MODELLING AND FORECASTING OF THE CONDITION OF INDUSTRIAL CORPORATION IN THE COMPETITIVE MARKET In the given article the expediency is proved and the mechanism of realization an estimation technique, modelling and forecasting of a condition of industrial corporation in the competitive market is stated, the graphic three-parametrical model of a condition of corporation received by results of modelling in the competitive market can be used as the tool of monitoring or as static model.
A.M. Yakovenko THE DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENTIFIC APPROACHES TO RESEARCH OF SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC SYSTEMS IN A NEW PARADIGM OF MANAGEMENT In the work a problem of development of scientific approaches to research of social and economic systems in conditions of construction of competitive economy is examined.
I.V. Nekrasova, N.A.Chernenko THE INFLUENCE OF STRUCTURE OF THE SHARE CAPITAL ON RESULTS OF ACTIVITY OF THE COMPANIES The traditional approach to the analysis of influence of structure of the share capital on results of activity of the company is investigated. In opinion of the authors, the given approach is excessively narrow. The carried out analysis has shown, that at an estimation of influence of structure of the capital on activity of the company the big value has not only the size of a share of the capital of the shareholder, but also functional value of the shareholder for the company.
A.V.Nazarenko SOME ASPECTS OF PERFECTION OF WASTE PRODUCTS CONTROL SYSTEM In the article it is analyzed organizational - functional essence of " full life cycle of a product " that allows to approach to a problem of management of system waste formation and complex use of secondary resources in a new way. The author offers the system of the organization of management of use of secondary material resources in the region, providing all-purpose reflection of "life" of this complex material substratum in the system of managing.
I.G.Patsukova THE SUBSTANTIATION OF ESCALATING OF VOLUMES OF MANUFACTURE OF CRUSHED CHALK IN REGION KMA The necessity of realization of soil deoxidation is shown, advantage of crushed chalk as a reclamate. The technique of escalating of volumes of crushed chalk is given, in passing extracted in region KMA. The rational circuits of transportation of reclamate from suppliers to consumers are considered. The calculation of necessary volume of crushed chalk is carried out for soil deoxidation.
G.T. Kubesova CONCEPTUAL QUESTIONS OF TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN AKTYUBINSK REGION OF KAZAKSTAN This work is devoted to questions of working out of perspective tourism development in Aktyubinsk region of the Republic Kazakstan. The great attention is attended to creation of organizing and economical forming bases in sphere of modern tourism industry.
N.M.Yakupova THE COST OF THE ENTERPRISE IN THE SYSTEM OF STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT The new paradigm of management, promotion forward the strategic approach have resulted in change of the purposes and criteria of activity of the enterprise. On the foreground as the purposes and criteria of success of the enterprise its cost leaves. Cost is a basis of definition of mission of the enterprise for proprietors, quantitatively allows to estimate both the formulated strategic purposes, and a level of their realization. Use of economic value - cost as criterion at all stages of strategic management demands the obligatory account of its such features, as non-addititivity, latence, multiregularity, normatively-estimated character.
X.B. Dusaev INNOVATIONS: THEORETICAL ASPECT There is an identification of the concepts "novelty", "novation", "innovation" in the theory and practice of management; till now it is not produced the uniform standard contents of the used basic concepts connected to innovational activity. Theoretical generalization of researches of foreign and domestic scientists on this problem has allowed to develop the author's interpretation and specification of base concept "innovation".
V.G.Chaplygin GENESIS OF CURRENCY-FINANCIAL INTEGRATION The theory of currency-credit integration (globalization) is poorly known for the domestic scientists and practical men, being investigated enough in the western economic literature. At the same time events of last time - the introduction of collective currency euro in eleven countries of the European Union staticized researches in the given sphere, having given to them a new pulse of development.
D.A. Starkov DIRECTIONS OF PERFECTION OF UNCERTAINTY ESTIMATION METHODS AND MANAGEMENT OF RISKS AT THE ENTERPRISES OF THE BUILDING COMPLEX In the article the external environment of the building industrial organization is considered and on the given database functions of risk are modelled. Modelling is based on an assumption, that all kinds of risk in building branch are interconnected. The functional hierarchy of acceptance of decisions is developed in view of factors to risk on the basis of the analysis of results of modelling.

Natural sciences

N.A. Goncharenko, A.S. Fedotov, A.V. Dubinin, K.J. Vorobieva ALKENYLATION OF PHENOL BY OLEFINES AND SPIRITS AT PRESENCE OF SULFURIC ETHER OF GLYCOL In the article the results of experimental researches on alkenation of phenols by unsaturated hydrocarbons are given both at the presence of the catalyst - sulfuric ether of glycol, and at its absence. The results of interpretation of the received products of synthesis are given by results of the spectrometer analysis, the mechanism of process of alkenylation of phenol by olefines is offered.
K.I. Kuznetsova MORPHOLOGICAL, HISTOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL CRITERIA OF APPLICATION LOW INTENSITY LASER RADIATION Laser radiation, influencing on biologically active points, sympathetic and trophic components of nervous system, makes active albumen synthesizing processes in a leather, raises functional activity of nerves, cells of circulating blood and elements of a vascular wall, increases permeability of vessels and promotes transmigration of blood cells in a basis of a leather. Modification of biophysical parameters of a leather is a consequence of modification of exchange processes.
S.V Notova, G.Z. Ordzhonikidze, J.F. Nigmatullina THE CONTENTS OF CHEMICAL ELEMENTS IN A SALIVA AND HAIR OF CHILDREN LIVING IN REGIONAL CENTRE SARAKTASH OF THE ORENBURG REGION. The contents of chemical elements a saliva and in hair of children living in regional centre Saraktash of the Orenburg region was investigated by means of a technique of atomic-issue spectrometry and mass - spectrometry with inductive - connected argon plasma (АЭС-ИСП and МС-ИСП). Deviations in parameters of a mineral exchange are revealed which can become the reason of occurrence of various diseases.
N.G.Dogareva, E.A. Azhmuldinov, A.A.Tsarenok MANUFACTURE OF NON-POLUTING CATTLE-BREEDING PRODUCTION In the article the problem is raised of maintenance of ecological safety of meat and dairy raw material. Requirements are resulted to which ecologically safe facilities should answer, and also medical and biologic and sanitary norms of non-polluting meat and milk. Researches on studying an opportunity of manufacture of a beef on the radioactive polluted district (on an example of failure of the Chernobyl atomic power station) are described.
J.V.Nesterov PEROXIDE OXIDATION OF LIPIDS IN PULMONARY TISSUE OF RATS OF DIFFERENT AGE IN CONDITIONS OF SHARP EMOTIONAL - PAINFUL STRESS On the model of sharp emotional - painful stress (electroskin irritation) the stress - sensitivity of pulmonary tissue is investigated in the relation of peroxide oxidations of lipids at experimental animals of different age groups (not sexually mature 6-week, sexually mature 6-month's and old 25-month's). Oragano-specific and age features of stress - induced free radical oxidations of lipids are revealed. It is shown, that at an early stage of postnatal ontogenesis lungs have the greater stress - stability to perixide oxidation of lipids which significant activation in stress liver takes place at animals of all age groups.
R.X. Avzalov HEMATOLOGIC AND IMMUNOLOGICAL PARAMETERS OF HENS IN THE VARIOUS AGE PERIODS DEPENDING ON APPLICATION OF BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE PREPARATIONS In the article hematologic and immunological parameters of hens in the various age periods depending on application of biologically active substances are submitted The received data will form a basis for the development of the appropriate recommendations for application of biologically active preparations with the purpose of optimization of exchange processes in an organism, increases of the immune status of an organism of birds in critical days.
V.Yu. Safonova., V.A Safonova. THE INFLUENCE OF ADVERSE ECOLOGICAL FACTORS OF A PHYSICAL NATURE ON PARAMETERS HUMORAL IMMUNITY AT ANIMALS It was investigated the influence of external prolonged action of ionizing radiation of low capacity in total dozes 0,28; 0,56 and 0,85 Gr on the contents of serum immunoglobulins and circulating immune complexes at rats. Duration of an irradiation has made 30, 60 and 90 days. Dependence of humoral link of immunity from duration of stay of animals under an irradiation is shown. Unitary action of high-power radiation in the specified dozes causes in animals immunodeficiency state caused by the lowered contents immunoglobulins of classes And and M.
O.N.Nechitailo PROBLEM OF TOXIC EMISSIONS IN AIR POOL AT THE ENTERPRISES OF FUEL AND ENERGY COMPLEX AND POSSIBLE WAYS OF ITS DECISION On heat and power plant there is an emission of toxic substances during manufacture of electric energy. In this connection there is a necessity of development of methods of process of burning management with the purpose of a finding an optimum ratio probably the minimal emission of toxic substances at a high parameter of efficiency, at various modes of loading steam generating units and also to consider an opportunity of use of nonconventional renewed energy sources.
L.M. Nevostruev, S.E.Tychinina ABOUT SOME PAIRS OF TWO-PARAMETRICAL FAMILIES OF 2-PLANES IN FIVE-MEASURED PROJECTIVE SPACE In work pairs of two-parametrical families of 2-planes in Р5 which are considered special cases of unilateral fiber pairs of two-parametrical families of 2-planes in Р5, or special cases unilateral pairs Т. The statement is conducted by a method of external forms of Kartan [1].

Technical sciences

E.S. Kozik SEPARATION OF BORINGS AND POWDER OF GREY IRON The questions of separation of iron borings and powder with intake of silicon and carbon are regarded in this article, because the problem of iron borings using in mechanical engineering is very actual. Double cleaning of dross product allows to get rich graphitic concentrate.
V.M. Kushnarenko, N.E. Kandyba, E.P. Stepanov, Yu.R. Vladov., Yu.A. Chirkov ANALYSIS OF DAMAGEABILITY OF STEAM GENERIC EQUIPMENT ТPP Principal causes of damages of the equipment of thermal power stations are examined. The analysis of refusals of boilers of thermal power stations for the thirty-year period of operation is given.
Pankratiev P.V. GEOECOLOGICAL BASIS OF INDUSTRIAL WASTES ACCOUNT AND THEIR INFLUENCE ON AN ENVIRONMENT IN THE ORENBURG REGION In the article the questions are considered of geoecology of separate mining areas of the Orenburg region, connected with accumulation of industrial wastes and their recycling.

Science events


Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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