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№ 4 2004

Humanitarian sciences

Gorohov P.A. MICHAEL BULGAKOV'S HISTORICAL FANTASY. EXPERIENCE OF PHILOSOPHIC READING. Philosophic meaning of M.A. Bulgakov's works is analyzed in the article, written in the genre of historical fantasy. The author makes the conclusion that the writer had its own philosophy of history, deciding the problems of meaning and purpose of history, specificity of historical process and nature, freedom and the necessity in historical creation, roles of individual in the history in his works with the help of artistic means.
Lubichankovsky S.V. METHODOLOGICAL REGULATIONS OF HISTORIC- GEOGRAPHICAL ANALYSIS. The main methodological regulations of historical analysis are formulated in the article, the oblivion of which is the straight way to unscience.
Kovalenko V.V. INFLUENCE OF INTERNATIONAL FACTOR ON RELATIONSHIP OF THE SOVIET STATE TO RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH DURING THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR. The question, which was not enough studied, about the influence of foreign - policy factor on relative normalization of relationship between the Soviet State and Russian Orthodox Church is touched in the article. Events on the international scene are analyzed in the article in full, which made it necessary for Communist party of The Soviet Union to weaken policy to religious population.
Zavyalovа E.E. ESTHETIC VIEWS K.R. The world outlook aims of the Great prince of Konstantin Konstantinovich Romanov (1858 - 1915) are revealed in the article, whose creations are still unknown to the majority of readers. His esthetic positions in different, hierarchic - subordinated spheres of lyric system: thematical, motive - imagery, lexical are specified. The single organizing basis is singling out, which goes back to philosophic - religious semantics.
Gorst N.A. PROBLEM OF INDIVIDUALITY AND PSYCHO - PHYSIOLOGICAL DIAGNOSTICS OF TEMPERAMENT'S PROPERTIES. The main properties of temperament were researched from the position of differential psycho - physiology of Astrakhan's students. The methodology "Characteristics of temperament's properties" was used (B.N. Smirnov's test), which allowed to reveal the variety of individual characteristics of investigated index. A unique combination of orientation and degree of evidence of the main temperament's features, which received the graphical reflection and defined as "individual microtype of temperament's features" was established for every investigated person.
Kamaletdinova A.YA. POSSIBILITIES OF AXIOLOGICAL APPROACH IN DESIGNING OF ECONOMICAL GROUNDING OF YOUTH. The formation of the citizen is realized in reformative activity of acquirement of economical roles. Axiological approach , category of "values" allowed to trace the changes in the system of values and growth of level of needs in the dynamics. The historical analysis of three trends of axiological theory: objectivism, subjectivism and relativity are given in the article.
Solovyov G.E. CONCEPTION OF SELF - DETERMINATION OF INDIVIDUAL. BIOGRAPHICAL APPROACH. The conception of self - determination of individual on the basis of biographical approach are given in the article. Self - determination is viewed as a process and result of biographical evolution of the person, understanding and designing of its biography in life in general. Forms and methods of pedagogical interaction, which is directed at the activization of self - determination of pupils and grown - ups are given and spheres of usage of biographical approach in practice are defined.
Stashkevich I.R. THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATIONAL INDEPENDENCE OF MILITARY UNIVERSITIES STUDENTS OF COMPUTER ACCOMPANIMENT OF STUDY. Theoretical aspects of development of educational independence of military students as integral professional meaningful individual feature of computer accompaniment of theoretical training, realizing project - technological principal of professional study are viewed in the article.
Pankov T.A. SYSTEM OF SCHOOL EDUCATION AS EDUCATIONAL POLYSPHERE. The actuality of functioning of the school educational system as educational polysphere, including interaction of the participants of educational process and society , is stipulated for demands of modern educational policy. The possibility of social partnership in the discussion and solution of the problems connected with the development of the education, are viewed in the article.

Economic sciences

Aleshin A.N. STATE REGULATION OF RELATIONSHIP IN THE SPHERE OF RESOURCE USAGE, LEGAL ASPECT OF THE DIRECTION OF PERFECTION. The modern condition of relationship in the sphere of resource usage is analyzed in the article, problems and lack of the current system are specified, the ways of perfection are planned.
Kalugin V.A. MULTICRITERION APPRECIATION OF INVESTMENT PROJECTS. The problem of taking into account majority criterion of effectiveness is viewed in the article. The author of the article suggests his own approach of the conclusion of the problem on the basis of method of hierarchy analysis.
Mingaleva Zh.A. PECULIARITIES OF REGIONAL MODELS OF DEVELOPMENT. IN CONDITIONS OF STRUCTURAL TRANSFORMATION OF ECONOMIC. The article devoted to questions of formation of regional models of development in conditions of transfer to informational type of development and cardinal structural transformation of economic. On the basis of usage of materials of panel surveys of American and Russian high - tech enterprises, factors of choice of the region for placing of science intensive production are discovered, the main recommendations for regional policy are formulated.
Filimonova N.M. REGIONAL ASPECTS OF SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT. Regional problems of small business functioning are viewed in this article. Factors, which influence its development are defined and analyzed in details. The necessity of account of regional peculiarities of working out small business support programs is proved, in conclusion.
Demin I.S. PROBLEMS OF HYPERTEXT SPHERES DEVELOPMENT. Some problems, connected with the usage and development hypertext spheres in conditions of growing process of integration of information, making the basis of Internet are viewed in the article. The gap of the qualitative development of hypertext spheres from qualitative expansion of volume of information in hypertext form are stated, the ways of process intensification are planned.
Maltcev A.A. FORMATION OF A SINGLE INFORMATIONAL BASIS OF BOOKKEEPING ACCOUNT IN THE SYSTEM OF FINANCIAL SUPPLYING WITH STRUCTURES OF BUDGET SPHERE. Questions of making of the single informational basis process of bookkeeping account in composing systems of financial supplying of Russia Armed Forces are viewed. The constituents of the process of bookkeeping account, general for financial - economic institutes of Russia Defense Ministry, institutions of federal treasury of RF Finance Ministry and institutions of The Bank of Russia are singling out in conditions of treasury fulfillment of the budget.

Natural sciences

Rychko O.K., Chepasov V.I., Kolesnikov A.N. ALGORITHM OF MINIMIZATION OF THE QUANTITY OF PARAMETERS OF RESEARCH IN GEO ECOLOGY. Minimization of number of parameters of research for polyvalent object is suggested on the basis of factorial and regression analysis. Space of parameters converges greatly due to choice of base parameters, without worsening of exact characteristics of the description of polyvalent object.
Garipova R.F., Kaliev A.Zh. BIOTESTING OF THE WATER EXTRACTION OF SOIL, WHICH RECEIVED WASTES OF ORENBURG GAS - CHEMICAL COMPLEX. This work is devoted to the biotesting of man - caused environment pollution by the wastes of gas - transferring enterprises. Water extractions of soil of agricultural fields of irrigation (AFI) of Orenburg gas - chemical complex (OGChC) were examined.
Gatckov V.G. ABOUT THE FORMATION OF MONITORING SYSTEM ON BEING BUILT OIL - AND - GAS TERRITORIES OF ORENBURG. Given information characterizes the experience of working out of atomized technological of through geoecological monitoring (TGM) and creation of monitoring system on being built oil - and - gas - bearing territories of Orenburg. Accented, that the basis of technology of TGM is the creation of geoecological model of perspective oil - gas object, by means of simultaneous modeling of geological building and geoecological situation; structural and functional schemes of TGM are worked out. It is accented, that it is necessary to create a single informational space, the central core of which must be regional banks of given geologic - physical and geoecological information for successful introduction of TGM in production process of oil - and - gas complex enterprise.
Zakutanova V.I. LICHENS IN ECOLOGICAL MONITORING OF ASTRAKHAN REGION. This work is made on the basis of original materials, gathered in 1994 - 2002. All main districts of Astrakhan region were covered by route research during this time. Lichens in ecological monitoring of big and small cities of Volga's delta had been researched since 1996. The peculiarities of specific structure of lichens of arid zone, map - making of its distribution, zoning of indicated kinds of lichens were studied and the method of thallus's transplantation was used.
Stroeva E.V., Strypkov A.V., Kiakpaev M.A. RESEARCH OF KINETICS OF IODINE'S SORPTION OUT OF GROUTS BY THE METHOD OF BREAKING. The results of research of kinetics of iodine's sorption out of grouts with mineralization of 0,5 and 5,0 gram - molecule/ liter by method of breaking are given in the article. The given method allow to define the mechanism and kinetic parameters of limitative stages of iodine's sorption and its polyhalogenide ions. Sorption was made with the usage of highly fundamental ionite AB - 17 - 8 (CL-form) with the diameter of grains 0,63 and 0,40 mm.
Almetkina L.A., Fedorchenko V.I., Gonchrenko N.A. THE RESEARCH OF BROWN COAL OF TULGANSK'S COAL - FIELD AS THE SOURCE OF CHEMICAL RAW MATERIALS. The results of experimental researches of analysis and opportunities of chemical conversion of brown coal of Tulgansk's coal - field of Orenburg region are given. In the process of conversion of the given raw materials extraction of such valuable components as: wax, tar, humic acid, salts of rare and diffused elements is possible. Analytical spectra of initial brown coals, ash parts and its interpretations are given.
Bahtiyrov R.Z., Zabirov M.R. ESSENTIAL HYPERTENSION OF HEART AND ENDOTHELIUM DYSFUNCTION. This article contains facts of proper authors' researches of actual problem of modern cardiology - endothelium dysfunction. This work is made at the department of hospital therapy of Orenburg regional clinical hospital ?2 , using modern methods on a sufficient clinical material. The results promote the development of ideas about genesis and treatment of arterial hypertension, and signify for practical medicine.
Ivanov K.M., Abdulgazizov N.A. CLINICOHEMODYNAMIC PECULIARITIES OF CARDIAC INSUFFICIENCY OF PATIENTS, WHO HAD SUFFERED TUBERCULAR PERICARDITIS. Patients who have posttuberculous changes of periacarditis development of cardiac insufficiency was with worsening of systolic and diastolic function of left ventricle. By the hydropic syndrome, presence of hydropericarditis was the evidence not only of violation of lymphoflowout because of morphofunctional changes of periacarditis connected with adhesion, but also about compensation of supporting function periacarditis with expressed myocardial insufficiency.
Kucherenko M.G., Ignatiev A.A., Zholud A.A. LUMINESCENCE OF ORGANIC MOLECULE, CONNECTED WITH POLYMERIC CHAINS IN GROUTS: KINETICS OF TRANSFER OF ENERGY TO QUENCHERS AND QUANTUM YIELD OF FLUORESCENCE, DIRECTED BY CONFORMATIONAL TRANSITION. Peculiarities of energy transfer of electric motivation between molecule probes, sorbed on polymeric chain in grout. The description of kinetics of the process is made taking into account stohastic changes of conformation of macromolecule. The results of numerical designing of the problem, and also analytical expressions, received in the context of theory of perturbationfor the case of small speed of transfer and/ or quick conformational movement of macrochain are given. The channel of nonlinear disactivation in the result of pair annihilation of closely set motivated centers were viewed. Expressions for efficient speed of reciprocal quenching and annihilated slow fluorescent probe are received, designed charts of temporal dependencies of characteristic luminescence signals, parametrical curves of relative quantum yield of fluorescence are represented, and also results of experiments on quenching of fluorescence of painted grouts of synthetic polymers and protein.
Kuznetcov V.A. BARRIER ELECTRIC OZONIZER WITH REVOLVING MAGNETIC FIELD. Possibility of revolving magnetic field usage is suggested and researched with the purpose of untwisting ozonized gas on discharge gap of cylindrical barrier electric ozonizer. Analytical expressions for constituent of vector of speed and overfall of pressure in discharge gap, which are important at optimization accounts of the field of concentration of ozone with the purpose of maximizing of ozonizer productivity are received on the basis of equation Navie - Stocks and Maxwell.

Technical sciences

Malyshkina V.A., Zinuhinz G.B., Pishchuhin A.M., Popov V.P. ANALYSIS OF THE PROCESS OF DRYING OF MACARONI GOODS IN INFRA - RED DRYER. Researches are given in the work, which are directed on study of thermotraditional drying of macaroni goods and revelation of the main defects of the process? Which negatively influence the quality of the product. The researches were made on the specific equipment, using infra - red dryer instead of conveyer dryer USK. Indexes of quality of derivable macaroni goods are valued. Dependencies of temperature and relative moisture of drying air, rheological qualities of duration and effectiveness of dryer. Possible ways of improvement of quality of macaroni goods, using modern high effective technologies in new trend are discussed.
Abdrafikov R.N., Polishchuk V.U. TO THE DEFINITION OF RHEOLOGICAL QUALITIES OF MIXED FODDER IN THE PROCESS OF ITS EXTRUSION. The methods of experiment of defining the coefficient of power law of Ostvald - de Vill, describing flow of mixed fodder in a press - plodder are given in the article, and equations for determination of the given figures for 6 recipe of mixed fodder at different technological parameters of the process of extrusion are given.
Nguen H.L., Sagitov R.F., Polishchuk V.U. DESIGNING OF FLAW OF MATERIAL OF HIGH TENACITY FOR RESEARCHING OF ITS QUALITIES AT HIGH SPEEDS OF SHIFT. There is a shift of extrudable material with the high speed of shift in the cage of leakage of expeller in the process of work. Such speeds of shift are difficult to reach in capillar and rotational viscometers. The lack of facts about quality of materials of vegetative origin at high speeds of shift does not allow to calculate adequately consumable energy at its extrudition. The question of defining of tenacity by designing of flaw of materials in the cages of leakage is viewed.
Norkin S.P., Sokolov V.S. DEFINITION OF FORCES IN GLUE LINE OF JOINTING OF OVERLAPPED SHEET MATERIAL. Suggested method of defining of powers in glue line of jointing of overlapped sheet material, based on the idea of jointing in the form of fitful core system on loading diagram of alternate frame. The definition of power is suggested to make with the help of method of power.
Spurre F.A., Spurre A.F., Kushnarenko V.M. DISTILLER WITH THERMOCOMPRESSOR. Produced distiller, which uses thermocompressor of open type and which allow to reduce more than in 3 times water- and power consumption at receiving distillate is described in the work.
Vitvitcky E.E. CLASSIFICATION OF TRANSPORT - ASSEMBLED MOTOR AND TRACTOR SYSTEMS OF GOODS' DELIVERY TO SMALL WHOLESALERS. The necessity of identification, difference of given situations is realized in classification of motor and tractor systems. In such motor and tractor systems, motor vehicles deliver goods by small dispatches in towns. Classification of transport -assembled systems is one of the stages of development of theory of goods' transportation.
Mochalin S.M. METHODS OF CALCULATION OF NECESSITY OF TRANSPORT MEANS IN MOTOR AND TRACTOR SYSTEMS OF GOODS' DELIVERY. Suggested method of calculation of necessity of transport means allows to eliminate a number of lacks of S.R. Leiderman's, B.L. Geronimusa's and A.P. Kozhina's methods. Theoretical points and mathematical device used in the method, equip scientific and practical workers of goods' transport with necessary knowledge and toolkit for realizing adequate designing and management in motor and tractor systems of goods' delivery.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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