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№ 12 2004

Humanitarian sciences

Samigullina A.S., Fedorova A.L. DIRECT AND INDIRECT APPRAISAL: THE REASON IS IN EMOTIONALITY Some debatable questions of appraisal semantic, taking into account the specific of direct and indirect reference are regarded in this article. Emotionality has regulative function of appraisal differentiation in its direct and indirect development which open new horizon in studying of axiological perception.
Zhaplova T.M. SYMBOLIZATION AND METAPHORIZATION IN MANOR LYRICS OF A. FET This work is devoted to revelation and studying of symbolic lyrics of A.A. Fet, where manor motives prevail. The general accent is made on symbolization and metaphorization as more characteristic method for atmosphere reconstruction of Russian manor, replying the author's intention to give up from everyday and concrete beginning in some poetical texts and to pass the perfume of "nest of the nobility" in romantic and lofty halo.
Lyubichankovsky S.V. LEGISLATIVE GUARANTEE OF RUSSIAN GOVERNORS' ACTIVITY IN 1892-1913 Legislative guarantee of Russian governors' activity in 1892-1913 on the territory of European part of empire is studied in this article. It is ascertained how quickly legal regulation of their functioning changed according to time. The sides of their work to which legislator paid higher attention were distinguished here.
Pavlidis V.D. REFORMS OF MATHEMATICAL EDUCATION IN RUSSIA IN THE FIRST PART OF XIX CENTURY The results of passed reform in Russian educational system which was made in the first part of XIX century as from historical and pedagogical point of view as from methodical point of view were analyzed in this article. The author showed reasons, stages and peculiarities of school mathematical educational system forming in Russia. The content of gymnasian education was analyzed here; also the process of working up and formation of secondary education data was given a special attention. Strength and weaknesses of studying plans and programs of mathematics, which were accepted during reforms, were shown in this article too.
Yudina N.P. NATIVE PEDAGOGICS OF THE BORDER OF XIX-XX CENTURIES THROUGH THE PRISM OF HUMANITARIAN TRADITIONS: STATISTICS AND DYNAMICS This article contains the analysis of native pedagogics of the border of XIX-XX centuries in the aspect of humanitarian tradition development. It offeres value foundations, conceptual ideas and pedagogical experience. There are descriptions of different variants of humanitarian tradition, appeared as a result of axiology dissemination.
Egorova M.V. FOUNDERS OF PRIVATE EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS IN THE URAL DURING REFORMING PERIOD This article is devoted to founders and organizers of private educational organizations in the Ural during reforming period. General aims and motives, which were followed by founders of private schools during its opening, were revealed during the research. Estate belonging of founders and their educational level were discussed here. General reasons of closing and liquidation of private educational organizations in the Ural were regarded here too.
Andronova I.V. CONCEPTION OF CIVIL SOCIETY IN WEST THEORIES The conception of civil society in a context of modern political theory is regarded in this article. The author compares different normative models of democracy and different institutes of civil society. Theories of civil society, originated in XIX-XX centuries are analyzed here, also general positions, presented in works of Yu. Khabermas, M. Polanya, R. Darendorf and other scientist are distinguished here.
Emelyanova M.A. CONCEPTION OF INTEGRATOR MATURITY DEVELOPMENT OF FUTURE SOCIAL TEACHER Theoretical and methodological basis of problem "integrator maturity" research in social and pedagogical educational process, conceptual approach to determine of essence, content and structure of integrator maturity, specificity of social and pedagogical educational process which realizes conception of integrator maturity development, are regarded in this article.
Osiyanova O.M. MODERNIZATION OF LINGUISTIC EDUCATION IS A WAY OF OSU ENTRY TO UNITED EDUCATIONAL SPACE The necessity of linguistic education modernization of the university is determined with new political, social, economical and cultural realities in Russia and in the whole world, influence of technological achievements of civilization on the development of world language situation, necessity of integration of Russia in united educational space, including in Bologna process. Knowledge of foreign language widens professional competence of a specialist, opens the admission to the resources of universal importance, makes a specialist to be competitive not only in national but in world standard.
Pastukhova D.A. TASK OF TEXTS MANIPULATION OPTIMIZATION WITH HELP OF COMPUTER This work is an attempt to create universal methodic of optimization of translation and text editing, which is founded on using of known formulas and new formulas, derived by the author. Because of this the multilevel complex system of tasks solution with using of theory of elementary and higher mathematics is offered here. Using formulas can be interested for scientists of different specialties, for example in projecting of cutting machine transmission and some others transport means.

Economic sciences

Stepanova T.E. DIALECTICS OF KNOWLEDGE AND HUMAN CAPITAL Dialectic research of knowledge and human capital intercommunication, which was made by the article's author, allowed determining correlation of these categories, to distinguish and to open their direct and return connections. Special attention is given to the analysis of negative tendencies of knowledge influence on human capital.
Nemirova G.I. MODELS OF BUDGET SYSTEM ORGANIZATION IN ORENBURG REGION The author determined models of budget system of Orenburg region, criteria of management effectiveness of region development and passed systematic analysis, directed on stable development of territorial systems and subsystems.
Bakirov A.F. COMMUNITY AND DIFFERENCES IN SOCIAL AND ECONOMICAL ESSENCE OF INSURANCE IN PLAN AND MARKET ECONOMY Impetuous development of insurance sphere in Russia during last years moves out new tasks in theory and practice of insurance before science. In this article the author regards community and differences in insurance essence in plan and market economy, which allows to determine intercommunication old and new, to appraise start state of transformable object.
Sadygov E.M. ANALYSIS OF STATE SHORT-TERM BONDS YIELD AND INVESTMENT RISK Market of state short-term bonds merits special attention. Real cost of financial resources is determined in this market. National Bank regulates level of financial propositions in economy with help of this market. Operations with state short-term bonds are main source of profit earning for all subjects of financial market. That's why analysis and prognostics of dynamics of interest rates on market of state short-term bonds have paramount meaning for specialists.
Sheremetieva E.N. COMPLEX OF DIRECT MARKETING Direct marketing is regarded here as a tool of marketing communications. Rectangular components of direct marketing complex are elucidated here in details. Author's approach to selection of marketing-mix elements and its containing side is of interest.
Chebykina M.V. METHODICAL APPROACHES OF EFFECTIVENESS APPRAISAL OF USING OF MARKETING FACTORS OF AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISE COMPETITIVENESS Some methodical approaches to appraisal of effective using of such important factor of agricultural enterprises competitiveness as capital, which is regarded as marketing factor, repulsed intercommunication with market environment, are represented in this article. The author shows new direction in capital using by means of determination of enterprise potential opportunities or on the contrary, account of expense standards on ton of goods. The author offers to account through index of land capacity to general types of goods at basing of industrial activity of enterprise and its specialization. Besides, determination of fixed food tax is regarded as one of directions of cumulative capital using.
Kazantceva S.M. ADAPTABILITY OF MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEM: PROBLEMS AND APPRAISAL OPPORTUNITIES Appraisal methodic of adaptability degree of management organizational system, which is founded on the hypothesis that effectiveness of organizational system is connected with its adaptability, is regarded in this article. The author shows results of this methodic approbation, which prove that maximum adapted organizational systems are more effective functionated in new conditions.

Natural sciences

Zakutnova V.I., Pilipenko T.A. INFLUENCE OF HEAVY METALS ON LICHENS Influence of heavy metals on morphological features of lichens was studied for the first time in Astrakhan. Capability of heavy metals to collect in living organisms was elucidated in this article.
Khristianovsky P.I. FORMING REGULARITIES OF EXODE ACARIDAE BIOTOPES AND NATURAL CENTERS OF PYROPLASMOSIS ON CITY TERRITORIES Biotopes of exode acaridae were formed in cities during 1980-90. The quantity of acaridae is not large in central parts of city and in newly-erected buildings. Maximum number of acaridae is typical for young green regions (from 3 till 50). Natural centers of animals' pyroplasmosis are formed here at the same time. It is necessary to make maps of acaridae quantity and according to these maps to make treatment of green plantations with acaricide for abolition of acaridae biotopes in cities.
Lepilina I.N. VIOLATIONS OF STURGEON FORELARVAE AT ARTIFICIAL REPRODUCTION Description of different types of morphological violations of beluga and sturgeon forelarvae and larvae, grew on production and experimental base "BIOS" in Astrakhan region, is put in this article. Defects of yolk sac, microcephalia, different curves of chorda along the whole body are diagnosed more often here. Deviation in development of digestive apparatus (lack of forming of stomachal, intestinal parts) leads to death of sturgeon forelarvae. At the same time larvae period of development is characterized lesser variety of anomalies in comparison with forelarvae period.
Stryapkov A.V., Parshina I.N., Kovalenko D.V. VARIANTS OF FIRE AND EXPLOSIVE RISKS ON OIL CHEMICAL OBJECTS Influence of mineral oil type, area of its flood, time of vaporation, temperature, wind speed on number of creating explosive steam-to-gas phase and magnitude of absolute energy potential of typical technological block - tank of type PBC-1000, was researched in this article. It was recommended to limit an area of possible flood of mineral oil till the size no more than 1500 m2.
Zavodnova O.S., Bezrodnova S.M. CLINICAL AND RADIATION PECULIARITIES OF HYDROCEPHALUS AT CONGENITAL TOXOPLASMOSIS 56 children with congenital toxoplasmosis were examined. Toxoplasmosis involves fetus intrauterinely, which is evident with different neurologic disturbances: abnormality, hydrocephalus, meningoencephalitis. 23,2 % of children had specific manifestation of intrauterinely carried meningoencephalitis. Complex of clinical and laboratorial dynamic examinations of new-born children (appraisal of somatic and neurologic statuses, neurosonographic and ultrasound study of brain, examination of cerebrospinal fluid) were conducted. Patients with toxoplasmosis hydrocephalus had high lethality and hard residual phenomenon.
Burdakov V.V., Lymareva E.V., Ioanidy T.I. MULTIPLE-FACTOR ANALYSIS OF NEUROLOGIC AND IMMUNE DISTURBANCE OF CHILDREN WITH CHRONIC GASTRODUODENITIS Multiple-factor analysis of 59 clinical and paraclinical rates, which were got after examinations of 100 children from 7 till 12 years old with neural disorder and pathology of gastroduodenitis zone, 70 patients with chronic gastroduodenitis, 30 patients with functional stomach upset, was passed in this article. Close connection of some neurologic, neuropsychological, neurophysiological rates with prescription and character of gastroduodenitis pathology, degree of neurologic deficit and changes of humoral immunity rates, was shown here. New neurologic syndromes of children with gastroduodenitis zone pathology were defined.
Sazykin V.L. NEW METHOD OF INTEGRAL APPRAISAL New method of integral appraisal of compatible objects is described in this article. The importance of appraisal function generally and integral appraisal in particular is underlined here. Suggested method is differed from others with exactness and at the same time with simplicity and clearness. This method can be used not only in science researches but in practice work in different spheres of production.
Polischuk Yu.V. FORMING OF OBJECTS WITH USING OF VECTOR OPTIMIZATION METHOD This article is devoted to modern technologies of knowledge search in data. Classification of general methods and algorithms of data intellectual analysis at general components is given here. Method of intellectual analysis adapted to data archives keeping information about technical objects work, is described in this article. This technology is based on the methods of vector optimization. A person, took a decision (PTD) manages the analysis process.
Lelyukhin A.S., Kornev E.A. SPECTROMETRIC METHOD OF DETERMINATION OF EFFECTIVE ATOMIC NUMBER OF ENGAGING TISSUE, WHICH IS VISUALIZED ON DIGITAL ROENTGENOGRAMS A numerical criterion of engaging tissue identification, which is visualized on digital roentgenograms at the ratio of cure intensity, measured in different spectral range, is presented in this article. Metrological limits of method are regarded here too.

Technical sciences

Tretyak L.N., Losev Yu.A., Khaliullin V.R. ANALYSIS OF DYNAMICS OF SECONDARY PRODUCT RESOLUTION OF BEER FERMENTATION Important problem of incidental fermentation product rationing and control created on the stage of beer fermentation and determined its quality, are regarded in this article. The analysis of existing methods of incidental fermentation product control was made here on the base of modern data. Chemical method of separate determination of diacetyl and acetoin, allowed determining concentrations of these substances and analyzing dynamics of its resolution outside of laboratory conditions, was suggested here. The series of different beer types determination was passed. The series of determination with known spectrophotometric method was given here for numeric appraisal of convergence. Received information allows correcting of technological process of beer cooking in time.
Ivanova A.P., Mezhueva L.V. TO THE QUESTION ABOUT DISPLACEMENT CHARACTERISTICS OF FREE-FLOWING FODDER SYSTEMS Opportunity to forecast quality of prepared multicompanent fodder blends is determined in many cases with rheological, physical and mechanical characteristics of components formed part of it. Detachment of some of them, with further determination, allows simplifying the procedure of decision search of optimization tasks.
Emaletdinov A.K., Baikov I.V. TO THE PROBLEM OF AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT PROJECTING AND SUBSYSTEMS MODELING OF MAINTENANCE OF SEAM PRESSURE ASUTP OF PETROLEUM PRODUCTION Questions of projecting of automated management subsystem with technological conditions of liquid pumping for maintenance of seam pressure (PPD) as a part of petroleum production ASUTP, were regarded in this article. Functional, logical and topological models of adaptive SAU of PPD system with etalon model were worked up. The analysis of model management system in linear approximation with account of decomposition on local models was passed here.


Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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