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Orenburg State University february 24, 2025   RU/EN
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№ 1 (213), 18 january 2018

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-213


Bugrova O.V. TO THE QUESTION OF THE DEFINITION OF “INFORMATION COMPETENCE OF THE TEACHER”In the context of a reformed society, known as a “knowledge society” today, there is an urgent need for reforms in the educational sphere. A teacher becomes a key figure in the being reformed educational system. The development of such competencies as professional, social and informational, determines one of the main tasks in the revision of the teacher’s activity corresponding to the educational policy of the Russian Federation. In connection with the rapid development and penetration of new information technologies in almost all spheres of life, the most important aspect in improving the professional activities of teachers, is the development of his information competence. The analysis of foreign and domestic sources was carried out to determine the concept of “teacher’s information competence”. The results of the study showed that the definition under consideration is multifaceted. The notion of “information competence” has its meaning in relation to the teacher, to the future teacher and to the subject teacher. It can be viewed in a “restrictive” and “broad” sense. In an ongoing study “Development of information competence of teachers in terms of additional professional education”, information competence refers to “efficient use of common in this professional field of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) in the solution of professional tasks, where it is needed and when it is needed”. On the basis of the definition under consideration, new terms are introduced: “the development of information competence in the conditions of additional professional education”, “the qualified use of ICT”. It refers to the structure of the teacher’s ICT competence. As a result of the comparative analysis of the term “information competence of the teacher”, the choice of the basic and the introduction of new definitions in the study, the levels of development of information competence of the teacher were constructed.Key words: competence, professional competence, information competence, ICT competence, development of teacher’s information competence.
Vorobyev A.E., Alferov I.N., Murzaeva A.K. SCIENTIFIC-RESEARCH TECHNOLOGIES IN MODERN HIGHER PROFESSIONAL EDUCATIONSummary: NAt the present time transition of world economy to new economic way assumes defined change of the applied approaches and techniques and in higher education where the mission of the higher school in relation to society has to be definitely “advancing”, but not just match his current inquiries and the needs. Therefore the task of training of high quality experts for the knowledge-intensive branches of national economy corresponding to the modern level of the market relations is set for the Russian education system. For this purpose radical restructuring and reorientation of all system of higher education is required. Researches findings revealed that the most effective way of receiving quality education for students of higher educational institutions is their real participation in scientific research, for example, use of the technologies which are directly including informative and educational activity of students. This method includes such general scientific aspects as systematization of scientific information, its analysis, laboratory researches, generalization of the received results. In educational and research activity of students such stages as a formulation of a research objective and research tasks, promotion of the main hypothesis, search of ways of their check, theoretical and experimental check of hypotheses and discussion of the received results are necessary. The proposed solutions will allow to apply effectively the latest scientific developments in educational process and to carry out vocational training of modern level.Key words: students, training, technology, educational research
Enygin D.V. THE ROLE OF THE BUSINESS INCUBATOR IN THE PROFESSIONAL TRAINING OF THE FUTURE ECONOMISTS IN THE MULTICULTURAL EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENTIn the modern world, the issues of multicultural education are of particular importance, taking into account civilizational processes happening now in our society. A special emphasis in this regard is made on the professional training of the future economists for work in the multicultural environment. Today many leading universities of our country create business incubators in their structure, which are an element of this multicultural educational environment, as well as a productive tool for developing a wide range of professional skills of future economists. One of the main tasks of the modern university business incubator is to take into account the cultural diversity of students and employees and to identify the advantages of their intercultural interaction.Key words: business incubator, foreign language professional training, multicultural education, professional training of the future economist.
Zubova L.V., Aptikieva L.R. ON THE ISSUE OF GENDER DIFFERENCES IN THE MANIFESTATION OF JUVENILE DELINQUENCY (ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE ORENBURG REGION)The urgency of the work is determined by the fact that the current state of juvenile delinquency in Russia can be assessed as ambiguous, since, on the one hand, official statistics show a fairly stable trend of recession and relative stability in the manifestation of criminal activity among minors in recent years and a decrease in their number in the colonies. On the other hand, this decline is largely due to demographic trends and a reduction in the size of this age group as a whole. The dominant factors of juvenile delinquency still retain their significance (violations of the process of socialization, adaptation due to the dysfunctionality of educational and family institutions, low effectiveness of preventive work at the family level, deterioration of the social and economic situation) and are potential risk factors for the dynamics of juvenile delinquency . Juvenile offenders (from 14 to 17 years of age) form an independent category with a special legal status and specific social and psychological traits. At the present time, the problems connected with the high level of latency of juvenile delinquency, which requires caution in official statistics, adolescents’ offenses against them, the increase in the proportion of juvenile female offenders, and the growing number of group crimes within groups different degrees of organization. The above facts require strengthening work on the development of institutes for the prevention of juvenile delinquency at the level of the family, school, local communities, creating channels of social mobility for adolescents who are outside the institution of the family or in any difficult life situation. In our study, using monographic and analytical methods of research, we examined gender differences in the manifestation of antisocial orientation in minors in the example of the Orenburg region. In pursuing this goal, we studied the differences between boys and girls in committing crimes; analyzed the statistical data of juvenile delinquency in Russia as a whole, and, in the Orenburg region, in particular; revealed gender differences in the manifestation of an aggressive orientation (selection: 160 people of the advanced teenage age, 14–17 years, pupils of general educational schools No. 64, No. 30 of Orenburg). In boys, aggression manifests itself more openly, rigidly, roughly, is less operated and controllable; the prevailing types: physical aggression (dominates at 80 %); irritation and negativism (dominates at 65 % and 55 % — respectively). In girls, verbal aggression predominates (it is significantly expressed at 80 %), indirect (75 %), suspiciousness (65 %) prevails.Key words: gender differences, juvenile delinquency, antisocial orientation, aggressive orientation, adolescence, juvenile delinquency.
Kuatbekov Sh.N., Kargapol'ceva N.A. TRAINING OF FUTURE TEACHERS FOR THE FORMATION OF A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE FOR THE YOUTH OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTANCare of health of younger generation means not only fight against diseases, prevention of incidence, but also justification of concepts of a healthy lifestyle, use of a wide package of measures for extension of active work of the person. The directed pedagogical development of a problem of strengthening of health of youth, formation of installations and valuable orientations of the growing person to the ideas and ideals of a healthy lifestyle has exclusive value for modern educational process not only in theoretical, but also in the practical relation. In this regard there are new requirements to vocational training of future teachers and, first of all, teachers of physical culture for the system of the general education. Special attention is paid to improvement of quality of training of future experts in higher educational institutions. At the same time, comparison of results of scientific search and student teaching in the field of training of future teachers of physical culture for formation of a healthy lifestyle of youth of the Republic of Kazakhstan shows that the content of theoretical researches considerably advances practice of training of students in this direction at faculties of physical culture of higher education institutions. Therefore a relevant pedagogical task is humanitarization of the educational environment of higher education institution where orientation of future experts — and not only in the field of physical culture — on the every possible statement of a healthy lifestyle acts as the most important criterion of quality of modern higher education.Key words: healthy lifestyle, physical culture, physical training, future teacher, humanitarian environment of higher education institution.
Kucherenko M.A., Chetverikova A.G. PRACTICE OF IMPROVEMENT OF PHYSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL EDUCATION OF TEACHERS AND PUPILS (ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE ORENBURG REGION)Improvement of physical and mathematical education of teachers and pupils of mass school becomes a key factor in the conditions of creation of national and regional system of independent monitoring and assessment of quality of such education as way of external assessment of results for the benefit of the personality, society, labor market and the state. Changes in economic, political and social life have strongly influenced formation of new type of the identity of the person, on his emotional and intellectual world that demands, obviously, search of effective forms of learning and the doctrine, reconsideration of values, moral standards and all outlook of the person. At the initiative of the Ministry of Education of the Orenburg region there was an effective system of improvement of quality of physical education on the basis of cooperation of physical faculty of the Orenburg state university and teachers and pupils of Orenburg and the Orenburg region. The called system provides, first of all, improvement of subject competence of the teacher of various programs of professional development, profound training of school students at University physical and mathematical school, various forms of educational and research, design and Olympiad activity in branches of department of the general physics and educational laboratories of physical faculty. The educational programs of higher education institution which are implemented on University Saturdays and Public lectures on physics are traditional. Result of long-term joint interdependent educational activity of the university and teacher's, and school community are results of graduates of the main and high (full) school on the Basic and the Unified state examination, at the Olympic Games and conferences of the Russian and regional level.Key words: improvement of physical and mathematical education, program of professional development of the teacher of physics, technique of training of school students for the Unified State Examination in physics, profound studying of physics, university physical and mathematical school.
Nezhinskaia T.A., Glazyrina E.Y. METHODS OF FORMING PROFESSIONAL SPECIALIZED COMPETENCIES OF STUDENTS IN THE FIELD OF MUSICAL-COMPUTER TECHNOLOGIESThe dynamically developing sphere of information and communication technologies poses as one of the top priorities the issue of training relevant specialists for the education system. The use of special computer software in the work of a musician (performer, composer, sound engineer, teacher) requires the possession of professional specialized competencies. Mastering competences in the field of music and computer technologies requires the development, approbation and introduction of appropriate methods for teaching students. The conducted scientific research confirmed the effectiveness of the following methods of forming professional specialized competencies of bachelor students, mastering music and computer technologies: 1) the method of role-based observation, when a student, as a subject of a working collective based on practice, is included in the discussion and technological stages at all stages of the work of the team; 2) the method of bicontext analysis and interpretation of the future profession, when the student performs analysis and interpretation of the experience of training activities in the context of the prospective professional activity, and vice versa, performs analysis and interpretation of the professional experience of specialists in the context of the experience of training activities that he has; 3) the method of individualizing tasks in practice, when the following correspondences are taken into account: the content of tasks — the direction, profile and profiling of student training; the content of tasks — the social role, goals and objectives of the basic vocational education program; the content of tasks — the type of practice and the level of preparation of students. And also take into account: the consistent complexity of the content of tasks from the course to the course; continuity of the content of tasks with the contents of the academic disciplines, modules, cycles and sections of the curriculum; accounting for individual characteristics and abilities of students; 4) the method of the student’s creative portfolio — through the involvement of students in professional activities. The study confirmed the hypothesis of a high degree of importance of university practice as an integrator and catalyst of educational influences on the student in all types of his educational activity: educational, extracurricular, independent work.Key words: professional specialized competences, music and computer technologies, teaching methods, bachelor students, educational practice.
Nurakhmetov S.T. STRUCTURE OF PEDAGOGICAL SUPPORT OF PROFESSIONAL AND PERSONAL FORMATION OF THE CADETS OF A MILITARY HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONThe professional and personal formation of an officer is a process that covers a long period of life of a military specialist, in which three key stages can be identified: professional and psychological selection, training and education in a military higher educational institution and professional activities. The current level of development of higher military education requires close attention to the professional and personal formation of a future officer. At the same time, the professional and personal formation of future officers should be regarded as a process of progressive personality changes provided by military education, interpersonal interaction of its subjects, and the conditions of military and professional activities of cadets. As a part of the solution of the task of professional and personal formation of a future officer, a special attention should be given to the pedagogical support for the development of the personality in the educational process of a military higher educational institution. In the framework of our research, we offer a pedagogical support for the professional and personal formation of a future officer, designed in the educational process of the military higher educational institution as mastering with military and professional experience, which is integrated with the sociocultural values and values of professional-military training. The following provisions are conceptual for the research: the professional and personal formation of future officers is a leading function of a military higher educational institution integrating many other functions; the most important mechanisms of professional and personal formation of future officers are: interiorization as a process of mastering with the values of the military profession; identification as a process of professional self-determination in the military professional community; reflation as a means of internal acceptance of the military’s social position; professional and personal formation is one of the aspects of the sociocultural development of the personality of a future officer, familiarizing it with the cultural values of society. To the basic structural elements of the complex pedagogical support that contributes to the changes in the personality of a future officer, his professional socialization, we attribute: goal-setting as a rationale for the goals and objectives of military education; structural-content component as the correlation of the strategic goal with the stages, directions and content of educational work, presented in the form of blocks and modules; technological component as a system of used methods, ways and means of education; a pedagogical component as a set of requirements for a modern military teacher, to his personal and professional qualities.Key words: professional and personal formation of an officer, educational process of a military higher educational institution, pedagogical support, pedagogical conditions, pedagogical activities.
Nurgabylova A.Sh. PECULIARITIES OF ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION OF YOUTH IN THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTANIn the modern era of mankind’s existence, a productive solution to the vital environmental issues and problems faced by the world community is largely correlated with the success of environmental education and the upbringing of the future generation. In this regard, the pedagogical and social aspects of environmental education and the education of young people is the main issue in the period of modernization of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan. In the conditions of increasing environmental degradation of the natural environment, pedagogical aspects of improving environmental education, raising the level of ecological literacy of the younger generation in the co-evolutionary plane of humanitarian values, ideas, ideals and paradigms should be constantly kept in the center of attention — along with no less significant other ones. In this regard, the problem of environmental education of young people should be regarded as an independent and self-valuable area of the educational development of the adult person’s personality. The characteristic features of this are: a new understanding of the goals, objectives and indicators of the effectiveness of education, the orientation of educational interaction in addressing global and regional environmental issues and tasks in a the humanization of the multifaceted life of the Kazakh society. The distinctive features of environmental education for the youth of the Republic of Kazakhstan should also include: the orientation of the content, forms and methods of training environmental specialists in higher education institutions on urgent environmental problems, where special attention is paid to the implementation of the humanitarian potential of environmental design activities; intensification of environmental education and practical activities of public non-governmental organizations, including using the capabilities of the media and the resource of IT technologies; realization of the ecological potential of personal development of the subjects of the natural and humanitarian cycles in regional general education systems.Key words: ecological education, youth, education for ecology, ecological projects, responsibility pedagogy.
Satov М.К. MODERN METHODS OF FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL SUCCESS OF THE OFFICER OF THE NATIONAL GUARD OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTANIn the context of modernization of military education, the problem of improving the quality of not only professional training, but also the upbringing of future officers, is of particular importance. Already in the process of education in a military higher educational institution, it is necessary to form cadets’ values of serving the Motherland and instilling in them the idea of the high social importance of their profession, requiring them to manifest a high level of initiative and responsibility. This suggests that, along with such important qualitative indicators of military specialist training, as knowledge, skills, the position of the social success of the future officer should be formed. At the same time, in our opinion, the optimally developed ability to switch between the realization of competence experience in action and awareness is the essence of social success. Analysis of the literature shows that the formation and development of this phenomenon is possible in two directions: on the one hand, through the accumulation of experience in resolving various difficult situations and successfully overcoming the difficulties encountered in activities, and on the other, by including the officer in the continuous process of education in the framework of the main directions of educational and upbringing activity, as well as systematic self-education. Priority for us in the formation and development of social success will be the second direction. At the same time, we assign psychiatric methods, and in particular methods of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, to the defining role in the formation and development of social success in the framework of our research. The experience of our work has made it possible to determine the specifics of implementing methods of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy within the framework of military activities, which includes nine main stages, based on the principles of the ethical code of a psychologist and psychotherapist. Formation and development of social success within the framework of military activities is possible in the process of commander training, advanced training, and self-training.Key words: social success, psychological competence, cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy.
Simonenkov V.S., Simonenkova V.A., Gilazieva S.R., Shumilina N.S. ECOLOGICAL TOURISM AS MILITARY-PATRIOTIC EDUCATION OF STUDENTSToday, one of the most important and urgent tasks of the modern university is the problem of patriotic education of students and careful treatment of the nature of their homeland. Recently, tourism has become popular among young people. Tourism — this is one of the means of patriotic education. One of the popular tourism destinations is ecological tourism, whose tasks are to counteract the negative impact on nature; to popularize leisure on fresh air and to conduct a healthy way of life; to study the culture of the native land — to visit places of military battles, memorials, museums of history and local history; to support environmental activities, which is an integral part of the patriotic education of youth. The analysis of the possibility of ecological military-patriotic tourism in the territory of the Caucasus and Teberda state natural biosphere reserves, the national park “Elbrus” in the Caucasus. With ecological military-patriotic tourism, the state of natural resources of this region is studied; preservation, propagation and dissemination of environmental and military-historical knowledge, taking into account modern information and innovative technologies; preservation and restoration of all types and names of monuments of military history; uniting and coordinating the activities of organizations and individuals engaged in the study of military history, or contributing to the expansion of military historical knowledge; participation in the conduct of military archaeological excavations in the fields of the former battles, in the places of the most important historical events; actions promoting veterans and honoring the memory of heroes. As a result of the passage of routes under ecological military-patriotic tourism, natural-scientific and historical knowledge will be obtained, certain orienteering skills, survival skills in field conditions will be acquired. Special attention should be paid to the issues of mining training, which, undoubtedly, will be useful in the future when passing service in the Armed Forces of Russia.Key words: military-patriotic tourism, reserves, the Caucasus, national parks, ecological tourism.
Usova L.B., Shakirova D.U. PRACTICE-ORIENTED APPROACH TO THE FORMATION OF MATHEMATICAL COMPETENCE OF STUDENTS AT THE “MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCES” TRAINING PROGRAMIn modern education the key role in bachelors training is played by the practice-oriented approach. It means that the content of mathematical disciplines of the main educational program must provide the university graduate not only with a set of knowledge in the corresponding subject domain and also with a possibility of their application for the solution of professional tasks. According to this approach the quality of mathematical training of future professional must form his mathematical competence. In the course of realization of the practice-oriented approach and on the basis of the analysis of FSES HE of the “Mathematics and computer sciences” bachelor training program, the differentiated complex of tasks on types of professional activity (research, production and technological, organizational and administrative, pedagogical) and on complexity levels was used. The developed practice-oriented tasks promoted the formation of abilities to analyze, synthesize, to abstractly think, generalize mathematical material, to solve applied problems in the field of the protected information and telecommunication technologies and systems at bachelors. Practice-oriented approach to bachelors training makes a basis of formation of mathematical competence, being a basic component of professional competence. Process of the solution of the practice-oriented tasks contributes not only to the development of practical and independent activities of bachelors, but also to the increase in their creative potential, to the formation of the professional demanded in labor market.Key words: mathematical competence, practice-oriented approach, types of professional activity, mathematical disciplines, the practice-oriented tasks.


Savin E.Z., Zhamuria N.A. THE ADAPTIVE CAPACITY OF WILD SPECIES OF GENUS MALUS P. MILL IN THE STEPPE ZONE OF THE SOUTHERN URALSThe steppe zone of the southern Urals is characterized by harsh conditions for growing fruit crops. Wild species provide an opportunity to create varieties characterized by high resistance to various environmental factors. In Orenburzhye the Apple tree is a widely used fruit crop. However, industrial gardening is not sufficiently developed due to the harsh climatic conditions of the southern Urals and the lack of a reliable range of Apple. The objects of study were 12 species of the genus Malus, native to collection of the Botanical garden of the Orenburg state University. The collection is laid out in 2012–2014 by the original vaccination forms, derived mainly from Botanical garden of Moscow state University. Rootstock — the seedlings of M. prunifolia (Willd.) Borkh.Planting scheme 5x3 m.Each type of fixed 3–5 plants. The General condition of plants was assessed visually on a 5-point scale: 5 points — healthy plant, 1 plant with symptoms of oppression. The drought types were determined in field and laboratory conditions. Field drought resistance was assessed on a 5-point scale: 5 points — a sign of damage by drought do not exist, 1 — marked signs of drying plants. Take into consideration the damage and the shedding of leaves and fruit. The assessment was conducted in June-August. Laboratory tests were conducted in early August by the method of G.N. Eremeev. In the laboratory also determined the heat resistance by the method of F.F. Matskova. Visually on a 5-point scale assessed the intensity of fruiting (5 — sporulation abundant, 0 — fruiting is not available) and foliage plants (5 — full foliage, 0 — no foliage). As the most promising species for further study on drought resistance it is possible to allocate M.x denticulate, M.x nan-schanska, M. platicarpa, M. zumi, which in the aggregate are considered indicators marked best value. The data presented are preliminary, as studies are being conducted for the first time on young plants.Key words: apple tree, drought resistance, heat resistance, adaptation.

Technical sciences

Nudelman B. ALUMINUM PROFILES EXTRUSION PROCESS ANALYSIS. MECHANICAL ASPECTSThe presented paper subject is the engineering analysis of the aluminum profiles hot extrusion. Some theoretical aspects of the process as described in professional publications have unsufficient physical grounds. The imperfections of the theory supply a platform for arbitrary interpretations and distorted understanding of the process. Particularly, this relates to the billet friction problem. The paper is addressed primarily to practical engineers with the aim to give them physically consistent process imagine. Some principal solutions to the process were developed in the paper: billet friction by liner; the plastic flow model in dummy block region; the stress state and flow beginning relations in the die opening zone. General model of stable metal flow relations in the billet volume was formulated. The analysis of all mentioned above problems fulfilled by the uniform methodology with the necessity simplifications. The uniform field stress state was used as base model. Strain energy minimum principal for static relations and mass transfer energy minimum principal for plastic flow relations were used generally. Numerical estimations of given solutions were fulfilled. Principal stress component ratio in uniform stress of three dimensional compressing field was defined. Billet — liner, billet — dummy block friction forces acting model was developed. By appraisal, billet — liner friction force does not exceed about 31 % of summative press force. The region of friction force acting was defined. The region restricted as rather short distance from dummy block. Surface forces accumulation effect was revealed. Probable model of plastic flow in dummy block region is presented. Investigation of stress state in die opening region was fulfilled. Additional stresses field in the region revealed. Configuration of the field was defined with numerical estimation. The field in great degree defines the necessary stress level for metal flow start and stable process. The algorithm of maximal flow stress definition was developed. The flow model with restricted shear strain was presented. Preferable flow direction is radial, relative to die opening. Essential interdependencies and general relations of billet metal flow are presented. The analyses of press load by dummy block displacement graph was fulfilled. No contradictions with the theoretically achieved results were revealed. The results experimental confirmation and further introduction to practice are proposed.Key words: еxtrusion, dummy block, billet, stress, force, friction, plastic flow, die, equation, solution.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

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