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January 2018, № 1 (213), pages 12–20

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-213-12

Vorobyev A.E., Alferov I.N., Murzaeva A.K. SCIENTIFIC-RESEARCH TECHNOLOGIES IN MODERN HIGHER PROFESSIONAL EDUCATIONSummary: NAt the present time transition of world economy to new economic way assumes defined change of the applied approaches and techniques and in higher education where the mission of the higher school in relation to society has to be definitely “advancing”, but not just match his current inquiries and the needs. Therefore the task of training of high quality experts for the knowledge-intensive branches of national economy corresponding to the modern level of the market relations is set for the Russian education system. For this purpose radical restructuring and reorientation of all system of higher education is required. Researches findings revealed that the most effective way of receiving quality education for students of higher educational institutions is their real participation in scientific research, for example, use of the technologies which are directly including informative and educational activity of students. This method includes such general scientific aspects as systematization of scientific information, its analysis, laboratory researches, generalization of the received results. In educational and research activity of students such stages as a formulation of a research objective and research tasks, promotion of the main hypothesis, search of ways of their check, theoretical and experimental check of hypotheses and discussion of the received results are necessary. The proposed solutions will allow to apply effectively the latest scientific developments in educational process and to carry out vocational training of modern level.Key words: students, training, technology, educational research


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About this article

Authors: Vorobyev A.E., Alferov I.N., Murzaeva A.K.

Year: 2018

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-213-12

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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