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№ 5š2008


  • app.1
  • Humanitarian sciences

    Kashin V.V., Nikishova M. THE PROBLEM OF TRADITION AS A CARE FOR FUTURE In this article tradition is regarded as a process and order, as succession and service, as a method of being and reproduction of social, scientific and cultural heritage. Tradition fixes steadiness and succession of experience of generations, times and epochs.
    Pisarchik T.P. FORMING OF PHILOSOPHICAL VIEWS OF V.S.šSOLOVIEV. V.S.šSOLOVIEV AND F.šSHELLINGForming of philosophical views of the greatest Russian philosopherš– V.S.šSoloviev are regarded in this article. The greatest thinker worked out deep and original teaching about general unity, the idea of which he took in from different sources. The influence of P.D.šYurkevich and F.šShelling’s ideas on V.S.šSoloviev is shown in this article. Appeal to V.S.šSoloviev’s philosophy is necessary for all generations of Russian people, because it includes all Russian philosophical tradition today as one hundred years ago.
    Tugai T.I. LOCAL METHOD IN RESEARCH OF KAZAKHSTAN AT THE SECOND PART OF XIX CENTURYš– BEGINNING OF XX CENTURY (ON THE EXAMPLE OF TUGAI REGION) Local history is affirmed as independent trend in modern historical science. Today examinations of local history are called to work perspective methods and approaches, necessary at complex studying of any provincial areaš– town, region and others. In this respect it is logical to apply to legacy of the pastš– experience of Orenburg region and Kazakhstan studying at pre-Soviet period.
    Popov V.B. ORGANIZATION OF RIGHT-LIBERAL PARTY IN ORENBURG PROVINCEThe analysis of origination of the first liberal organization in Orenburg province is offered in this article on the base of first represented documents. In the context of this article the author regards personalities, stood at the sources of political organization formation and contradictions originated between them on the base of joining of Orenburg right-liberal group to "The Union of the 17th October".
    Tazetdinova R.R. TO THE QUESTION OF HERMENEUTICS OF TERMS "THE SIGNIFIED" AND "SIGNIFIER"Hermeneutics of terms "the signified" and "signifier" is connected with philosophical-culturological aspects of science about language. In Saussur’s semeiology "the signified" and "signifier" organize the sign which can substitute any other objects. Deconstruction of sign idea leads to rupture of relations of "the signified" and "signifier" oppositions, to "sliding" of meaning in metaphysical discourse and, in the final analysis, to cardinal changes of interpretations of the sign.

    Economic sciences

    Belinskaya I.I. TRANSFORMATION IN THE CONTEXT OF THE MARKET REFORM The process of economic complex transformation in the context of market reform is regarded in this article. Conducted research showed that this process called on to form preconditions of economic growth and deep reconstruction of economic structure according to social needs, modern technical-technological possibilities, demands of economic effectiveness and ecologically safe stable development, strategically oriented on achievement of stage of postindustrial (informational) society. The author suggested the conception: transference of center of gravity of reforming efforts on institutional and management activity.
    Klim I.V. SOCIAL ASPECTS OF NEW TENDENCIES IN DEVELOPMENT OF SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONES AS INSTITUTIONS OF INNOVATION ECONOMY Three new tendencies in development of free economic zones as institutions of innovation economy: change of competitive advantages base, change of specific structure and zones’ transformation into innovation clusters, are regarded in this article. It is shown that social consequences of these tendencies are revealed in washing of zones’ characteristics as a special regime, regulated labor force use, in displacement of accent in attraction of investments in favor of investments of human capital, in new social-economic role of knowledge as productive forces.
    Vishnyakova A.B. INSTRUMENTS PERFECTION OF STRATEGY WORKING OUT OF INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT The problems and peculiarities of forming and using of strategic instruments of enterprise development, possibility and specificity of economic diagnostic methods changing as instruments of strategic appraisal are regarded in this article.
    Shatalov M.A., Ovsyannikov S.V. EFFECTIVENESS OF INTEGRATED AGRO-INDUSTRIAL FORMATIONS FUNCTIONING The problems of increase of agro-industrial production effectiveness in the country are regarded in this article. The necessity of consolidation of agricultural and industrial enterprises in frames of horizontal and vertical integration is proved here.
    Reznik A.E., Denisov D.D. TO THE QUESTION ABOUT TECHNICAL REARMAMENT OF MACHINE-BUILDING ENTERPRISES General principals and forms of technical rearmament of production, its peculiarities and influence on products competitiveness and enterprise in whole are regarded in this article. The definition of competitive power and its elements are presented here.
    Nikiforova E.S. INSTRUMENTS AND METHODS OF STRATEGY FORMING OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION SUBJECTS’ DEVELOPMENT (ON THE EXAMPLE OF KALININGRAD REGION)The questions of necessity of spatial planning using at forming of perspective trends of regions development are regarded in this article. The author worked out the algorithm and determined the possible instruments and methods of strategy forming of regional spatial development. This approach can be used at working out of regional strategic and architectural documents.
    Smagin S.V. INVESTMENT COMPONENT OF INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX DEVELOPMENT IN ORENBURG REGION General level of investment potential of Orenburg region, dynamics of investments into general capital at last years and their structure of big and middle enterprises in 2007 are given in this article. Besides this, the structure of foreign investments at all types of organizations activity and geography of their arrivals are reflected here. Expected growth of investments value into the general capital on medium-term perspective is shown and measures of investment climate improvement and attractiveness of their investing are suggested in this work.
    Rozhkova Yu.V. THEORETICAL BASES OF INTERACTION OF REGIONAL SUBSYSTEMS WITH CUSTOMS BODIESIn clause are analysed the basic functions of spatial borders, the basic system functions of customs bodies and their interaction with subsystems of regional system, with the purpose of perfection of the mechanism of customs regulation for social and economic development of frontier region are investigated.
    Kuts E.V. METHODS OF TRADEMARKS REAPPRAISAL CONDUCTING AND ITS REPULSE IN ACCOUNTING In connection with ðâõ 14/2007 acceptance organizations will get the opportunity to conduct reappraisal of their nonmaterial assets. The methods of property appraisal which include the specificity of objects of intellectual property and can be used at the appraisal of trademark cost, are regarded in this article. Also the order of repulse of results of trademarks reappraisal conducted with organization in accounts of bookkeeping is regarded here.
    Rafikova N.T., Khalitova L.R. ABOUT THEORETICAL BASES OF SALARY ESSENCE Different theoretical approaches to the determination of salary essence are regarded in this article. Market conditions of economy have changed the content of salary which is necessary to account for aims of its regulation. In this connection the authors appropriate more important positions of economic school and suggest market principals of salary organization.

    Natural sciences

    Kucherenko M.G., Dyusembaev R.N. DOUBLE-PULSE LASER ACTIVATION OF ORGANIC MOLECULES AND THEIR REACTION IN POLYMEROUS MATRIXES Kinetics of phosphorescence and delayed fluorescence of xanthene dyes (eosin, erythrozonus) in polymer films at systems irradiation with two impulses of different duration (50 mks and 15 ns) with arbitrary interval between the moment of the beginning of their generalization with lasers (IAG: Nd3+) with diode and lamp pumping, is researched in this article. Time-solved signals of examples’ glowing in different conditions of double-step activation are registered. The authors suggest theoretical model of forming of luminescent response of system on given time regime of its photoexcitation, taking into account the origin of interparticle correlation in spatial allocation of interacting molecules. Migration-accelerated coupled annihilation of triplet electronic excitation – as key element of kinetic scheme was taken into calculation. Numeral appraisals of typical parameters of reaction, progressed at metathetical-resonance mechanism were made in this article.
    Lysakov V.S. ABOUT HOLE POLARON OF MINOR RADIUS IN A-QUARTZFormation of hole minor polaron of oxygenous type in low-temperature α-quartz is regarded in this article. The calculation of general parameters is given here and also hopping mechanism of movement and final autolocalization with creation of stable molecular polaron O3-2 at the same time are analyzed in this work.
    Polkunov Yu.G., Spiridonova E.V. MATHEMATICAL MODELING OF ELASTIC PLANE DESTRUCTION WITH HALF-INFINITE CROSSCUTS WITH YAWNING CRACKSThis article is devoted to attachment working out of disruptive deflections method for coefficient determination of the first and second types voltage intensity for half-infinite crosscuts of elastic plane to banks of which the normal variable and shearing deflection with yawning cracks are attached.
    Kosarev A.V., Dolgov M.A. PHONON FLUX IN THE STRUCTURE OF NERVE IMPULSEFundamental views of Semenov S.N. about processes in living structures, specifically in membrane and cytoplasm of nerve cells are developed in this article and also multicomponent character of nerve impulse is regarded here. The whole view about essence of biological form of substance movement on subcellular and cellular levels is represented in this work.
    Rusanova A.M., Khardikova S.V. STEADINESS INCREASE OF GRAPES TO CLIMATIC STRESS FACTORS OF THE SOUTH URAL General limiting factors of viticulture on the South Ural are atmospheric and soil dry at the summer period and low negative temperature at the winter period. The degree of drought-resistance and winter resistance of plants determines their adaptive potential to unfavorable factors of environment. It is marked positive influence of fertilizers on steadiness of grapes plants to climatic stress factors on the South Ural. Entering of mineral and humic fertilizers increases enough the steadiness of grapes plants.
    Merker V.V., Snitko L.V. NEW INFORMATION ABOUT DISPERSION OF RARE TYPES OF VASCULAR PLANTS, ENTERED INTO THE RED BOOK OF CHELYABINSK REGION Information about foundation of 39 rare types of vascular plants entered into the Red Book of Chelyabinsk region (2005), completing and specifying notions about their dispersion in the South Ural, is given in this article.
    Perezhogin Yu.V. TAXONOMIC ANALYSIS OF KOSTANAY REGION FLORA (THE NORTH KAZAKHSTAN) Taxonomic analysis of Kostanay region flora is conducted in this article. It is revealed that it is represented with 1223 species from 454 genuses and 107 families. Annotated list of flora families with indication of number of genuses and species in every family is given here. Negative meaning of autonomy index speaks about predominance of allochthonic tendency and the great role of species migration. Taxonomic structure of flora is characterized with high percent of representatives of Magnoliophyta department, which is significant in whole for flora of all steppe Kazakhstan.
    Makarova T.A. DEVELOPMENT PECULIARITIES OF DISEASES OF PINE-LEAF CAST TYPE IN CONDITIONS OF EXTREME NORTH The reason of coniferous breeds’ destruction in conditions of Surgut region is ascigerous mushrooms of Ascomycetes class caused diseases of pine-leaf cast type. Prevalence of the disease on the average of the region is 81%. The degree of plants affection subject to the age of trees and the place of their growth is in the range 50,0-57,5%. Besides this, climatic conditions of the region form peculiarities of biology and ecology of the disease causative agents.
    Kozminykh V.O. STRUCTURE, ALLOCATION AT BIOTOPES AND COMPARATIVE INDEXES OF HERPETOBIONT COLEOPTERAN (INSECTA, COLEOPTERA) ACTIVENESS OF ORENBURG REGION: DONGUZ STEPPE, GREBENY (AT THE MATERIALS OF 2007)On the territory of two localities of typical steppe (Orenburg Area, Donguz), and northern steppe (Sakmara Area, Grebeni) of Orenburg Region in 2007 examination of the herpetobiont beetles (Insecta, Coleoptera) is being started. Taxonomic structure, biotope distribution, comparable dynamic properties, and abundance of herpetobiont Coleoptera are investigated. The structure and population dynamics peculiarities of beetles in steppe and forest biocenoses are discussed, and abundance of Coleoptera families is estimated.

    Technical sciences

    Chepasov V.I., Tokareva M.A. ALGORITHMIC AND PROGRAM REALIZATION OF SOLUTION OF KOLMOGOROV-CHAPMEN’S EQUATIONThe methods of system receiving of final-differential equations for Kolmogorov-Chapmen’s equation are regarded in this article. Algorithmic realization of methods is represented here, description of program realization of the algorithm is given and the results of solution are given in this work.


    Sergey Aleksandrovich

    ¿ üÌÅËÔÒÏÎÎÏÅ ÐÅÒÉÏÄÉÞÅÓËÏÅ ÉÚÄÁÎÉÅ: ÷åóôîéë ïçõ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
    ó×ÉÄÅÔÅÌØÓÔ×Ï Ï ÒÅÇÉÓÔÒÁÃÉÉ óíé: üÌ № æó77-37678 ÏÔ 29 ÓÅÎÔÑÂÒÑ 2009 Ç.
    áÄÒÅÓ ÒÅÄÁËÃÉÉ: 460018, Ç. ïÒÅÎÂÕÒÇ, ÐÒÏÓÐÅËÔ ðÏÂÅÄÙ, Ä. 13, Ë. 2335
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