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№ 1 2008

Humanitarian sciences

Lyubichankovsky S.V. METHODOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF SITUATIONS OF PRACTICAL CHOICE General global conditions in which all variety of practical choice situations origin are distinguished in this article, and also the analysis of situations leaded to theoretical and practical mistakes is given here too.
Kazennova O.I. RELIGIOUS TYPE OF COGNITION IN PHILOSOPHY OF N.A. BERDYAEVThis article is devoted to the characteristics of N.A. Berdyaev’s view on religious cognition as fundamental type of man’s existing in a world. Position of the philosopher is determined in the context of religious tradition of the Russian philosophy, the author finds traditional and specific for Berdyaev in frames of chosen aspect and also the significance of Berdyaev’s theory of cognition for formation and development of modern epistemology is emphasized here.
Shchetinin V.I., Yakovleva P.A. SYNERGETIC SCHEME OF KNOWLEDGE CATALYST AND REFLECTIONSynergetic scheme of scientific knowledge and reflection are compared in frames of synergetic philosophy. Comparative analysis revealed some similarities of knowledge scheme and reflection as mental-dimension processes, promoted origin of clear knowledge from implicit knowledge reflected origin and development scientific knowledge.
Cheremisina A.A. ACTUALIZATION OF LEGAL UPBRINGING OF TEENAGERS: SOCIOLOGICAL ASPECTThis article is devoted to the problem of legal upbringing of students, the process of forming of their legal competence, sociological analysis of offences and crimes condition among underage students. Address to sociological analysis of offences and crimes condition level among teenagers will promote to solution of legal upbringing tasks.
Ignatenko Yu.V., Karimov A.G. POVERTY OF THE RUSSIAN POPULATION AS A REASON DETERMINED CHILD NEGLECTThe problem of child neglect is researched as a social event, negative influenced on development and upbringing of growing up generation in this article. Social event of poverty as a factor caused existing of this event is regarded in this article with aim of objective conception about child neglect.
Lunina Yu.V. LIFE STRATEGIES OF YOUNG PEOPLE: GENERAL TRENDS OF SOCIAL SUPPORT Revealing of general trends forming and realization of life strategies of young people with aim of increasing of social support effectiveness acquires special importance in connection with transformation of social life, decrease of traditional social institutions role, changes of social values of young people. The problem of social support of young people stands in modern Russian society.
Skripacheva I.A. ORGANIZATION OF CULTURAL SPATIAL ENVIRONMENT OF MODERN CITYOrganization of cultural spatial environment of modern city which depends directly on that how leading types of drawing, support and cultural development of population are promoted and instituted is analyzed in this article. At the same time the process of urbanization is interpreted as a process of high level concentration and integration of human activity, included different its spheres, life style of society, placing of productive forces, settling and revealing itself in human culture, heir psychology, behavior and others. The author of the article suggests special level of regarding of life style peculiarities on the city level, at which not only results of social practice in the sphere of culture, but also the processes of their creation, distribution and availability are in the sphere of researched attention.
Usanova O.G. SPEECH CULTURE – BASE OF COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE OF TEACHER OF HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTE High culture of oral and written speech, good knowledge and intuition development of native language, skill of use its expressive means is the best support, the best help, the safest recommendation of every person in his social life and creative activity. The teacher’s speech of higher education institution is the most exact and aesthetically justified concrete organization of literary language.

Economic sciences

Baryshnikova A.A. ABOUT CONTENT OF THE CONCEPT “COMPETITION” ON THE INSTITUTIONAL MARKET OF LABOR IN RESEARCHES OF RUSSIAN SCIENTISTS Explanation of labor market as institutional market is given in this article. The review of all existed concepts “competition” in whole and regarding to labor market is made here. Similarities and differences are revealed in given interpretations. The author suggests her own wording of competitions’ aims which pursue general subjects on the labor market.
Arabadzhiev S.I. HIGHER TECHNOLOGICAL PRODUCTION – MAIN VECTOR OF STRUCTURAL MODERNIZATION OF SIBERIA’S ECONOMY Priority trends of stable economic development, formation of effective structure adequated to modern development of Siberia’s economy are regarded in this article. The structure of Siberia’s economy must be transformed to the side of innovated trends modernizing existing and creating new higher technological productions on the base of considerable scientific-technical potential. This model of development supposes transformation of Siberia’s economy on stable economic growth.
Korabeinikov I.N., Kozlov G.A., Speshilov S.M., Makeeva E.N. TERRITORIAL PRECONDITIONS OF INNOVATION DEVELOPMENT OF ORENBURG REGION’S ECONOMY This article is devoted to the substantiation of territorial preconditions and priorities of innovation development of Orenburg region’s economy. Methodology of appraisal and forming of priorities of production and social-economic character of effective regional development is presented in this article. Also the complex analysis of potentials and risks of innovations’ introduction at industrial branches is given in this article.
Serebryakova N.A. PROBLEMS OF REFORMING OF EXISTING SYSTEM OF MILITARY PERSONNEL SOCIAL DEFENSESocial defense of military personnel is regarded as a component of system of social defense of the Russian Federation population, its typical peculiarities in this system are shown, also characteristic of general trends of reforming of military personnel material guarantee and the appraisal of effectiveness of course realized by Government of the Russian Federation in the sphere of material and property guarantee of military personnel are given in this article.
Dedeeva S.A. MODERN CONDITION OF RUSSIAN AGRICULTURE The results of realization of national project “Development of agro-industrial complex” are given in this article, and also the analysis of general problems of Russian agriculture is conducted here.
Dergunova N.A. ANALYSIS OF MODERN CONDITION OF RUSSIAN GAS MARKET General tendencies of gas market development are regarded in this article. Subject composition is shown and market structure is given here. The dynamics of important indexes at 2000-2006: level of recovery, internal realization, gas export at near and distant foreign countries is composed. Strategic partners of Russia are distinguished in this work.
Fedorishcheva O.V. RESEARCH OF REASONS AND FACTORS LEADED NATIVE INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISE TO CRISIS CONDITION Modern scientific approaches to distinguishing of factors, conditions and reasons leaded to crisis are regarded in this article. At the same time the author of the article shows the lacks of different groups of factors from the position of crisis management theory. The necessity of perfection of factors’ classification leaded enterprise to crisis condition is underlined in this work.
Samsonov E.A. METHODS OF FIRST COST CALCULATION AT TAX ACCOUNT Methods of first cost calculation at tax accounting and bookkeeping which allows economists of enterprises to choose the method of expenditure account for optimization of tax base at the tax on income is shown in this article. This article contains explanation in details regarding to methodology and order of tax on income calculation and also the order of reflection of factors of economical activity on accounts of bookkeeping and tax account according to chapter 25 of Tax Code of the Russian Federation.
Yarullin R.R., Khanov F.G. PERFECTION OF ENTERPRISES’ TAXATION IN OIL PRODUCING BRANCH (ON THE EXAMPLE OF REPUBLIC OF BASHKORTOSTAN)Last years the growth of intakes into the budget from oil companies is observed. It can be possible due to adoption of new Tax Code and growth of oil prices. But at the nearest years it is necessary to solve the problem of taxation of unrewarding and stripped wells with aim to increase budget effectiveness of oil production branch.

Natural sciences

Neverova N.N., Kikalova T.P., Smetanina M.D., Karpunina L.V. INFLUENCE OF PAENIBACILLUS POLYMYXA LECTIN ON ACTIVITY OF GLUTATHIONE-S-TRANSFERASE IN BLOOD OF RATS AT STRESS Influence of LII lectin defined from the surface of Paenibacillus polymyxa 1460 on activity of glutathione-S-transferase of blood erythrocytes of rats in conditions of short-time and long-time cold and immobilization stresses is studied in this article. It is shown that lectin influences favorably on animal’s organism leading enzymes activity to norm at different types of stress.
Perezhogin Yu.V. BOTANY-GEOGRAPHIC REGIONALIZATION AND FLORA STRUCTURE OF KOSTANAY REGION (THE NORTH KAZAKHSTAN)Characteristics of botany-geographic areas of Kostanay region are gicen in this article. As a result of studying of family specter of region flora it was revealed that 10 leading families include 60,8% of the whole flora and 14 leading families include 72,2% of all types of flora. In whole region flora is under the influence of the Southern flora. Great number of single-mode families characterizes studied flora as developed in extreme conditions of existing. The structure of genus specter of flora of Kostanay region composed of its botany-geographic areas confirms data of family specter.
Anishchenko L.N. SOZOOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF CENOSISES OF BRYOPHYTE IN BRYANSK REGION Nature conservation status of bryocenosises of 25 associations of moss growth in Bryansk region is appraised in this article. Three categories of rarity: degree of rarity and liability to risk of disappearance, condition of floristic and syntaxonomical variety, protection measures regarding to cenosises are used here. Attitude of rare species to bryocenosises of 11 associations is revealed in this work.
Ilyukh M.P. PECULIARITIES OF RED-FOOTED FALCON’S ECOLOGY IN TRANSFORMED ECOSYSTEMS OF CISCAUCASIA Peculiarities of red-footed falcon’s ecology connected with transformation of steppe landscapes of Ciscaucasia are regarded in this article. Distribution, size, phenology, nest ecology, effectiveness of reproduction, behavior, feeding, interrelation with other types, migration swarm, pesticides storage, ectoparasites and limiting factors of one of vulnerable species of small falcon in Russia are analyzed in this work.
Akhundov A.Ya. COEFFICIENT DETERMINATION IN THE RIGHT SIDE OF PARABOLIC EQUATIONQuestions of inverse problem correctness of right side component determination independent from one spatial variable are researched in this work for semi-linear parabolic equation. Theorem of existing, uniqueness and stability of solution is proved here.

Technical sciences

Iskhakov M.M., Rassokha V.I. “HUMAN FACTOR” IN ORGANIZATION OF WORK OF FIXED-RUN TRANSPORT VEHICLES ON STOPS The results of researches of fixed-run transport vehicles traffic in the area of stops and drivers’ questioning, conducted for breaches reasons revealing are given in this article. They show the necessity in accurate regulation of transport vehicles behavior in the area of stops by Rules of road.
Chepasov V.I., Osipov O.V., Teterin A.P. ALGORITHMIC AND PROGRAM REALIZATION OF CONSTRUCTION OF OPTIMAL FORECAST MODELSMethodic of forecasting models finding with minimal number of forecasting mistakes is regarded in this article. Polynomial models of parametric forecast and algorithmic scheme of optimal forecast models search are the base of methodic.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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