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№ 4 2007

Humanitarian sciences

Kovalenko T.N. ADOPTION AS ONE FORM OF FAMILY ARRANGEMENT OF CHILDREN-ORPHANS AND CHILDREN WHO LOST CARE OF THEIR PARENTS: PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS The important on the present time theme of arrangement of children-orphans and children who lost care of their parents is revealed in this article and significance of adoption as one form of family arrangement is proved here. The author analyses the trends of modern state social policy in this sphere and reveals the tasks of increased effectiveness guarantee of support of children-orphans and children who lost care of their parents.
Kulikova N.I. TECHNOLOGY OF SOCIAL REHABILITATIONOne of technologies of social rehabilitation of children with limited capacities – early interference as a system of measures stimulated baby’s development from his birthday is regarded in this article. The work experience of Russian Service of early aid of early interference technologies introduction is described here in particular the experience, the results of Altay regional center of social-psychological rehabilitation of population at using of given technology with children from 0 till 4 years old and their parents are described in this work.
Senotrusova A.S. SELF-DEFENSE FORMS OF FAMILY SUPPORT TO XX–XXI CENTURIES (ON THE EXAMPLE OF ALTAY KRAI)General problems of different types of families typical for transition period are described in this article. General self-defense forms of different family types support are distinguished on the based of conducted complex researches in Altay Krai.
Polyakov A.N. OLD RUSSIAN CITIES AND THE BEGINNING OF CIVILIZATIONThe presence of cities is an important feature of civilization. Origin of city dates essentially the time of civilization appearance. The origin of Old Russian cities in the context of civilization forming of Eastern Slavonians is regarded in this article.
Kuznetsova M.V. HISTORY OF ECONOMIC TEACHINGS AS REFLECTION OF SOCIETY EVOLUTION The analysis of development of changes of economic knowledge in connection with society evolution is presented in this article. Historical “drift” of economic science reflects adequately real changes of its object – economic relations. Development of economic practice, changes of content and characteristic of economic life lead to historical change of research subject.
Merkulova L.P. ADAPTIVE-IMPORTANT FEATURES OF PROFESSIONAL MOBILE SPECIALIST OF TECHNICAL PROFILE Characteristic-logical (substantial) component of professional mobility of technical profile specialists is used for appraisal of his training quality. Adaptive-important features of students promoted of professional mobility forming of students of technical profile are determined in this article.
Puzikova V.S. VALUES OF INFORMATIONAL CULTURE AND ITS ROLE AT INFORMATIONAL BEING OF PERSON AND SOCIETYThe questions of informational being of person and society, forming of informational culture, its values, their role and as a result of above questions of informational technologies development and their influence on outlet of person and world fates are regarded in this article.
Tsukanova N.V. SACRED DOMINANTS OF THE RUSSIAN DIVINE SERVICE SINGING The content of the article presents comprehension of divine service singing as a center of reunion of cultural-Orthodox ideologies in the contest of some Christian motives analysis such as extreme unction, charity, faith, love, holiness, morality, founded specific incarnation in the complex of divine service singing. Value perspectives of divine service singing as "Codex of morality", source of grace, person and world perfection is determined with the aid of liturgical texts analysis.
Proskuryakova O.L. MIGRANTS’ ADAPTATION AS A SOCIAL PROCESSThe concept "social adaptation" as applied to social group of migrants is regarded in this article, its structure is determined, internal and external factors, influences on migrants’ adaptation are revealed here and also legal, social-economic, social-cultural and social-psychological aspects of adaptation are described. Conditions of successful migrants’ adaptation on a new place of living are determined in this work.
Vazina K. Ya. UNITY OF HUMAN ART AND REFLEXIVE ABILITIES This article is devoted to the author’s view on development of human art activity. Originality of author’s approach is concluded in research of art development dependence from the level of human reflexive abilities development, system of world and oneself understanding. The ideas of author are approved during several years at native and foreign educational institutions.

Economic sciences

Shatalova T.N., Elenvarenko A.A. THEORETICAL ASPECTS AT RESEARCH OF THE CONCEPT "LABOR" FROM THE POSITION OF THE PROCESS AND ECONOMIC RECOURSE This article is devoted to the research of theoretical essence of the concept “labor” as a process and as an economic recourse. It is emphasized here that these changes are not considered often in economic literature which leads to negative consequences in theory and practice and, especially, in determination of labor resources using effectiveness.
Dusaeva E.M., Sukhanova L.I. CLASSIFICATION OF MANAGEMENT ACCOUNT SYSTEMS AND ORGANIZATION OF NORMATIVE ACCOUNT AT AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISES Classification of management account systems at different features, which allow determining with account objects at forming of account informational systems and forms of account registers at normative account of expenses at agricultural enterprises are suggested in this article. Registers suggested by scientists will give opportunity to control forming of prime cost at the production process.
Chebykina M.V., Akulova A.Sh. BUSINESS IMAGE, ITS REPUTATION AT THE SYSTEM OF MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS OF AN ENTERPRISEThe authors research in detail the questions of image at the system of marketing communications. It is noted that corporative identification (or corporative image) influences greatly on business, based on this it is necessary to plan and forecast.
Belchikova G.V. DESCRIPTIVE STATISTIC ANALYSIS OF DYNAMIC SERIES AT RESEARCH OF PRICE FORMATION ON MEDICAMENTS AND DRESSING MEANSThis article is devoted to the question of research of price formation of medicaments and dressing means with using of descriptive statistic analysis. Price formation on pharmaceutical market is a dynamic process, subjected to the influence of many factors. Forecasting and construction of appropriate model of price formation on socially important medicaments and dressing means are based on using of the method of Foster – Stuart in this work.
Konakov M.A. SMALL ENTERPRISE AT MEAT AND MILK SUBCOMPLEX OF CATTLE BREEDING AS A SUBJECT OF MARKET ECONOMYBases of forming and development of small enterprise and influence on it previous and next economic units as managed on different stages of common development are revealed in this research.
Araslanbaev I.V. STATISTICAL-ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF FEED-PRODUCTION EFFECTIVENESS IN FARMS OF PREDURAL STEPPE ZONE OF REPUBLIC OF BASHKORTOSTAN The research of feed production level and dependence of farming animals’ production from state of feed-production of enterprises situated on Predural steppe zone of Republic of Bashkortostan is conducted with using of statistical methods: tabular, graphical, of groupings, analysis of intercommunications (at spatial and time aggregates), analytical leveling of time lines. It is revealed that the levels of feed production and expense on a head are essential factors of production growth of farming animals, effectiveness of cattle breeding produces production.
Renner A.G., Sedova E.N. METHODS OF ECONOMIC INDEXES FORECASTING ON THE BASE OF TIME LINES WITH ACCOUNTING OF SPATIAL HETEROGENEITY OF DATA AND NONLINEAR INTERCOMMUNICATIONS BETWEEN FACTORS The problems of spatial heterogeneity of data and nonlinear intercommunications of factors are arisen at the modeling of economic indexes dynamics. The authors indicate expediency of multidimensional models at time lines in a form of system of simultaneous equations, in a form of regression models on the base of panel data.
Gibadullin A.R., Fomchenkova L.V. MECHANISM OF STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT OF BALANCED DEVELOPMENT OF BUILDING MATERIALS INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES The task importance of working out and introduction of strategic planning and control mechanism able to guarantee development of building materials enterprises is shown in this article. Mechanism of strategic management of enterprise balanced development on the base of BSC conception is regarded here. It is indicated that guarantee of consistent using of BSC supposes BSC integration into planning system, personnel management with help of BSC, BSC integration into the system of accounting, joining of BSC with conception of process-cost management of business, and also joining of BSC system with the system of risk-management and IT-support of BSC.

Natural sciences

Kozminykh V.O., Goncharov V.I., Kozminykh E.N. METHYLKETONES KLAIZEN CONDENSATION WITH DIALKYLOXALATES IN A SYNTHESIS OF BIOLOGICAL ACTIVE CARBONYL COMPOUNDS (REVIEW, PART 2) Literary data is summarized and new information of biological activity of products of ester Klaizen condensation of methylketones with dialkyloxalates - acylpyruvic acids and their derivatives are given in this article.
Karpova G.V. INFLUENCE OF CELLULOSECONTAINING FEEDS BIOCONVERSION ON THE NATURAL RESISTANCE CONDITION OF T- AND B-SYSTEMS OF CALVES’ IMMUNITYData of influence on indexes on bactericidal and lysozyme activity of blood serum is presented in this article. Also the dynamics of T-E-POK-lymphocytes – T-helpers – T-suppressors and B-EAC- lymphocytes of calves that use for food feeds with addition of husk of millet, buckwheat and sunflower peelings into food allowance after hardphase bacterial fermentation with cellulolytic, pentoseattenuation lactate and propionicacid bacteria is given in this work.
Suleimanov R.R., Nazyrova F.I. CHANGES OF SOIL BUFFERING AT POLLUTION WITH OIL-FIELD WATERS AND CRUDE OIL Changes of buffering characteristics of grey forest soils at pollution with highly mineralized oil-field sewages (OFS) and crude oil are studied in this article. It is shown that soil pollution with OFS leads to abrupt increase of buffering indexes at acid interval and to decrease – at alkaline. Restoration measures including entering of phosphogypsum and dung promote increasing of its general buffering. The degree of soil-absorbent complex degradation is increased with the antiquity growth and the level of original pollution at destruction of crude oil during the process of biological restoration of light-grey forest soils as a result of second salinization and alkalinization. Shift of acid-alkaline conditions leads to abrupt buffering decrease at acid interval.
Kalmykova O.G. ABOUT INFLUENCE OF RODENTS ON GROWTH (OF BURTINSKAYA STEPPE) (STATE RESERVE "ORENBURGSKY")Some aspects of mammals of Rodentia class influence on growth of reserve strip “Burtinskaya steppe” are regarded in this article. The observations results of flora character of near-hole complexes of marmots and beavers’ ecotope are given here. Prospects of growth dynamics peculiarities studying under the influence of rodents vital functions on reserve territory are planned in this work.
Shepeleva L.F., Samoilenko Z.A. PRINCIPALS OF MAPPING AND APPRAISAL OF NATURAL COMPLEXES OF THE OB VALLEY (ON THE EXAMPLE OF KULUMANSKY RESERVE TERRITORY)Appraisal and mapping principals of natural complexes as a base for creation of subject resource and appraisal maps and bases of recommendations of conservation and varied using of territories are worked out on the example of Kulumansky Reserve territory (Khanty-Mansiysky autonomous okrug).
Tarasova T.F., Chapalda D.I., Abdrakhimov Yu.R. USING OF RUBBER CRUMB AS A OIL SORBENT AT EMERGENCY OIL FLOOD (ON THE EXAMPLE OF ORENBURG REGION)The problem of emergency oil flood liquidation is regarded in this article. Adsorptive method is chosen, using of rubber crumb produced by mechanical processing with rapid method of threadbare automobile tyres is suggested as an adsorbent.

Technical sciences

Portnikov B.A. CONCEPTION OF OPTIMIZATION OF DIMENSION AND AIR CRAFTS PARK STRUCTURE OF AN AIR ENTERPRISE The conceptions of effectiveness increase of aviation special system functioning, based on guarantee of necessary features and type of business-functions, satisfied optimal dimension and structure of air crafts park of air enterprise as aviation special system are proved and formed in this article.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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