Ganaeva E.A., Tavstukha O.G. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE MENTORING MODEL IN FORMAL AND INFORMAL EDUCATION [№ 4 ' 2024] The tendency to consolidate resources of formal and informal education in the Orenburg region has caused the problem of specifying the mentoring model. The model is necessary for the draft development program of the Orenburg State Pedagogical University. The basis of the mentoring methodology is determined by the basic concept. Mentoring is a universal technology for transferring experience, knowledge, developing skills, competencies, metacompetencies and values through informal communication based on trust and partnership. Clarification of the model required solving a number of problems. It is necessary to identify professional deficiencies of teaching staff and managers of educational organizations in implementing mentoring programs; select forms of formal and informal education in accordance with the identified difficulties of participants in educational relations for the program for implementing the target mentoring model; ensure the transfer of effective educational and managerial practices for the implementation of the regional mentoring program. The solution of problems is possible within the framework of personalized and group support of mentors and mentees. The project is implemented by the regional segment of the unified federal system. Its element is the scientific and methodological center of the Orenburg State Pedagogical University. The refined mentoring model ensured the implementation of the «Mentoring» project of the OGPU development program. The result was the development of scientific and methodological support for teaching staff and management personnel of the region in accordance with the methodological, consulting and expert functions.
Tavstukha O.G., Matvievskaya E.G., Ganaeva E.A. PRACTICE-ORIENTED APPROACH IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF HUMANITIES EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS AT THE UNIVERSITY [№ 2 ' 2023] Modern realities of educational practice indicate the need to intensify practice-oriented training of specialists. The connection between theory and practice ensures purposeful and productive educational activities of higher educational institutions by deepening the focus of educational programs on practical training. The value of a practice-oriented approach is also growing in connection with the requirements of state policy in the aspect of federal state educational standards, the content of which is aimed at high-quality training of a competent specialist with professional and personal qualities that are in demand on the labor market. In pedagogical science, conceptual ideas about the practice-oriented approach, principles, and methods of its implementation are substantiated. However, today the problem of training specialists in the humanities is quite acute, the educational process of which is more focused on theorized learning. In this regard, there is a need to expand the boundaries of applicability of the practice-oriented approach in the implementation of educational programs in the humanities.
Ganaeva E.A., Matvievskaya E.G., Tavstukha O.G. THE PRACTICE OF ORGANIZING EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES IN VOCATIONAL EDUCATION [№ 4 ' 2022] The need to organize the educational activities of educational organizations is also emphasized by the state. The priorities of the state policy in the field of education are spelled out in the Federal Law No. 273 “On Education in the Russian Federation”, the Strategy for the Development of Education in the Russian Federation until 2025, the National Project “Education”, the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On the national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2024 of the year”. At the same time, the results of the VTsIOM-Sputnik study, as well as a team of scientists from the State University of Management, confirm the need to strengthen educational activities and expand the practice of working with young people. Thus, every sixth young person surveyed believes that he could not join the educational environment. A fifth of young people (20%) cannot agree with the surrounding reality, they are not integrated into positive practices, demonstrate nihilism, use deviant forms of behavior, anti-patriotism, do not trust state institutions and look pessimistically into the future. The current picture allows us to confirm the timeliness of studying the problem under study. Educational activity permeates all the activities of a teacher, is based on the conceptual component of the theory of education, defines a set of tools for solving professional problems, is built into the educational process and contributes to qualitative changes in the personality. The main purpose of this activity is to familiarize the individual with the values of culture, the norms and patterns of behavior that have developed in society, as well as the development of the individual. An important component of the organization of educational activities is the organization of educational space — a place of interaction between teachers and students. Educational work solves narrow educational tasks limited to a specific event. For an effective and efficient process of organizing educational activities in vocational education, it is necessary to turn to filling the space of colleges, which creates conditions for the implementation of the process under study. The pedagogical conditions associated with the motivation of the subjects of education, the enrichment of their activities and the use of innovative methods of educational work, will expand pedagogical experience, disseminate the results of experimental work in the system of vocational education for the purpose. Strengthening the educational potential of education in colleges.
Matvievskaya E.G., Ganaeva E.A., Saitbaeva E.R. VALUE SELF‑DETERMINATION OF A TEACHER IN PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY [№ 3 ' 2022] The modern educational environment needs appropriate professionals in their field — teachers, teachers, educators. The rapidly developing world dictates its own rules. These rules make adjustments in all areas of public activity. Thus, new global trends prepare the ground for the implementation of new activities to develop the value selfdetermination of the teacher’s professional activity. Every academic year, a generation of young teachers comes to educational institutions who need correction and influence on their personal sphere. First of all, the value self-determination of a teacher’s professional activity is influenced by the surrounding world with its own tendencies and demands. There are many requirements for the personality of the teacher. Requirements such as: be creative, be able to adapt to any situation, immediately resolve conflict issues. And secondly, the immediate environment — the teaching staff and management — influences the personal sphere. The influence on the personal sphere of young specialists is carried out by the mentor and the leadership of the school. In the self-development of a teacher, the reading of scientific pedagogical literature has an impact on his personal sphere and value self-determination in the profession. It is in these literary sources that we can meet the names of important scientists: teachers, philosophers, psychologists, sociologists who dealt with the problem of the value self-determination of a teacher. This literature also reflects the significance of the teacher’s personality for modern society. The Professional Teacher Standard, in part 4.3, paragraph 17, describes: “The ability to form and develop universal learning activities, patterns and values of social behavior, behavior skills in the world of virtual reality and social networks, multicultural communication skills and tolerance, key competencies (according to international standards ) etc. “is the task of the teacher. Also, the teacher’s task is to create a favorable background for the development of value self-determination among students of an educational organization. This is defined by the document — “The concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia.” The authors are A.Ya. Danilyuk, A.M. Kondakov, V.A. Tishkov. The most important goal of modern domestic education and one of the priority tasks of society and the state is education, social and pedagogical support for the formation and development of a highly moral, responsible, creative, initiative, competent citizen of Russia.
Shtriker N.A., Ganaeva E.A. DESIGNING A MODEL FOR THE FORMATION OF DIGITAL COMPETENCE OF A TEACHER [№ 4 ' 2021] Modernization of education in the context of digital transformation is aimed at preparing a graduate who is able to live and work in a digital environment, taking into account the constantly changing value orientations of a transforming society and new requirements for professions. Government initiatives for the development of a digital society require changes both in the content and structure of the Russian education system and in special training of teaching staff to work in a digital educational environment. The insufficient level of digital competence of teachers becomes the reason for Russia to fall into the risk zone in terms of ensuring the competitiveness of Russian education. In this connection, the management of the process of forming the digital competence of teachers is one of the key areas of educational policy both at the state level and at a separate educational organization. The development of a management model for the formation of digital competence of teachers in the system of additional education is due to the new challenges facing the modern system of Russian education related to the formation of a digital society. The aim of the study was to develop organizational and methodological conditions for managing the formation of digital competence of teachers in the system of additional education. Content analysis of foreign scientific sources, as well as Russian experience in defining the concepts of “digital literacy”, “digital competence” allowed us to clarify the definition of the concept of “digital competence of a teacher”, which we consider as the ability and willingness of a teacher to effectively use digital educational resources and information and communication technologies, manage them to create accessible and high-quality educational content. The model is represented by 4 interconnected blocks: target, meaningful, technological, productive-reflective. The most important feature of the formation of digital competence of teachers is the involvement of teachers in the system of lifelong education: formal (online courses, network forms of education); informal (teacher associations, mentoring, internships); informal (self-education; individual route of professional growth; competitive movement). Thus, the results obtained in the course of the experimental work confirm the assumption that the process of managing the formation of digital competence in the system of additional education based on the creation of a regulatory resource for the formation of digital competence of teachers in the system of additional education as the basis for the implementation of state initiatives in the field of digital transformation Russian education; development of scientific and methodological support for the formation of digital competence of teachers; purposeful work to ensure the motivational readiness of teachers for the formation of digital competence of teachers in the system of additional education contributes to obtaining highquality results in solving the set goals and objectives of the research.
Ganaeva E.A., Maslovskaya S.V. SOCIAL PARTNERSHIP SYSTEM DESIGN SUBJECTS OF EDUCATIONAL RELATIONS IN ACTIVITY HEAD OF AN EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATION [№ 3 ' 2021] The transition from the command-administrative system to democratic transformations in the field of public relations requires the transformation of the socio-cultural sphere of Russia, which determines the need to study the peculiarities of the development process of the interaction of participants in educational relations in the field of education in order to design a system of social partnership of subjects of educational relations in the activities of the head of an educational organization. The need to design a system of social partnership of subjects of educational relations in the activities of the head of an educational organization is dictated by the need to intensify the interaction of all participants in educational relations in solving problems of the functioning and development of an educational organization; the objective need for an educational organization to play a leading role in organizing social partnership; the requirement of the state educational policy in the field of education for the development of new requirements for the system of relations between the educational organization and society, the mechanisms for the formation of this system of relations are not developed. The aim of the study was to determine the organizational and methodological conditions for the implementation of the system of social partnership of subjects of educational relations in the activities of the head of an educational organization. As a result of a theoretical study of scientific and pedagogical literature, it was revealed that the concept of «interaction», «partnership», «social activity» are essential characteristics and components of the content of the concept of «social partnership». In the course of the study, a model for the formation of a system of social partnership of an educational organization has been developed; it consists of 5 functional blocks: target, methodological, substantive, technological, productive and analytical. Organizational conditions for organizing social partnership between an educational organization and the parent community: introduction of effective technologies for interaction between subjects of social partnership into the educational process; continuous functioning of the negotiation process between the subjects of social partnership; the formation of an open information space for the effective implementation of social partnership between the educational organization and the parental community. The developed model of the organization of social partnership of an educational organization is a set of interrelated components, the implementation of which creates opportunities for the mutual growth of the potential of an educational organization.
Ganaeva E.A., Maslovskaya S.V., Muratova A.A. MENTORING AS A RESOURCE OF TEACHER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT [№ 5 ' 2020] The study is of interest to the professional development of a teacher-mentor in the context of modernization changes in the Russian education system. The introduction of a national system for the professional growth of a teacher, a new model of attestation of teaching staff actualizes the implementation of the mentoring methodology to provide high-quality professional support for teaching staff. The aim of the study was to identify the professional deficiencies of teachers-mentors, to determine the professional difficulties identified during the participation of teachers-mentors in the competitive movement. Based on the study of the content characteristics of the concepts of “mentoring”, “professional development”, “professional competence of a teacher-mentor”, the author’s definition of the competence of a teacher-mentor is proposed as the ability and readiness of a teacher-mentor for effective informal mutually enriching interaction with the mentor, building his individual strategy for professional growth ... We noted that the professional activity of a teacher-mentor is considered within the framework of “horizontal” continuous education of a teacher and is determined by the degree of conscious professional advancement, professional growth of both the mentored and the mentor himself. This requires a special share of responsibility in solving specific problems of acquiring professional and life experience, developing new professional competencies. In our opinion, the teacher-mentor, being a key figure in the mentoring program, must have successful professional experience, positive professional, personal and life results, the willingness and ability to share their experience, and provide professional support to the mentor. To highlight the criteria for the professional competence of a teacher-mentor, we turned to the necessary qualities of successful mentors, indicated in the Methodology (target model) of mentoring. The results of the study show that for purposeful work on the development and improvement of the institution of mentoring in a modern educational organization, it is necessary to develop and implement an in-house mentoring program, to create its high-quality resource support.
Matvievskaya E.G., Ganaeva E.A., Muratova A.A. ORGANIZATION OF METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES OF AN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHER [№ 4 ' 2020] Abstract. The modern education system is characterized by constant significant changes and transformations in pedagogical science and practice, in connection with which the requirements for specialists who carry out pedagogical activities are also steadily changing. The social order of society is aimed at the formation of a comprehensively and harmoniously developed personality of a citizen of Russia, the implementation of which is inextricably linked with the quality of pedagogical work with children in educational institutions at all levels of education. The quality of the organization of the teacher’s methodological activity, which is “an independent type of professional activity in the design, development and construction of teaching aids that allows for the regulation of teaching and learning activities”, plays the most important role in the well-being of the formation and development of a child at all stages of education. The state policy in the field of primary education is largely guided by the provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard, according to which a wide range of typical tasks of a teacher is associated precisely with the organization of methodological activities. Researchers in the field of methodological training of teachers indicate that a modern teacher must have a sufficient level of methodological knowledge and skills (outlook), which will allow him not only to independently and competently apply them in practice, but also determine the ability to approach his pedagogical activity creatively. The conducted research by A.V. Pryadko, according to the study of the degree of effectiveness of various methods of organizing methodological activities in school, suggests that as a result of updating the forms and methods of organizing methodological work, there have been positive changes in motivation, teachers’ understanding of the requirements for the educational process, which includes the new education standard. The research results showed that the level of teacher motivation increased by 16%. An indicator such as “knowledge of the requirements that the standard includes” has quadrupled; the number of teachers who understand the principles of forming an assessment of the cognitive activity of students and are aware of the system for setting the final grade increased by 8 and 58%, respectively. The methodological activity of a modern teacher acts as a system-forming component of his pedagogical activity and is connected, on the one hand, with teaching methods, while, on the other hand, with ideas about specific actions aimed at designing, choosing and using these methods as ways of organizing educational and cognitive activities schoolchildren.
Ganaeva E.A., Guzairova А.F., Lipatkina N.V. CORPORATE EDUCATION EFFICIENCY ASSESSMENT TECHNOLOGY [№ 5 ' 2019] In modern socio-economic terms the corporate educating of personnel takes seat to the person in the structure of organizational activity. The estimation of efficiency and effectiveness of the corporate educating comes true by organizations independently on the basis of models of estimation of educating of personnel taking into account corporate aims and specific of activity of enterprise. The question of technologizing of this process remains not decided. Within the framework of the real research the corporate educating is examined by us as the purposeful specially organized process of in-house professional preparation of workers, sent to forming or perfection of necessary competenses for the effective decision of professional tasks. During research by us, on the basis of praxeological approach, technology of estimation of effectiveness of the corporate educating is worked out. She includes five interrelated and complementary stages: preparatory, evaluation, practical, reflection, result. Aims, maintenance, methods of estimation and results of every stage, are described in technology. The positive effect of application of this technology is expressed in her practical orientation and possibility of relevant estimation of the corporate educational programs, answering expectations of customers, internal and external consumers, business partners and different contractors. Technology of estimation of effectiveness of the corporate educating allows to estimate the degree of accordance of the expected results got and define validity maintenances of educating. She is the means of reflection of accordance between maintenance of educating and maintenance of work of student personnel.
Ganaeva E.A., Maslovskaya S.V. MARKETING OF INTERACTION SUBJECTS OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS IN THE SYSTEM OF ADDITIONAL PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION [№ 3 ' 2018] This article deals with the problem of managing the quality of interaction between subjects of the educational process in the system of additional professional education on the basis of methodical aspects of marketing interaction. The idea that the current state of the educational organization in the system of additional vocational education is largely determined by the level of interaction between the subjects of the educational process is substantiated. The purpose of the article is to identify the factors influencing the marketing of interaction on the quality of educational services in the system of additional vocational education. The article reveals the main problems of the system of additional vocational education to identify the spheres of influence of marketing interaction on the quality of educational services in the system of additional professional education. Particular attention is paid to identifying ways to overcome the problems of modern additional vocational education. The article analyzes the temporary logical change of organizational models of additional vocational education. The author comes to the conclusion that competition in the sphere of additional professional education has created prerequisites for developing new views on the provision of educational services, developing a strategy for the image activity of the educational organization, and improving the quality of education. Based on the work of D. Cravens, the author defines the main characteristics of marketing based on the specifics of his key functional areas, identifies in it the procedural structure: work with marketing information (collection, analysis); decision making (marketing mix); execution of decisions (supervision and control over the results). The author identifies and describes the prerequisites that influence the formation of marketing interactions in the system of additional vocational education, taking into account effective technologies of cognitive marketing (consumption marketing).
Ganaeva E.A., Eremina A.P. THE IMPLEMENTATION OF PRACTICE-ORIENTED MODEL OF THE NETWORK OF EDUCATIONAL TRAINING PROGRAMS FOR FUTURE MANAGERS [№ 10 ' 2017] The decision of the socio-cultural and socio-economic problems of a continuing nature, meet new challenges, requires the preparation of an effective Manager, able to achieve their goals in conditions of economic crisis, changes in the external environment, complexity of the innovation. So actualize activity approach in training of the future Manager, which in turn dictates the necessity of strengthening practical orientation of training and determine the integration of resources of educational institutions, ensuring the quality of design and implementation of educational programs. Effective means of professional training of a future Manager (in the direction “Pedagogical education”) becomes the network’s educational program. Based on the analysis of theoretical research and practical experience in the implementation of the network of educational programs defined organizational, informative, technological dominance in the implementation of training programs for the future manager. This leads to a change in the role of a manager in education, updating training model, theoretical, technological and resource support for the educational process. Network training program is the most important means of improving the quality of training of the future manager. The article describes the experience of the implementation of the module “State and municipal management” network of educational program “Management in Education” in the Orenburg State Pedagogical University. The core of the module becomes a content production practices — practices of obtaining professional skills and professional experience (management), implemented in the logic of the activity approach in the form of networking, together with the municipal budgetary institutions “Center for psychological and educational, medical, methodical and social assistance” Pulsed center “Orenburg”. The use of possibilities of realization of network educational programs in the professional training of a future Manager (in the direction “Pedagogical education”) allows organizational, informative, technologically, to provide the educational process aimed at training effective Manager.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |