Kargapoltseva N.A., Muratova A.A., Ezhova T.V. FORMATION OF INTELLECTUAL READINESS OF SENIOR PRESCHOOLERS TO STUDY AT SCHOOL BY MEANS OF COGNITIVE CULTURAL PRACTICES [№ 4 ' 2024] The modern state educational paradigm assumes the identification and development of abilities and talents of each child. Preparing a child for school is one of the functions of a preschool educational organization. The means of ensuring readiness for school without infringing on the interests and capabilities of older preschool children are cognitive cultural practices as a means of intellectual development of the individual, determining activities to develop abilities, interact with the world, and develop creative self-realization. Cognitive cultural practices that ensure the activation of children’s cognitive experience help preschoolers to define research tasks that meet their needs and interests and encourage them to demonstrate independence and cognitive activity. According to the federal state educational standard, the following cultural practices are distinguished: measurements; modeling; ecological lifestyle; counting; spatial orientation; classification. The universal structural components of the cultural practice were: the content of the developing subject-spatial environment (thematic corners of the group «Soon to School», «Health», «World of Nature», «Game»; projection equipment for viewing digital educational resources; a camera to record the process; materials for artistic and creative activities); the content of independent and joint activities of children (reading, listening, examining, telling, experiments, discussion, research, viewing, recording, listening, analyzing, compiling a description, modeling, designing, compiling and working with process maps; compiling process maps, diagrams and algorithms); emotional experience (delight, surprise, joy, admiration, inspiration, anticipation, stability); cultural events (conducting an experiment, manipulating objects, analyzing a situation, playing (individual, paired, group), listening (individual, paired, group), discussion (paired, group), creating and visiting an exhibition, invitation to a conversation); objects of cultural memory (illustrations, models, works of fiction and popular science books, cartoons, popular science and art); objects of cultural experience (individually depending on the type of practice); cultural skills that the child masters (arbitrariness of behavior, implementation of cognitive actions, bringing to the result and product, demonstration of the result and product).
Tavstukha O.G., Miheeva E.V., Kargapoltseva N.A. ON THE PROBLEM OF DEVELOPING THE SENIOR PRESCHOOL CHILDREN SOCIAL COMPETENCE BASICS BY VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES MEANS [№ 4 ' 2024] Social education of preschool children is an important component of their overall development and preparation for life in society. Children of preschool age begin to communicate with other children and adults, so social education helps them develop communication skills, cooperation, conflict resolution and emotional self-control. These skills will be useful for children in all areas of their lives, including further education at school, development of educational activities and personal relationships. Today, teachers are faced with the task of finding effective pedagogical means of developing the basics of social competence of senior preschoolers, among which those that fill the child's life with significant events are effective. Volunteer activity is such a modern and socially in-demand means. The purpose of the pedagogical study was to organize volunteer activities with senior preschool children, ensuring the development of the basics of social competence. Experimental work on the development of social competence of preschool children by means of volunteer activities was carried out on the basis of preschool educational organizations of the Buzuluk district of the Orenburg region. In practice, a partial educational program
Kargapoltseva N.A., Kargapoltseva D.S. THE VIEWS OF V.A. SUKHOMLINSKY TO QUESTIONS OF GIFTEDNESS [№ 3 ' 2023] The article is devoted to the modern state educational paradigm, which focuses on the identification and development of the talents and abilities of each child, which is an important factor for achieving high results in education and in life in general. It is noted that thanks to national projects, more students have the opportunity to use educational platforms of a single high level, as well as equal access for children and youth to competitions that allow everyone to show and develop talents and abilities. One of these projects is Every Child’s Success, which aims to identify, develop and realize abilities. The article also analyzes the Modern School project, which contributes to the modernization of educational institutions and the provision of conditions for obtaining a quality education. The article presents a retrospective analysis of the views of the outstanding Soviet teacher Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky on the identification and development of giftedness, talents and abilities of students, who noted that each child is unique and has his own talent. That is why V.A. Sukhomlinsky considered it necessary to create pedagogical conditions for its disclosure and development. An important aspect in the concept of Sukhomlinsky’s views on the upbringing and development of the child is labor, including through which, through diligence and patience, a growing person is given the opportunity to learn how to do something with his own hands, without fail, best of all. The study, comprehension and application of the humanistic views of outstanding representatives of Russian pedagogy in educational activities will certainly allow modern teachers and teachers of preschool and additional education to find a unique approach to recognizing and developing giftedness, talents and abilities of a growing personality.
Kuatbekov Sh.N., Kargapoltseva N.A. MAIN DIRECTIONS OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE SYSTEM OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN [№ 2 ' 2023] The development of physical culture and sports is one of the priority areas of the state social policy, implemented in the educational, health, cultural, national, youth, and international spheres. The urgency of the problem is also determined by the need to understand the current situation in the development of physical culture and sports in the Republic of Kazakhstan at various levels. Physical culture and sports contribute to the formation of the internal and external image of the state, the patriotic feelings of the people. In this regard, consideration of the main directions of development of physical culture and sports in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the historical and pedagogical aspect seems to be extremely relevant. This article analyzes the current state, trends and prospects of research activities in the country’s physical education, substantiates the need for a comprehensive application of the achievements of related sciences to create a scientific and technical base for innovative technologies in the field of physical culture and sports. Modern vectors and world standards for the formation of a national system of physical culture staffing in accordance with the trends in physical education, as well as the creation of innovative educational institutions for the training of physical education specialists, the formation of a network of children’s sports schools, rural sports complexes, social and cultural centers of physical development are considered. The axiological vectors of the development of physical culture and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan have been updated in accordance with promising areas in physical education; humanization of national education on the basis of value orientations in a healthy lifestyle of every person. In this regard, the necessity of designing a system for training future specialists, considering the analysis of national experience to create a scientific and technical base for the implementation of innovative technologies in the field of physical culture and sports, is emphasized.
Kargapoltseva D.S., Zhanturganova J.A. CONSOLIDATION OF GENERAL AND ADDITIONAL EDUCATION AS A CONDITION FOR DEVELOPMENT INTELLECTUALLY GIFTED PERSON [№ 4 ' 2022] Intellectual giftedness is considered by many thinkers and scientists throughout the entire period of human development, analyzing and shaping attitudes towards the concepts of “ability” and “giftedness”. In modern pedagogical science, the focus remains on identifying giftedness, integrating a gifted personality of a child into the environment of a general educational institution, socializing him in society and creating conditions for the most harmonious development of his giftedness, which will subsequently lead to an increase in the numerical level of gifted people in areas that are of key importance for strategic development of our country. This article analyzes the conditions for the development of an intellectually gifted personality on the basis of a unique for our region institution of the State Autonomous Educational Institution “Governor’s Diversified Lyceum-Boarding School for Gifted Children of the Orenburg Region”. The Governor’s Lyceum has more than twenty years of history and experience in working with gifted children. At the same time, the most valuable is the desire of the leadership and the teaching staff to search for and create innovative forms of the comprehensive development of intellectually gifted youth in the face of new challenges of our time. In addition, the article describes the history of the creation and development of this institution with the consolidation of the efforts of the regional Ministry of Education and the Orenburg State University, which may become relevant for colleagues from other regions, in the aspect of creating mechanisms to accompany the development of gifted children and youth in the transition from school level education to professional.
Kargapoltseva N.A., Kapkova E.E. DIGITAL SOCIALIZATION OF A TEENAGER AS A CURRENT PHENOMENON OF SCIENTIFIC AND PEDAGOGICAL RESEARCH [№ 4 ' 2022] The relevance and need of the study of the phenomenon of “digital socialization” are obvious, since global changes are taking place in the modern world, giving the information age the status of a digital one. As part of the scientific and pedagogical research, we tried to the reveal the conceptual field of the key concept from the standpoint of the diversity of approaches of different sciences. Particular attention is paid to the positive trends and risks of the influence of the current social situation on the upbringing and development of the personality of teenagers in the process of their subjective and pedagogically accompanied digital socialization. The main points of the article are based on the results of a theoretical analysis of scientific sources and the results of scientific and practical experience in solving the problems of the project “Tsiolkovsky Grandchildren”, within the framework of the national program “Personnel for Digital Economy” in educational institutions of the Orenburg region.
Musafirov M.K., Kargapoltseva N.A. HISTORICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL CONTEXT OF THE SOVIET EXTRACURRICULAR EDUCATION GENESIS OF ORENBURG REGION IN THE SECOND HALF OF THE XX CENTURY AS AN INSTITUTION OF HUMAN CAPITAL FORMATION [№ 4 ' 2021] Today, in the period of technological and socio-economic transformation, the issues of the development of the education system are among the highest priorities, since without them it is impossible to carry out a successful transformation and adaptation to the new reality of the fourth industrial revolution and the transition to a post-information society. For the successful implementation of innovations in the field of national education, it is necessary to take into account the existing experience of implementing systemic innovations in the field of national education. This, in turn, actualizes the historical and pedagogical study of Soviet extracurricular education as the most important institution for the upbringing of the younger generation and the development of human capital, including in the regional aspect. The purpose of our research was a theoretical understanding and analysis of the process of development of the Soviet extracurricular education of Orenburg region in the second half of the XX century. Based on a comprehensive analysis of unpublished archival documents and scientific literature on the development of extracurricular education in the Soviet Union, its trends and key areas of development were identified. Fundamentally new in the results of our research is the characteristic of the genesis of the Soviet extracurricular education of Orenburg region in the second half of the XX century. The paper considers in detail the socio-economic transformations, the policy of the Soviet state authorities that influenced the genesis of the regional educational system under study. The paper identified the existing trends in the development of extracurricular education in Orenburg region in the second half of the XX century, which include: the formation of the experience of regional Soviet extracurricular education, the development of human resources, the expansion of the network of extracurricular institutions.
Kargapolceva N.A., Saparkyzy J. PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL SUPPORT OF PRESCHOOL AND SCHOOL-AGE CHILDREN AS A PROBLEM OF MODERN EDUCATION AND THE FAMILY [№ 2 ' 2021] Psychological and pedagogical support of preschool and school-age children is an urgent problem of the entire system of modern education and the family, especially in the context of the digital transformation of the modern world. New opportunities for effective problem solving and the development of cooperation in the interaction of the education system and the family are opening up in connection with the development of mobile applications for parents and other categories of users for psychological and pedagogical support of preschool and school-age children. The most important areas for selecting relevant content not only for the family, but also for professional teachers, psychologists, and students of pedagogical universities were the formation of health and a healthy lifestyle, the creation of a comfortable developing educational environment in the family, materials for identifying and eliminating the psychological causes of violations of interpersonal relations of children with educators, peers, parents and other people; problems of early childhood.
Yusupova A.A., Kargapolceva N.A. INTERPRETATION OF A MUSICAL WORK AS A MEANS OF DEVELOPING ARTISTRY IN THE PROCESS OF MUSICAL AND ARTISTIC EDUCATION OF FUTURE MUSIC TEACHERS [№ 2 ' 2021] Artistry plays an important role in the pedagogical activity of any teacher, but it is of particular importance in the activity of a music teacher, since it is the most important professional quality of the personality of a teacher-musician. Pedagogical artistry, as is well known, consists of an external factor (intonation, diction, expressiveness, musicality, gestures, plasticity, etc.), which is developed through vocal art, and an internal one (spirituality, creative and musical-pedagogical thinking, imagination, etc.), associated with performing skills. Work on the interpretation of the work — improving the vocal technique, competent reading of the musical text, compliance with all the author's remarks, creating a musical and artistic image as a whole, is one of the main components of the formation of artistry. The teacher's artistry presupposes his creativity, creativity, and the ability to navigate in any situation, so the actual pedagogical task is the formation of artistic singing skills in the process of musical and artistic education of future music teachers.
Kargapoltseva N.A., Oztyurk D.S. THE FORMATION OF MONTESSORI EDUCATIONAL SPACE IN ORENBURG REGION [№ 5 ' 2020] The implementation of the National Project “Education” to ensure the global competitiveness of Russian education, the entry of the Russian Federation into the top 10 countries in the world in terms of the quality of general education, the introduction of a national system of professional growth of teachers, the organization of systematic work on the continuous development of professional skills of workers in the educational system requires clarification of axiological foundations of training a teacher of modern times in region. Historical and pedagogical analysis of the formation of the Montessori educational space in the Orenburg region in the late XX — early XXI centuries, on the basis of adaptation and creative development of the unique system of Maria Montessori, recognized by UNESCO as a teacher who determined the method of pedagogical thinking in modern world, reflects the design and implementation of this system in the educational space of Russia. The results of the study of the problems of increasing the effectiveness of the process of professional development of the teacher’s personality based on the democratic values of world progressive pedagogy were successfully used in the system of training and advanced training of teachers, class teachers and teachers of additional education in the Orenburg region, for the continuous development of their professional pedagogical skills, as well as in special courses on practical the application of M. Montessori’s axiological ideas in the humanitarian context of modern regional education. The article also presents a brief analysis of research and creative works of students in the International Competition “In the World of Wise Thoughts of Maria Montessori” (2020), organized by the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Orenburg State Pedagogical University, dedicated to her 150th birthday anniversary. In the modern space-time continuum, the experience of designing and significantly updating the content of training and advanced training programs for modern teachers has been updated, taking into account regional needs and explicating the best experience of world progressive pedagogy.
Nikitina А.А., Kargapoltseva N.A. CONSTRUCTIVE MODEL OF INTERACTION OF TEACHERS AND PARENTS IN THE INCLUSIVE EDUCATION SYSTEM [№ 3 ' 2020] Since 2019, the National Education Project has been implemented on the territory of the Russian Federation. An integral part of the implementation of this project is the support of families with children. So within the framework of this issue, the federal project “Support for families with children” is being implemented. The main goal of the project is to create conditions for increasing the competence of students’ parents in teaching and raising children. Within the framework of the regional project, since 2019 in the Orenburg region on the basis of the state budgetary institution “Central psychological, medical and pedagogical commission of the Orenburg region”, the Consulting center “We are together” was created. At present, the already developed models are not effective enough (since the results of testing these models have not been provided), or these models cannot be implemented within educational organizations. When solving the problems of the lack of support specialists in educational organizations of the Orenburg region, we have developed a modern model of interaction between teachers and parents in the system of inclusive education. The proposed model is theoretically and scientifically grounded and promotes conscious and practical interaction between parents and teachers in the system of inclusive education. The model will be tested within the framework of a pilot project on the basis of the state budgetary institution “Central psychological, medical and pedagogical commission of the Orenburg region” by specialists of the Consulting center “We are together”. The model is also practically effective, since it can be used in the absence of support specialists in the educational organization. When specialists of the consulting center “We are together” implement it, the possibility of reaching the parental community will increase and, accordingly, the number of psychological and pedagogical services provided will increase.
Musafirov M.K., Kargapoltseva N.A. THE DEVELOPMENT OF OUT-OF-SCHOOL EDUCATION IN THE ORENBURG REGION IN THE SECOND HALF OF THE 20TH CENTURY (ON THE EXAMPLE OF SINGLE-PROFILE OUT-OF-SCHOOL INSTITUTIONS TECHNICAL FOCUS) [№ 1 ' 2019] Currently, one of the priorities of the state educational policy is the support and development of children’s technical creativity. Attracting talented young people to the engineering and technical sphere of professional labor plays an important role in the country’s scientific and technological development, economic growth and the security of the state. The undoubted resource of creative initiation of gifted students to the world of technology is provided by the system of additional education, which organizes the extracurricular activities of schoolchildren. Associations of technical orientation of institutions of additional education of children are intended to become a launching pad for future engineers, inventors, designers, workers who own modern equipment. This determines the need for constant attention of scientists and practitioners to improve the forms and methods of pedagogical instrumentation of this process. Not only a creative analysis of the present, but also a critical synthesis of experience, productive knowledge of the educational past in the interests of the present and the future is very significant. We have considered the features of the development of the system of additional education in Orenburg in the second half of the twentieth century in the substantive aspect of familiarizing children with technical creativity. The synchronic-diachronic method, within the framework of the comparative historical approach, allowed us to establish that during the study period, extra-school institutions of a technical orientation solve the following tasks: to attract children to the world of technology; preparation of applicants for technical educational institutions; military patriotic education of youth. Single-profile out-of-school institutions of technical orientation closely interacted with general education schools. In the regional education, the station of young technicians and centers of technical creativity played a vocational guidance role. The activity of the Orenburg Regional Station of Young Technicians consisted in the pedagogical and methodical organization of technical creativity of children and young people. In the second half of the twentieth century, a significant decline in this activity was overcome and the opening of new institutions was observed. Qualitative improvement of pedagogical work with children occurred due to the constant attention of the state to the field of additional education, improvement of forms and methods of working with children, and the continued preservation of personnel potential. The situation of successfully overcoming the critical challenges of time allowed us to state the relevance of institutions of additional education in the regional system of out-of-school upbringing and education of children, as well as the need for its further progressive existence.
Stamkulova Sh.A., Kargapoltseva N.A. DEVELOPMENT OF COGNITIVE INDEPENDENCE OF STUDENTS IN THE PEDAGOGICAL REALITIES OF MODERN EDUCATION [№ 2 ' 2018] Development of cognitive independence of students is one of the important problems of modern pedagogy and education. In the conditions of the social and economic changes taking place in the world, the demand for an independent, competent, creative person, who possesses the necessary information and knowledge, is able to make decisions and personally be responsible for their implementation, which significantly increases the competitiveness of a professional professional. The authors of the article, summing up the views of prominent Russian and Kazakh scientists on the stated problem, come to the conclusion that the phenomenon of cognitive independence is an integrative quality of the personality of students in higher education, which is based on intellectual abilities and competences related to the willingness and desire of future specialists for the initiative acquisition knowledge in the course of processing information for the purpose of a productive solution of professionally-oriented educational tasks s and objectives. A decisive role in this process is given to the developing capabilities of modern information tools, resources and technologies, to design forms and methods of the educational establishment of the personality as a real and effective subject of cognitive activity.
Kuatbekov Sh.N., Kargapol'ceva N.A. TRAINING OF FUTURE TEACHERS FOR THE FORMATION OF A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE FOR THE YOUTH OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN [№ 1 ' 2018] Care of health of younger generation means not only fight against diseases, prevention of incidence, but also justification of concepts of a healthy lifestyle, use of a wide package of measures for extension of active work of the person. The directed pedagogical development of a problem of strengthening of health of youth, formation of installations and valuable orientations of the growing person to the ideas and ideals of a healthy lifestyle has exclusive value for modern educational process not only in theoretical, but also in the practical relation. In this regard there are new requirements to vocational training of future teachers and, first of all, teachers of physical culture for the system of the general education. Special attention is paid to improvement of quality of training of future experts in higher educational institutions. At the same time, comparison of results of scientific search and student teaching in the field of training of future teachers of physical culture for formation of a healthy lifestyle of youth of the Republic of Kazakhstan shows that the content of theoretical researches considerably advances practice of training of students in this direction at faculties of physical culture of higher education institutions. Therefore a relevant pedagogical task is humanitarization of the educational environment of higher education institution where orientation of future experts — and not only in the field of physical culture — on the every possible statement of a healthy lifestyle acts as the most important criterion of quality of modern higher education.
Kargapoltseva N.A., Maslikova E.F. INTERACTION OF THE GENERAL, ADDITIONAL AND PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION IN THE SPACE OF THE UNIVERSITY DISTRICT [№ 10 ' 2017] As noted in the program documents, the main direction of the Russian state educational policy is the provision by each citizen of the positive development of its socio-cultural, economic and spiritual-moral potential, which implies the utmost strengthening of the integrative aspects of the productive interaction of educational structures, units and organizations in the innovative area of education, upbringing and development personality. The presence of an integrative impulse of cooperation in the activities of the Association “Orenburg University (Academic) District” was originally determined by the specific nature of its structural construction, according to which “association” is one of the organizational and legal forms of non-profit organizations, a voluntary association of individuals, institutions and structures of one kind of activity to achieve common goal. The basic vectors of educational cooperation, singled out and fixed in the Association’s Charter, correspond to the strategic lines of development of Russian education, which include such essential characteristics as globalization, informatization, humanitarization, humanization. Experience of the Association “Orenburg University (Academic) District” shows that the productive solution of the problem of socialization and upbringing of the personality of the modern student is possible only in the unifying potential of joint efforts, in the developing space of educational integration, in the joint implementation of socially significant programs, innovation projects and humanitarian initiatives.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |