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June 2020, № 3 (226), pages 34-43

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-226-34

Noskov E. A. SUBSTANTIATION OF STUDENTS’ COMPETENCE LEVELSIN ENSURING NATIONAL SECURITY IN EDUCATIONThe lack of a generally accepted approach to methods for assessing the formation of students’ competences and learning outcomes, the multidirectional views on the development of pedagogical measuring materials for assessing competences, a technology for assessing educational achievements based on a competency-based approach indicate the relevance of this problem. The competence of a specialist in ensuring national security in education is understood as a combination of knowledge on the main content of ensuring national security; skills in implementing the means of ensuring national security in education; experience in the implementation of knowledge and skills in the field of basic content and implementation of means of ensuring national security. The competences that are necessary for a future specialist in ensuring national security can be divided into three levels: reproductive, local levels and the one that models professional activities. Requirements for knowledge and skills, as well as experience in professional activities with regard to the national security in education, have been developed for each level. A student who has reached the initial level knows how to formulate thoughts, interact and hold a dialogue with other subjects of the educational process, but these skills are manifested to a small extent. A student who has reached an average level is characterized by the need to obtain a future profession, learn, master new knowledge in the field of national security in education, by the ability to consciously put his/her skills into practice. A high level indicates the mastery of systemic knowledge with a personal meaning, the ability to implement the knowledge and skills gained, the use of professional experience. The level-based approach to assessing the formation of students’ competences allows determining the degree of future specialists’ readiness for professional activities in the field of national security in education.Key words: level-based approach, competence level, competences in the field of national security in education.


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About this article

Author: Noskov E.A.

Year: 2020

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-226-34

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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