March 2018, № 3 (215), pages 73–82doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-215-73
Boldyreva T.A., Thorzhevskaya L.V., Konopleva O.V. LATENT ROLE OF THE TEACHER IN THE SUBJECTIVE ASSESSMENT OF THE FAMILY WELL-BEING OF А 7–9 YEARS CHILDThe events of school life, the child's success in education often become the reason or cause for breakdown in family relationships. Practical experience of psychological accompaniment of primary schoolchildren suggests the existence of a bi-directional connection between the features of the child's adaptation to school and well-being in the sphere of family relationships. The idea, formulated by O.V. Kraasnova, connected with the development of the personality as an evolution of the personality-society, striving for the integrity of the system, reveals the methodological validity of such a connection. However, modern psychology is developing, although not enough, only one side of the problem: the impact of the quality of family relationships on the socio-psychological functioning of the child in school. Studies on the second vector of relationships between the family and the school have not been discovered. The research undertaken to reveal the unobvious role of the teacher in the subjective evaluation of family well-being included two psychodiagnostic techniques: “Family drawing” and Renй Gilles’ test film, primary schoolchildren were the object of the study (second year pupils) whose parents asked for advice because of the growing problems in family relationships at the beginning of school. Statistical treatment, performed by means of regression analysis, made it possible to detect the non-obvious role of the teacher in the structure of intra-family relationships. Mutual relations with the teacher act as a significant factor that affects both the subjective representation of the child about his family well-being and the attitude to the mother. The empirical confirmation of the influence of the interaction of the relationship with the teacher and the family relationship draws the attention of the practical psychologist to the compulsory registration in the process of psychological accompaniment of the primary school child and his family of two vectors of influence of the family and school that will allow to optimize the process and ensure the stability of the positive changes achieved in the process of psychological work.Key words: primary schoolchildren, family well-being, ontogeny, adaptation to school, relationship with the teacher, Renе Gilles film-test, family drawing.
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About this article
Authors: Boldyreva T.A., Thorzhevskaya L.V., Konopleva O.V.
Year: 2018
doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-215-73
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |