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Tavstukha O.G., Matvievskaya E.G., Ganaeva E.A.
Modern realities of educational practice indicate the need to intensify practice-oriented training of specialists. The connection between theory and practice ensures purposeful and productive educational activities of higher educational institutions by deepening the focus of educational programs on practical training. The value of a practice-oriented approach is also growing in connection with the requirements of state policy in the aspect of federal state educational standards, the content of which is aimed at high-quality training of a competent specialist with professional and personal qualities that are in demand on the labor market.
In pedagogical science, conceptual ideas about the practice-oriented approach, principles, and methods of its implementation are substantiated. However, today the problem of training specialists in the humanities is quite acute, the educational process of which is more focused on theorized learning. In this regard, there is a need to expand the boundaries of applicability of the practice-oriented approach in the implementation of educational programs in the humanities.

Tavstukha O.G., Miheeva E.V., Moiseeva A.N.
A qualitative leap in the development of new technologies has led to the need of society for people who are able both to solve new problems in an unconventional way and to bring new content to all spheres of life. Therefore, today an important direction in state policy in the field of education is connected with the development and support of children with increased educational needs and abilities, which constitutes the potential of the country. To identify such children at the earliest stage, to promote the development of their talents is the task of modern education. The primary role in this process is played by teachers working with children. It depends on them whether the child will be able to develop his/her abilities or not. In modern psychological and pedagogical research works, it is noted that only a teacher with general and special knowledge, certain personal qualities of character can work effectively with such a category of students as gifted children. All this demanded the timely and qualitative preparation of students of correspondence courses to work with gifted children in educational institutions.
Readiness to work with gifted children is directly related to the readiness of teachers to implement the educational process in accordance with the requirements of modern state educational policy, taking into account the needs, capabilities, desires and abilities of students, to develop and implement program and methodological documentation, to carry out scientific and methodological work and dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience, to the development and implementation of pedagogical innovations in the educational process.
The purpose of our experimental work was connected with the practical implementation of the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the development of professional readiness of students of correspondence courses (teachers of additional education) to work with gifted children.

Ganaeva E.A., Matvievskaya E.G., Tavstukha O.G.
The need to organize the educational activities of educational organizations is also emphasized by the state. The priorities of the state policy in the field of education are spelled out in the Federal Law No. 273 “On Education in the Russian Federation”, the Strategy for the Development of Education in the Russian Federation until 2025, the National Project “Education”, the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On the national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2024 of the year”.
At the same time, the results of the VTsIOM-Sputnik study, as well as a team of scientists from the State University of Management, confirm the need to strengthen educational activities and expand the practice of working with young people. Thus, every sixth young person surveyed believes that he could not join the educational environment. A fifth of young people (20%) cannot agree with the surrounding reality, they are not integrated into positive practices, demonstrate nihilism, use deviant forms of behavior, anti-patriotism, do not trust state institutions and look pessimistically into the future. The current picture allows us to confirm the timeliness of studying the problem under study.
Educational activity permeates all the activities of a teacher, is based on the conceptual component of the theory of education, defines a set of tools for solving professional problems, is built into the educational process and contributes to qualitative changes in the personality. The main purpose of this activity is to familiarize the individual with the values of culture, the norms and patterns of behavior that have developed in society, as well as the development of the individual. An important component of the organization of educational activities is the organization of educational space — a place of interaction between teachers and students. Educational work solves narrow educational tasks limited to a specific event.
For an effective and efficient process of organizing educational activities in vocational education, it is necessary to turn to filling the space of colleges, which creates conditions for the implementation of the process under study. The pedagogical conditions associated with the motivation of the subjects of education, the enrichment of their activities and the use of innovative methods of educational work, will expand pedagogical experience, disseminate the results of experimental work in the system of vocational education for the purpose. Strengthening the educational potential of education in colleges.

Mativievskaia E.G., Tavstukha O.G., Polkina S.N.
The need to ensure equality for all students in obtaining high-quality education determines the relevance of the problem of developing ways to provide assistance to such educational organizations that consistently demonstrate low educational results.
Features of methodical support of school with low educational results are determined. Particular attention is paid to the design of an anti-risk program aimed at overcoming educational failure. The main components of the anti-risk program are named and their content is disclosed. The purpose of the anti-risk program is to organize the activities of participants in educational relations to ensure the successful assimilation of the main educational program by poor and weak students. The planned results of the implementation of the anti-risk program are a decrease in the share of students with the risks of educational failure, their demonstration of positive dynamics in the development of the educational program; increasing the proportion of students who have confirmed their assessments at all-Russian verification work, state final certification.The dynamics of measurement of indicators for the development of management decisions is carried out as part of monitoring research, visiting and analyzing lessons in order to identify the objectivity of assessing students and the effectiveness of used technologies. The activities of the school staff to achieve the goal and objectives of the anti-risk program include the following measures: monitoring the quality of education, organizing methodological support for the work of teachers on improving the quality of education, diagnosing the individual features of educational processes of students with difficulties in educational activities, developing individual educational routes for accompanying each student with the risks of educational failure, interaction with parents of students. The implementation of these measures contributes to the improvement of the educational result. The monitoring of the quality of education conducted at the school showed that the content of educational programs by students was fully mastered. The results of the state final certification show the stability of positive results in compulsory subjects and an increase in the average score of subjects of choice.

Tavstukha O.G., Matviyevskaya E.G., Muratova A.A.
Culture is embodied in parenting traditions and the environment. The planning and implementation of educational activities on the basis of general standards without taking into account the specifics of the socio­cultural conditions of life do not allow to ensure the modern level of education quality, the development of abilities important for a modern person.
In modern conditions, the teaching profession is becoming more and more creative. In the process of mastering it, it becomes necessary to master the skills to design the educational process. The training of teachers should include training in the methodology of taking into account the characteristics of the socio-cultural environment, the development of the need for understanding culture, and the expansion of cultural horizons.
Cultural practices are an effective way to solve the problems of preschool education. In activities, thoughts, experiences, assessments, the child acts as a subject of culture.
The development of cultural practices is included in the practical lessons of the discipline “Pedagogical design as the basis of the professional activity of a teacher of preschool education” of the main professional educational program “Pedagogy of Preschool Childhood” (Master’s degree).
In the federal state educational standard of preschool education, familiarizing children with socio­cultural norms, traditions of the family, society and the state is defined as a principle.
According to the professional standard of the Teacher, the generalized labor function of the teacher is “pedagogical activity in the design and implementation of the educational process in educational institutions of preschool <...> education”.
Cultural practices are designed in accordance with the educational objectives defined by the educational program of preschool education, the partial educational program within which they are implemented. But the priority in the design of cultural practice should be the interests of children.
The development of cultural practices is carried out by students within the framework of the master’s study, which makes it possible to make it culturally consistent, to strengthen it in the aspect of reflecting the socio-cultural situation. The content and type of practice is determined based on the topic of the master’s study. In the process of lectures and practical classes, based on the study of program and methodological materials and the experience of preschool teachers, the types of cultural practices, structural components and their content are determined.
On the basis of the cultural practice designed by the student, professional deficiencies and ways to eliminate them are determined. One of the educational products presented for the defense of a master’s thesis is a methodological development, including cultural practices and methodological recommendations to them, including approximate lists of objects of cultural memory, familiarity with which contributes to the formation of the general culture of a preschooler.

Moiseeva A.N., Tavstukha O.G., Polkina S.N.
Lesson in the system of additional education is the basic form of organizing the educational process. Features of the content, variety of forms, variants of classifications, design technologies and lessons are presented in scientific publications, educational publications, regulatory documents, teaching materials. Despite this, there is a need to disclose the design features of a lesson in the system of additional education. Within the framework of our theoretical research, the main requirements for a modern occupation were identified: designing an occupation based on a system-activity approach; providing the student with the achievement of personal and meta-subject results; adherence to the logic of designing and conducting classes as an integral system of educational activities of the teacher and students; implementation of the developmental nature of educational activities; adherence to basic didactic principles; development of the main components of educational activities. Our study of the activities of teachers of additional education shows that a significant part of them experience certain difficulties in designing a lesson, manifested in an insufficiently effective organization of students’ activities. In a number of cases, basic didactic principles are violated, and group activities of students are inappropriately organized. To eliminate the identified difficulties, we have proposed the following methods: achieving compliance of the structure and content of the lesson with regulatory documents; allocation and implementation of educational tasks as a strategic action plan for students at each stage of the lesson; defining the topic as a problem that needs to be solved in the lesson, defining the purpose of the lesson as disclosing the semantic key concepts of the topic; organization of work to assimilate the methods of activity by students; drawing up an initial model (product) of the final activity of students in class; selection of information taking into account the interests and needs of trainees; the use of research assignments, non-standard, entertaining tasks, educational problem situations; development of motivation; carrying out semantic reflection. In general, the teacher needs an understanding that in the classroom, pedagogical activities are carried out, which allow achieving modern educational results.

Tavstukha O.G., Shavshaeva L.Yu., Andreeva E.I.
The key idea of modern education is its individualization. The professional standard of a preschool teacher requires the ability to work with different categories of students, including children with special needs. Taking into account the needs, characteristics and possibilities is the main means of achieving the accessibility and quality of education for every child. The teacher’s ability to properly organize the educational process in various conditions, including in conditions of inclusion, determines the success of children in mastering the educational program, their emotional and personal well-being, and the safety of the kindergarten environment. The purpose of our research was to identify the structure and specificity of students’ readiness to implement inclusive preschool education. Diagnostics of the state of the main components of the professional readiness of the future teacher in the implementation of inclusive practice, made it possible to determine the main directions of our further work to improve the content of the work programs of academic disciplines, teaching methods at the university. Our capabilities have been significantly expanded by significant experience in the system of advanced training for kindergarten teacher. As a result, we identified the state of readiness of future preschool teachers to implement an inclusive approach by components, described the main mechanisms for further work to expand and deepen it. Further adherence to the proposed recommendations will allow building an integral system of training future kindergarten specialists who successfully carry out inclusive education.

Tavstukha O.G., Andreeva E.I., Miheeva E.V.
The increase in the number of students with disabilities suggests an increased focus on the organization of their education. An inclusive approach ensures equal access to education for all children without discrimination. It is important to consider the needs of learners with disabilities and their healthy peers.
Pre-school age is the most effective in the organization of inclusive education. This is the period when communication skills are developed. The organization of an inclusive environment in order to include all students in an inclusive culture of kindergarten is relevant. Awareness of the value of difference will enable all participants in the educational process to feel comfortable and safe.
The aim of our study was to identify key aspects of creating an inclusive educational environment for kindergartens. Diagnostics of professional development courses made it possible to identify the most common problems with the introduction of inclusive education in kindergartens in the region. To address these challenges, we have engaged our own professional experience in the preschool education system.
As a result, we have highlighted the main principles of effective organization of inclusive educational environment and its components. We have described the content of the communicative-organizational, subject-spatial and content-methodical components of the inclusive educational environment. We presented a mechanism for interaction between kindergarten specialists and described their functions. The implementation of these principles and components of an inclusive educational environment will contribute to building a holistic system of inclusive preschool education in the kindergarten.

Tavstukha O.G., Muratova A.A.
Vocational guidance of students is standardly fixed in quality of function of the additional education teacher by the Federal law “About Education in the Russian Federation” and the professional standard “Additional Education Teacher of Children and Adults”. Vocational guidance assumes implementation of a complex of actions for formation of the active personality with the created subject position which is independently defining the professional destiny realizing the professional requirements imposed to her, the opportunities. Modern vision of vocational guidance proceeds from need of development of this direction in connection with globalization and development of the world market of work. The maintenance of the studied phenomenon is most fully reflected in the term “vocational guidance” (the professional management) is expressed in the help in the choice of the profession, most suitable for the person (the professional direction, sphere of activity of the person) which as much as possible corresponds to his abilities. Such help has to include: definition by the pupil of own opportunities, correlation of the potential professional choice with expectations of people around; awareness of possible risks; understanding of available options of receiving profession; understanding of the required qualification, remunerations for work; design of the career purposes; determination of additional competences and qualifications; studying of ways of job search; development of necessary personal qualities and ways of their development; development of resistance to stress and positive perception of unpleasant situations.
Vocational guidance demands from the additional education teacher of special preparation within continuous formation, search of technologies and options of preparation for the professional choice. Vocational guidance of pupils assumes implementation of the comprehensive psychology and pedagogical support aimed at sensibleness and validity of choice of profession and causing performance of functions by him: diagnostic, tactical, practical, analytical. Professional orientation activity of the additional education teacher includes the following areas of work: diagnostic, educational, advisory, organizational. Owing to specifics of the professional activity the additional education teacher is capable to exert positive and productive impact on choice of profession by the pupil.

Tavstukha O.G., Muratova A.A.
Formation of the general culture of the personality is the leading task of preschool education. Determination of an entity of the general culture requires the appeal to a concept of culture as phenomenon. In foreign science the concept of culture is considered within the anthropological researches. In the 19th century the correlation of the person as member of society and culture as creativity and products of intellectual and art work was marked. In the 20th century scientists come to judgment of existence of a set of cultures and select the general cultural kernel: traditional (historically received and selected) the ideas embodied in values. In domestic science the concept of culture is considered within the humanitarian researches. D. Likhachev treats culture as the material and spiritual environment created by the person promoting enhancement and maintaining social norms and values and a humanization of the public relations. S. Mikhalap understands interdependent changes of the person as culture: from the development happening in activities to change of behavior and life. The concept of the general culture is reflected in declarative documents of the international level. In the Declaration on science and use of scientific knowledge and the agenda in the field of science of UNESCO the science which plays an important role in conversion of the modern society is defined by a component of the general culture. The general culture is understood by scientists as the sphere of social and creative activity of the personality (N. Smirnova), unity of education and good breeding (A. Belyaev); awareness of the student on national and universal culture, spiritual and moral aspects of life, public phenomena (B. Yarmakayev). In the research I. Zimnaya in the content of the general culture interdependent concepts are selected: personality, activities, attitude of the person towards, pattern, to another. N. Orekhovskaya calls “creation of culture” the leading characteristic of the modern education. Results of the theoretical analysis demonstrate that formation of the general culture assumes a directivity of pedagogical process on increase in level of social, intellectual, spiritual and moral development of the person. It needs to be begun with preschool education.

Tavstukha O.G., Gordeev Yu.M.
This article is devoted to the constructive forms discovering of interaction in military collective. The reasons of unregulated interrelations are shown, pedagogic potential of empatic culture forming of a student of military institute of higher education is set, and value aspects of interpersonal attitudes in military collective are stressed in this article.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
Зарегистрировано в Федеральной службе по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций
Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ: Эл № ФС77-37678 от 29 сентября 2009 г.
Учредитель: Оренбургский государственный университет (ОГУ)
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