Agarkova O. A., Putilina L.V. COMMUNICATIVE AND COMPARATIVE ASPECTS OF COMPLIMENT IN A POLYLINGUAL SPHERE [№ 8 ' 2017] The comparative vector of speech behavior learning on the basis of compliment thematic group becomes really important in such a multinational region as Orenburg. Speech etiquette, being one of fundamental components of national culture, characterizes the language personality as well-mannered, educated and tolerant one. Assimilation of nationally specified formulas of speech etiquette promotes the formation of etiquette competence. Adequate perception and realization of speech behavior hampers the formation of interethnic conflicts between speakers. Complementary utterances, used in compliance with the norms of communicative behavior, remove stress and form favourable situation of communication. The main function of compliment is to maintain contact with familiar people. In a number of situations compliment may be used as the method of contact during the process of introduction and greeting. In a communicative situation compliment as a rule is accompanied with gratitude as a response. The thematic group of compliment includes the direct compliment, the compliment-comparison, the indirect compliment, the compliment-hint, the compliment-shock according to the way of construction and realization. National and cultural peculiarities of Russian, Tatar, Bashkir and Kazakh linguocultures are more or less traced in them. Complementary utterances in comparable Russian, Tatar, Bashkir and Kazakh languages may be completely equivalent both in the form and in the content. This first of all refers the direct commonly estimated, pointing at moral, physical, external, intellectual features of the interlocutor. The compliment-comparison is more typical for Turkic languages (Tatar, Bashkir, Kazakh), than for Russian, the language of the Slavic group. The indirect compliment, the compliment-shock, the compliment-hint are widespread in the Russian language and culture.
Agarkova O.A., Gubanova Y.V. ARGUMENTATION AS A STRATEGY OF LINGUISTIC MANIPULATION [№ 7 ' 2017] The theory of argumentation is studied by linguistics, mathematics, informatics, jurisprudence and other sciences. The complexity of argumentation makes it possible to consider this phenomenon from the several approaches: communicative, psychological, cognitive and pragmatic. To date, the study of the theory of argumentation as a branch of psycholinguistics is relevant. The approach lies in a search of efficient component of communicative strategy of argumentation. The effectiveness of a communicative strategy is defined by appropriate choice of linguistic means which allow to build smoothly a chain of arguments, state the main idea fast and clearly, and emotionally influence on communicator. Clearly built sequence of arguments increases the effectiveness of argumentation as a strategy of speech influence. However this issue is not clarified enough in papers of native and foreign linguists. This paper refers to pragmalinguistic aspect of argumentation in modern literacy. For analysis there were chosen texts of two different culture writers: American (E. Gilbert) and French (A. Gavalda). Within the aspect there were analysed linguistic means of argumentation according to classification of N.A. Oshchepkovoy. The contextual analysis subdivided linguistic means into five groups: expositive verbs, utterances of agreement/disagreement, prohibition statements, adversative linking words and contrast adverbs, adverbs of reason. The quantitive method helped to identify the most frequent linguistic means for this material. These means are utterances of agreement/disagreement and adverbs of reason. Among the analysed means expositive verbs are in fewer.
Agarkova O.A., Putilina L.V. PRAGMALINGUISTIC FEATURES OF THE APOLOGY FORMULAS IN THE MODERN RUSSIAN LANGUAGE [№ 6 ' 2017] The anthropocentric approach, being strongly fixed in modern linguistic researches, causes the necessity of studying communicative behaviour of native speakers. The important component of communicative behaviour is the speech act of an apology, playing a significant role in regulation of social interaction. The lexical and grammatical structure of the most common formulas of an apology is a little variable, therefore, the main functional loading lays down on phonetic structure of statements, their material form transferring the chosen tonality of communication in which the communicative purposes and tasks of the speaker are implemented. The speech act of an apology, remedial ritual idiom, being learned pragmatically, comprises intension of an apology and realizes intention of a justification, recognition of own fault, a way to change a negative assessment of the personality. Results of questioning of students philologists of the Orenburg State University have allowed to reveal the most frequent formulas of apologies used at communication with familiar and unfamiliar communicants. Perceptual perceived suprasegment parameters and segment features of the formulas of the Russian speech etiquette, pronounced by speakers of a standard pronunciation (sorry, sorry, forgive, forgive, apologize) expressing polite, very polite and cold impolite communication tonalities have been determined on the basis of a method of the acoustical analysis. Each tonality is characterized by a certain “bunch” of phonetic (melodic, temporary, power and sound) parameters. Phonetic (intonational and sound) signs, marking polite, very polite and impolite tonalities in the sounding speech vary within phonetic norm. Exit for limits of this norm may change a communication tonality. The revealed phonetic means form positive or negative reaction of the interlocutor to the speech act of an apology.
Agarkova O.A., Baymuratova U.S. ILLOCUTIONARY SPEECH ACTS IN THE TEXTS OF THE POSTCARDS OF THE “POSTCROSSING” PROJECT [№ 4 ' 2017] “Postcrossing” is a project, where a new form of verbal communication of English-language discourse was originated. We have already highlighted some linguopragmatic peculiarities of the texts of postcards of this project (the main functions, specifics of communication, the stability of the composite structure, etc.), but nevertheless this linguistic object of the theory of natural written speech continues to be understudied. The article analyzes the illocutionary speech acts functioning in the texts of the postcards of the project “Postcrossing”. the peculiarity of etiquette formulae of greeting, references, suggestions, farewell, inherent in the genre of natural written speech are examined. It is determined that the illocutionary force of requests can only be submitted by the vocational act. The greeting contains a reference to a wide range of toponyms of the different scale. The intention of the wish always expresses amiability and it is manifested in the lexical and grammatical level. The purpose of farewell as the final situation of communication is to finish the contact with the addressee. The study reveales that the neutral contact-establishing and contact-disunifying statements predominate due to the written communication between strangers. Thanks to componentized and contextual analyses the lexical representation of utterances is identified, and it is characterized by a positive connotative meaning, and is defined by a specific list of lexical units.
Agarkova O.A., Pakhomova A.P. PRAGMATIC ASPECT OF CIVILITY IMPLEMENTATION IN THE CIRCULAR [№ 11 ' 2014] The article is dedicated to the civility research in the business written communication from the point of view of pragmatics. The authors define interrelation of civility and etiquette of speaking, grammatical categories, speech acts, modal words. The study of circulars reveals such civility units as nominative appellatives, passive voice constructions, imperatives, declaratives and modal words. The use of these units carries out the civility strategy and such functions in the business written communication as impact, regulating, harmonizing an dpresentation. The research allows to discover the most frequent formula of the speech etiquette functioning in greeting, invitation, request, parting speech acts. The article presents the grammatical categories of the verb used by an addressee for more effective influence upon an addresser. The modal units helping avoid the direct addresser's will, which is one of politeness strategies, are determined.
Agarkova O.A., Putilina L.V. PRAGMATICS AND INTONATION OF THE FRENCH SPEECH ETIQUETTE [№ 11 ' 2013] In the present article the status of speech etiquette as one of objects of pragmatics and linguistics studying is established, variability of the intonational organization of the speech etiquette formulas which are using in speech acts of a greeting and farewell within the theory of pragmatics is analyzed. Authors of article reveal dependence between the character of an intentionality of greetings, farewells and their intonational parameters, and also regularities of the intonational organization of locution and perlocution in the speech acts of a greeting and farewell.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |