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2015, № 12 (187)

Musina L.A., Nuraeva A.B. BURN WOUND HEALING WHEN USING ALLOGENIC BIOMATERIALS (EXPERIMENTAL STUDY)Prevention of eyelid cicatricial deformity secondary to trauma or burn is the unmet need in ophthalmosurgery. In order to understand the mechanisms of tissue regeneration after eyelid surgical repair using allogenic biomaterials it is interesting to compare burn wound healing process without treatment, using conventional medications (Actovegin) and with the use of allogenic biomaterials in experiment. In the experiment was conducted on 84 white Wistar male-rats. Heat injury was modeled. In control group without treatment the healing process was accompanied by prolonged eschar presence, late epithelisation and slowdown of newly formed connective tissue maturation due to marked inflammation process. Reparation was incomplete and accompanied by coarse scarring. In the second control group treated with Actovegin the epithelisation was faster, nevertheless slowdown of reparation process in dermal layer was noticed. Inflammatory processes prevailed over reparative ones, granulation tissue stayed immature for a long time and eventually underwent scarring. In treatment group where animals underwent subcutaneous injection of disperse biomaterials (made from derma and tendon) rapid proliferation of epithelium was noted as long as necrotic mass demarcation and fast eschar desquamation. As granulation tissue matured it formed proper connective tissue plate of skin. It was found that the use of allogenic biomaterials in skin burns accelerated epithelisation and leaded to complete defect closure. Biomaterials inhibit coarse scarring during healing process. Key words: thermal injury of the skin modeling, allogenic biomaterials, regeneration, scar inhibitor.


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About this article

Authors: Musina L.A., Nuraeva A.B.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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