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October 2015, № 10 (185)

Vasilyeva T.N., Nesterenko Yu.M., Polyakov D.G., Halin A.V. ASSESSMENT OF BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES AND PRODUCTIVITY PHYTOCENOSIS CENTRAL ORENBURZHYESouth Ural is one of the anthropogenic changes in Russia. The presence of water in the soil is one of the most important conditions for chemical, biological, physical and chemical processes. Geomorphological heterogeneity of the steppes is the determining factor of their biodiversity. The main reason is the redistribution of moisture in relief. Findings of the soil moisture of the Orenburg region are the result of field research conducted during 2014 and which included a route survey of soils in areas with sampling cloyam of 0–10 cm, 10–20 cm, 30–40 cm and 40–50 cm. edaphic factors are all parts of a typical ecological series. A prerequisite biogeotsenologicheskih research is to describe the floristic composition of the studied areas. To do this, they collected samples of herbaceous plant species and analyzed the frequency of species, the relative density of the population in all 23 areas of the Orenburg region. During the study identified about 250 species of plants belonging to 36 families. We studied the productivity of plant communities. To find that the species belonging to different groups of plants is reflected in the distribution of phytomass between them. Throughout the growing season examined the number of litter meadow. During the growing season increases the mass of litter meadow, and the proportion of basic grains, the end of the vegetative mass of accumulated litter meadow max. All fields of the dominant benchmark sites are perennials (90.2 %). Structure and productivity of grasslands depends on environmental factors and on fenosostoyaniya plants. The basis of the eluvial grass area is a group of plants xerophilous environmental series, ie, xerophytes, xeromesophyte: Festъcavalesiбca (fescue), Agropyroncristatum (crested wheatgrass), Stipacapillata (feather hair-worm), Artemнsiaabsнnthium (wormwood). It should be noted that some types of ubiquitous, i. e. in at superaqual and ellyuvialnyh areas, so for example Artemнsiaabsнnthium (wormwood), Phleumphleoides (steppe timothy), Brōmusinērmis (brome), Festucapratensis (meadow fescue).The study revealed the influence of relief on soil moisture elementary landscapes. Soils superaqual (floodplain) and accumulative-eluvial landscapes (lowland) moistened better than the eluvial (hills and slopes) or urbanozem. Accordingly, higher productivity and biodiversity superaqual (floodplain) than eluvial landscapes.Key words: flora, analysis, productivity, phytocoenosis, phytomass, humidity, soil, meadow.


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2. Ryabinin Z.N. The vegetation coverof the steppes of Southern Urals / Z.N. Ryabinina. — Orenburg: OGPU, 2003. — 223 p.

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About this article

Authors: Vasilyeva T.N., Nesterenko Yu.M., Polyakov D.G., Halin A.V.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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