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September 2015, № 9 (184)

Fot A.P., Reshetov S.Yu., Mullabayev A.A. GEARBOX DESIGNING BASED ON THE CLOSED DIFFERENTIAL DEVICEAt design of test benches for corrosion and mechanical tests of materials in the modes with a big difference of working speeds (in thousands and tens of thousands of times) executive devices, captures for samples at tests for stretching as imparted, consecutive installation of several transmission gears was used, and ensuring two various speeds of tests required two kinematic chains that led to unfairly overestimated weights and dimensions of the drive. This problem is offered to be solved use in drives of known transmission gears — the closed differential mechanisms with tooth gearings. The transmission ratio of these mechanisms reach values in some millions and are practically limited only to the mechanism efficiency value that sharply falls with growth of value of the transmission ratio. The use of the offered scheme of a gearbox based on the closed differential allows with a sufficient accuracy to receive two preset values of the transmission ratio differing in tens of thousands times. Taking into account observance of conditions of coaxiality, the neighbourhood and assembly the ratio of numbers teeth of Z1 and Z3 must be provided: Z3 = 3Z1 + 2. In this case the value of the total ratio of the box i13 (from the guide link 1 to the driven link 3) will be determined by the formula i13 = [(3Z1 + 2)Z5Z7] / [2Z4Z6(2Z1 + 1) — Z1Z5Z7] for the first speed or i13 = [(3Z1 + 2)Z5"Z7] / [2Z4"Z6(2Z1 + 1) — Z1Z5"Z7] for the second speed. For the negative effects excepting when cutting wheels teeth (teeth cutting and sharpening) it is recommended to take wheels teeth numbers of the box in the range of 17…160. Taking into account preliminary researches the interval of teeth number values from 17 to 52 is recommended for Z1. Selection of wheels teeth numbers of the locking part is the most difficult, and the options quantity of numbers combinations of wheels teeth has millions. In this regard the transmission ratio of transmissions of the locking part is expressed through the demanded transmission ratio of i13 and possible value of Z1: (Z4Z6) / (Z5Z7) = [Z1i13 — 3Z1 — 2] / [i13 (4Z1 + 2)]. Further i13 value and Z1 value are substituted in the formula, the received calculated value of the right part of the formula is transferred to the special computer program of selection of wheels teeth numbers of Z4, Z5, Z6 and Z7 (or Z4”, Z5”, Z6 and Z7) two-level tooth gearing. Key words: the special drive, the transmission gear, a gearbox, a tooth gearing, the closed differential, the planetary carrier, the central cogwheel, the satellite.


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About this article

Authors: Mullabaev A.A., Fot A.P., Reshetov S.Yu.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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