Fot A.P., Reshetov S.Yu., Mullabayev A.A. GEARBOX DESIGNING BASED ON THE CLOSED DIFFERENTIAL DEVICE [№ 9 ' 2015] At design of test benches for corrosion and mechanical tests of materials in the modes with a big difference of working speeds (in thousands and tens of thousands of times) executive devices, captures for samples at tests for stretching as imparted, consecutive installation of several transmission gears was used, and ensuring two various speeds of tests required two kinematic chains that led to unfairly overestimated weights and dimensions of the drive. This problem is offered to be solved use in drives of known transmission gears — the closed differential mechanisms with tooth gearings. The transmission ratio of these mechanisms reach values in some millions and are practically limited only to the mechanism efficiency value that sharply falls with growth of value of the transmission ratio. The use of the offered scheme of a gearbox based on the closed differential allows with a sufficient accuracy to receive two preset values of the transmission ratio differing in tens of thousands times. Taking into account observance of conditions of coaxiality, the neighbourhood and assembly the ratio of numbers teeth of Z1 and Z3 must be provided: Z3 = 3Z1 + 2. In this case the value of the total ratio of the box i13 (from the guide link 1 to the driven link 3) will be determined by the formula i13 = [(3Z1 + 2)Z5Z7] / [2Z4Z6(2Z1 + 1) — Z1Z5Z7] for the first speed or i13 = [(3Z1 + 2)Z5"Z7] / [2Z4"Z6(2Z1 + 1) — Z1Z5"Z7] for the second speed. For the negative effects excepting when cutting wheels teeth (teeth cutting and sharpening) it is recommended to take wheels teeth numbers of the box in the range of 17…160. Taking into account preliminary researches the interval of teeth number values from 17 to 52 is recommended for Z1. Selection of wheels teeth numbers of the locking part is the most difficult, and the options quantity of numbers combinations of wheels teeth has millions. In this regard the transmission ratio of transmissions of the locking part is expressed through the demanded transmission ratio of i13 and possible value of Z1: (Z4Z6) / (Z5Z7) = [Z1i13 — 3Z1 — 2] / [i13 (4Z1 + 2)]. Further i13 value and Z1 value are substituted in the formula, the received calculated value of the right part of the formula is transferred to the special computer program of selection of wheels teeth numbers of Z4, Z5, Z6 and Z7 (or Z4”, Z5”, Z6 and Z7) two-level tooth gearing.
Gorbachev C.B., Fot A.P., Shchipachev A.M., Lutfullin R.Ya. INFLUENCE OF POST-WELD TREATMENT ON THE STRUCTURAL FEATURES OF WELDED JOINTS OF STEELS 20 AND 30KHGSA [№ 4 ' 2015] Typical form of a limit condition of the vessels working under pressure is destruction or damage as result of development of a crack. The usual location of cracks are welded seams or their vicinities. Automatic welding under a gumboil layer is widely applied to production of the welded bottoms of the vessels working under pressure. Manual arc welding is applied mainly in the unions having short and faltering seams, seams of a difficult configuration. Decrease in mechanical and operational properties of welded connections is a consequence of structural changes. Welding tension also promotes acceleration of corrosion processes. The used methods of heat treatment of welded connections are long and power-intensive, don't provide uniform strength of a seam and the main metal. For achievement of structural uniformity and providing a combination of high durability and plasticity use of hot plastic deformation of welded seams in the temperature and high-speed modes of manifestation of effect of superplasticity of metals is represented perspective. In article the problem of decrease in structural imperfections of welded connections steel 20 and 30HGSA is solved. The method of the X-ray diffraction analysis investigated models of welded connections after different types of processing Is established that for welded connections from steel 20 all types of postwelding processing lead to decrease in microtension, for welded connections from steel 30HGSA after annealing and thermocyclic processing reduction of microtension isn't observed, and rolling by the heated rolls in the mode of superplasticity (joint venture) allows to reduce microtension. Novelty is use of postwelding deformation processing of welded connection by heated rolls (isothermal rolling) in the mode of superplastic deformation (ε = 20 %).
Fot A.P., Mochalin A.V. SETTING DOUBLE PAIR OF MACHINES GUITARS USING A COMPUTER [№ 4 ' 2015] The subject of the article is the description of the method of set completion of double pair change gear boxes with variable axial distance machines of various types. The aim of this work is to study the possibility to ensure improvement of quality (variability and accuracy) and to reduce set-up time machining double pair change gear boxes with variable axial distance and obtaining ratio, that is increasing the number of change gear boxes by leaving (or reducing) the number of change gears in the box. The principal aim is to develop a method of completing sets of change gear boxes and developing software with a friendly interface that allows fast tuning of double pair change gear boxes taking into account the main kinematic, structural, size and weight restrictions. While solving problems analytical methods and experiments were used. By using the proposed method of gears set-up and developed software, the seven sets mentioned in reference literature and scientific research journals, were improved. The field of application of the proposed solutions is machine tool engineering industry. In conclusion, the article points out that there is a real possibility to ensure improvement of quality (variability and accuracy) and to reduce set-up time machining double pair of boxes with variable axial distance: comparing the performance of six well-known with six new sets of change of gears double pair of boxes equipped with proposed method, confirms a significant increase of integral quality indicators (PQI) of new sets (average for all sets: IQI approximately 2.8 times and IQI approximately 2.9 times). The calculations also confirm the possibility of reducing the number of wheels in sets compared to the known (while retaining the characteristics of known sets) sets with 30 and 50 wheels to 6 and 7 wheels, respectively, the sets of 26, 27 and 36 wheels to 3, 2, and 3 wheels respectively. Compared to the most efficient existing method the proposed method of completion of double-pair box machine by change gears provides the required technical result — increasing the number of gear ratios implemented wish set a of change gears while maintaining the number of replacement gears in the box set (set of 26 wheels — approximately 238 % in the set of 27 wheels — 235 % in a set of wheels 36–50 %).
Kamenev S.V., Lapynina M.Yu., Fot A.P. MODIFICATION OF PLATES OF DRIVING ROLLER CHAINS LINKS [№ 9 ' 2014] Article is devoted to an assessment of influence on intense the deformed condition of plates of links of driving roller chains of a form and the sizes of plates.
Kamenev S.V., Lapynina M.Yu., Fot A.P, Chepasov V.I. INTENSE THE DEFORMED CONDITION OF PLATES LINKS OF DRIVING ROLLER CHAINS [№ 1 ' 2014] Article is devoted to an assessment intense the deformed condition of plates of links of driving roller chains and to definition of a rational form and the sizes of plates.
Chepasov V.I., Fot A.P., Manyapova S.A., Bikmukhametov D.I. OPTIMIZATION OF QUANTITY OF TRAILER MEASURES IN GROUPS OF A SET [№ 5 ' 2013] As criterion of optimization at design of sets of trailer measures it is offered to use number of the sizes made of measures in the greatest piece of a row with the set step, the minimum and maximum value of the made size in the mentioned piece and the total length of measures of a set. The partial solution of the return task is proposed. Function for the accelerated optimization of quantity of measures in groups of a set is considered. The analysis of output characteristics of sets of measures for direct optimization and optimization on considered function is provided.
Chepasov V.I., Fot A.P., Bikmukhametova A.A., Sologub L.F. BASIC PARAMETERS FOR DEFINITION OF CHARACTERISTICS OF SETS OF END MEASURES [№ 3 ' 2013] The article discussed the questions of optimization of parameters of sets of plane-parallel end measures on the basis of the methodology of association of the studied parameters of factors and location on the results of the associations in each of the factor of the basic parameters of the sets. On basic parameters, built models for finding of the main characteristics of sets of end measures.
Mullabaev A.A., Fot A.P., Chepasov V.I., Zurnadzhan N.V., Romantsov V.N. ON THE WAY TO MODERNIZE GUITAR MACHINE TOOL [№ 1 ' 2013] In article options of creation guitar machine are considered, the formula of calculation of theoretical quantity of the transfer relations in guitar machine with varied interaxal distances of tooth gearings used in guitar on the basis of combination theory methods for any number of variations of interaxal distances is offered, efficiency of separate guitars is estimated.
Kushnarenko V.M., Chirkov Yu.A., Fot A.P., Repyach V.S., Stavishenko V.G. THE MECHANISM OF DAMAGE OF DETAILS AND DESIGNS AT INFLUENCE NAVODOROZHIVAYUSHCHIKH OF ENVIRONMENTS [№ 4 ' 2012] In article the main reasons for destruction of details and designs are considered at influence of navodorozhivayushchy environments. The mechanism of corrosion cracking and hydrogen stratification of steel products and the designs contacting to navodorozhivayushchy environments is presented.
Fot А.P. THE ESTIMATION OF CONSTRUCTIVE-TECHNOLOGICAL PERFECTION OF DRIVE CHAINS GEARS OF MOTOR DRIVES [№ 1 ' 2012] The author presented results of the analysis of the characteristics of the drive plate circuits used in mechanical drive trucks, the criterion of evaluation of design and technological excellence chains.
Chepasov V.I., Mullabaev A.A., Phot A.P. GENERATION OF A SET OF CALIBRATED SIZES USING REGRESSION LIMITS [№ 4 ' 2011] The technique of generation of the source array of calibrated sizes (for example, a set of end measures, probes, etc.) to produce an output array of calibrated sizes (compiled using the dimensions of a set of measures) with optimal characteristics is regarded in this work. As the inequality constraints are used difference estimates obtained using regression equations.
Chepasov V.I., Mullabaev А.А., Fot А.P. OPTIMIZATION OF QUANTITIES OF CALIBRATED DIMENSIONS [№ 2 ' 2010] The report addresses the method for determination of initial dimension stock for obtaining calibrated dimensions output stock with optimum characteristics. The basic parameters found through the factor analysis were used as parameters-arguments for the target function.
Mullabaev А.А., Fot А.P., Romantsov V.N., Reshetov S.Yu., Seytpanov S.Т. SYNTHESIS OF FULL-STRENGTH WHEELWORKS WITH ONE CONNECTED GEAR [№ 1 ' 2010] The paper focuses on the issues of structural and cinematic synthesis of the singly connected gear box with consideration of the contact strength of the wheel teeth. The research object is the wheel and gear boxes of machine tools.
Chepasov V.I., Mullabaev А.А., Fot А.P. GENERATION OF INITIAL SET CALIBRATED DIMENSIONS [№ 1 ' 2010] The paper focuses on the technique of generation of initial body with calibrated dimensions for the output of the calibrated dimension body with optimum characteristics. For the parameters being arguments of the objective function basic parameters obtained through factor analysis were used.
Mullabaev A.A., Romantsov V.N., Fot А.P. ON THE WAYS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF MACHINE TOOL STATION GEARBOXES [№ 5 ' 2009] The ways for construction of machine tool station gearboxes which ensure realization of required geometric series of the output shaft speed in the three-shaft box with three and more connected gear-wheels, uniform distribution of the control range between the first and second groups of the box gears, decreasing of the overall dimensions and mass of the gearboxes with gear drives. A list of 12 sources used is provided.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |