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April 2015, № 4 (179)

Lapaev S.P., Gerasimenko T.I., Chmyshenko E.G., Tikhonov N.B. MODERN ORGANIZATIONAL AND ECONOMIC SUPPORT OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF INDUSTRIAL INFRASTRUCTURE IN THE REGIONThe development of industrial infrastructure in the region requires the formation of an appropriate organizational and economic support of this process. The most important form of enhancing development of industrial infrastructure is a public-private partnership (PPP). The Russian Federation has formed a sufficient legal framework for the development of public-private partnership, operates a single entity to support the implementation of projects based on PPP — State Corporation "Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs (Vnesheconombank). In the Orenburg region now PPP is used mainly for the development of social infrastructure and to a small extent — the production. From 9 infrastructure projects based on PPP in the Orenburg region, only one project is aimed at the development of geographically-oriented industrial infrastructure — reconstruction of highway Ilek — Tashla — Sobolev. At the same time in other regions of the Russian Federation has considerable experience in the use of PPPs for the development of industrial infrastructure. The leaders are the following regions: St. Petersburg, North and Far East federal districts. The most common forms of organizational and economic support for the development of industrial infrastructure are business — incubators, innovation centers, research and educational complexes and investment centers. In the Orenburg region created a significant number of organizations focused on the development of industrial infrastructure: State Non-Profit Organization "Orenburg Regional Fund for Small Business", a non-profit organization "guarantee fund for small and medium-sized enterprises of the Orenburg region" nonprofit organization "Foundation for Promotion of investments in entities Small and medium-sized enterprises in the Orenburg region "and others. However, the effectiveness of the use of the organizational and economic support for the development of industrial infrastructure in the region is insufficient. To support the development of industrial infrastructure, various financial instruments: the reduced rate of income tax exemptions on property tax, rental property, investment tax credit, and others. But their use is not sufficiently effective. In our country, the coordination of infrastructure development of the region to implement a single body — Autonomous Nonprofit Organization "Agency of strategic initiatives to promote new projects," but in the functions of this structure is not highlighted the need for accelerated development of the productive infrastructure to enhance the region's economy, which has a negative effect on handling the process. To solve the problems of production infrastructure in the regions, a network of corporate development, municipalities are formed investment sites that may become the new direction of the organizational and economic support for the development of industrial infrastructure. The problem is that all forms of organizational and economic support for the development of industrial infrastructure in the region have been used in the economy of each region and municipality.Key words: organizational and economic support, production infrastructure, public-private partnership, corporation development, investment site.


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About this article

Authors: Tihonov N.B., Lapaev S.P., Gerasimenko T.I., Chmyshenko E.G.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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