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April 2015, № 4 (179)

Gerasimenko T.I., Zaloznaya G.M., Chmyshenko E.G., Tikhonov N.B. INVESTMENT BASICS OF INDUSTRIAL INFRASTRUCTURE IN THE REGION Financing of development of production infrastructure is carried out at the expense of own (profit, depreciation) and the raised funds (the credits of banks, budgetary funds, means from other sources). It is established that, first of all, strengthening of a role of stability of manufacturing enterprises in implementation of investment process in production infrastructure of the region is observed. In the Orenburg region the share of own means in structure of investments into fixed capital decreased from 72 % in 2000 to 66,2 % in 2013, but 39,6 % of investments are formed at the expense of profit. This value is maximum for the last 13 years. Thus, development of production infrastructure of specific orientation everything is more carried out at the expense of manufacturing enterprises and more and more depends on their stability. It is also important to emphasize that by 2013. participation of public authorities of regional level in implementation of projects of production infrastructure was sharply reduced. In the Orenburg region influence of the enterprises of mining on investment development of production infrastructure is adult. At the enterprises of fuel and energy complex process of investment development is the most dynamic in relation to other objects of economy of the region. At the same time development of production infrastructure didn't lead yet to the solution of the problems facing the enterprises that reflects insufficient productivity of the existing infrastructure development of the region. As for sources of means, in the Orenburg region reorientation of economy to use of short-term financial investments is observed that considerably reduces possibilities of medium-term and long-term planning and management in the sphere of development of production infrastructure. In the region there is a growth of foreign investments which main part is aimed at the development of the sphere of an exchange and is to a lesser extent focused on activization of the production sphere. The increase in investment activity in the region at the expense of means of the regional budget will lead to growth of investments from the federal budget.Key words: industrial infrastructure of the region, the investment process, companies' own funds, borrowed funds, foreign investment in the region's economy, budget financing, investment activity


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About this article

Authors: Tihonov N.B., Gerasimenko T.I., Zaloznaya G.M., Chmyshenko E.G.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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