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April 2015, № 4 (179)

Filatov M.I., Trunov B.B., Konoplya B.B. MANAGEMENT OF FUEL AND ECOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE CAR DUE TO HEAT EXCHANGE OF UNDER HOOD SPACE WITH ENVIRONMENTIn work heat exchange of under hood space with the engine and environment is considered. The description of the processes promoting change of parameters of heat exchange of the engine with under hood space and under hood space with environment is provided. Operating modes the thermostat depending on temperature of cooling liquid are described. Opportunities additional economy of fuel on cars in use are found. Dependences of change of volume of emissions of the polluting substances with the fulfilled gases are established: nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, etc. It is established that operating heat exchange processes of under hood space decrease in emissions of NOx with the fulfilled gases for 4,9 % is reached. Also operating heat exchange process of under hood space increase of efficiency of operation of the car due to reduction of time of warming up by 5,3 % and increases in time of cooling of the engine by 20,3 % is reached. Thus this contribution is brought by only the top lattice of a radiator, blocking it we reduce heat exchange with environment. Researches were conducted on the engine with the distributed injection of fuel and with use of the modern equipment. Temperature from eight channels (eight sensors) located as inside, and out of under hood space in characteristic zones was at the same time fixed. When carrying out pilot studies the car was under natural conditions operation with observance of conditions on free heat removal and in the absence of the conditions accelerating branch process. All experiments repeated repeatedly and under various temperature conditions of environment. The reached results allow to reduce negative impact of the motor transport on environment due to decrease in volume of emissions of the polluting substances with the fulfilled gases.Key words: the under hood space, temperature condition polluting the substances which fulfilled gases, fuel profitability, ecological safety.


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About this article

Authors: Trunov V.V., Filatov M.I.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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