Akhmedyanova G.F., Pishchukhin A.M. ANALYSIS OF BARRIER RESTRICTIONS IN THE ASSIMILATION AND PRESENTATION OF KNOWLEDGE BY A STUDENT AT A UNIVERSITY [№ 3 ' 2021] In this work, on the basis of a systematic approach, the barriers of the student at the university are analyzed, which hinder both the deep assimilation of knowledge and their worthy presentation at various levels of control. A multilevel model representation of the learning process allows you to identify bottlenecks and outline ways to eliminate the identified barriers. However, as this analysis shows, the most serious barriers, as well as a large number of them, are still in the minds of students, therefore, almost all pedagogical means of overcoming these barriers become indirect, convincing, and motivating. On the other hand, it is possible to imagine, of course, punishments, the main of which is the deprivation of the scholarship. Several levels of professional knowledge transfer have been identified, depending on the pedagogical means by which this is carried out. So theoretical knowledge is transmitted through lectures, skills are acquired in practical classes and laboratory work, and finally, skills are developed in work with elements of creativity: essays, term papers, final qualification works. The transferred knowledge is then compared with the results of control procedures at the corresponding levels, and only then the degree of development of competencies and the general competence of the student at the highest level are determined. Accordingly, corrective actions from the upper levels will depend on the results obtained. It is important for the learning process that there are objective and subjective barriers. The first group of barriers is associated with students with disabilities and persons with disabilities. Since there is an arsenal of special pedagogical tools for their training (inclusive education), only subjective barriers are investigated in the work.
Akhmedyanova G.F., Pishchukhin A.M. THE COMPUTER SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR THE PROCESS OF DIAGNOSTIC ASSESSMENT OF THE LEARNER’S COMPETENCY LEVEL [№ 2 ' 2018] Diagnostic assessment refers to a process based on methods and successive levels of competency level recognition of the learner as a whole or the development of his individual competences. Diagnostic evaluation can be interpreted as the process of recognizing the level and assessing the individual characteristics of the learner, including a purposeful study of the personality, interpretation of the results obtained and their generalization in the form of an established the presubmitter’s response. Since competence is an abstract object of management, it is impossible to directly assess its state. For the real management of the evaluation process, it is necessary to influence the material carrier of this quality — the learner with the simultaneous creation of the same conditions for all those evaluated in order to obtain an objective result. As a toolkit in the computer support system, diagnostic tests, indicative evaluation, assessment based on a diagnostic hypothesis and differential estimation are used. The results are assessed separately for indicators of erudition, creativity, motivation, initiative, autonomy. Then the integral criterion of additive, multiplicative and mixed types is used. Final assessment is left for the teacher. Due to the algorithmization, it is possible to assess competence integrally by selected components, and at the expense of computer support, store, systematize and take into account the background of the evaluation, conduct a numerical analysis of the results by many criteria. This allows the teacher to focus on the creative component of the diagnosis.
Pishchukhin A.M., Kolotvin A.V. ABOUT RAISING AND DECISION OF REGIONAL TASK OF WELL-BORING DIFFERENTLY RUNNING AROUND BORING CROWNS [№ 9 ' 2015] Tense state of drillable breed at affecting her two running around in opposite parties circular and ring boring crowns is of interest. On such method of the boring drilling a positive decision is got about delivery of patent to Russian Federation. It a method decides the problem of removal of twisting moment from a boring column. The estimation of the tense state determines affecting on layer at the boring drilling. As boring crowns have a circular form in the axial plane of mining hole, an area of resilient deformation is not onecoherent. For the decision of this problem it offers to examine equalizations of theory of resiliency in the torus system of coordinates. This raising corresponds to the axisymmetrical task of twisting, set forth A.I. Lur'e. Problem is set the and decides in moving with pointing of the subsequent passing to tensions. A distinctive feature as compared to equalization of Laplace is a presence of additional element. Border terms it is here been equality to the zero of moving to the axis and on the walls of mining hole. The additional decision of task is then conducted in the cylindrical system of coordinates, displaced on the bottom of coalface. Two decisions are compared. The got results allow to draw conclusion about admission of raising and consideration of further tasks of dynamics of the described cooperation in the cylindrical system of coordinates.
Pishchukhin A.M., Ahmedyanova G.F. AUTOMATION AND TECHNOLOGIZATION ARE TWO ASPECTS OF TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT [№ 9 ' 2015] The article is devoted to the development of the theory of automation at the present stage, the main vehicle in the implementation of which is the computer. Automation is considered as a two-step process: technology and automation direct, which solved the problem of the development of technology, mathematical and system analysis management's process, the expediency and hardware selection. This formulation of the fundamentals of automation, requires in system design to consider the properties of the plurality of control, disturbances and controlled variables. Technologization, which proposed instead of the outdated concepts of mechanization, considered as a direct operator f [Y, F, U]. Then the solution of problem management, giving the basis for the design of automation systems, is reduced to finding the inverse operator. The properties of the sets participating in the automation system, as well as display properties — or rather, the operator, through which it is fulfilled, constitute an orthogonal coordinate system, secreting the plane different classes of automation systems. The plane reflects the complication of the system respectively and automation means in the direction from the upper left corner to the lower right. If top left are systems that can be fully automatic, then right at the bottom — intelligent systems, essentially implying the presence of human and technical means of intellectual support. Further discussed the expediency of automation, a choice of means for its implementation not only hardware but also software, enabling automation at the highest levels of the hierarchy. In conclusion raised the question about the relationship of people and technology in the automation of production. It is shown that there is a limit to automation, which is going it will turn into its opposite and becomes instead attendant threat to humanity.
Ahmedyanova G.F., Pishchukhin A.M DESIGNING EDUCATIONAL ROUTE IN THE SPACE OF COMPETENCES [№ 3 ' 2015] The conceptual basis of modern educational process is competence-based approach. Considering competence as inter-integrated quality, based on the core competencies can be considered to be its particular level as a point in multidimensional space,on coordinates which delayed the levels of the components of competencies. In this space region competent bachelor, in accordance with the require-ments of the educational standard, will be clearly delineated planes normal to the coordinate axes, located on levels of competencies sufficient to assign the appropriate qualification requirements. This means that is known in advance of the target region, which should lead the student educational process. By how closely the direction of change the level of competent performance, stemming from the educational process with the use of concrete pedagogical means to a beam directed to the target area can be judged on the effectiveness of pedagogical tools. It is clear that a quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of educational technology can be set to any two of the following criteria: guide cosine of the angle between the directions described above, in the guise of a projection of changes in the beam directed to the target area or the absolute value of these changes. Since the construction of the educational process on the ideal educational tool leading level of competence of the learner strictly on target beam unbelievable, it is necessary to build zigzag educational route with a choice of the most effective pedagogical tools. Gaining the necessary statistics, you can identify the space of competency efficiency of all used pedagogical tools. The educational process takes place in the interval mode, so changing pedagogical tools must be timed to the moment of change intervals. Thus, the multidimensional space of competencies is a convenient tool for designing educational route. He is based on real changes in the level of competence of the learner in the educational process with the selected pedagogical tool that allows you to choose an adequate pedagogical tools that have the highest efficiency under given conditions, that is, optimization is more educational route.
Pischuhina O.A., Serdyuk A.I. THE ARRANGEMENT OF THE DEFECTS READING SUBSYSTEM FROM TESTING WEAVE IN FABRIC INSPECTION [№ 1 ' 2014] This paper views the main types of arrangement the defects reading subsystem from testing weave in fabric inspection. The basic mathematical relationships were derived to determine distance between the illuminator, camera and testing weave for the most common linen weave.
Pischukhin A.M., Pischukhina T.A., Pischukhina O.A. SURFACE 3D-MODELLING ON BASE OF ANALYSIS INTENSITIES ELLIPSOID OF REFLECTING LIGHT [№ 1 ' 2013] In this article we consider three-dimensional surface modeling. The reflective properties of the surface are given by the intensity of the ellipsoid, which is defined by three photographs of the underlying surface. Along the rays of illumination and specular reflection are normal at each point. Three-dimensional model starts with a corner point, and bypass all the points are staggered.
Pischukhin А.М., Korshunova Е.А. MODELING OF ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE OF COMPANY AT DIFFERENT STAGES OF THE LIFE CYCLE [№ 4 ' 2009] This scientific paper concerns the optimization of company performance in current market conditions in order to improve efficiency. A double circuit scheme for the organizational structure change was developed that was adapted to the varied internal and external operational conditions. Most important condition was found to be the stage of lifecycle.
Mironov S.V., Pischukhin A.M. SAFETY CONTROL IN INDUSTRIAL OBJECTS EXPLOITATION [№ 7 ' 2004] Industrial safety control strategy of the region should be created on the basis of the metasystem approach. Six problems are solved hereby. The essence of them differs much from those described in literature earlier. The work is devoted to the peculiarities of the solution of these problems.
Mironov S.V., Pischukhin A.M., Skamjin A.M. ASSORTMENT AND PRODUCTION VOLUME MANAGEMENT AT A BUILDING FIRM [№ 6 ' 2004] A building firm working on orders represents the system of mass service. On the basis of this model the productivity of every model may be optimized. The expediency of mastering this or that new construction technology may be estimated as well.
Malyshkina V.A., Zinuhinz G.B., Pishchuhin A.M., Popov V.P. ANALYSIS OF THE PROCESS OF DRYING OF MACARONI GOODS IN INFRA - RED DRYER. [№ 4 ' 2004] Researches are given in the work, which are directed on study of thermotraditional drying of macaroni goods and revelation of the main defects of the process? Which negatively influence the quality of the product. The researches were made on the specific equipment, using infra - red dryer instead of conveyer dryer USK. Indexes of quality of derivable macaroni goods are valued. Dependencies of temperature and relative moisture of drying air, rheological qualities of duration and effectiveness of dryer. Possible ways of improvement of quality of macaroni goods, using modern high effective technologies in new trend are discussed.
Pischukhin A.M., Korshunova T.I., Korshunova E.A., Pischukhina T.A. TRAJECTORY STRATEGY OF FUNCTIOND SYSTEM SELECTION IN THE METASYSTEM. [№ 1 ' 2003] There are a lot of the books describing system approach merits. Numerous examples prove its efficiency. But most of these examples deal with the structurization systems according to the terminology of the American system analyst G. Klirr (1). And although much is spoken about some metasystems, there are no serious investigations of the methodology and model problems.
[№ 5 ' 2002]
A.M.Pitshuchin, A.V.Shalkin THE COMPLEX MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS CHARACTERIZED BY THE HIERARCHY IN ONE DIRECTION AND BY THE MULTISTRUCTURE IN ANOTHER ARE DEFINED AS MATRIX ONES [№ 1 ' 2001] In the article such systems are classified, multistrutural system of parallel action are thoroughly considered and the problem of optimal approach is set and solved.
Moshetova L.K., Notova S.V., Pischukhin A.M., Saburova G.Sh. GEOMETRICAL CRITERIA EMPLOYMENT IN MYOPIA PATIENT GROUP REVEALING AT TREATMENT METHOD PRESCRIPTION [№ 3 ' 1999] Criteria enabling the evaluation of effectiveness of different treatment methods have been proposed on considering versatile parameter space being significant for an eye condition while treating myopia. The proposed factor dispersion research promoted a method of patient group revealing for whom it'll give the best result.
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Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |