Pischuhina O.A., Serdyuk A.I. THE ARRANGEMENT OF THE DEFECTS READING SUBSYSTEM FROM TESTING WEAVE IN FABRIC INSPECTION [№ 1 ' 2014] This paper views the main types of arrangement the defects reading subsystem from testing weave in fabric inspection. The basic mathematical relationships were derived to determine distance between the illuminator, camera and testing weave for the most common linen weave.
Pischukhin A.M., Pischukhina T.A., Pischukhina O.A. SURFACE 3D-MODELLING ON BASE OF ANALYSIS INTENSITIES ELLIPSOID OF REFLECTING LIGHT [№ 1 ' 2013] In this article we consider three-dimensional surface modeling. The reflective properties of the surface are given by the intensity of the ellipsoid, which is defined by three photographs of the underlying surface. Along the rays of illumination and specular reflection are normal at each point. Three-dimensional model starts with a corner point, and bypass all the points are staggered.
Pischukhin A.M., Korshunova T.I., Korshunova E.A., Pischukhina T.A. TRAJECTORY STRATEGY OF FUNCTIOND SYSTEM SELECTION IN THE METASYSTEM. [№ 1 ' 2003] There are a lot of the books describing system approach merits. Numerous examples prove its efficiency. But most of these examples deal with the structurization systems according to the terminology of the American system analyst G. Klirr (1). And although much is spoken about some metasystems, there are no serious investigations of the methodology and model problems.
[№ 5 ' 2002]
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |