Zhelondievskaia L.V., Sorokina A.A. FORMATION OF DESIGN THINKING AMONG SCHOOLCHILDRENIN THE PROCESS OF ARTISTIC AND PROJECT ACTIVITY [№ 1 ' 2024] In a changing world, it is difficult to determine the future of many professions, therefore, a student needs to be prepared not only for specific, understandable professions today, but rather for a set of cognitive processes, activities for solving project tasks. Any innovations are driven by the design thinking of their creators. The term “design thinking” is associated with a certain cognitive style, when a person, seeing a problematic situation or the current state of the environment, is able to design a strategy of actions and a new vision for many steps ahead. Design education within the framework of additional educational programs is considered as an educational environment that forms a new format of thinking of schoolchildren. In the process of creative activity, there is training in the project method of thinking, the search for answers to the problems posed, project tasks. In the process of teaching project creativity, the problem statement occupies an important place. It is important to understand the problem and evaluate it from different sides: from the position of contradiction and the creative process aimed at finding a solution to remove this contradiction. The problem situation itself is considered as something unknown, undisclosed, assumed and the task is to find a new solution. A set of skills related to identifying contradictions, posing a problem and finding ways to solve this problem is important in the modern world. It promotes the manifestation of initiative, creative abilities of the student, his independent work. This approach immerses a young person in real life, teaches them to objectively assess the situation, forms the skills of analysis, logical and critical thinking. The student learns to develop an independent decision, his point of view, to defend the result of work. In modern conditions, this is the most important result of activity, capable of adapting a young person in reality, giving a method of action in a professional and social environment.
Sorokina А.А. METHODOLOGY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF DESIGN AND CREATIVE THINKING ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE STROGANOV CHILDREN’S ACADEMY OF DESIGN [№ 1 ' 2024] Thanks to global world changes, new strategies for the development of all areas of knowledge are emerging. In modern conditions, there is a need to search for new methodological models and pedagogical approaches to the learning process. In this work, design and creative thinking is considered in relation to the educational process that forms design thinking, which is characteristic of a professional designer. In this case, additional education plays a certain role in the career guidance of future specialists. The development of design and creative thinking within the framework of design education in additional education is a complex process. Design and creative thinking combines various types of mental tasks aimed at forming design ideas, searching for optimal solutions to design problems, choosing materials and means of expression, planning the creative process of professional activity, taking into account the specifics of the project situation. This is a special form of human mental activity, which, within the framework of additional education, allows one to develop creative vision and makes it possible to shape the personal and professional qualities of children. The methodology of the system for developing design and creative thinking among students in the context of additional education within the framework of training under the programs of the Stroganov Children’s Academy of Design in the process of preparation and training in classes in various areas of the “Fundamentals of Design” program allows you to achieve effective development of design and creative thinking by performing a system of exercises and tasks of different levels of complexity and focus. Combining different methods and disciplines helps children develop creative thinking, critical thinking, communication and collaboration skills that are important for their future success.
Bizyuk A.P., Kolosova T.A., Kac E.E., Sorokin V.M. INTELLIGENCE STRUCTURE OF CHILDREN WITH AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER AND CHILDREN WITH MILD MENTAL RETARDATION [№ 2 ' 2020] According to statistics in recent years, there has been a steady increase in the number of people with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), characterized in particular by disorders in the field of socio-psychological relations and specific changes in the cognitive sphere that impede the course of natural psychological adaptation. The theories of the origin of autism advanced in Western psychology are the theory of mind, the theory of central binding (central coherence theory) and the hypothesis of the weakening of the so-called. executive functions and individually and combinatorially quite adequately linked to the recorded changes from the three morphological-functional blocks according to A.R. Luria. The diversity, and sometimes the inconsistency of the obtained morphometric data in autistic children (regarding the total size of the brain, gray and white matter of the cerebral hemispheres, commissural structures, the hippocampus, tonsils, cerebellum, etc.) correlate with the same high diversity and sometimes bizarre manifestations intellectual activity — from pronounced forms of mental retardation to a very high, although unusual in structure of cognitive development. Correct construction of technologies for working with such children and their effective integration into the system of socio-psychological relations, or specific adaptation to it, is impossible without taking into account the intellectual potential and a differentiated approach based on both general and individualized laws of the child’s cognitive development. We made an attempt to compare the traditional characteristics of the intellectual activity of children with autism spectrum disorders and children of the same age with mental retardation (MA) in order to identify general and specific trends in their cognitive development. For this, the well-known Veksler test was used, which ensures the comparability of experimental data with normative data for the corresponding age group. It was found that children with ASD statistically significantly “gain” in the performance of those mental functions that involve the use of optical-spatial gnosis and constructive praxis, but expectedly “lose” in cases that require modeling behavior in social situations and taking into account everyday experience.
Sorokin V.M. PSYCHOLOGY OF THE EPIC IMAGE OF A BLIND IN RUSSIAN ART.ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE PICTURE G.M. KORZHEV “TALK” [№ 1 ' 2019] The article is devoted to the problem of the image of a disabled person in the visual arts. It is known that art explores the spiritual life of a person along with psychology. Predominantly, art analyzes with its own methods such aspects of a person’s psychic activity as emotions, personality, and behavior in extreme situations. For the psychoanalytic paradigm, art and, above all, literature, is a subtle way of in-depth analysis of unconscious human life. At the same time, it is of interest to study the peculiarities of the psychology of persons with various deviations in physical and mental development. The psychology of diontogenesis deals with this side of the subjective human life. Art also pays no small attention to this problem of human existence. Images of patients and cripples, beginning with the paintings by P. Bruegel the Elder, are extremely diverse and numerous both in the visual arts and in literature, and nowadays also in cinema. The picturesque images of patients reproduce the sometimes complex in structure of the disease, combining into a whole both subjective and objective elements of nosology. In addition, works of art in one way or another represent the attitude of society towards people with disabilities within the framework of various cultures in different periods of history. In the picture G.M. Korzheva “Conversation” blind peasant communicating with Lenin symbolizes Russia. The author, unlike the artist, does not use blindness as an end in itself image of otherness, attracting attention or being a simple symbol of sorrow, loneliness, unhappiness, etc. G.M. Korzhev rises to the philosophical level of the interpretation of the image of the blind, where the nosological aspect is fundamentally irrelevant. In this case, blindness is a form of a special organization of the people’s world view. The image of Lenin, a man who is sighted and enlightened, also has his own truth, but he did not convince the peasant. This is the essence of any tragedy — this is a clash of two truths. G.M. Korzhev is a true successor of the traditions of Russian psychological realism.
Bizyuk A.P., Kats E.E., Kolosova T.A., Sorokin V.M. NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECT OF THE RESEARCH OF SPELLING COMPETENCE OF YOUNGER STUDENTS [№ 6 ' 2018] As it is known, neuropsychological factors influence the formation of spelling competence in younger schoolchildren. Despite the long history of studying the brain mechanisms of writing, the question of the composition and functional connections of brain structures that assure the mastering of spelling skills and skills remains unresolved. In our study, 146 students of 3 classes took part. Written works were offered to children, with subsequent analysis of spelling errors. In parallel, a comprehensive neuropsychological study was conducted, which included 20 functional tests. According to the results of the survey of writing, we identified three groups of children: children with high spelling competence, children with low spelling competence, children with diorofography. At the next stage, a correlation analysis was conducted of data from a neuropsychological examination and indicators of the development of spelling skills in children with high spelling competence and children with diorofography. In the written works of children, the most significant difference in the number of mistakes made was revealed for the morphological principle of writing, and the absence of differences for the lexical-semantic one. The analysis of the obtained correlation graphs showed that in groups of children with different levels of orthographic competence formation, various structures of the interrelationship structure of spelling skills and the studied cognitive processes are revealed, that is, the morpho-functional brain prerequisites of spelling competence-incompetence differ significantly. The data obtained suggest that spelling errors associated with incomplete assimilation of various principles of spelling (morphological, traditional, grammatical, syllable-morphemic and lexico-semantic) have a different psychological basis of their occurrence.
Bizyuk A.P., Kacz E.E., Kolosova T.A., Sorokin V.M. FACTOR ANALYSIS IN THE NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT OF COGNITIVE FUNCTIONS IN DYSORPHOGRAPHY [№ 5 ' 2018] The number of children who have problems with mastering written language and the rules of the native language in Russian educational schools, according to various authors, is tens of percent. At the same time, the brain precondition of this phenomenon, worsening the social adaptation of children, remain underdeveloped. In the present article, an attempt was made to identify discriminatory neuropsychological indicators that prevent the formation of spelling competence of schoolchildren. The study of writing disorders in younger schoolchildren was carried out using specially selected texts for dictation and cheating, after which a factor analysis was undertaken of the results of a study of two groups of children (with high spelling competence and dysorphography — 50 and 24 schoolchildren, respectively) in 20 functional tests. The subject of the analysis was the differences found when comparing the factor structures for the two groups. Neuropsychological assessment was performed only on those indicators, the expressed factor values of which were found only in one of the groups and were absent in the other. According to our assumption, they can be considered as variants of possible prerequisites for success or failure in mastering the rules of the Russian language. As a result of the qualitative analysis, four types of deficiency were identified, characterizing the weak functional units in the implementation of spelling skills in children with dysorphography. Specific methods whose indicators turned out to be significant for solving the task include: arithmetic calculation, understanding of metaphors, test for reciprocal coordination, effective execution of a proof-reading test in Amatuni’s modification, lack of mirror phenomena in Henry Head test, visual memory and test “Fence” with its load on dynamic praxis as a programmatically organized action. An end-to-end analysis of the totality of the obtained data allows us to conclude that there are at least four brain deficits in children with dysorphography: imperfect inter-hemispheric interaction, insufficient algorithmic component of thinking and activity, weakness of optical-spatial concepts and deficiency of motivational and energy potential.
Sorokin V.M. SEMIOTICS OF THE IMAGE OF A BLIND PERSON IN THE SPACE OF FINE ART (M.V. NESTEROV «IN RUSSIA: THE SOUL OF THE PEOPLE») [№ 3 ' 2018] Psychology traditionally uses the method of analyzing the products of activity and their content side. Similar products are works of art, which are rarely the subject of psychological analysis other than the psychology of art. Unlike art criticism, the psychological analysis of works of art is aimed at reproducing the very process of creating a pictorial, sculptural or literary work. Art itself is capable of penetrating deeply into the phenomena of the psychic and in a number of cases makes it more effective than psychology itself. So the sphere of feelings, relationships and personality are studied in art more comprehensively than in the sciences of man. The appeal of psychology to the analysis of works of art is the interaction of two forms of cognition — emotional-figurative and categorical-conceptual. In this sense, it is logical to address the psychology of dysontogenesis to the analysis of the artistic representation of the attitude of society towards persons with developmental disabilities. The article shows that the art often refers to the image of a sick person. The motives for such treatment can be very different. But most often they are associated with the implementation of simple open symbolic images that are well understood by the viewer. Such as sadness, misfortune, loneliness, injustice, heartache, etc. Among all groups of disabled people, most often in the space of simple symbolism, the image of a blind person is used because of the most expressive and comprehensible plastics. The blind man is easily recognizable along with the armless or legless cripple. The images of a disabled person, devoid of self-aim and simple symbolism, are a rare phenomenon and are more likely to be found in works of art that are essentially a philosophical message. First of all, such works include works by M.V. Nesterov, in which the image of the patient is a symbol of the strength of the spirit.
Sorokin E.L., Tatanova O.Iu. ASCERTAIN OF PRESENCE OF POTENTIAL RISK OF THE ACUTE SPASM OF PRIMARY CLOSED ANGLE GLAUCOMA IN EYES WITH THE SHORT AXIAL LENGTH A YEAR LATER AFTER LASIK [№ 12 ' 2015] In recent years more and more people seek to get rid of anomalies of refraction. At performing LASIK in hypermetropic eyes excimer laser influence is carried out on peripheral cornea. It is necessary to investigate, whether this impact on angle of forward chamber (AFC), due to changes of morphological properties of collagen fibers of peripheral cornea can affect. In-depth study of extent of opening of the AFC and risk of development of primary closed angle glaucoma (PCAG) in 24 eyes a one year after LASIK by reason of a hypermetropia of average and high degrees is conducted. All operations was planned, without complications. In all eyes the planned eye refraction was reached. Research was conducted by means of gonioscopy, the projective-scan keratotopography; an ultrasound biomicroscopy of structures of the AFC — to find out versions of the anatomical provision of ciliary body (CB) regarding scleral spur became clear: forward, average, back. The high risk of PCAG was educed in 4 eyes (clinically significant narrow AFC), in 10 eyes — increased risk (forward condition CB) — only 58.3 % of the studied materials. In 2 eyes the flat iris syndrome took place. At selection of patients with hypermetropia of average and high degrees for refractive surgery it is necessary to remember that these eyes are subject to risk of formation of PCAG. At presence of risk factors the phacoemulsification can become good alternative, not only eliminating risk of formation of acute spasm of PCAG, but also acting as a method of correction of hypermetropic refraction. At planning LASIK for patients with short axial length of the eye concerning hypermetropia of average and high degrees need to define extent of opening of the AFC and version of the provision of CB (with use of ultrasound biomicroscopy and keratotopography).
Bachaldin I.L., Sorokin E.L., Egorov V.V. RESEARCH OF PATTERNS OF A CLINICAL COURSE OF PRIMARY OPEN-ANGLE GLAUCOMA AT VARIOUS LEVELS OF PERMANENT NORMALIZATION OF AN INTRAOCULAR PRESSURE AGAINST SYSTEMATIC METABOLIC THERAPY [№ 12 ' 2014] Features of a clinical course of POAG with stable normalized intraocular pressure (IOP) in interrelation with the reached extent of its depression were investigated during periodical courses of metabolic therapy. All patients with POAG with "the purpose pressure" had a stabilization of process and in 18 % — positive dynamics of visual functions. In group with the tolerant level of IOP stabilization appeared less effective. In 25 eyes with average norm of IOP narrowing of a field of vision for 11,3 % was noted.
Kolenko O.V., Egorov V.V., Sorokin E.L. THE ANALYSIS OF THE REMOTE CLINICAL RESULTS OF TRANSPUPILLARY ARGON LAZER COAGULATION OF A RETINA AT A RETINOPATHY OF PREMATURITY [№ 12 ' 2014] The remote results of treatment of threshold stages of a retinopathy of prematurity in 135 children (245 eyes) were analyzed. To all children transpupillary laser coagulation of a retina was carried out by the argon laser. All avascular retina of II and III zones of an eyeground was exposed to laser influence. Coagulation was carried out also in the presence of sites of ischemia and exudation in the I zone. Efficiency of retinal laser coagulation made 86,9 %. Primary children's disability in vision was reduced by 1,9 times within 5 years.
Poslavsky A.P., Hludenev A.V., Fadeyev A.A., Sorokin V.V., Troshina T.V. RESOURCE-SAVING METHOD AND DIAGNOSTIC DEVICES OF PERFORMANCE DATA OF HEAT-TRANSMITTING SURFACES OF TRANSPORT AND TECHNOLOGICAL MACHINES [№ 10 ' 2014] The description of a diagnosing method of performance data of the heatexchange equipment of transport and technological machines and the developed stand of realization of the method is provided in the presented work, allowing to increase the accuracy of results of diagnosing and considerably to reduce it power and resource intensity.
Fedotova A.V., Yakovleva L.V., Sorokin A.P., Strelkov S.P., Strelkova E.V. ASSESSMENT OF THE CURRENT STATE OF POST-AGROGENE SOILS OF THE DELTA OF VOLGA [№ 10 ' 2013] The assessment of a physical and salt condition of post-agrogene soils of anthropogenically transformed landscapes of the delta of Volga is carried out. It is established that existence of irrigation canals and proximity of an arrangement of the main drainage channel has impact on spatial distribution of soil properties and salts in a landscape (r = 0,84). The arable horizons of studied agrosoils authentically differ from each other on key parameters: Kvodopr, Pb, Kstr and to the maintenance of LRS.
Kogan M.P., Novikova V.V., Utkin S.I., Egorov V.V., Sorokin E.L. ASSESSMENT OF SEVERITY OF A SOMATIC CONDITION OF PATIENTS WITH 2 TYPE DIABETES MELLITUS BEFORE PERFORMANCE OF AN OPHTHALMOSURGICAL INTERVENTION AND PARTICULARITIES OF THEIR PREOPERATIVE PREPARATION [№ 4 ' 2013] The preoperative somatic condition of 650 patients with 2 type diabetes mellitus with various ophthalmosurgical pathology was analyzed. It was taped that the 2nd degree of operational risk took place at 33,4% of patients, the 3rd degree — at 62,7%, the 4th degree — at 3,9%. Carried-out preoperative preparation of patients with 2 type diabetes mellitus allowed at the vast majority of them to minimize operational and anesthesiology risk, to avoid intra– and postoperational complications.
Sorokin E.L., Kolenko O.V., Pshenichnov M.V., Moskovchenko A.A. CLARIFICATION OF SEQUENCE OF DIFFUSE DIABETIC MACULAR EDEMA FORMATION AT DIABETES MELLITUS TYPE 2 [№ 12 ' 2012] Clinical-morphometric research of thickness and volume of a retina, a condition of a retinal cut at diffuse macular edema was carried out on 152 eyes of patients with diabetes mellitus type 2. We defined conditionally three severity by criteria of thickness of a macular retina and macular volume: flat diffuse diabetic macular edema (DME) (thickness of a macular retina 385,74±52,72 mcm volume 12,81±0,71 mm3); expressed diffuse DME (thickness of a macular retina 486,74±39,42 mcm macular volume 13,79±0,62 mm3); high diffuse DME (thickness of a macular retina 634,54±27,3 mcm macular volume — 15,35±0,61 mm3). The tendency of rise of frequency and volume of cystous cavities, of the areas of firm exudates, of frequency and prevalence of neuroepithelium detachment was revealed.
Kolesov V.I., Gulyayev M.L., Sorokin D.A. ABC-XYZ-ANALYSIS OF ROAD TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS IN THE CITY [№ 10 ' 2011] The authors proposed ABC-XYZ-analysis in the field of road safety town, taking into account the structure of road accidents.
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Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |