Markelova Yu.V., Baranov V.V., Vorobyov V.K., Popova E.A. DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS FOR EVALUATING THE UNIVERSITY STUDENTS LEADERSHIP QUALITIES [№ 1 ' 2020] Changes in the economy associated with the emergence of various types and forms of economic activity, economic freedom, stimulate a creative and innovative approach to professional activity, a professional with leadership qualities is in demand. University complexes as centers of education, science and culture of the region accumulate and transmit innovative pedagogical experience from Central universities to branches, creating a modern educational space for the multidimensional development of personal qualities of students. Analysis of scientific research in the field of sociology, psychology, and leadership pedagogy allowed us to specify a set of qualities that characterize the future leader in various areas of management-industrial, sports, tourism, and educational. The formation and development of students ‘ leadership qualities includes a multi-aspect diagnostics of leadership. Diagnostic tools are characterized by a significant variety, due to the ambiguity of the idea of a set of personal qualities needed by the leader. Integrative assessment of leadership qualities requires the use of a representation of the profile of leadership qualities. To select diagnostic methods, a critical analysis of tools for diagnosing students ‘ leadership qualities was carried out. A matrix of conformity of the diagnosed quality and the methodology used to assess its development was created. The presented tools were used to determine the main directions of work on the development of these qualities in students. A computer program for individual assessment of a student’s leadership profile has been developed, which functions through a personal account on the University’s website. Diagnostics of students from different universities allowed us to track the dynamics of changes in the development of leadership qualities of graduates, to assess the effectiveness of the proposed pedagogical measures, and differences in the mentality of young people in large and small cities.
Kulizhskiy C.P., Rodikova A.V., Popova S.V. SOIL FORMATION IN CONTACT ZONES OF TERRITORIAL AND AQUATIC COMPLEXES OF SHIRA STEPPE [№ 12 ' 2017] Diverse soil formation conditions in Shira Steppe of Chulym-Yenisei basin in Minusinsk intermountain trough, with their dissected relief and a substantial amount of standing lakes provide for a great topsoil diversity in the area. This fact complicates the possibilities of their use and methods of protection. Subordinate positions receive additional inflow of water and substances, additionally reinforced by erosion processes at anthropogenically modified parts of the watershed area. Another important factor is that contact zones of territorial and aquatic complexes around the lakes are subjected to the most active exodynamic processes, such as abrasion, colmatage, mire formation, salinization; types of soil chemism dynamics are observed along when cyclic changes in the soil regimes. These unique conditions cannot but reflect on the properties of lakeside soils, including — solonchaks, which mirror the environmental conditions. Soils profiles are located in landscape microzone directly adjacent to the waterfront and are represented by primary, primary stratified, as well as typical and schorre solonchaks. Objects are characterized by a predominance in the composition of chlorides and/or sulfates, in places — with the participation of soda. Easily soluble compounds are represented by halite, thenardite and astrakhanite. The presence of gypsum does not allow the solonetz process to develop in soils remote from the water area of the lake. The findings of the studies show a wide variation of basic soil parameters and properties of solonchaks, determined by a number of local soil formation factors, such as steepness and shape of surrounding slopes, exposure, wind direction, diversity of soil-forming materials, properties of the stratified material, lake size, location, etc.
Popova M.V., Kotova E.N. ECOLOGY OF LIVING QUARTERS IN THE ASPECT OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF ALLERGIC RHINITIS [№ 12 ' 2017] Allergic rhinitis is a widespread disease, which according to the decision of the World Health Organization, is an indicator of the health of the population. Researches were conducted in the period from 2013–2015, evaluated the disease of children aged 0–13 years. The development of allergic rhinitis depends on the basic parameters of the room in which the child spends most of the day. With an average air temperature of 23šœC and a humidity of 60š%, the number of children with developed allergic rhinitis is 9š%, while with air humidity below 40š% and its temperature above 27šœC, the number of sick children grows in many times. Allergy remains one of the most urgent problems of modern medicine. According to who,' the prevalence of allergic diseases, occupying 3rd place after cardiovascular and oncological diseases during the last decade has increased and has no tendency to decrease. An important reason for this is that most of the factors' causing allergic reactions, and also non-allergenic factors contributing to development of allergies are related to our way of life, nutrition, micro-ecology of residential premises, the conditions of professional activity. The data obtained showed a direct dependence on otolaryngological diseases on such room parameters as temperature and humidity. Observance of recommended parameters for all other types of allergic rhinitis.
Popova V.I. HUMANITARIAN AND CULTUROLOGICAL OPPORTUNITIES OF TRAINING OF THE MASTER (EXPERIENCE OF A SOLUTION) [№ 5 ' 2017] Revival of a humanitarian and culturological orientation of education as resource potential of training of the master is characteristic for a modern situation in which the dehumanization of the personality, rationalism of thinking, shaking of moral guidelines is found. The aspiration to answer calls which are found in a modern educational situation, demanded judgment of humanitarian and culturological opportunities of training of the master: ensuring integrity of the educational process which is carried out in unity of a valuable and target, information and substantial, technological and reflexive and estimated component. The pedagogical concepts which are available now not fully reflect specifics of training of the master in correlation of such characteristics of the teacher as competent performance of professional functions, personal development (system of moral installations in the relation to people around and to), communicative expediency of actions. The carried-out diagnostiko-developing analysis and experience of a solution of the problem of training of the master of educational activity order other concept of training of the master as it is substantial, and technologically in a projection to subjectš— subject interaction of the teacher and trained. Modern education as a key to overcoming of crisis of a gumanitarnost (a valuable and target orientation) is accented; prospects of scientific and methodical providing and maintenance of educational activity with uneven-age groups of children and youth (an information and substantial component) are defined; formation of professional competence of the master as certain set of actions is comprehended (technological); the diagnostic, advising and compensatory functions of training of the master (a reflexive and estimated component) are approved. The declared logic and substantial dominants of training of the master change ideas of essence and functions of professional actions of the master in a projection to the trained. The projected actions become the most productive if there is an understanding of personal sense of education of the person (the child, the teenager, the senior school student) as the main value; stimulates judgment of the arising vital problems in unstable society.
Popova E.V. THE NATURE OF JUDICIAL DISCOURSE [№ 6 ' 2016] The article is devoted to consideration and analysis of legal discourse from the position of its mental essence. The study of professional discourse is currently a topical issue in linguistics. The research object of this article is the judicial discourse. The discourse represents, on the one hand, the abstract variable description of structural-semantic characteristics implemented in specific texts considering extralinguistic factors, and with anotherš— a set of texts of one and the same sphere of communicative activity. Legal discourse is a form of existence of language that is used to express specific mentality. In the relationship of courtroom discourseš— legal discourse, legal discourse can be called hieronimo, and judicial discourseš— gironimo. Courtroom discourse is realized in situations of specific activities.
Popova N.B. TYPOLOGICAL ASPECT OF SOME LANGUAGE SITUATIONS AT THE DYNAMICS OF GEOPOLITICAL FACTORS (SINGLE-COMPONENT LANGUAGE SITUATION IN ICELAND) [№ 3 ' 2016] The paper studies the typological features of some linguistic situations, emerging as a result of geopolitical factors in the foreign and internal policy of the states. The up-to-date geopolitics notion reflects the phenomenon which in reality has existed always as a desire to expand the confines of one state at the expense of others. On a large scale, the geopolitical factors stimulate the nonlinear processes dynamics of social chaos, which are the wars and social calamities as a effect. After the chaos of social calamities becomes a search of relatively new stable state (structure) of social order. The chaos, which comes with wars, contributes to appearance different types of language situations leading to transformations of world languages. Because with the course of time the language situations define the concrete changes in usage of earlier installed language units. The language situation notion is an ambiguous phenomenon having numerous characters which, it seems, don't can receive a hierarchical classification. Though in our domestic linguistics were defined some typological differential characteristics, proper for different types and conditions of language situations realizations. The most common for many countries and peoples is a plural-component language situation in the structure of one language. However in the network of present paper weal studied non-typical single-component language situation in the structure of one language. The single-component language situation reflects any dominant idiom in the structure of one language. The idiom ("special feature, diversity" from Greek) is the language formation as a language or his variant: any dialect, koine, literary language, colloquial language, slang, professional argot. The single-component language situation is the dominance of any listed idiom. And it is an uncommon form of language situation in the structure of one language. As such example many linguists give the language situation in Iceland. The aim of this paper is the study of geopolitical factors which stipulated this type of language situation.
Popova O.B. GEOGRAPHIC PATTERNS OF FORMATION AND SPATIAL DIFFERENTIATION OF RECREATIONAL AND TOURIST POTENTIAL OF ORENBURG REGION [№ 13 ' 2015] Currently, it created the need for a reassessment of the recreational potential of the Russian regions on the background of import substitution of rhetoric. Geographic patterns of capacity building for tourism and recreation have been identified for a particular region, contribute to the development of recommendations for the optimization of the spatial organization of the industry. The tourist potential of the area is required to evaluate complex through a set of tourist and infrastructure capacity, natural and recreational, cultural and historical. The basis for the study is based on statistics of towns and districts of the Orenburg region. The calculated ratio of identified integrated geographic patterns of spatial differentiation of the tourism potential of the Orenburg region. Orenburg region has a relatively low level of development of the tourism industry in the east and the lack of availability of cultural and historical resources, but high values of availability of natural and recreational resources in the west. Prospects for the development of domestic tourism in the Orenburg region are differentiated by territory. The highest rates have western and central administrative regions.
Popova O.B. INTEGRAL TOURISM CAPACITY IN ORENBURG REGION [№ 10 ' 2015] In the administrative districts of the regions must be reevaluated known tourist resources and new research in connection with the development of domestic tourism. A comprehensive assessment of tourist-recreational potential of the territory necessary to optimize the spatial organization of the existing tourist and recreational system. Integral indicator of the tourist potential of the territory represents a combination of several components: tourism and infrastructure capacity, natural-recreational and cultural-historical. The basis for the study was the collection of statistical data on the cities and districts of the Orenburg region. Obtained integrated factor, which determines the differentiation of the level of development of tourist-recreational systems in the territory, showed uneven distribution of potential. The Orenburg region has a relatively low level of development of tourism industry, lack of cultural and historical resources, but high values of the availability of natural and recreational resources. For the formation of tourist-recreational systems at the regional level it is recommended the simultaneous creation and development of tourism and supporting infrastructure in local areas systems in the administrative districts with the highest indicators of integrated tourist and recreational potential.
Popova O.V. TRANSFORMATION OF ETHNO-CULTURAL OLD BELIEVER COMMUNITIES IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES [№ 7 ' 2015] For a long time the Old Believers or settlers, different in the place of output, formed several local ethnic and cultural groups. Settling of Old Believers abroad (in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, Western Prichudie, Turkey, China, USA, Bolivia, Uruguay) took place stepwise. The study of basic space-temporal parameters of the settlement of the Old Believers allowed to trace the specifics of formation and transformation of the Old Believer communities. Historical and geographical periodization resettlement process coincides with the main ranges of the Old Believers. The main periods, which are related to the settlement of individual regions and countries: Iš"European" (end XVIIš— early XVIIIšcenturies.), IIš"Asia-Turkey" (the end of XVIIIš— XIXšcenturies.), IIIš"American-Australian (first half of XXšcentury), IVš"American" (mid XX century.). Various factors (economic, social, political, cultural, and others) significantly affected the process of ethno-cultural systems transformation. In different regions of the Old Believers have acquired regional specificity of natural resources, specialization, features of life. The local Old Believer communities in various degrees have been transformed. Cohabitation and close contact with other surrounding cultures are reflected in the Old Believers' House (in construction equipment, appearance and in the interiors). The activities of the Old Believer population have been significantly changed. A part of the population works in the industrial enterprises, farms, private firms. Extensive development has received such a traditional industry production, fisheries, that undergone significant changes in the labor supply, gear, vehicles. Gone is the traditional seasonal work. Hereditary builders either moved to cities and became regular workers, or work on rural buildings in their area. The traditional occupationš— horticultureš— is developed mainly on farms. Noticeable changes have occurred in the home and family rituals. Relationships in the family have been democratized, and this process is still going on. At marriages religious and ethnic affiliation is rarely taken into account. Rituals related to birth and death are more stable and conservative among Old Believers. Such traditional features as strong family ties are held (including children who have left for the city and relatives), as well as mutual economic families.
Sokolov A.G., Lyukshina L.V., Popova O.V. ELABORATION OF THE MODEL STRUCTURE OF LOCALLY OILš— OBJECTS SKVORTSOVSKY AREA IN THE ORENBURG REGION [№ 6 ' 2015] The geological-exploration well, search engines tend to provide structural maps issued by. However, despite the modern high level of methodological feasibility study of field work and subsequent processing of specialized computing centers, seismic building (maps, sections) contain errors caused by not so much technical as geological causes. Despite the positive drilling results at the Skvorcovskoj square, the genesis of the traps and oil and gas prospects square remained outstanding. To address these issues, the authors conducted seismic stratigraphic analysis on temporary sections using all geological and geophysical information. Seismic stratigraphic analysis showed: borehole drilled withinš104 Bashkir organogenic built and within the water-oil contactturnej deposits; the well was drilled in optimal conditions ofš105 that the body structure to the bottom almost as good as carbon. As far as Devon, the estimated trap (reflection horizon Dafonin) in carbonate sediments displaced South of the structure in overlying sediments; the well wasš115 in adverse conditions and on the upper and lower structural levels. At the same time structural floor prospects were outstanding. Boreholeš104 drilled outside the fault trap. Boreholeš105 has not reached Devon and possible trap is also well away from the deposit in the lower Carboniferous. According to the results of the analysis are to drill deep boreholes in no.š1 position on the River structure with opening of Devonian deposits in order to search for oil deposits in Bashkir, turnej and Devonian sediments and in position No.š2 on May day with opening structure of Devonian deposits in order to search for oil deposits in afoninsediments.
Popova O.V., Fatkullina R.R. GEOGRAPHICAL ASPECT OF RUSSIAN OLD BELIEVERS NATURE MANAGEMENT TRANSFORMATION [№ 6 ' 2015] The Old Believers — is one of the ethno-cultural communities in the Russian part of the ethnic group, which is close to extinction, because their ethno-cultural system is susceptible to transformation. A very important aspect is the transformation of nature management, which is a heritage and an important characteristic of ethno-cultural community. Despite the large number of works devoted to the study of the Old Believers, there are practically no geographical works, studying the characteristics of their nature management. Territorial differences in the transformation of nature management of the Old Believers in Russia predetermine the specific economic and cultural development. The most important factors in the transformation of nature are the interaction with neighbor ethno-cultural groups and interaction with the host landscape. Old Believers pursued a policy of isolationism for a long time, but allowed interethnic contacts and even marriages because of their small size and inability to live in isolation in the changing world. As a result, their ethno-cultural system, including the system of nature management, converged and partially or completely transformed. During their resettlement the Old Believers adapted to the new landscape. They moved out of the forest zone of European Russia to the south of Russia, the Urals, Siberia and the Far East. Old Believers were adapted to the new natural and economic conditions, new building materials, borrowed tools, develop new activities, adapted to the different seasonal work, changed the food system, etc. The following groups of Old Believers areas were singled out and characterized, due to the nature management transformation: GroupšI with the low degree of conservation of natural resources of the Old Believersš— Upper Volga region, European North, Middle and Lower Volga region, Southern Russia, the Urals; GroupšII with the moderate degree of preservation of nature of the Old Believersš— Siberia; GroupšIII with a high degree of the Old Believers natural resources conservationš— the Far East. The contemporary nature management of the Old Believers is transformed and represents the agrarian type in rural areas and industrial type with elements of post-industrial one in cities.
Popova D.M. TRANSFORMATION OF BOOK DESIGN OF THE CHILDREN'S BOOK-TOY [№ 5 ' 2015] Book design of the book toy — dynamically developing design-form. In article transformation of a book form on the example of the children's book-toy is considered. Interaction of the child with a design form of the book-toy allows to track active inclusion of game in a book plot. Process of change of a design means inclusion of the game elements allowing the child in a game manner independently to make decisions to alter a book form. Therefore in article the advantages of inclusion of game elements in a children's book design presented in the scheme allowing to see visually communication of game and a book design of the book toy are considered. Modification of a design form is traced on the example of two methods of transformation of a book form. The designer, projecting a new book design form, includes game process in a design or complicates the existing types of designs by means of additional elements (inclusion of the developing and didactic elements, game characters and tactile inserts). Within scientific research experiment with children of four-five years for detection of functional qualities of the book toy was made. Four options of interaction of the child with a book form and ways of transformation of a book design were as a result revealed. Having analysed results of experiment the typology of ways of transformation of a design form of the book toy for the first time is given in article. Thus, two methods of transformation of a book design (a method of inclusion of game elements in a design form of the book edition and a method of complication of the existing types of books toys) which design form changes as a result of inclusion of game elements and methods of transformation by means of which there is a modification of a children's book design form in the course of design are given in article.
Popova O.B., Podosenova I.A. TOURIST INFRASTRUCTURE CAPACITY IN ORENBURG REGION [№ 1 ' 2015] The article provides an analysis of tourist-infrastructure capacity in Orenburg region. Tourist and infrastructure capacity is considered as one of the components of infrastructure capacity territory including a set of stable functioning institutions, schools, businesses, transport, communications, collective and individual means of accommodation and activities which should cater for tourists. This research is based upon the aggregate of statistical data on cities and districts of Orenburg region. To estimate the total tourist and infrastructure capacity of Orenburg region the following indicators have been analyzed: the specific gravity of paved roads in the length of public roads; the proportion of roads with improved surface in the length of public roads with hard surface; the number of cultural and leisure facilities; the number of places in institutions of culture and leisure; a turnover of catering enterprises; the number of hotels and similar accommodation; the number of rooms in hotels and similar accommodation; the number of overnight stays in hotels and similar accommodation; the number of national parks; the number of objects of cultural heritage. In assessing the tourist-infrastructure capacity of Orenburg region based on the above parameters there has been calculated an integrated coefficient characterizing the level of development of tourist and infrastructure capacity in the towns and districts of the region. On the basis of the data we’ve made a cartogram characterized by the development of tourist and infrastructure capacity in the cities and districts of Orenburg region. The analysis of the coefficients showed the uneven distribution of tourist and infrastructure capacity in the territory of Orenburg region. Orenburg, Orsk, Buzuluk, Sorochinsk, Orenburg and Pervomajskij districts are among the towns and districts with the highest level of tourist and infrastructure capacity. Svetlinskiy and Yasnensky Districts, the towns Yasniy, Abdulino and Sol-Iletsk have relatively low levels of tourism and infrastructure capacity. The analysis of tourist and infrastructure capacity in the article allows to draw conclusions about the reasons for the relatively low development of the tourism industry of Orenburg region and to identify the necessary measures to improve the tourism infrastructure in the regional towns and districts with a high recreational potential.
Popova O.B., Shamkaeva A.I. THE PERSPECTIVES OF TERRITORIAL ORGANIZATION OF AGROTOURISM IN ORENBURG REGION [№ 6 ' 2014] The article discusses the different approaches to the definition of agrotourism as a one of the main types of tourism. Perspective directions for the territorial organization of agritourism in the Orenburg region are presented.
Popova O.V. THE ROLE OF LOCAL ETHNO-CULTURAL COMMUNITY IN CULTURAL LANDSCAPE SHAPING (OLD BELIEVERS OF ORENBURG REGION ARE TAKEN AS AN EXAMPLE) [№ 6 ' 2014] The notion "local community" is investigated from the social geography positions. Historical-geographical approach allowed to analyze the Old Believers communities settlement dynamics on the territory of Orenburg region. It significantly influenced the geo-cultural space formation. The suggested evolution process periodization of Old Believers ethno-cultural community, their life, culture and forms of householding on the background of specific landscape is based on very detailed and obscure factual material.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |