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2015, № 1 (176)

Popova O.B., Podosenova I.A. TOURIST INFRASTRUCTURE CAPACITY IN ORENBURG REGIONThe article provides an analysis of tourist-infrastructure capacity in Orenburg region. Tourist and infrastructure capacity is considered as one of the components of infrastructure capacity territory including a set of stable functioning institutions, schools, businesses, transport, communications, collective and individual means of accommodation and activities which should cater for tourists. This research is based upon the aggregate of statistical data on cities and districts of Orenburg region. To estimate the total tourist and infrastructure capacity of Orenburg region the following indicators have been analyzed: the specific gravity of paved roads in the length of public roads; the proportion of roads with improved surface in the length of public roads with hard surface; the number of cultural and leisure facilities; the number of places in institutions of culture and leisure; a turnover of catering enterprises; the number of hotels and similar accommodation; the number of rooms in hotels and similar accommodation; the number of overnight stays in hotels and similar accommodation; the number of national parks; the number of objects of cultural heritage. In assessing the tourist-infrastructure capacity of Orenburg region based on the above parameters there has been calculated an integrated coefficient characterizing the level of development of tourist and infrastructure capacity in the towns and districts of the region. On the basis of the data we’ve made a cartogram characterized by the development of tourist and infrastructure capacity in the cities and districts of Orenburg region. The analysis of the coefficients showed the uneven distribution of tourist and infrastructure capacity in the territory of Orenburg region. Orenburg, Orsk, Buzuluk, Sorochinsk, Orenburg and Pervomajskij districts are among the towns and districts with the highest level of tourist and infrastructure capacity. Svetlinskiy and Yasnensky Districts, the towns Yasniy, Abdulino and Sol-Iletsk have relatively low levels of tourism and infrastructure capacity. The analysis of tourist and infrastructure capacity in the article allows to draw conclusions about the reasons for the relatively low development of the tourism industry of Orenburg region and to identify the necessary measures to improve the tourism infrastructure in the regional towns and districts with a high recreational potential.Key words: tourism infrastructure, tourist and infrastructure potential area method of estimation of the tourist potential, Orenburg region.


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About this article

Authors: Popova O.B., Podosenova I.A.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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