February 2018, № 2 (214), pages 12–19doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-214-12
Akhmedyanova G.F., Pishchukhin A.M. THE COMPUTER SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR THE PROCESS OF DIAGNOSTIC ASSESSMENT OF THE LEARNER’S COMPETENCY LEVELDiagnostic assessment refers to a process based on methods and successive levels of competency level recognition of the learner as a whole or the development of his individual competences. Diagnostic evaluation can be interpreted as the process of recognizing the level and assessing the individual characteristics of the learner, including a purposeful study of the personality, interpretation of the results obtained and their generalization in the form of an established the presubmitter’s response. Since competence is an abstract object of management, it is impossible to directly assess its state. For the real management of the evaluation process, it is necessary to influence the material carrier of this quality — the learner with the simultaneous creation of the same conditions for all those evaluated in order to obtain an objective result. As a toolkit in the computer support system, diagnostic tests, indicative evaluation, assessment based on a diagnostic hypothesis and differential estimation are used. The results are assessed separately for indicators of erudition, creativity, motivation, initiative, autonomy. Then the integral criterion of additive, multiplicative and mixed types is used. Final assessment is left for the teacher. Due to the algorithmization, it is possible to assess competence integrally by selected components, and at the expense of computer support, store, systematize and take into account the background of the evaluation, conduct a numerical analysis of the results by many criteria. This allows the teacher to focus on the creative component of the diagnosis.Key words: diagnostic estimation, competence level, computer support system, estimation algorithm.
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About this article
Authors: Ahmedyanova G.F., Pishchuhin A.M.
Year: 2018
doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-214-12
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |