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September 2015, № 9 (184)

Pishchukhin A.M., Ahmedyanova G.F. AUTOMATION AND TECHNOLOGIZATION ARE TWO ASPECTS OF TECHNICAL EQUIPMENTThe article is devoted to the development of the theory of automation at the present stage, the main vehicle in the implementation of which is the computer. Automation is considered as a two-step process: technology and automation direct, which solved the problem of the development of technology, mathematical and system analysis management's process, the expediency and hardware selection. This formulation of the fundamentals of automation, requires in system design to consider the properties of the plurality of control, disturbances and controlled variables. Technologization, which proposed instead of the outdated concepts of mechanization, considered as a direct operator f [Y, F, U]. Then the solution of problem management, giving the basis for the design of automation systems, is reduced to finding the inverse operator. The properties of the sets participating in the automation system, as well as display properties — or rather, the operator, through which it is fulfilled, constitute an orthogonal coordinate system, secreting the plane different classes of automation systems. The plane reflects the complication of the system respectively and automation means in the direction from the upper left corner to the lower right. If top left are systems that can be fully automatic, then right at the bottom — intelligent systems, essentially implying the presence of human and technical means of intellectual support. Further discussed the expediency of automation, a choice of means for its implementation not only hardware but also software, enabling automation at the highest levels of the hierarchy. In conclusion raised the question about the relationship of people and technology in the automation of production. It is shown that there is a limit to automation, which is going it will turn into its opposite and becomes instead attendant threat to humanity.Key words: automation, mechanization, system approach, relationship sets, the design of automation systems, extensive use of technology.


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About this article

Authors: Pishchuhin A.M., Ahmedyanova G.F.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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